Australia day banned in Perth .....WTF?

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Australia day banned in Perth .....WTF?

Post by magentaflame »

I dont believe it.

Australias' national day banned because of aboriginal sensitivities....

Could you imagine banning the national day of any country?

Its becoming too ridiculous.!
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Australia day banned in Perth .....WTF?

Post by spot »

This is the Australian equivalent of Columbus Day?

Australia Day "marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip"

If you think yourself into the position of the Australian Aboriginal people, the day marks the moment when the continent was denied them and they became categorized by an alien incoming culture as sub-human vermin - an attitude I don't see changing any time soon.

Columbus Day, Australia Day and Holocaust Day all fall into the same genocidal category - the word "celebrate" is definitively inappropriate for the whole set. Go and ask a Tasmanian Aboriginal person what they think before making your mind up.

What's needed is an Australian Truth and Reconciliation process, after which Australia Day can be recognized as a day of mourning. I agree with you that Australia Day should never be banned or forgotten, it's too important for that. Meanwhile, every piece of festive bunting is just a bit more contemptuous phlegm hawked onto an unmarked grave. What you should have festooned on Australia's national memorials on Australia Day is black crepe.
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Australia day banned in Perth .....WTF?

Post by magentaflame »

All those processes have been done and dusted. We have naedoc week sorry day and not even indigenous can agree whether they want to be included in the constitution.All present countries were invaded at some point .....thats how they became countries. It was either Britain the french, dutch or portugese that were going to settle was the brits that got the prize. But only by a whisker. My own grandfather was sent to norfilk island not long after being transported to Sydney to show the french it was occupied. That island was trully nulius terra. The main issue....way way back was calling australia nulius terra.....when clearly it was not.

We were taught at school that all indigenous in Tassy were wiped was a lie simply not true. We know this because their decendants are there.
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Australia day banned in Perth .....WTF?

Post by magentaflame »

Ummmmm.......i dont see indigenous peoples as vermin ....and no one would ever think that. Do you have any historical text to back that up?

You have to remember as well that a great deal of negative sentiment toward the indigenius peoples was a left over from those who ruled over everyone and then returned to britain.

And before you start on how some members of the population were treated look up how many 'sorrys' are being pronounced in parliament. The latest was a parliamentary apology to men convicted a nd gaoled for being homosexual.......... australia changes dramatically every decade (excepting tony abbott who reintroduced knights and dames....****ing idiot, a man who was not even born here)......its okay we fixed that little problem.
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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