The FG diet support thread.....

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lady cop
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by lady cop »

we have talked about dieting before, but with lots of new people i thought perhaps we could have a diet support place...if you're struggling with weight, other posters will encourage you! is what inspired me...i was, a while back, losing weight so fast that i had to get new uniforms and my gunbelt was down to my arse, i looked like barney fife! i have all these stupid meds to take, and i am bloated up like a pregnant walrus. it's stop meds or bloat! i honestly don't know what to do about it, and the doctor just says "you have to take the bloody pills" :-5's a pic of me with Bothwell taken 2 days ago. i feel like a beached whale and i was afraid some environmentalists would try to drag me back into the sea! ---------so, anyone here need moral support? (caveat--this is not meant to replace medical advice, just your experiences, what works for you, and encouragement for others :) )

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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by orangesox1 »

What aways inspires me to get back in shape is being 45 and single, I was gaining a little a few months ago but I have an important date coming up ( I rarley date) I met a guy on the internet and may be going out with him in a few weeks, I plan to wear my little black dress but it's a bit tight at the moment, but it's hanging where I can see it everyday, I'm inspired by it to exercise every day.

Realize that losing weight takes time, don't set goals too high that take too long to reach, every time you reach a small goal it will inspire you to set another and aim for that.

If you don't exercise regular, do an exercise DVD that has 10 min workout segments. I also carry around chocolate eclairs so that when I feel like a snack I stick one of those in my mouth.

Hope it helps, but it is always an on going battle for most of us.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by nvalleyvee »

LC - I managed to lose 45 pounds in a year and I have kept it off for almost 5 years now. Yes - even after enforced menopause. I always eat something for breakfast - always - even when I have to gag it down. It jump starts the metabolism. I eat 4 to 5 small meals a day - maybe just 500 calories per. It keeps my metabolism going. When I get a sweet hard on - it is my meal....:lips: I try never to get full and I don't eat in the 2-3 hours before bedtime. I was supposed to gain 20 pounds with the oral drug I take every day for cancer and have not because of the way I eat.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by chonsigirl »

HM, NV, you and me should support those who want to loose weight, and I'll support you to put on weight. For me, my goal is not to loose anymore, I am getting skinny for me, and after 2 new wardrobes with the last one starting to get large on me,I don't want to get any smaller!
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by nvalleyvee »

Yep Chonsi - I put on my smaller wardrobe and found it loose. Time to bring out the belts. This is how I eat though and it has worked for me - sometimes too well.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by chonsigirl »

Well, I eat enough, I work it all off! Can't seem to balance the caloric intake with the output.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by valerie »

I inherited a genetic tendency to overweight... on both sides. BUT since

that is the ONLY thing I got, I consider myself very lucky. Longevity to

the max.

I fight the weight all the time though. I really don't like being so heavy,

it just doesn't feel like the real "ME". I try to exercise at least a little

every day, and walking is my best, a little under 5 miles and takes me

about an hour and a half. I realize this isn't practical for everyone.

My honey says I should stop worrying, it only makes things worse. I

haven't weighed myself in about a year, just go by how I feel in my

clothes, etc. but it's still hard. I always say I don't have a sweet

tooth I have a "fat" tooth, I love butter.

I eat breakfast every day. I try and watch the other meals but I

really have such an appetite. I hate that but so far the medicos

don't have good/safe suppressants!!

The nurses (my pals!! :D ) at the blood bank yesterday when I

donated said that "Ice cream doesn't have any calories for the next

3 days"! There are such sweeties, always lookin' out for me!

Just do your best to never give up I guess is the best policy.

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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by actionfigurestepho »

lady cop wrote: now i have all these stupid meds to take, and i am bloated up like a pregnant walrus. it's stop meds or bloat! i honestly don't know what to do about it, and the doctor just says "you have to take the bloody pills" :-5

Are you on a steroid LC? I was on one in the hospital and I'm going to be one after my transplant...I gained about 10 or 15 pounds which on me is quite a lot. My eyes were all teeny and piggy and my pants didn't fit! My fingers were huge too. I couldn't even curl my hand into a fist to punch anyone. Apparently if you're bloating from meds there's nothing you can do calorically to help it, unless you ask to be switched to a different med or see if they can drop your dosage.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by Bez »

I have battled with my weight for half of my adult life. I need to lose 21lbs for my sons wedding in June 2006. (14lbs at the very least). I have tried every diet in the book although I consider myself a 'healthy eater'. I always have breakfast and eat every 3 to 4 hours even if it is an apple, banana or snack bar. Collectively, I'm sure we can come up with some kind of eating plan which we can all stick to and then support each other along the way. I don't take any medication other than diuretics for blood pressure and that is quite recent. I am on the go all the time, but don't take additional exercise...don't have time really. I'm as desperate as everyone else, so where do we start ?...I'm fed up with being a 'saggy granny' :D
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by nvalleyvee »

I just got news from a doc today after 3 visits and a CAT scan that I could not be on the BTS no-fat diet. They thought I was having appendix problems or bowel problems. The doc told me to go back to my regular diet and eat fat when he isn't around. Go figure.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by BabyRider »

What works for me? Stress. Huge doses, constantly increasing. What you do: Lose your job, and take at least 6 months to find another. Have your car stolen, and have several major mechanical problems with the one you have left. Have someone you love get in trouble with the law, and begin planning a wedding. All the while borrowing money from your mother to pay the bills you can't afford to pay because you don't have a job.

Yes, stress works wonders for my weight loss. So far, I've lost 18 pounds.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by chonsigirl »

Baby, that's not the way to loose weight! Stress will keep taking it off, it does it to me. But you are young, and need to keep in your beautiful shape! A good ride on the bikes this weekend will take some stress off of you!
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by Betty Boop »

tmbsgrl wrote: I have been struggling with my wieght pretty much most of my adult life. I have taken so many diet pills. I have exercised and walked.. I think I have done just about anything to be like I was in High School. I was 135 pounds in high school. I got depressed after losing my baby and I ate to make myself feel better. I eat when I am bored. It is a real problem for me. My husband says I am NOT fat and that he is so tired of me hearing me say it. He says he thinks I am crazy. There for a while I was throwing up to make myself lose weight.. It didn't help. All it did was make me sick and give me an ulcer. Again my husband found out I was doing it shortly after we moved here.. He threatened to leave me if I didn't stop. So I did. I just didn't eat as much. I am not sure what else to do. :rolleyes:

Quit worrying about it!:) Easier said than done I know!

Stick to healthy eating, when you want to pick, pick on fruit or drink a glass of water, apparently we sometimes feel hungry when we actually need more fluids.

Please don't make yourself sick or starve yourself!! :yh_hugs
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by nvalleyvee »

Geez tmb - I lost 4 babies to ectopic pregnancies in 5 years. I had 1 live birth - my Emily. I went from 145 to 189 pounds after those loses. I finally realized I had 1 great child and needed to PAY ATTENTION to her. She was the 2nd of my 4 pregnancies. Yes I lost twins because I had one in the tube and one utero - to save my life they did surgery on the ectopic and I aborted the in utero during the operation. I got really fat after that - very bad depression. I gained so much weight and didn't lose it for 10 years.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by BabyRider »

tmbsgrl wrote: See this one of my major problems. I drink lots of Dr pepper, tea and Kool-Aid. I do drink bottled water.. maybe like 3 a day. I do eat breakfast & lots of veggies.
There's part of the problem right there. Dr. Pepper, (and all other sodas) are major contributors to weight gain, so is Kool-Aid. Pure sugar. The tea, it depends on the type.

Another thing I'd like to add is the way the media, fashion mags, and other sources of "info" are holding women to an impossible standard. Has anyone here ever seen the movie "Gia"? Angelina Jolie plays a model from the early 80's who gets caught up in the pressure to look perfect. At one point, in her rehab, she is confronted by a woman who is HIGHLY p!ssed at her specifically, telling her how she's always under this pressure to look a certain way, and has come to the painful realization that no one looks like how the models in these magazines are portrayed. Well, who's to say what's perfect and what's not? The image that is promoted, and made to seem like the ideal is so far from reality it's sickening. It's a lie, perpetuated every time a woman looks at them and says, "Wow, I wish I looked like that." Be healthy, exercise, follow a good diet, of course, for your health. But when I hear about women trying to attain this wholly impossible goal of looking like the way others think they should look, it really depresses me. Love who you are, for real. The rest will come.

Sheeeit, if I had a personal trainer, a make-up artist to do me up every day, someone to train me how to dress, walk, hold my head, stand for photographs, and then a really clever photo tech to touch up all my pictures, eliminating every flaw in my skin, I could be laid out in a magazine, too. So could any of you. It's a false, unattainable image.

Sorry LC, you know I get goofy about women with self-image problems. Good diet is essential, if for nothing else than good health. Don't mean to drag this off-topic. (I seem to be intent on doing that tonight.)
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by nvalleyvee »

flopstock wrote: It's just as well girl. he would have last twice as much as you (they always do..) and you would have had to kill him..:D

I know - I have eaten his diet all my life - mostly - or I would have had a heart attack at 49 too.. I just got to cook my food during the past 3 weeks but with NO FAT. My BP is low 102/63 my heart rate is 62. I have nothing in my arteries to make me sick. I got sick from eating a low-fat diet. The doc told me not to do it anymore - like I said go figure
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by actionfigurestepho »

nvalleyvee wrote: I got sick from eating a low-fat diet. The doc told me not to do it anymore - like I said go figure
I was doing a low fat diet too, because my BP was high. Then when we found out it was my kidneys I was told the low fat low protein high veggies diet was actually BAD for me. Then they told me to eat more meat and starch. Then they were worried because I still had an appetite which is "unusual." THEN they got worried when I lost my appetite. I mean, pick a plan here!

If you're eating right and having weight problems, maybe a dietician would help. NV and I are proof that sometimes "eating right" isn't right for everyone.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by BabyRider »

flopstock wrote: #1 Dr Pepper is medicinal:D my brother always told me it was made from prune juice to gross me out, but there is nothing like it when it's iced cold.

#2 It's easier for someone who looks like you to tell those us us who don't, that it's unimportant. Fact of the matter is, if I jumped up on a pool table the guys would have been more concerned I was creating a permanant 'tilt' then in getting a pic.:wah:
Aw, damn. I knew that picture would come up. Let me tell you, I got lucky. I am so far from my own ideal of perfect, or even close to it that it's not funny. I have the pouch, I have stretch marks, my boobs sag, my arms are too skinny, my butt jiggles, (not provocatively, I might add) I have soft, mushy thighs. The thing is, I know how to buy my clothes to hide my flaws, and that picture wasn't just, hop on the table and snap the picture. I had to tuck things in and squish things together, and hold my breath.

As for the Dr. Pepper, just because it contributes to weight gain and is bad for you, does not stop me from drinking it for one second!!! :yh_bigsmi

If it's important to women, I'd hope that it's important because that's what THEY want and go about attaining it safely, not because they see some picture in a magazine and sigh and wish they looked like that. Does that make sense?? I know what I mean, I just don't know if I'm coming across with it the way I mean for it to sound.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by nvalleyvee »

actionfigurestepho wrote: I was doing a low fat diet too, because my BP was high. Then when we found out it was my kidneys I was told the low fat low protein high veggies diet was actually BAD for me. Then they told me to eat more meat and starch. Then they were worried because I still had an appetite which is "unusual." THEN they got worried when I lost my appetite. I mean, pick a plan here!

If you're eating right and having weight problems, maybe a dietician would help. NV and I are proof that sometimes "eating right" isn't right for everyone.

I have amintained 145 for 5 years and NEVER felt bad. I went on the heart-healthy diet and got sick. My hubby has to be on it - not me,
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by valerie »

Does Dr. Pepper still have the "10 2 4" on the label? It DID used to have

prune juice in it and the numbers meant it would keep you "regular"!!


I do know what you mean BR. I just wish there was a way to re-set my

brain. I feel sometimes like hollering "HEY, it's still ME in here"! because

I was for so many years that SLENDER person. But with my metabolism

slowing and my voracious appetite, it just gets harder and harder to look

anything like I would really like to look, and that's not "perfect"... I

personally don't think a human being can be perfect. Perfect score on a

math test, yes.

And it doesn't help to have a husband who likes me this way 'cause guess

which body part gets bigger on me when I gain weight? AYUP. And those

babies sure go away quick when I lose it!!

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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by BabyRider »

Yep, I've got the same situation. I refuse to call it a problem, because it's just ME. When I lost this weight recently, my boobs shrunk, too. First thing to go, dammit. Now the stretch marks are even more visible, because the skin is looser. I've just started a minor workout program, concentrating on only my bust and my tummy, because I love to wear midrif shirts with cleavage. I'm not after a total-body transformation, just areas I'd like to improve, for MY sake. Not because I think I should look like anyone else.
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by actionfigurestepho »

valerie wrote:

And it doesn't help to have a husband who likes me this way 'cause guess

which body part gets bigger on me when I gain weight? AYUP.

You're lucky to have that problem! Heck, I wouldn't mind gaining a lot of weight if it went into my bra, either! My steroid weight went straight to my stomach, hips and thighs. Big boobs have been in for awhile, when are jiggly bellies and thighs going to come into fasion?
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by lady cop »

actionfigurestepho wrote: You're lucky to have that problem! Heck, I wouldn't mind gaining a lot of weight if it went into my bra, either! My steroid weight went straight to my stomach, hips and thighs. Big boobs have been in for awhile, when are jiggly bellies and thighs going to come into fasion?the renaissance! we missed it! LOL :-1 we would have been painted by reubens instead of the local housepainter! hahahahahahaha
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The FG diet support thread.....

Post by chonsigirl »

You are both always classics........................we don't have to look like Twiggy to be beautiful!
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