The Bible: a Question

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The Bible: a Question

Post by Bothwell »

OK I know I should not ask this but; I see lots of posts where posters use quotations from the bible as justification, reason, backup call it what you will for their actions and those of other people.

Would I be right in assuming that if I were to open a bible I could find justification for almost any behaviour under any circumstances?

Who wrote it? When was it Written? can either of these be answered without any doubt.

Are we to belive it literally, is it right that people can lead their whole lives referencing to a book that has water changing into wine, the dead rising, walking on water etc

It would be churlish of me not to give my opinion, which is, it could be used as an inspiration, accepting that a large portion of it is complete fiction but that the views and behaviour it tries to promote can be helpful in the modern day.

I would be interested in your views
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The Bible: a Question


Plucking at random a verse and justifying your actions by it, is wrong.

The verse needs to be understood in the context in which it is written.

One needs to be aware, also, that some of what is quoted as Biblical, is not.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Gabs »

In the Bible, there are 10 commandments...I take those literally... very much so
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The Bible: a Question

Post by cars »

Bothwell wrote: OK I know I should not ask this but; I see lots of posts where posters use quotations from the bible as justification, reason, backup call it what you will for their actions and those of other people.

Would I be right in assuming that if I were to open a bible I could find justification for almost any behaviour under any circumstances?

Who wrote it? When was it Written? can either of these be answered without any doubt.

Are we to belive it literally, is it right that people can lead their whole lives referencing to a book that has water changing into wine, the dead rising, walking on water etc

It would be churlish of me not to give my opinion, which is, it could be used as an inspiration, accepting that a large portion of it is complete fiction but that the views and behaviour it tries to promote can be helpful in the modern day.

I would be interested in your views

Ah, this question sort of gets back to the post about "Is there a life after"? The "Bible" says there is, but there are many out there that do not believe that.

There are many variations/intrepretations of the Bible, thus the many different religions people believe in. IMO: Most people believe in their religion, because it's been passed down from generation to generation. And that's how today's people have thier present religion, it was inherited from thier parents. The Bible has several versions anyway, so which one is the original? According to the Bible, people are supposed to "live their lives by it", (and they will get into heaven) not make it justify any behaviour they wish it to. Many people do follow their inherited religion's according to the Bible, all their lives in the hopes of going to heaven. But the Bible also says that if a "Sinner" repents, & is sorry for their deeds just before they die, & they are given absolution they to will be allowed into heaven. So the choice on how one lives their lives is kind of up for grabs. If you're a gambler, you can live you life like a "sinner", all your life & hope (betting) you can get absolution just before you die & still be able to get into heaven! :-2

Just curious, you brought up a good question, so do you believe in a religion?
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Bothwell »

Just curious, you brought up a good question, so do you believe in a religion?

Yes strangely enough I do, I do believe there is a purpose to our exsistence and it is driven by something intangible and omnipresent, God if you will, however I never ever feel the need to dress up and parade it at a church neither do I feel the need to spout it at anyone else, I think it's between me and my God.

The verse needs to be understood in the context in which it is written Excatly but surely part of context is understanding who wrote it and why as we can never know the FACTUAL answers to this how useful is it.

As to living by the commandments, I wonder how many of us Keep the Sabbath day or do not "Covet". Surely the coveting of objects, slaries, lifestyles is what drives many people, are you a bad christian if you see a nicer car in your neighbours drive and think "I would like on of those" and subsequently work harder to get one. One definition of covet is "to wish for longingly" I wonder how many women have not seen a dress a size smaller and done just that.

I suppose my point is that surely the bible is just a guide and only that it is not meant to be interperted literally and probably never was.

It is not in my nature to decry anyone's belief but I was interested as to how anyone who lives rigidly to the book got there.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Gabs »

Bothwell you wrote":

{As to living by the commandments, I wonder how many of us Keep the Sabbath day or do not "Covet". Surely the coveting of objects, slaries, lifestyles is what drives many people, are you a bad christian if you see a nicer car in your neighbours drive and think "I would like on of those" and subsequently work harder to get one. One definition of covet is "to wish for longingly" I wonder how many women have not seen a dress a size smaller and done just that.

I suppose my point is that surely the bible is just a guide and only that it is not meant to be interperted literally and probably never was}

I agree Bothwell, it is human nature to want things, that is why we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. The ten commandments are a guideline.. if we truly try to follow and ask for forgiveness when we fall short, we will see forgiveness...

I believe and correct me if I am wrong... that the Bible says "thou shalt not covet thy neighbors goods"

Thou shalt not steal

Honor thy Father and thy Mother

Thou shalt not commit Adultry,

Thou shall have no other God's before me

These are the ones that are easiest not to break... in my opinion

But the Bible also says " Judge not lest ye shall be judged" I think that is a good way to live ... not to judge other's but to be the best person we can be...

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The Bible: a Question

Post by Gabs »


I sure hope I haven't offended anyone.....truly don't mean to
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The Bible: a Question


[QUOTE=cars]But the Bible also says that if a "Sinner" repents, & is sorry for their deeds just before they die, & they are given absolution they to will be allowed into heaven. So the choice on how one lives their lives is kind of up for grabs. If you're a gambler, you can live you life like a "sinner", all your life & hope (betting) you can get absolution just before you die & still be able to get into heaven! :-2

Once you give your life over to God and start building a relationship with him you do not want to "live like a "sinner", because living a sinful life would be like spitting in his face.

Besides, if you want to live like a sinner, why would you want to go to heaven?
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Bez »

I was bought up as a Christian and I now practise Buddhism.

" do as you would be done by" ..... surely this covers most things ?
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Clint »

What value the Bible?

Suppose a ship left port without a compass. The Captain says, “we’ll just point her the direction we think we aught to and everything will be OK’. Would you want to be on that ship?

The Bible will never be completely understood by mankind. It is simply too deep for us. We will never be able to take a ship to sea and steer a true course either. We will zig zag accross a line that is our desired heading and if we constantly recon to the line we will reach our destination.

For a compass to have value, we must use it enough to trust it. For the Bible to have value to us we must use it enough to learn that it does indeed provide answers that get us closer to the course we should be on.

Jesus said, “if you love me you will obey my commandments”. If we love him we will, to the best of our ability, obey his commandments. He knows we won’t do it flawlessly but he knows that if we try we will be showing him our love and at the same time avoid ending up a shipwreck.
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The Bible: a Question


[QUOTE=Bez]I was bought up as a Christian and I now practise Buddhism.


Can you speak to what you found in Buddhism?
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Bez »

My daughter who is 37 has practised Buddhism for 9 years. She invited me to a meeting .... I got curious and searched for information on the internet and read the books she gave me and started practising myself. We practise at home and meetings are held at peoples homes, community centres etc. Part of the practise is to chant 'Nam - Myoho - renge - kyo' - roughly translated = Devotion - The Mystic law - lotus flower - sutra or teaching. The organisation I belong to is the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) practising the Buddhism of Nicherin Daishonin. I have been practising for 6 months and I can honestly say that I have regained my self esteem and have consequently made several life changing decisions recently. (another story). There is just too much information to post here but there are several official websites some of which I have included below. There are many groups in the US + colleges etc. The SGI is heavily involved in World Peace and in environmental issues. The main headquarters is in Japan. (They have there own website)

I have not found that there is any conflict between my Christian upbringing and Buddhism, although I know some people who agonise about this.


Learning Buddhism - Study and Review Info

Arizona Region

(Atlanta) Northwest Area, Southeastern Zone

Chicago, Illinois

Connecticut Region

East Bay Community Center (Northern California)

Rocky Mountain Region (Denver Culture Center)

Florida Region (temporarily unavailable) (See Tampa Bay)

Kansas City Area

Los Angeles Friendship Center

Minnesota Area

New England Region

New Jersey Region

Northeastern Zone (New York Culture Center)

Northern California Zone (San Francisco Culture Center)

Virginia Region

Philadelphia Region

Sacramento Region

Silicon Valley Region, California

South Bay Region, California

Tampa Bay Area, Florida

Washington D.C. Region


Boston Research Center for the 21st Century

Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research

Institute of Oriental Philosophy


Soka University of America

SGI-USA Culture Dept. Educators Division

Soka University of Japan

Kansai Soka Schools

SGI Sites Around the World

Listing of International SGI websites
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The Bible: a Question


Bez: For someone so new to Buddhism, you certainly have a lot of backup information to offer when you are asked for it. That is very impressive.

[QUOTE=Bez]I got curious and searched for information on the internet and read the books she gave me and started practising myself.

We practise at home

I have been practising for 6 months



You speak of practising --- can you elaborate........


(Quote-BEZ) I have not found that there is any conflict between my Christian upbringing and Buddhism, although I know some people who agonise about this.


I'm very excited to hear this. It sort of fits in what Pi was doing. Have you read the Book of Pi?
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Bez »




You speak of practising --- can you elaborate........


(Quote-BEZ) I have not found that there is any conflict between my Christian upbringing and Buddhism, although I know some people who agonise about this.


I'm very excited to hear this. It sort of fits in what Pi was doing. Have you read the Book of Pi?

I haven't read this book. Can you give me more info.?

The Practice

There are three fundamentals to the practice of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. Faith - which is expressed through practice and study. Practice, which is to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and to recite portions of the Lotus Sutra daily, as well as sharing Buddhist teachings with others. Study, which is to study the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin and apply them in our daily lives.

Here is a glossary of some words that may be unfamiliar


Literally, 'title'. Refers to the chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

The Gohonzon

Nichiren Daishonin embodied the Law of life in the form of a mandala, called the Gohonzon. All Gohonzon are transcriptions based on the Dai-Gohonzon which was inscribed by Nichiren Daishonin on 12 October 1279.


Potential in the inner, unconscious realm of life created through actions in the past and present, which manifest as results in the present and future.


Literally to 'widely declare and spread' Buddhism. To secure lasting peace for all humankind through the propagation of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism.


A state of life inherent in all beings, characterised by unlimited courage, boundless wisdom and compassion and life-force. A Buddha perceives the true nature of life and leads others to attain the same enlightenment.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by cars »

SOJOURNER wrote: [QUOTE=cars]But the Bible also says that if a "Sinner" repents, & is sorry for their deeds just before they die, & they are given absolution they to will be allowed into heaven. So the choice on how one lives their lives is kind of up for grabs. If you're a gambler, you can live you life like a "sinner", all your life & hope (betting) you can get absolution just before you die & still be able to get into heaven! :-2

Once you give your life over to God and start building a relationship with him you do not want to "live like a "sinner", because living a sinful life would be like spitting in his face.

Besides, if you want to live like a sinner, why would you want to go to heaven?

"Sinners" have not given themselves over to God, that's why they still sin.

But why would they not want to go to heaven, it's hard to fathom that there would be any people (even sinners) that would willingly really want to go to Hell!!

Those who have given themselves over to God are happy with themselves, which is good for them.
Cars :)
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The Bible: a Question

Post by lady cop »

i am am astounded you posted this..... but we talked about it. Both won't post again until monday maybe. he is however, the king of fishing guides in florida. :wah:
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The Bible: a Question


cars wrote: [QUOTE=SOJOURNER]

"Sinners" have not given themselves over to God, that's why they still sin.

But why would they not want to go to heaven, it's hard to fathom that there would be any people (even sinners) that would willingly really want to go to Hell!!

Those who have given themselves over to God are happy with themselves, which is good for them.

Don't you think if they believed in Hell they would be working overtime on the "good works" angle to get into Heaven.

I've found most people that are not anticipating a Heavenly future think (feel) that when they die, they are gone. Not to Hell. Just gone.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by cars »

SOJOURNER wrote: [QUOTE=cars]

Don't you think if they believed in Hell they would be working overtime on the "good works" angle to get into Heaven.

I've found most people that are not anticipating a Heavenly future think (feel) that when they die, they are gone. Not to Hell. Just gone.

It sounds like you may be referring to Atheists, but sinners don't have to be Atheists, they can believe in God, but just don't follow all the ways of the Bible. They probably believe in Hell, but they just don't think about it till the end.

And then they really want to go to heaven, so they repent for absolution!
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The Bible: a Question


cars wrote: [QUOTE=SOJOURNER]

It sounds like you may be referring to Atheists, but sinners don't have to be Atheists, they can believe in God, but just don't follow all the ways of the Bible. They probably believe in Hell, but they just don't think about it till the end.

And then they really want to go to heaven, so they repent for absolution!

Talking about Atheists and sinners is just a matter of semantics.

To me an Atheists is someone who does NOT believe in God.

An Agnostic is someone who prays: Dear God, if there is a God. Please save my soul, if I have a soul.

A sinner is all of us: Atheists, Agnostics and believers of all faiths.

I should have used a different word than 'sinner'. Perhaps "unsaved"???????
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The Bible: a Question

Post by cars »

SOJOURNER wrote: [QUOTE=cars]

Talking about Atheists and sinners is just a matter of semantics.

To me an Atheists is someone who does NOT believe in God.

An Agnostic is someone who prays: Dear God, if there is a God. Please save my soul, if I have a soul.

A sinner is all of us: Atheists, Agnostics and believers of all faiths.

I should have used a different word than 'sinner'. Perhaps "unsaved"???????

An "Atheist" Does Not believe in God at all. And dosen't worry about an after-life.

"Sinners" can belive in God, but they don't follow all the rules, so they take a big chance by pis*i*g him off! (Unsaved is someone who didn't repent in the end)

Sinners are still hoping to get absolved in the end, if they repent.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Valerie100 »

There is one statement found in the Bible that is truly the answer to every question that could possibly be asked to justify human behavior and nature, in and of itself -- there is a time and a season for everything.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Clint »

cars wrote: [QUOTE=SOJOURNER]

An "Atheist" Does Not believe in God at all. And dosen't worry about an after-life.

"Sinners" can belive in God, but they don't follow all the rules, so they take a big chance by pis*i*g him off! (Unsaved is someone who didn't repent in the end)

Sinners are still hoping to get absolved in the end, if they repent.
Cars, I have a different view on the issue of “sinners” and “sin”.

If I was an attorney and decided I didn’t want to be one any more I could do it. I could turn in my license and quit. If occasionally I gave a friend some legal advice it would be wrong but it wouldn’t make me an attorney.

I was a sinner. It was something I practiced. It was a way of life. I accepted God’s gift of forgiveness through the shed blood of Jesus. At that point I turned in my license to sin. I still sin but I am no longer a sinner. It isn’t my way of life anymore.

If I don’t “follow the rules” I have sinned. I am now under the tutelage of God. He has responded to my desire to follow His ways as demonstrated by Jesus. When I sin, I disappoint him... it doesn’t make him angry. His response to my sin now is to teach me through life's lessons. I don’t like some of those lessons. They are like what my father used to do so I would grow up able to deal with life as an adult.

The meaning of the word “repent” is to turn around and go the other way. I can do that at any point in my life. Waiting to repent prolongs my life as a sinner and deprives me of the opportunity to be taught by God. If I decided to repent at the last minute like the thief on the cross next to Jesus did, I would still have His forgiveness but I would have lived my life without Him and that would be a shame.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by CARLA »


Being a Catholic I have way to many views on the subject some good, some bad.. :-2 I consider the BIBLE to be a guide for the most part. It keep us centered and gives us references to go by. Yes it is somewhat fiction, and most of it is up to individual interpertation. When ever I have chosen to read it I have always be in awe at the content and the messages within. Do I believe it all NO, how can that be ... Is there a higher source YES, is there life after death I believe so, I will wait as long as I can to find out.;)

The 10 commandments are a useful guide that most of us follow. They are powerful in content, yet simply in purpose. ;)

I learned long ago never discuss religion, or politics ... someone always get mad..:D


"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming.

WOO HOO!!, what a ride!!!"

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The Bible: a Question

Post by telaquapacky »

I had a friend who was an athiest with a particular disdain for God and the very concept of God. He knew I was a beliver, and proudly said to me one day, "Guess what, Tela, I'm going to read the Bible."

"That's interesting," I said, "What made you decide to read the Bible?"

"I stole one!:sneaky: "

"Where did you steal a Bible from?"

"It was a Gideon's Bible. I stole it from a hotel room."

"I have news for you, Don. You didn't steal that Bible. You received it as a gift."

"What do you mean? It wasn't mine. I took it without paying for it.:-2 "

"You can't steal a Gideons Bible. They are placed there for anyone to read, or take, or destroy, or do with whatever they wish. One time a Gideon was loading a shipment of Bibles in the back of a van, and an unbeliever came up to him and said, 'doesn't it say in your Bible that if someone asks you for something, you must give it to them?' 'Yes,' the Gideon replied. 'Give me those Bibles!' said the unbeliever. The Gideon helped load them into the unbeliever's car, and he left with them."

Anyway, do you think Don would have gotten out of the Bible what God intended if he had read it in that frame of mind? Of course you can find the justification for anything you want to do in a Bible! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha:wah:

Another thing. About deathbed confessions. A Christian writer I respect a lot told about a very harrowing ocean voyage she was on, when it got so rough that everyone on board thought they would all perish at sea. People who had been previously rough and irreverent, suddenly were making vows to God to become Christians and repenting and asking forgiveness. Eventually the storm cleared, and the danger passed. When they arrived at port and were disembarking, this lady asked them what they were going to do now that they had decided to become Christians. They scoffed and denied that they had ever made any such vow. "Deathbed confessions." Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!:wah:
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The Bible: a Question

Post by lady cop »

i like the 10 commandments. and on my 10th birthday my Dad gave me a red leather, gold -gilded Bible that i still sleep with. in fact i took it out from my pillow, placed it on the dresser and your pic is sitting on it.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by cars »

lady cop wrote: i like the 10 commandments. and on my 10th birthday my Dad gave me a red leather, gold -gilded Bible that i still sleep with. in fact i took it out from my pillow, placed it on the dresser and your pic is sitting on it.

LC I see your new sig "EX COP", when did that happen? Seems I'm always behind the times!:wah:
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Bez »

cars wrote: LC I see your new sig "EX COP", when did that happen? Seems I'm always behind the times!:wah:

Cars...go to the thread 'heartbroken'. All will be revealed.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by cars »

Bez wrote: Cars...go to the thread 'heartbroken'. All will be revealed.

Thanks Bez :)
Cars :)
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The Bible: a Question

Post by cars »

Clint wrote: [QUOTE=cars]

Cars, I have a different view on the issue of “sinners” and “sin”.

If I was an attorney and decided I didn’t want to be one any more I could do it. I could turn in my license and quit. If occasionally I gave a friend some legal advice it would be wrong but it wouldn’t make me an attorney.

I was a sinner. It was something I practiced. It was a way of life. I accepted God’s gift of forgiveness through the shed blood of Jesus. At that point I turned in my license to sin. I still sin but I am no longer a sinner. It isn’t my way of life anymore.

If I don’t “follow the rules” I have sinned. I am now under the tutelage of God. He has responded to my desire to follow His ways as demonstrated by Jesus. When I sin, I disappoint him... it doesn’t make him angry. His response to my sin now is to teach me through life's lessons. I don’t like some of those lessons. They are like what my father used to do so I would grow up able to deal with life as an adult.

The meaning of the word “repent” is to turn around and go the other way. I can do that at any point in my life. Waiting to repent prolongs my life as a sinner and deprives me of the opportunity to be taught by God. If I decided to repent at the last minute like the thief on the cross next to Jesus did, I would still have His forgiveness but I would have lived my life without Him and that would be a shame.

Clint you're right, many people (sinners) miss out on knowing God all through their lives.

They don't know that God can be there for them to lean on when needed, pray to when needed, guided them when needed, & even carry them when needed! I was just pointing out the fact that even sinners can be redeemed in the end if they repent! :)
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The Bible: a Question

Post by weeder »

You are absolutely correct.. there is a scripture to support any action, view or oulook held by a human being. As far as the correct interpertation of the scriptures... every religion believes their interpertation is correct. Be kind to one another.. cultivate compassion... the journey is very simple. We are hear to learn lessons. We are here, in an arena to interact with one another. Thats all there is.

Sorry to offend.... I am apologizing in advance.... only my outlook follows......

Humans who are afraid to live, hold on to religion like a lifeline. Life is a frightening journey. The less intelligent a person is.. the more entertainment they need in their choice of religion. Religion deters people from experiencing life. Living is where the greatest lessons dwell.

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The Bible: a Question



Sorry to offend.... I am apologizing in advance.... only my outlook follows......

The less intelligent a person is.. the more entertainment they need in their choice of religion. QUOTE]

Apologizing in advance!!!!!!

You are like the person who says: "I don't mean to be rude, but......" and then proceeds to be RUDE and thinks their preface absolves them from it.

I think NOT!!!!!
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Accountable »

SOJOURNER wrote: [quote=weeder]

Sorry to offend.... I am apologizing in advance.... only my outlook follows......

The less intelligent a person is.. the more entertainment they need in their choice of religion. QUOTE]

Apologizing in advance!!!!!!

You are like the person who says: "I don't mean to be rude, but......" and then proceeds to be RUDE and thinks their preface absolves them from it.

I think NOT!!!!!
Are you implying she should not have posted anything at all, should not have apologized in advance, or something else?

I saw the apology as a simple courtesy to those (apparently you, for example) who would take offense. Admittedly, religion is not as important to me as it obviously is to you.
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The Bible: a Question


Accountable wrote: [quote=SOJOURNER]

Are you implying she should not have posted anything at all, should not have apologized in advance, or something else?

I saw the apology as a simple courtesy to those (apparently you, for example) who would take offense. Admittedly, religion is not as important to me as it obviously is to you.

I startled myself with my post. Would I have known how to take it back, I would have. Being alone with just the screen as a contact point, words slipped off my fingers that would never have crossed my lips in a live encounter.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...............

My reaction was something I wasn't aware was in me. I need to think about this.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Accountable »

:yh_hugs Passion is a good thing. A wonderful thing! The trick is control without suppression; express without explosion.

I think you've just grown a little. :D
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The Bible: a Question

Post by cars »

SOJOURNER wrote: [QUOTE=Accountable]

I startled myself with my post. Would I have known how to take it back, I would have. Being alone with just the screen as a contact point, words slipped off my fingers that would never have crossed my lips in a live encounter.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...............

My reaction was something I wasn't aware was in me. I need to think about this.

Religion as well as Politics are always areas of "robust" discussions when they are discussed in an open public forum! I found myself engaging in this subject, when all along I knew I should have known better. :wah:

As there will always be some "offending" statement that was not meant to be, but somehow came out.
Cars :)
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The Bible: a Question


It's a humbling experience.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Accountable »

SOJOURNER wrote: It's a humbling experience.
Feel your back itching? That's growing pains. :)
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Clint »

SOJOURNER wrote: It's a humbling experience.
You are right. I now know that I'm really pretty dumb compared to those who have decided they are the center of the universe and will go it alone.
Schooling results in matriculation. Education is a process that changes the learner.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Accountable »

Clint wrote: You are right. I now know that I'm really pretty dumb compared to those who have decided they are the center of the universe and will go it alone.
Here we are celebrating passionate belief, and you come out with a backhanded snipe?

Personally I love to see people take stands passionately. Shows conviction.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Clint »

Accountable wrote: Here we are celebrating passionate belief, and you come out with a backhanded snipe?

Personally I love to see people take stands passionately. Shows conviction.
You can call it a backhanded snipe if you wish. I call it a response to an insult. It doesn't matter if the insult was apologized for in advance or not. It was still an insult.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Accountable »

Arrogance abounds on all sides of this subject. This particular explosion revealed a little more of Sojourner to herself. That's definitely a good thing.

Sojourner, have you heard of Johari's window?
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The Bible: a Question

Post by OpenMind »

Bothwell wrote: OK I know I should not ask this but; I see lots of posts where posters use quotations from the bible as justification, reason, backup call it what you will for their actions and those of other people.

Would I be right in assuming that if I were to open a bible I could find justification for almost any behaviour under any circumstances?

Who wrote it? When was it Written? can either of these be answered without any doubt.

Are we to belive it literally, is it right that people can lead their whole lives referencing to a book that has water changing into wine, the dead rising, walking on water etc

It would be churlish of me not to give my opinion, which is, it could be used as an inspiration, accepting that a large portion of it is complete fiction but that the views and behaviour it tries to promote can be helpful in the modern day.

I would be interested in your views

Each and every person that has read or used the Bible does so from their own unique perspective. For that matter, that is how we all of us approach life. We share the same definition as human beings, but our uniqueness lies in our individual experiences. These experiences give us unique perspectives of life. Thus, we can find a range of views about the Bible from literal interpretation to outright rejection.

I view the Bible as an account of the creation of a radical civilisation with a simple constitution (the 10 commandments) to bind it. Christianity was then born out of the corruption of the old. This also became corrupt, but before it did, it served to spread itself worlwide. Christianity is now a very fragmented religion.

There is now doubt as to whether the Bible is true or not. It has been impossible to establish the existence, past or present, of the original documents that the Bible is based upon, or even of some of the contributors. The New Testament in particular has been under the spotlight lately.

While it is feasible that the originals may have been lost, invented, corrupted, omitted, and so on, the message of the Bible is clear.

Today, however, we are faced with the message of many ancient religious movements. These other movements have more vague origins but transpire to preach a similar message. The ones that have survived the tests of time are those that preach the message of love. This is the only one that holds a society together.

It helps me to understand their messages if I try to transport myself to the days in which they were purportedly written. The world was radically different then. These were times when brute strength ruled. When leaders fought with weapons for their leadership; and the loser died.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by OpenMind »

Turn my back for a minute and you all start squabbling.

I said


:-4 :-4 :-4

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The Bible: a Question

Post by Accountable »

Perhaps you should transport yourself more quickly next time. :D
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The Bible: a Question

Post by OpenMind »

Ho, Chuckle, Chuckle.

(Now where's that book of insults)??!!:wah:
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The Bible: a Question

Post by weeder »

SOJOURNER wrote: [QUOTE=weeder]

Sorry to offend.... I am apologizing in advance.... only my outlook follows......

The less intelligent a person is.. the more entertainment they need in their choice of religion. QUOTE]

Apologizing in advance!!!!!!

You are like the person who says: "I don't mean to be rude, but......" and then proceeds to be RUDE and thinks their preface absolves them from it.

I think NOT!!!!!
What I said was not rude, and I am not looking for absolution. It was my outlook on the constraints of religion. This is the exact reason why.. like minded people seek the fellowship of each others company. It is also why I have refrained from taking part in any topic but the benign here for a very long time. I have decided however, not to be intimidated by the possibility of criticism when I state my feelings regarding sensitive subjects. Taking a chance to consider is the only way people grow. By entertainment I mean yelling and screaming, and rolling around on the floors of a church, or gathering place. Actually it wasnt me who determined that the less intelligent need the displays. I learned that this fact was presented by psychologists studying subjects who were members of pentecostal congregations. And I must say.. I tend to agree.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Accountable »

Intelligence tests are written by secular intellectuals. They show propensity for success in a secular intellectual world. In short, intelligence is subjective.

IMO what you said was arrogant at the very least. I look forward to the conversation.
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The Bible: a Question

Post by OpenMind »

So, the gloves are off!!:yh_rotfl
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The Bible: a Question

Post by Accountable »

OpenMind wrote: So, the gloves are off!!:yh_rotfl
That never helps. No, in serious conversation I stay respectful and assertive. I don't make or accept personal attacks. It's incredible what we can learn like that.
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