Sexual cleanliness

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Sexual cleanliness

Post by OpenMind »

I greatly respect what this woman has to say. The implications of her 'rant' are what I would expect from a muslim woman. Not a westerner. ... vagina.htm

On the other hand, I have a question. Does this work both ways? Does the same principle apply to the man?
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Sexual cleanliness

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That links not working mate. It's saying the page you are looking for is not found
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by OpenMind »

Snowfire;1331048 wrote: That links not working mate. It's saying the page you are looking for is not found

Thanks for letting me know, Snowfire.

Here is the transcript:

OMG. You’ve got to be kidding. I just heard about a magazine ad that’s got me steaming mad. Check out this full page Summer’s Eve ad in Woman’s Day magazine. The title: “Confidence at Work: How to Ask For a Raise.” The very first suggestion in the eight tips on how to ask for a raise?

#1 Start with your usual routine and all the things you do to feel your best, including showering with Summer’s Eve feminine wash or throwing a packet of Summer’s Eve Feminine Cleansing Cloths into your bag for a quick freshness pick-me-up during the day.

Are you people serious?

As the author of What’s Up Down There? Questions You’d Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend, I’ve got something to say about this! Summer’s Eve approached me a few months back because they wanted to throw a boatload of money at me so I could be their spokesperson. Thank GODDESS I said I would do that when hell freezes over. What did I tell them? IT’S SUPPOSED TO SMELL LIKE *****.

To quote my heroine Eve Ensler from the Vagina Monologues:

My vagina doesn’t need to be cleaned up. It smells good already. Don’t try to decorate. Don’t believe him when he tells you it smells like rose petals when it’s supposed to smell like *****. That’s what they’re doing – trying to clean it up, make it smell like bathroom spray or a garden. All those douche sprays – floral, berry, rain. I don’t want my ***** to smell like rain. All cleaned up like washing a fish after you cook it. I want to taste the fish. That’s why I ordered it.

Amen, sister! Take that, Summer’s Eve. What was all that mumbo jumbo you gave me back when you were trying to convince me to accept your money? Here’s a direct quote from the email you sent me:

The “tone” of the program is one that emphasizes female confidence and empowerment, taking charge of health and wellness and an overall love of being female! An integral part of our efforts is a collaboration with a respected health professional to provide educational messaging for consumers. Your breadth of expertise in a variety of women’s health issues, as well as your position on women’s empowerment and the down-to-Earth, woman-to-woman tone of your upcoming book makes us particularly interested in starting a dialog with you.

Shame. Shame. Shame on you. And thank you Universe for guiding me to turn away the money and decline this offer. How in the world does this ad “emphasize female confidence and empowerment?” I mean seriously, people.

My agent, whom I lovingly call “Monkey Barbara,” had this to say when this opportunity arose: “I don’t want the word douchebag coming out of your mouth unless you’re saying it to some guy who wants his girlfriend to douche!”

When I expressed my belief that douching is not only an offense to women everywhere but it also increases the risk of vaginal infections by washing away all the healthy, protective bacteria, Summer’s Eve assured me that their new campaign was not about douching at all. Instead, it was about healthy, pH balanced feminine cleansing. My answer to them? The vagina is a self-cleaning organism. And oh yeah – it’s supposed to smell like *****.

Why I’m Mad

Sure, I’m all for valuing your worth and asking for that raise. You work hard. You get to the office earlier than anyone else. You didn’t take that Fiji vacation you earned because of the deadline on that special project you tackled like nobody’s business. You’re creative in the boardroom, you know how to close the deal, and the boss just couldn’t do without you. So go ahead. Ask for that raise. You deserve it.

But seriously. Of all the ways they could guide you to step into your power, are they really suggesting that washing your vagina is the #1 most important step to getting that raise?

Here’s the problem. The very fact that they put this ad in a national woman’s magazine (and shame on you too Woman’s Day for running it!) just reinforces the insecurities most women have about the way they smell. It actually suggests that feminine odor might keep you from getting the raise you deserve. By running this ad, they’re placing yet another doubt in the back of your mind. Do I smell? Might my boss notice?

Back in the 1950’s, Lysol ran the same sort of fear-based campaign. As quoted in my book What’s Up Down There? Questions You’d Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend Elissa Stein, author of Flow: A Cultural History of Menstruation says, “For years, they sold Lysol, the same bottle as the bathroom kitchen germ killer, as a douche. They launched a horrendous scare tactic ad campaign that assured women their husbands would leave them if they weren’t fresh and clean.”

How is this different? Now, instead of being divorced by your husband, you’ve gotta worry that you might not get that raise if you don’t freshen up your vagina with one of those feminine cleansing cloths right before you march in there and demand more money? I mean, seriously people. You gotta be kidding me.

Here’s the scoop (a quote from What’s Up Down There? Questions You’d Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend ):

The vagina is a self-cleaning organism. Shoving it full of things meant to make you smell like a bouquet of flowers does more harm than good by washing out the vagina’s normal bacteria, allowing bad bacteria to overpopulate the delicate environment and increasing the risk of vaginal infections. Some people can’t even tolerate using soap or bath gel on their private parts, since it can lead to itching, burning, and vaginal infections. Believe it or not, warm water on a soft washcloth is all you need to keep yourself clean. And who wants to wash away those delicious pheromones anyway?

So sure, take a shower before you ask for that raise, but deodorizing your va jay jay? I think not.

Just to set them straight, here are MY 8 Tips For How To Ask For a Raise

1. Set your intention and ground it down. Ask the Universe for what you need and desire. Say it out loud, or even better, let us witness it or share your intention with a friend.

2. Visualize your boss saying yes. Close your eyes and see yourself in that corner office with the view. Know that you’re worth it and that you already have all that you need to have all that you want.

3. Dress in something that makes you feel uber-confident. Don’t do it to impress your boss. Do it because you feel like a million bucks when you wear it, and it reminds you that you’re even more sparkly inside than that light blue sweater that brings out your eyes makes you feel on the outside.

4. Compile the evidence to document why you deserve this raise and make sure to focus on the results you’ve produced that help the organization succeed. Bring in copies of the fabulous presentation you created – you know, the one that wowed the client and brought in seven figures for the company. Ask for references – especially customers – from those who love your work. Prepare a case your boss can’t turn down.

5. Be prepared to walk away. If you’re irreplaceable and they know it, be willing to let your job go. You don’t have to say it out loud, but know in your heart that you’re worth it. Release any niggling fears that might hold you back (you know the little voices that say “But in this job market! You’d be crazy to let this job go!” Shhh…go away little gremlins.) Fear will only hold you back, and you’re ready to fly, baby!

6. Before you approach your boss to ask for what you deserve, surround yourself with a pink love bubble. See it in your minds eye. Open your fourth chakra and approach your boss as a loving spirit, asking another loving spirit for something you’ve earned.

7. Ask with a pure heart. Don’t do it because you want that Prada bag or a new BMW. Sure, it’s fine to have those things, but if you get caught up in materialism, you can lose sight of what really matters – the people you love, the sun setting on the ocean, and serving the world with your gifts.

8. Set goals, but release attachment to outcomes. Sure, it’s great to set the goal that you want to earn more money. But trust that the Universe knows what’s good for you, and if you don’t get the raise, it’s because that may not be in your Highest Good right now. Believe that the Universe has something much better in store for you. Maybe getting that raise would make it hard to quit your job next month when some other fabulous opportunity comes up. So set your goals, then let them go. The Universe doesn’t need you to be in charge.

And if you MUST do something to your vagina, don’t deodorize it, vajazzle it. Shave your pubes into a heart or go commando if you like. Don’t do it for anybody else. Do it because it makes you giggle to know how glittery you are underneath those fabulous panties. Go to a scrapbooking store and buy stickers, rhinestones, fake tattoos – whatever might make you feel fabulously naughty and pussified.

Now go! Own it girlfriends! You smell beautiful and you’re worth every penny of that raise. Go get ‘em, tiger (growl….)

Lissa Rankin is an OB/GYN physician, founder of Owning Pink, and author of the forthcoming What's Up Down There: Questions You'd Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend (St. Martin's Press, September 2010).
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Sexual cleanliness

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Personally, I agree entirely with the lass. I speak for myself only but I prefer the real bouquet.:sneaky:
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by spot »

I'm not sure which quote fits best - Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast or the more traditional Smeg.
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by Oscar Namechange »

You men may prefer Eu Natural In women but I hope you do not think that the same applies.

If I ever get that close to a Gentleman's meat and two veg, I expect It to have been scrubbed with Swarfeega, pubic hair trimmed to a close crop, all area's rubbed down with anti-septic gel and should the Gentleman be of the non Jewish nature, then special attention paid to that area. I expect a deodorising spray to be applied along with a faint whiff of Kouros.

Like-wise... Women should pay the exact same attention to their woo woo.
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by OpenMind »

oscar;1331060 wrote: You men may prefer Eu Natural In women but I hope you do not think that the same applies.

If I ever get that close to a Gentleman's meat and two veg, I expect It to have been scrubbed with Swarfeega, pubic hair trimmed to a close crop, all area's rubbed down with anti-septic gel and should the Gentleman be of the non Jewish nature, then special attention paid to that area. I expect a deodorising spray to be applied along with a faint whiff of Kouros.

Like-wise... Women should pay the exact same attention to their woo woo.

Swarfega and Kouros. You might prefer PR88 that I acquired from Canada. Though it's water soluble and not for human consumption so perhaps not. Smells like almonds.

What's a woo woo?
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by Betty Boop »

oscar;1331060 wrote: You men may prefer Eu Natural In women but I hope you do not think that the same applies.

If I ever get that close to a Gentleman's meat and two veg, I expect It to have been scrubbed with Swarfeega, pubic hair trimmed to a close crop, all area's rubbed down with anti-septic gel and should the Gentleman be of the non Jewish nature, then special attention paid to that area. I expect a deodorising spray to be applied along with a faint whiff of Kouros.

Like-wise... Women should pay the exact same attention to their woo woo.

Bollocks! If I went down there and smelt that sort of chemical concoction I'd be wondering what the hell he'd been trying to cover up! Clean is clean, nothing wrong with just a good wash and eu natural thanks very much! Natural smells are there for a reason, if any male or female smell is repulsive then there's something wrong for sure!
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Betty Boop;1331062 wrote: Bollocks! If I went down there and smelt that sort of chemical concoction I'd be wondering what the hell he'd been trying to cover up! Clean is clean, nothing wrong with just a good wash and eu natural thanks very much! Natural smells are there for a reason, if any male or female smell is repulsive then there's something wrong for sure! :yh_rotfl I was being slightly Ironic BB.
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by Oscar Namechange »

OpenMind;1331061 wrote:

What's a woo woo? Same as a Chuff Chuff
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by Betty Boop »

OpenMind;1331045 wrote: I greatly respect what this woman has to say. The implications of her 'rant' are what I would expect from a muslim woman. Not a westerner. ... vagina.htm

On the other hand, I have a question. Does this work both ways? Does the same principle apply to the man?

Why? why wouldn't a westerner react like that, I would, I totally agree with the woman, changing the natural PH is not a good thing. What do you mean by it's more the type of rant to come from a muslim woman?
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by spot »

OpenMind;1331045 wrote: I greatly respect what this woman has to say. The implications of her 'rant' are what I would expect from a muslim woman. Not a westerner.

Nothing found for Greenliving Want-a-raise-wash-your-vagina

The original article was in Want a Raise? Wash Your Vagina | Psychology Today and written by Lissa Rankin, MD.

Go on, I'll bite - why is it what you "would expect from a muslim woman"? I've had a good think and I can't see the association at all.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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Sexual cleanliness

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oscar;1331064 wrote: :yh_rotfl I was being slightly Ironic BB.

But only slightly hey! :D
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by OpenMind »

spot;1331068 wrote: The original article was in Want a Raise? Wash Your Vagina | Psychology Today and written by Lissa Rankin, MD.

Go on, I'll bite - why is it what you "would expect from a muslim woman"? I've had a good think and I can't see the association at all.

In my time, many years ago, in my more naive days, I have worked alongside Muslim women in this country. You'd be surprised. I was.
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Sexual cleanliness

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OpenMind;1331070 wrote: In my time, many years ago, in my more naive days, I have worked alongside Muslim women in this country. You'd be surprised. I was.

I'm completely in the dark still. Not a clue.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by spot »

OpenMind;1331061 wrote: What's a woo woo?Banish the use of the four-letter words,

Whose meanings are never obscure;

The Angles and Saxons, those hardy old birds,

Were vulgar, obscene and impure.

But cherish the use of the weaselling phrase

That never quite says what you mean;

You'd better be known for your hypocrite ways,

Than as vulgar, impure and obscene.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1331077 wrote: Banish the use of the four-letter words,

Whose meanings are never obscure;

The Angles and Saxons, those hardy old birds,

Were vulgar, obscene and impure.

But cherish the use of the weaselling phrase

That never quite says what you mean;

You'd better be known for your hypocrite ways,

Than as vulgar, impure and obscene.
There are times when the four letter word for Virgina seems quite appropriate.
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by Betty Boop »

oscar;1331078 wrote: There are times when the four letter word for Virgina seems quite appropriate.

It's a cavern of Joy you are thinking of now

A warm tender field awaiting the plough

It's a quivering pigeon caressing your hand

Or the National Anthem-It makes us all stand

It's known among men as the centre of Love

The hope of the world or a velvety glove

But friend, heed this warning, beware of affront

Of aping the Saxon--- don't call it a ****

ETA: Found the whole thing here, it's rather good. ... re&f=false
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by Rapunzel »

Betty Boop;1331080 wrote: It's a cavern of Joy you are thinking of now

A warm tender field awaiting the plough

It's a quivering pigeon caressing your hand

Or the National Anthem-It makes us all stand

It's known among men as the centre of Love

The hope of the world or a velvety glove

But friend, heed this warning, beware of affront

Of aping the Saxon--- don't call it a ****

ETA: Found the whole thing here, it's rather good. When you're up to your ass in ... - Google Books

Love both the poems, they're brill. :)

I get that lovely Saxon 4 letter word in my classroom every day.

It seems to be how every child spell's the word can't!! :wah:
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Woo Woo.....The four letter word is a nasty word here .

It's a VAGINA people Sing it from the roof tops ....I HAVE A VAGINA AND I"M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!!!!

It's clean !!!! It is one of the cleanest areas of both the female and male bodies .

If you have an infection ...see to it . If not, USE IT !!! Use yourself to your hearts content. Cause if you don't use it, you lose it.

Note: I say ' Use yourself' because the vagina isn't a seperate or distinct part of your body. It happens to be apart of your body. You wouldn't refer to your arm as a seperate entity so don't do it to describe the VAGINA. Make your man say VAGINA not ***** or **** or woo woo or god what are the other imbecile words people call a part of your body because it's somehow evil or distracting.??
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by tektrek »

fuzzywuzzy;1331132 wrote: Woo Woo.....The four letter word is a nasty word here .

It's a VAGINA people Sing it from the roof tops ....I HAVE A VAGINA AND I"M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!!!!

if you don't use it, you lose it.

How can you ''lose it'' Fuzzy when it's an inherrent part of you?
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by jennyswan »

You know the expression about if it tastes like chicken......................

A vajaja is supposed to smell like a vajaja. I had a friend who used to think she was dirty unless she used these douche thingies and she had an infection more often then not. A good wash is what anybody needs in my opinion.
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by OpenMind »

fuzzywuzzy;1331132 wrote: Woo Woo.....The four letter word is a nasty word here .

It's a VAGINA people Sing it from the roof tops ....I HAVE A VAGINA AND I"M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!!!!

It's clean !!!! It is one of the cleanest areas of both the female and male bodies .

If you have an infection ...see to it . If not, USE IT !!! Use yourself to your hearts content. Cause if you don't use it, you lose it.

Note: I say ' Use yourself' because the vagina isn't a seperate or distinct part of your body. It happens to be apart of your body. You wouldn't refer to your arm as a seperate entity so don't do it to describe the VAGINA. Make your man say VAGINA not ***** or **** or woo woo or god what are the other imbecile words people call a part of your body because it's somehow evil or distracting.??


Well I haven't got a vagina. I have a penis. So there.
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

tektrek;1331133 wrote: How can you ''lose it'' Fuzzy when it's an inherrent part of you?

Hmmm What I mean by that is the studies done with women who do not have babies or sex of any kind have in later life more problems than women who use inherent parts of their bodies for it's natural purpose. It's there to be used . Like any other organ of the body.
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

OpenMind;1331278 wrote: Yeh.

Well I haven't got a vagina. I have a penis. So there.

You could still say it though...........that'd turn heads:wah::wah::wah:
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

jennyswan;1331184 wrote: You know the expression about if it tastes like chicken......................


I have so many come backs to that but it would be too crude.:sneaky:
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by OpenMind »

fuzzywuzzy;1331284 wrote: You could still say it though...........that'd turn heads:wah::wah::wah:

I'll try that on Monday when I start my new contract.

"Hey, I've got a vagina!"

Reckon I'll be duffed by the end of the day and it'll be my shortest contract.:wah:
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Or you could end up one of their favourites .......nudge nudge wink wink:sneaky:
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by OpenMind »

fuzzywuzzy;1331290 wrote: Or you could end up one of their favourites .......nudge nudge wink wink:sneaky:

My arse ain't that hairy.:-3
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Sexual cleanliness

Post by Clodhopper »

Always think it must be depressing for my doctor brother: "Now hold still - all you'll feel is a little prick..."
The crowd: "Yes! We are all individuals!"

Lone voice: "I'm not."
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