Science Disproves Evolution

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Fisher Amen
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Fisher Amen »

Fuzzy;1522545 wrote: You're making a good point there, and I agree with you, they're all making it up.

I think you're onto something there.

Because everyone is crazy and you are the only sane one. Or maybe, they know something that you don't know.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by FourPart »

Basically, those who go for the Alien Abductions are nutjobs. So are the extremist Christians. They're perfectly matched for each other. Despite the vast number of alleged incidents amongst both groups, not once have either of them ever managed to come up with any hard evidence. Doesn't this seem just a little bit surprising for something that is supposedly so commonplace?
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

FourPart;1522563 wrote: Basically, those who go for the Alien Abductions are nutjobs. So are the extremist Christians. They're perfectly matched for each other. Despite the vast number of alleged incidents amongst both groups, not once have either of them ever managed to come up with any hard evidence. Doesn't this seem just a little bit surprising for something that is supposedly so commonplace?

I can give you many accounts of miracles backed with hard scientific evidence. Don Piper is a great example. He was ran over by a semi truck and his leg and arm were nearly cut off completely. He was pronounced dead at the scene by several Paramedics. A Preacher who didn't know him heard a voice from God that told him to stop and pray for this dead man. It went against the man's beliefs to pray for dead people, but he obeyed God anyway. When he prayed, he felt God moving him passionately to pray for the man. When he finished praying, he began to sing a hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus" As he was singing, he heard the man begin to sing with him. He ran out of the car and told them he was alive and they wouldn't believe him at first, but then they checked and he was alive. The man spent a year in the hospital. The man said that when he was killed he immediately saw a flash of light and was standing in heaven. He saw people he knew on the earth, angels, heard thousands of songs going on at the same time that fit together perfectly, saw the gates of heaven and described what he saw. As he was entering heaven, he was sent back to the earth and entered his body. He was depressed for years because he didn't want to come back here because heaven was so much better than this place. Look up Don Piper "90 Minutes in Heaven". He has the Medical records as hard evidence to support his claims. So yes there is evidence. That is just one story.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Fuzzy »

xfrodobagginsx;1522567 wrote:

That is just one story.

Just one story.
Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
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Post by FourPart »

The key word is 'story'.

There are many anecdotes of so called 'out of body experiences'. These can easily be explained scientifically as being hallucinations brought on by lack of oxygen to the brain whilst undergoing shock or trauma.

There was a study done by Southampton University where certain pictures were placed on top of cupboards, out of sight of those on the ground in some of the Life or Death A&E rooms, where such visions are commonplace. Where the subjects made claims that they were aware of floating above everyone else, looking down on them [from Heaven] not one of them could answer anything about the pictures.

I have no doubt that many of these believed that what they were experiencing was real, but believing that a dream is real & it actually being real are 2 entirely different things. I also believe that if someone is a believer & in a state of coma they may respond to hearing another preson praying. It is a known fact that people in comas react to common mental stimuli. That doesn't make it anything to do with Divine Intervention. Both of the characters concerned were Ministers. What else do you expect them to do, but appeal to their imaginary friend?

Regarding supposed 'Medical Evidence' regarding Don Piper, despite having Googled it all I can find is his own testimony. HIS Autobiography & the movie based on that Autobiography. I can't find any to the "Medical Evidence" you refer to whatsoever.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Fuzzy;1522572 wrote: Just one story.

Exactly, there are many MANY millions of them. In my own family there was a true blue miracle that happened as well.
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Post by Ted »

One has to consider the source as well as the motivation. I find it rather humorous that one human thinks he can tell another what they have experienced.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Ted;1522613 wrote: One has to consider the source as well as the motivation. I find it rather humorous that one human thinks he can tell another what they have experienced.

Right so don't try and tell me what I have or haven't experienced.
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Post by Ted »

My own father had a near death experience. I did not and still do not judge it. It was not my experience.. I woulds suggest a reading of Elains book `Why Religiiod` She is well respected historian in the US.

Xfrod You are correct but neither do I tell people what to believe. Peoplr should think and make up their own mind. With some 23000 sects of the Christian faith and many of them declaring that they and they alone have the definitive answer. That to is a joke. Personally I am a Christian because I like the message of one Jesus of Nazareth. Another joke no one has ever really ask what I believed but I have been judged many times.
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Post by Ted »

I do not try to tell anyone what they have experienced. Of course I do disagree with many on their Biblical interpretation and their and the history of the Bible.
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Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Ted;1522627 wrote: My own father had a near death experience. I did not and still do not judge it. It was not my experience.. I woulds suggest a reading of Elains book `Why Religiiod` She is well respected historian in the US.

Xfrod You are correct but neither do I tell people what to believe. Peoplr should think and make up their own mind. With some 23000 sects of the Christian faith and many of them declaring that they and they alone have the definitive answer. That to is a joke. Personally I am a Christian because I like the message of one Jesus of Nazareth. Another joke no one has ever really ask what I believed but I have been judged many times.

You just said that you are a Christian because you like the message of Jesus of Nazareth. I am giving the Gospel of Grace that Jesus of Nazareth gave to Paul. Jesus was the one that said that He is the only way to heaven. Jesus was the one that said anyone who doesn't have the Son is condemned already. He said that those who have the Son have life. So, I am not the one telling people what to believe, I am merely repeating the message that Jesus gave to Paul. The 12 Disciples preached of Christ and were hated and Martyred for it. Why were they killed? Why was Paul killed?
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Post by FourPart »

Most people believe in the fantasy that they were indoctrinated with in their childhood. If their parents were Christian they would have been indoctrinated as Chrsitian. Similarly with Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc., and every single one of them believes their God to be the only 'real' one. By default, that means that at least all but one has to be wrong.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Ted »

I have to disagree with FourPart on the us of the word "fantasies" I do not call them fantasies but they are teaching tools.
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Post by FourPart »

Ted;1522664 wrote: I have to disagree with FourPart on the us of the word "fantasies" I do not call them fantasies but they are teaching tools.

As is The Cat In The Hat. Has the same degree of credibility.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Ted »

o ok.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Ted »

Some folks make no effort to understand certain concept. What is an age old practise used in teaching. Some simply have trouble seeing that.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by FourPart »

Ted;1522699 wrote: Some folks make no effort to understand certain concept. What is an age old practise used in teaching. Some simply have trouble seeing that.

Metaphor is, indeed, a powerful teaching tool. I use it all the time when explaining situations to customers on the phone at work, but the Bible teaches those metaphors as the literal truth. For example, I see the story of the Garden of Eden as a metaphor for explaining how children develop through puberty & into adolescence, and to explain that once someone starts to ask questions, the thirst for knowledge will become so overpowering that they will never be content to remain in the innocence of ignorance. After all, the one thing Religion hates is for anyone to have a questioning mind. They would much rather you took everything as said. I do not see it as having any credibility for talking snakes or for cause of 'original sin'.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Ted »

FourPasrt That is a universal statement that is incorrect. There are many scholars asking questions and are religious and do not hate those who ask questions. Try reading the book "Why Religion" by Elaine Pegals..
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

FourPart;1522655 wrote: Most people believe in the fantasy that they were indoctrinated with in their childhood. If their parents were Christian they would have been indoctrinated as Chrsitian. Similarly with Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc., and every single one of them believes their God to be the only 'real' one. By default, that means that at least all but one has to be wrong.

Actually, most people are indoctrinated with the Anti God Evolution since they are children so you are right about the indoctrination thing, except, in spite of having it crammed down my throat all through school, I looked at both sides and realized that evolution, the religion of atheists was a big fat lie. Christianity is true and all others are false.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Fuzzy »

xfrodobagginsx;1522706 wrote: the religion of atheists was a big fat lie. Christianity is true and all others are false.

Atheism is not a religion. It is a disbelief in the invisible friend of yours and all the other so-called gods.
Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Ted »

I agree in paart but then we have the reglion based on logic and rationalism. Great religion if you believe it.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by G#Gill »

quote - [ the religion of atheists was a big fat lie. Christianity is true and all others are false. ] unquote from frodo.

Oh dear me, another narrow mind !
I'm a Saga-lout, growing old disgracefully
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Fuzzy;1522710 wrote: Atheism is not a religion. It is a disbelief in the invisible friend of yours and all the other so-called gods.

Yes it is a faith based religion. Your only hope is for evolution to be true, which is certainly is not and is impossible. It's faith based. You can't explain how matter could come about from nothing, in violation of the laws of science. You can't explain abiogenesis, how life could come from non life. You can't explain how the two sexes could have possibly evolved, impossible. You can't explain why there are no missing links in the fossil record so they have to make up missing links that aren't real ones. Within the species doesn't count, yet they use those as their missing links. Atheism is faith based, therefore it is a religion.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Ted;1522713 wrote: I agree in paart but then we have the reglion based on logic and rationalism. Great religion if you believe it.

Christianity is the only religion based on logic and rationalism and truth.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Ted »

xfrod fundamentalists have given Christianity a bad name.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Ted;1522741 wrote: xfrod fundamentalists have given Christianity a bad name.

No, Liberalism is ruining Christianity and leading people astray.

Faith= Believing God, Taking Him at His Word. The Bible is God's word.

Fundamental Christianity=Believe God and His Word. Conform to what God actually says.

Liberal Christianity=Make your own truth. Make God in your own image.

Liberalism is an insult to God. It's an arrogant way to trying to control God rather than conform to Him.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Does that make sense to you?
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Ted »

What garbagrr
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by LarsMac »

The Liberty of Man is not safe in the hands of any church.

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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Matthew 16:18 ...upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

-Jesus Christ

Oh, wait, in Liberal talk that means the opposite of what it says right? It means whatever you want it to mean right?
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Post by Ted »

xfrod that is known to be a much later addition to the Bible. It did non cfrom Jesus it cam from a church trying to feather its own nest.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Ted;1522763 wrote: xfrod that is known to be a much later addition to the Bible. It did non cfrom Jesus it cam from a church trying to feather its own nest.

I don't think so. What evidence do you have of your assertion?
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Ted »

xfrod I'm very knowledgeable about fundamentalism A young woman became pregnant and thus "put shame on the faitth so she was quietly moved away until the whole i8ssue went away. Jesus never turned his back on any one except those who took God

s name in vain. I have a lot more but that will suffice until another time.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Ted;1522783 wrote: xfrod I'm very knowledgeable about fundamentalism A young woman became pregnant and thus "put shame on the faitth so she was quietly moved away until the whole i8ssue went away. Jesus never turned his back on any one except those who took God

s name in vain. I have a lot more but that will suffice until another time.

That doesn't prove that the verse I cited was added later. The manuscripts don't support your assertion. Never heard anything in scripture of Jesus only turning His back on those who took the name of the Lord in vain either. The Bible was written by the actual eyewitnesses who actually knew and walked with Christ.
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Post by Ted »

Scholarshjp says it was and having spent years studying the Bible as book has led me to the same conclusion. Redaction.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by LarsMac »

Seems to me that this thread has all but run its course.
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Post by FourPart »

Rationality? Are you serious? A belief in some imaginary sky daddy who knows everything, has the power to do anything & everything, condemns everyone by default for the alleged sins of the mythical ancestors, who enforces thought crime, so that if you even think about something it's as bad as doing it, whose story book states that the earth is a disc, that the Sun & Moon are the same size, cycling the earth beneath a crystal dome firmament, with holes in it to let the rain in. A book that claims to be moral, but promotes slavery & sex slavery of pre-pubescent girls, as well as how hard & how often to beat your slaves. Perpetual references to someone whose very existence can't be proved. The Gospels being written, at earliest, decades after the person's alleged life, and even then, just a hotch potch of revamped stories from other much older Religions. Rationality is when you see something & understand the explanation for it. Rationality is something that can be put to the test & falsified. The belief in a God is less rational than the belief in Santa Claus, as the is, at least, evidence to the existence of St Nicholas. There is no evidence as to the existence of a God or Jesus. Furthermore, if the existence of a Jesus were to be demonstrated, there would be no evidence to suggest he was connected to any deity. Religion, by definition, is far from Rational.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Ted;1522795 wrote: Scholarshjp says it was and having spent years studying the Bible as book has led me to the same conclusion. Redaction.

I've been studying the Bible many years and have no reason to believe it was added later. You would have to prove that it wasn't in the earliest manuscripts to have a case.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

FourPart;1522807 wrote: Rationality? Are you serious? A belief in some imaginary sky daddy who knows everything, has the power to do anything & everything, condemns everyone by default for the alleged sins of the mythical ancestors, who enforces thought crime, so that if you even think about something it's as bad as doing it, whose story book states that the earth is a disc, that the Sun & Moon are the same size, cycling the earth beneath a crystal dome firmament, with holes in it to let the rain in. A book that claims to be moral, but promotes slavery & sex slavery of pre-pubescent girls, as well as how hard & how often to beat your slaves. Perpetual references to someone whose very existence can't be proved. The Gospels being written, at earliest, decades after the person's alleged life, and even then, just a hotch potch of revamped stories from other much older Religions. Rationality is when you see something & understand the explanation for it. Rationality is something that can be put to the test & falsified. The belief in a God is less rational than the belief in Santa Claus, as the is, at least, evidence to the existence of St Nicholas. There is no evidence as to the existence of a God or Jesus. Furthermore, if the existence of a Jesus were to be demonstrated, there would be no evidence to suggest he was connected to any deity. Religion, by definition, is far from Rational.

You really don't understand the nature of God. IF God wanted you dead, you would be. If He wanted to torture you, He would. He is a God of love, but He's also a God of free will and justice. The Bible does NOT promote slavery. As a matter of fact, people who kidnapped others for slavery were to be put to death under the Law. You said there isn't any evidence of God or Jesus? Besides the eyewitness writings of the Bible, there are dozens of Historical writings from the time of Christ and shortly thereafter, it's well documented in Secular History who Jesus was. There is plenty of evidence connecting Jesus Christ to deity as well, the prophecies written of Him hundreds of years before His birth that He fulfilled, including where, when He would born, betrayed, crucified, ect. There are over 100 prophecies fulfilled by Him, I can show them to you if you care to see them. Not believing in Him is irrational.
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Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Successful Predictions by Creation Scientists ... cientists/
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by LarsMac »

xfrodobagginsx;1522830 wrote: Successful Predictions by Creation Scientists ... cientists/

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Post by xfrodobagginsx »

LarsMac;1522832 wrote: Poppycock.

Prove it!
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xfrodobagginsx;1522841 wrote: Prove it!

THAT's Funny.
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Post by xfrodobagginsx »

LarsMac;1522843 wrote: THAT's Funny.

It's funny because you can't and you just say...not true!
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Here is a good example for you of how the Evolutionists manipulate data and falsely portray it as a 'transisional fossil'

Philippine Fossils Add Surprising New Species to Human Family Tree ... mily-tree/
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by Fuzzy »

xfrodobagginsx;1522867 wrote: Here is a good example for you of how the Evolutionists manipulate data and falsely portray it as a 'transisional fossil'

Philippine Fossils Add Surprising New Species to Human Family Tree ... mily-tree/

Absolutely amazing what religionists come up with to keep the odd doubter convinced of their belief system.

I just hope it won't be too long until we get confirmation that the earth is not flat.

I think it is a sphere, but I can't really prove it. Flying from Frankfurt to Sydney Australia, it looked pretty flat to me.

I'd love to fly to the moon, only in order to have a good look at the flatness of the earth from space. That would be the first thing on my bucket list.

Is it really tortoises all the way down?

Another thing I'd like to do is take a photo of a unicorn. We don't get them around here.

Perhaps George might know where I can spot them.

I don't remember reading about them in the bible, but there must be another book, inspired by our good god, or perhaps we may even be able to google god on the www by now.

What do you think, George? Would your god know, or is he getting on a bit, developing dementia, Alzheimer's etc? Would his son have a better idea?

I'd ask him, but he also went into hiding up there in the clouds.

I guess it's now up to you to shine some light on the subject.

You seem to know a lot about god, jesus, moses and all those other guys mentioned in the "BOOK"

It's almost like, you were one of those witnesses you're always talking about.

Does your personal god really exist or are you trying to pull the wool over our heads?
Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

Fuzzy;1522881 wrote: Absolutely amazing what religionists come up with to keep the odd doubter convinced of their belief system.

I just hope it won't be too long until we get confirmation that the earth is not flat.

I think it is a sphere, but I can't really prove it. Flying from Frankfurt to Sydney Australia, it looked pretty flat to me.

I'd love to fly to the moon, only in order to have a good look at the flatness of the earth from space. That would be the first thing on my bucket list.

Is it really tortoises all the way down?

Another thing I'd like to do is take a photo of a unicorn. We don't get them around here.

Perhaps George might know where I can spot them.

I don't remember reading about them in the bible, but there must be another book, inspired by our good god, or perhaps we may even be able to google god on the www by now.

What do you think, George? Would your god know, or is he getting on a bit, developing dementia, Alzheimer's etc? Would his son have a better idea?

I'd ask him, but he also went into hiding up there in the clouds.

I guess it's now up to you to shine some light on the subject.

You seem to know a lot about god, jesus, moses and all those other guys mentioned in the "BOOK"

It's almost like, you were one of those witnesses you're always talking about.

Does your personal god really exist or are you trying to pull the wool over our heads?

Ok let's examine this finding. It's based off of a few teeth, two small toe bones, two small finger bones and a small part of a leg bone. All of the bones could fit into your hand. They were not all found at once. They were found separately in a cave over a period of several years. They might not even be from the same creature. Because two of the toe bones have a slight curvature, they are trying to claim that it is transitional between man and ape. The problem is that there is a condition among humans today that causes toes to be curved as well. The angle that this bone is curved isn't as large as the angle of curvature of the toes of a friend of mine who is living today, yet he clearly isn't half man, half ape. So the evolutionists took a few bone fragments and created a whole species out of the. They had artists draw this imaginary species and made it look like Cornelius from Planet of the Apes to give it credibility. The truth is that they have no idea what this creature looked. It was actually a human in every other respect than two bones had a slight curvature to them. That's what these evolutionists always do. There are no real transitional fossils found ever. No half breeds. Nothing. They do it because they lose their Government funding if they don't find anything significant.

Oh and by the way, the earth is not flat because the evidence doesn't show that.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

You can't call yourself a Christian if you don't believe in the resurrection of Christ. It's the foundational doctrine of the faith.

Most U.K. Christians don't believe Jesus died, resurrected

Read more at ... 7DUIrIk.99
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

So, based on what I showed you about the supposed evolutionary find, can you see that there is no way that they could have known what this creature actually looked like other than some teeth and a few bones that would fit in the palm of your hand? It was a human. Nothing more. No transition found.
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Science Disproves Evolution

Post by xfrodobagginsx »

When you die ‘you know you’re dead because your brain keeps working’, scientist claims: ... ist-claims
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