Parshah Eikev

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Parshah Eikev

Post by Shimon »

Deuteronomy Chapter 7:12

And it shall come to pass, because ye hearken to these ordinances, and keep, and do them, that the LORD thy God shall keep with thee the covenant and the mercy which He swore unto thy fathers,

Every time this weeks Parshah: Eikev Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25 comes around the same discussion begins.

The Hebrew word eikev is a very uncommon synonym for the english word because. Many say it says akeiv (same spelling, different pronunciation), which means heel. The Talmud is not clear,the only mention is in Talmud, Bava Batra 58a

Rashi says And it will be, because you will heed the minor commandments which one usually tramples with his heels.which a person treats as being of minor importance.

Rabbe Bechayei, sees it as an allusion that the reward we do receive in this world is but a lowly and marginal (the heel) aspect of the true worth of the mitzvot.

Over all there are 221 different readings as why the word heel was used . Rabbi Shaul Yosef Leiter says that this verse can be compared to Deut. 7:12 And behold, following (in Hebrew, ekev) the edicts which you heard.

Ekev tishmiun can be translated as the heel will be heard. Each new generation is compared to the heel of a foot while previous generations are considered like heads. Because they were closer to the source, earlier generations were capable of fulfilling mitzvot with higher levels of spiritual understanding to which we are mostly oblivious.

My personal favorite is by Baal HaTurim who says the word eikev is used because it has a numerical value of 172 the number of words in the Ten Commandments.

In the repetition of the Torah Moses talks about the blessings of the land that the people are about to enter (without him), but warns that these blessings are dependent upon the people remaining faithful to the covenant they entered into with God at Mount Sinai to keep His Torah and fulfill its commandments

The word eikev does according to scholars read heel עֵקֶב

Any thoughts?
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Parshah Eikev

Post by chonsigirl »

Eikev is also translated "footsteps" which would make a difference-to follow the directions laid down for them in the Torah.
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Parshah Eikev

Post by xyz »

Shimon;1324100 wrote:

The word eikev does according to scholars read heel עֵקֶב

Any thoughts?
From the concept of heel comes the concept of outcome, the heel being the last one sees of anything. It's akin to the modern 'bottom line'. So the emphasis here is on action, and real results, rather than mere intention. A good translation would be:

Provided that you take account of these laws, and respect them, and put them into action, then the Lord your God will respect the covenant of love he swore with your fathers.
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Parshah Eikev

Post by Shimon »

eikev is the shoresh akav

In Talmud it says

Rabbi Banaah was measuring tombs ... [and] came to the tomb of Adam…. Said Rabbi Banaah: "I looked at his two heels, and they shone like suns"

Talmud, Bava Batra 58a

I know of over two hundred ways of reading that first line.Just about every Rabbi has his own way. rabbinic interpretation makes something that was rather simple so complex.

My Rabbi explains that it means to take by the heel as does the name ya akov Jacob. who grabbed his brothers heel in the womb of rebecca

and his struggle with malakh and that Isreal was to struggle with the mitsvot and perform them least they lose their spiritual land.And that works as good as any.

We humans tend to take something simple and wonderful and muck it up with our good intensions.
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Parshah Eikev

Post by Shimon »

I am guilty of looking at a word and scrutinizing it.Like i'm going to find a secret meaning that the masters didnt uncover.and all the differant interpitations have caused wars and sorrow in the world.And divided people everywhere.

As I have gotten older I tend to simplify things.

I think its time for me to go by the Torah in my heart and not by what man has written.

Love thy brother as thyself. Its the best anyone can do.
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Parshah Eikev

Post by chonsigirl »

That is a wise statement, Shimon.
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