Would you eat this?

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Would you eat this?

Post by K.Snyder »

Would you eat this?

Camel's feet - Do I need to elaborate?


Bird's nest soup is a delicacy in Chinese cuisine.

A few species of swift, namely cave swifts, are renowned for building the nests used to produce the soup's unique texture. Such edible bird's nests are among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans. The nests have been traditionally consumed in China for over four-hundred years, most often as Bird's Nest Soup. When dissolved in water, the birds' nests have a gelatinous texture. Bird's nest soup can either be served as a savory soup or sweet, as tong sui.



After catching a shark, Icelanders bury the carcass in the ground for

several months till it’s good and rotted. Then they dig it up, cut it up and serve it cold.



A delicacy the Yup’ik Eskimos developed by cutting the heads off several salmon, burying them in the ground, then digging them up to eat. Apparently stinkheads are supposed to produce some hallucinogenic quality when eaten.


Tiet Cahn

Duck’s blood is left to congeal on a plate and then spiced with lemon and herbs. It is customary to eat it with a cracker. Another interesting Filipino ingredient is Balut, a soft-boiled egg that contains partially developed duck embryo. This is a main stable on the “Fear Factor” eating challenge.



Rocky mountain oyster (bull testicles)

Fried beaver tail.
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Would you eat this?

Post by Elvira »

K.Snyder;534904 wrote: Would you eat this?

Another interesting Filipino ingredient is Balut, a soft-boiled egg that contains partially developed duck embryo. This is a main stable on the “Fear Factor” eating challenge.

EWWWWWWW - That is totally grizzly! Relch! :lips:

The nastiest thing I've ever eaten was haggis - sorry, I'm not very adventurous, and do like nice food.

In fact this is probably the first discussion on food that I HAVEN'T enjoyed!!!!
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Would you eat this?

Post by K.Snyder »

Elvira;534914 wrote: EWWWWWWW - That is totally grizzly! Relch! :lips: !!!!

Well, they do boil it...:wah:

Elvira;534914 wrote:

The nastiest thing I've ever eaten was haggis - sorry, I'm not very adventurous, and do like nice food.


Elvira;534914 wrote:

In fact this is probably the first discussion on food that I HAVEN'T enjoyed!!!!

Ciao, Bella!
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Would you eat this?

Post by Ciao, Bella! »

I've tried Kim Chee, didn't care for it. DH loves it, but the smell literally seeps from his pores, so I've forbade him to touch it.

I'm a Southerner, and there are foods I just will not touch, and never have, among them pickled pig's feet, (or any feet, for that matter), head cheese, liver, gizzards, or even iced tea! (I'm weird, I know.)

Now, I have had bear meat stew. It's strong, and greasy, but good. Venison is good, but I'm not a hunter, so I don't eat it anymore. A few summers ago, we were in the mountains of SC, and stopped to get fresh fruit and boiled peanuts. (YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM) The ladies in the fruit stand had fried boiled peanuts. OMG, OMG, OMG! Were these things wonderful!!!!!!!!!

I've also had Lupini, or lupin beans. They are an acquired taste, but I love them! Link for info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupini_Beans

I've had calamari, ugh. I've seen some odd foods that I would not even dream of touching, and got adept at inventing allergies, to avoid offending another culture.
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Would you eat this?

Post by spot »

My word there's going to be a lot of stressed bacon on Toronto's supermarket shelves next month...

81 pigs killed after truck rollover - The Globe and Mail
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Would you eat this?

Post by Odie »

That's twice now our OSPCA has been called out that quick due to careless truck drivers.:-5

I felt so sorry for the pigs watching it on the news as they were confused, hurt & petrifed.

some had to be enuthized, some will be kept under watch for awhile.
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Would you eat this?

Post by Anabel »

Dried bananas sound good but the rest I don't think that I would try any of that.
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