Accountable;1342307 wrote: :yh_rotfl So the Tea Party is socialist now??
Saint_;1342272 wrote: Yeah, raven's right. I've seen some VERY scary parallels with the tea party and the National Socialists.
1. Both use hysteria and fear for weapons. [As does Obama, Boehner, and nearly everybody else]
True, true. But not to the same extent. Tea Partiers border on hysteria. For example I saw an ' IMPEACH THE MUSLIM!!" bumper sticker on a tea party pickup the other day.
2. Both are more concerning with shutting down government than changing it.[Define shutting down, please. The only thing I've heard is reduction and curtailing spending]
Well, my local TP'ers shout about "revolution" all the time.
3. The political and economic climate is the same as the 1930s in Germany.[I'll have to take your word on that, but I'd like to know how you come by this.]
Research. I study that time period occasionally. In general: economic times are bad, the government is divided and polarized, and fear is rampant.
4. Sloganism and iconism is rampant.[on all sides, yes, but no more than the usual.]
I agree. Like I said, it's REALLY good that a charismatic fear and hate-monger like Hitler hasn't risen yet. I thought Palin might be one, but she's an idiot, thank goodness. The German people were technologically proficient, modern, and steeped in religion... but they went straight to Hell anyway.
5. The tea party uses scapegoats.[You state this as if using scapegoats is a rarity in American politics. Hell, George Bush is going to be blamed for the next El Nino. What scapegoats do you claim the tea party is using?]
Well the dreaded LIBERALS! of course. Sind die Liberalen die natsche Juden?
6. Both have a "my way or the highway" philosophy, especially when it comes to religion. [Religion?!? What are you talking about?]
Their "America is Christian" and "put God back in the schools!" philosophies. They can't abide any other religion. To them, if you aren't Christian, you aren't American.