Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by Peg »


James Jones' daughter suffers from cerebral palsy and is now on suicide watch. The girl's father boarded the school bus on September 3 and threatened students during a profanity-laced tirade.

"His daughter has been subject to her peers throwing unwrapped condoms at her, uh, pinching her, hitting her, taunting her for almost a month now," Alexander said.

The man deserves an award, not jail time, IMO.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by spot »

Peg;1333486 wrote: The man deserves an award, not jail time, IMO.You watched the CCTV capture of what he's been arrested for? I can't imagine any act less likely to reduce pressure on his daughter. It's as incompetent as reacting to a terrorist outrage by occupying countries in the Middle East instead of prosecuting those responsible. And no, that's not a deflection, it's directly comparable and the end result is the same too. In his case it's a far harsher environment for his daughter than she faced in the first place, I expect she'll be obliged to find an alternative school after that. It's unfortunate that America can't react to the Bush Years by finding an alternative planet.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by Betty Boop »

So, it's ok for him to bully and threaten others? Not exactly the best way to react, he's meant to be the adult in all this and he just lowered himself to the same behaviour as the uneducated children. I'd turn myself in if I ever reacted to that sort of situation in that way.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by binbag »

Unfortunately the video wouldn't load for me.

Most parents are protective of their children, perhaps more so, towards a daughter.

The fact his daughter suffers from cerebral palsy would, I imagine, intensify his protective instincts.

I'm not condoning his reaction but can understand his frustration, particularly if the bullying was a daily occurrence.

Unfortunately he handled the situation very badly. He should have, I feel, discussed the matter with the school.

His lawyer states "This young lady has been bullied since the first day of school. This is a new school for her. She is currently on suicide watch because of this matter," Now that is extremely serious.

The school states "all incidents of reported bullying are investigated".

What is needs to be investigated is how far did their investigating go, and what measures were put in place to eradicate the bullying this instance.

Bullying has a terrible effect on adults, never mind school children/students. I would be very surprised if the father was given no more than a severe reprimand with a warning not to conduct himself in such a manner in future. Instead, he should contact the school if the bullying continues.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by Peg »

I can understand his frustration. It's a daily occurrence and the teachers, bus driver, etc. never hear it? They "investigate" reports? How? "Did you do it? No? Okay, investigation over."
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by chonsigirl »

Oh, they take bullying and harassment very seriously in many school districts-with the current situations, you have to. Any child who complains to me, I have an official form for them to fill out, and they are interveiwed by the principal.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by Odie »

Peg;1333486 wrote: LINK

The man deserves an award, not jail time, IMO.

I agree Peg!

I feel for his daughter and what the bullies do to her each day, imagine how he feels?

This poor girl is on a suicide watch, I can truly see why.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by Boogalette »

I agree. He does not deserve jail time. The kids that he spoke harshly too, well, they got a taste of their own medicine.

The bus driver seemed to have taken his time interfering in the father's actions. That almost implies that he felt that this conversation should have occurred.

All the way around, it was a bad situation. I just wish the parents of bullies understand what sort of people they are raising. Just sad...
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by Odie »

Boogalette;1333514 wrote: I agree. He does not deserve jail time. The kids that he spoke harshly too, well, they got a taste of their own medicine.

The bus driver seemed to have taken his time interfering in the father's actions. That almost implies that he felt that this conversation should have occurred.

All the way around, it was a bad situation. I just wish the parents of bullies understand what sort of people they are raising. Just sad...

-some kids do deserve a taste of their own medicene.

well said Boogalette!

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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by gmc »

How does putting him in jail help a daughter on suicide watch?

Bullying is bad enough but low lifes that pick on someone who is disabled, if they can't be made to understand why it is wrong, should be expelled. If the school did nothing I hope they get sued. How old is sixth grade?
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

chonsigirl;1333498 wrote: Oh, they take bullying and harassment very seriously in many school districts-with the current situations, you have to. Any child who complains to me, I have an official form for them to fill out, and they are interveiwed by the principal.

Sorry Chonsi but I find that horrible. How does it help the bullied child Official form interviewed by the principle?

I remember the day when a boy in a school yard was hitting a girl (mid teens) Boy oh boy, did he get a mouthful from me, he even went to raise his hand at me ...Yeah mate just try it.!!! Teachers, parents and students ignoring the confrontation.

Some kids need a good bloody confrontation from adults.

Bullying is assault........assault is assault! Having a condom thrown at you is very ugly behaviour.

Good luck and best wishes to this father, at least he's being a good father who cares about his child.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

God this is making my angry now . How disrectful are these children??? They even laugh as this man gets off the bus. What kind of children are people bringing up in this world? where is the fear of god (for lack of a better word) in these children?????

It disgusts me.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by spot »

fuzzywuzzy;1333781 wrote: Bullying is assault........assault is assault! Having a condom thrown at you is very ugly behaviour.Actually no, bullying isn't assault. Assault is assault. Bullying is bullying. That's why the language has two words there instead of one.

And the condom comment has me slightly puzzled, though that might just possibly be assault rather than bullying. I can think of few things less likely to cause any physical harm than a flung condom. The article makes it quite clear that it was (or they were) loose, not wrapped.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by someguy »

This man obviously deserves jail time, bullying a child and threatening to kill them is a criminal offense.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by mikeinie »

Sometimes a dad has to do what a dad has to do…

We all know that political correctness is gone too far and sometimes you need to do what is not seen as ‘the right thing to do’ but you know what?

If he did nothing and let’s say the girl took her own life or something, there would be a big outcry as to why no one did anything to help the poor girl.

He gets the father of the year award if you ask me.
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by someguy »

amy;1335355 wrote: i'm just curious...

If i may ask what would you have done if you're daughter with cerebral palsy would get bullied like that? (don't know if you have kids but lets say you have) ..

Because what i heard he had tried going about it the "normal" way but this didn't help the situation.

He went too far, he became the bully himself instead of the reasonable adult he should have been
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Man Confronts Daughters' Bullies

Post by Peg »

I wonder how many of these parents were more outraged at what the father did than at their children for bullying a child with cerebral palsy. I wonder how many knew and did nothing. I wonder how many now know and still are doing nothing. There was yet another story today where a bullied child took his own life. How do these bullies live with themselves knowing they caused this?
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