Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

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Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

Post by ledroyjr »

Revelation 3-part 3

[Ref. John 8:12]. Spiritual perception is greatly needed in our day, and be certain the natural man does not have it [Ref. 1Cor. 2:14-16]. Our Lord has “eye salve” for us. Let Him anoint us with the Holy Spirit and we will see a world of which we have never seen [Ref. 1John 2:20-21]. We must be conscious of our blindness. Our Lord possesses all that the church so sorely lacks, and until men turn to Him they can never be cured of their distorted vision.

Rev. 3:19 Our Lord of grace asserts His love for all in the congregation, the unfaithful as well as the faithful. But we must know that divine love will never overlook wrong. Our Lord will never force His recommendations upon us, but our disobedience will bring chastening. He will not tolerate this condition of the world indefinitely. In every dispensation, (age) the Lord has rebuked and chastened those whom He loves [Ref. Pro. 3:11-12; Heb. 12:5-6]. Our Lord’s love is never so complacent that it condones sin in our lives. We see Him yearning over Jerusalem just prior to the time when the axe was laid to the root of the tree [Ref. Mt. 23; 37-38]. If He did not love the church He would not have bothered to appeal to her and counsel her. But her members must repent at once and completely, without mental reservations. The church must get hot and stay hot or else He will spew them out.

Rev. 3:20 Our Lord of patience appeals to the individual. Observe this; the gospel is addressed to “whosoever will,” to “any man.” His true followers never were in the majority. He called them His “little flock” [Ref. Luke 12:32]. But, thank God, many individuals will open to Him as He stands at the door and appeals to “any man who will respond.” Our Lord is the risen savior, the exalted Christ, ever seeking men and appealing to them one by one. Christ both knocks and speaks, as He has been doing for 19 centuries, and His voice is clear to al who will hear. Our Lord will continue to deal with individuals until this Age of Grace has run its course.

While Christ appears in the midst of the seven lamps stands (churches) [Ref. Rev. 1:12-13]. We dare not conclude that Christendom is God’s habitation through His Spirit. He indwells any assembly only as He indwells individuals in that assembly in this age [Ref. 1Cor. 3:16; 6:19-20]. “Now if any man has not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His [Ref. Rom. 8:9]. For the most part this last church of the last days does not claim Christ. Its leaders are taken up with their own importance and self-sufficiency. Our Lord described a true assembly when He said, “for where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them” [Ref. Mt. 18:20]. We see Him in the midst of His little flock after Hi resurrection [Ref. John 20:19]. But, disturbingly, this is not what our Lord tells us of the church of the last days. Instead of being “in the midst,” He is seen on the outside, appealing for admittance.

Rev. 3:21 Our Lord’s promise here in one respect exceeds all the rest for the over comer. A throne is the symbol of authority and conquest. The promise Christ gave to the twelve in Mathew 19:28 now becomes a blessed reality to all the redeemed. As Christ shared the Fathers throne, both before His incarnation in eternity past [Ref. John 17:5], and after His ascension [Ref. Rev. 3:21], Christians will share Christ’s throne in the coming manifestation of His kingdom. All Believer Priests are made kings unto God [Ref. Rev. 1:6; 5:10], and will therefore reign with Christ when He establishes His throne [Ref. Rev. 20:6]. When Christ sits on the throne of His glory [Ref. Mt. 25:31], then shall we sit on thrones and rule with Him [Ref. Luke 22:29-30]. Our rights to that throne are blood rights [Ref. Rev. 1:5-6].

These promises to the overcomers of all the churches in chapters two and three form the fullest description to be found in all the Word of God of those things which God has prepared for His redeemed ones. They open to us the bright prospects of the life to come for all the saved. “He that over cometh shall inherit all things” [Ref. Rev. 21:7], In contrast with the “unbelieving,” who “shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone. This is the second death [Ref. Rev. 21:8]. Let all who read these words and who have not yielded to Jesus Christ, receive Him at once. This age of grace is coming to a close. Do not delay your decision to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.

Rev. 3:22 This is a special message from the Lord Jesus to all of us for which we need to hear. This is the reason that you and I must be very careful in our study of the Word of God, that we not run ahead of the Spirit of God, but that we let Him be our teacher. Only, the Spirit of God can make the Word of God real to you.

These are “the things which are,” and they have been very important because they relate to the period in which we live. If we are a member of His Church, we are a member of His Body, a part of that great company, beginning with the Day of Pentecost and coming down to the present hour as we await our hope in Christ the day He comes for His bride at the rapture.
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Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

Post by G#Gill »

Why is it that some people can only copy and paste their post? It would be far easier to just put a small paragraph in your own words, then put a link in to the article that you wish to include, then people can read it in its entirety. It saves space in the thread, and more importantly it avoids infringing any copyright laws!
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Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

Post by beowulf »


Attached files
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Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

Post by ledroyjr »

G#Gill;1311143 wrote: Why is it that some people can only copy and paste their post? It would be far easier to just put a small paragraph in your own words, then put a link in to the article that you wish to include, then people can read it in its entirety. It saves space in the thread, and more importantly it avoids infringing any copyright laws!

I would like to meet someone who has the same insight to view scripture as I do so that I might be able to copy and paste from them and be proud that they were someone who was worthy to comment upon.
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Bryn Mawr
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Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

Post by Bryn Mawr »

ledroyjr;1313320 wrote: I would like to meet someone who has the same insight to view scripture as I do so that I might be able to copy and paste from them and be proud that they were someone who was worthy to comment upon.

The best way to do that is to write your own insights and views on the Scriptures so that others can see your beliefs and discuss them with you.

By only cutting and pasting other people's views, no-one can get to know what you stand for.
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Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

Post by ledroyjr »

Bryn Mawr;1313404 wrote: The best way to do that is to write your own insights and views on the Scriptures so that others can see your beliefs and discuss them with you.

By only cutting and pasting other people's views, no-one can get to know what you stand for.

Show me from where I copied an pasted any of this from. This is strictly from scripture and letting the Holy Spirit guide and direct. Most of you are so blinded by unbelief that the Spirit could not use you if begged. If you are so afraid of it do not read it but let others that are not enjoy reading it.
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Bryn Mawr
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Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

Post by Bryn Mawr »

ledroyjr;1314660 wrote: Show me from where I copied an pasted any of this from. This is strictly from scripture and letting the Holy Spirit guide and direct. Most of you are so blinded by unbelief that the Spirit could not use you if begged. If you are so afraid of it do not read it but let others that are not enjoy reading it.

Given that your response to :-

G#Gill;1311143 wrote: Why is it that some people can only copy and paste their post? It would be far easier to just put a small paragraph in your own words, then put a link in to the article that you wish to include, then people can read it in its entirety. It saves space in the thread, and more importantly it avoids infringing any copyright laws!

Was :-

ledroyjr;1313320 wrote: I would like to meet someone who has the same insight to view scripture as I do so that I might be able to copy and paste from them and be proud that they were someone who was worthy to comment upon.

I thought it a perfectly appropriate response to the reason you gave for cutting and pasting your posts.
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Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

Post by ledroyjr »

Bryn Mawr;1314850 wrote: Given that your response to :-

Was :-

I thought it a perfectly appropriate response to the reason you gave for cutting and pasting your posts.

Close but no cigar, never heard of anyone by that name-- keep searching its your 2 cents.
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Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

Post by sunshine4486 »

Because some {other people} have a better way of saying things..Maybe the person wants to say something but they cant in their own words. And they need help like me,,, I do it all the time, and yes it can be cut short, and that I totally agree with. BUT sometimes it takes awhile to explain; don’t you want it to be understood?
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Bryn Mawr
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Understanding the Book of Revelation Cont'd.

Post by Bryn Mawr »

sunshine4486;1330405 wrote: Because some {other people} have a better way of saying things..Maybe the person wants to say something but they cant in their own words. And they need help like me,,, I do it all the time, and yes it can be cut short, and that I totally agree with. BUT sometimes it takes awhile to explain; don’t you want it to be understood?

If ALL someone does is to cut and paste another person's words then no, there is no value added and I'd rather go to the source than listen to the parrot.

There are many things that I'm interested in - too many for me to keep up with the original sources without having to page through the "me too" copies. All they do is to obscure the information I'm looking for.
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