Well, Well, Well...

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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

Spot said:

And where do you get that from?
Where do I get what from.?

Spot said :

The vote you refer to can happen if and only if the Leader himself or his Advisory Council first call a General Members’ Meeting
Forgive me, but I thought I just said that they called an Extraordinary/emergency general meeting to change the constitution, in which section 6 would have applied if the vote had gone against NG.

The British National Party — Blog — Extraordinary General Meeting Passes New BNP Constitution with Overwhelming Vote
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by spot »

Issie;1291797 wrote: Where do I get what from.?"They called an Emergency General Meeting to change the constitution, NG didn't have the paramount power as you suggest to go ahead without a democratic vote, and if the vote had gone against NG, he would have had to accept the vote or retire, which is what I said."

Perhaps what you meant was "if the vote had gone against him by a majority of at least two thirds"?
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Bruv »

As an uneducated and not necessarily avid updated observer (like most of the general electorate)......it all seems a lot of twaddle.

I have always been a closet hippie since youth......I will never change.

I suspect most people are the same......including NG ( short hand for Nick Griffin) Once a racist always a racist.

People who manipulate other people's fears and genuine concerns about real issues........... for their own agenda.......... are suspect.

Nick Griffin is suspect.
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Oscar Namechange
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1291802 wrote: As an uneducated and not necessarily avid updated observer (like most of the general electorate)......it all seems a lot of twaddle.

I have always been a closet hippie since youth......I will never change.

I suspect most people are the same......including NG ( short hand for Nick Griffin) Once a racist always a racist.

People who manipulate other people's fears and genuine concerns about real issues........... for their own agenda.......... are suspect.

Nick Griffin is suspect.
Bruv, If you want to see real manipulation, just look at The Times, the whole Rupert Murdoch outfit, and the best of all, The Daily Mail.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

Spot said:

Perhaps what you meant was "if the vote had gone against him by a majority of at least two thirds"?

I thought I had already quoted that Spot, and you accused me of being selective.:thinking:

Issie said:

Section 6

If a two-thirds majority of those voting should vote against the National Chairman, then he is bound to accept that decision or to resign from the leadership.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Ahso! »

Issie;1291627 wrote: It's a biased publicly funded urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people, and today the BBC is dominated by trendy left-leaning liberals infiltrated by “Common Purpose” tentacles, who will do absolutely anything to promote multiculturalism, even if that means omitting the truth or distorting the truth.

Ahso!;1291741 wrote: I thought i would ask a couple of questions about this portion of your post, Issie, because these characterizations are eerily similar to what we Americans hear from the right about our publicly funded television station, PBS.

I've been looking all over the internet for some verification of what you claim here regarding the staff make up of the BBC and have been pretty unsuccessful. Would you mind including some citations regarding what you've written here?

But I have a few additional questions too;

1) what do you consider too young for fair journalism?

2) What is wrong with multiculturalism?

3) what is wrong with being born gay, and why should that exclude employment in the BBC?

That will do for now.

Nice to meet you, Issie! :)You apparently haven't found anything either, otherwise I 'd expect you'd have provided some evidence? I can't imagine you would have said this stuff without being sure?

Would you then like to retract this part of your post, Issie?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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Fiona Apple
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

You apparently haven't found anything either, otherwise I 'd expect you'd have provided some evidence? I can't imagine you would have said this stuff without being sure?

Would you then like to retract this part of your post, Issie?
Absolutely not, and as you posted at 11.30pm UK time, I stayed up far too late last night, but I don't have to post half a dozen links, because I see it every day and it's quite easy to find if you google hard enough.

BBC fights to suppress internal report into allegations of bias against Israel - Crime, UK - The Independent

BBC report damns its ‘culture of bias’ - Times Online

BBC Watch

1)What do you consider too young for fair journalism?

2) What is wrong with multiculturalism?

3) what is wrong with being born gay, and why should that exclude employment in the BBC?
1. I don’t consider any age to be either too young or too old, all I ask is for fair, intelligent and truthful reporting, and not the fabricated lies being spewed forth every day here in the UK by the muppets employed/owned by the media conglomerates with an agenda, and an allegiance to one political party.

If the BBC is the great British unbiased corporation that it would have us believe, I shouldn't have to seek out film coverage of events shot by the general public, which show an entirely different aspect of events, than that which is edited by the BBC and spewed out to the masses.

2. I would image you’d be better directing your question to the Native American Indians, nothing wrong with multiculturalism, until it starts to displace the indigenous population, and you have different legal systems trying to serve different races/cultures within the same country, but I do fear that some people cannot accept the reality that the UK is an Island approx 400 x 800 miles, and because of the open-door policies and the social engineering that this Labour government have shamelessly allowed, we are now over populated with services stretched to breaking point, so if I say I don’t want any more immigrants in this country, it is based on economics and not prejudice, If Nick Griffin says the same thing, he is called a racist because it suits other people's agenda to say so.

3. What two consenting adults do, is no business of mine or anyone else for that matter, but even gays will have to accept that some people do not like homosexuality, and they resent it being shoved in their face every day by the PC driven organisations like the BBC, or schools teaching young children about homosexually, who neither have the intelligence or the hormones to decide at such a tender age.

Oh and the BNP are not “against” gays, they are against the promotion of homosexually to children in primary schools, that’s another blatant lie by the other parties to twist the words of the BNP, whilst at the same time they try and force multiculturalism down our throats, and ignoring the fact that Islam does not tolerate gays.

Are people bigots because they disagree with some things.? No I don’t think they are, everybody has the right to an opinion and has the right to retain their opinion, chose how distasteful others may perceive it.

I have no time for bigots, but I admire those who hold onto their beliefs, and refuse to abandon those beliefs and be indoctrinated to appease the PC brigade.

Multiculturalism will tolerate any intolerance, except the guy who points out the intolerance. It seems we can't tolerate that. :thinking:

A bigot may be someone who objects to a few law-abiding people of a different race in a town, but a fool is someone who DOESEN’T object to being ethnically replaced in the country of his ancestors.

I still hold dear the ideology of fair play, the BNP have certainly not been allowed to play on a level playing field, and that's what pi$$e$ me off.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Ahso! »

Issie;1291856 wrote: Absolutely not, and as you posted at 11.30pm UK time, I stayed up far too late last night, but I don't have to post half a dozen links, because I see it every day and it's quite easy to find if you google hard enough.

BBC fights to suppress internal report into allegations of bias against Israel - Crime, UK - The Independent

BBC report damns its ‘culture of bias’ - Times Online

BBC WatchSo your answer would be be you can't prove anything you've said and you lack the courage and personal integrity to retract what you've claimed, justifying it only by interpreting news and gossip from around the internet? Oh yeah, it was the wrong time to ask you such questions, right? Sounds pretty lame to me, Issie, and it goes to your credibility. When you make emotional statements as the one I've highlighted here and don't take responsibility for them, how and why should anyone believe anything you say?

Issie;1291856 wrote:

1. I don’t consider any age to be either too young or too old, all I ask is for fair, intelligent and truthful reporting, and not the fabricated lies being spewed forth every day here in the UK by the muppets employed/owned by the media conglomerates with an agenda, and an allegiance to one political party.

If the BBC is the great British unbiased corporation that it would have us believe, I shouldn't have to seek out film coverage of events shot by the general public, which show an entirely different aspect of events, than that which is edited by the BBC and spewed out to the masses.And all we ask for here is "fair, intelligent and truthful" posting, which you've failed to provide, at least in this instance.

Issie;1291856 wrote: 2. I would image you’d be better directing your question to the Native American Indians, nothing wrong with multiculturalism, until it starts to displace the indigenous population, and you have different legal systems trying to serve different races/cultures within the same country, but I do fear that some people cannot accept the reality that the UK is an Island approx 400 x 800 miles, and because of the open-door policies and the social engineering that this Labour government have shamelessly allowed, we are now over populated with services stretched to breaking point, so if I say I don’t want any more immigrants in this country, it is based on economics and not prejudice, If Nick Griffin says the same thing, he is called a racist because it suits other people's agenda to say so.What you seem to fear most is people unlike yourself - gay's for instance.

Issie;1291856 wrote: 3. What two consenting adults do, is no business of mine or anyone else for that matter, but even gays will have to accept that some people do not like homosexuality, and they resent it being shoved in their face every day by the PC driven organisations like the BBC, or schools teaching young children about homosexually, who neither have the intelligence or the hormones to decide at such a tender age.Gays live that acceptance everyday as they have homophobia shoved in their face constantly.

Look what you've written, more non factual dogma. Its a habit with you I guess.

Issie;1291856 wrote: Oh and the BNP are not “against” gays, they are against the promotion of homosexually to children in primary schools, that’s another blatant lie by the other parties to twist the words of the BNP, whilst at the same time they try and force multiculturalism down our throats, and ignoring the fact that Islam does not tolerate gays. Sounds rather defensive to me. Do you not acknowledge that gays are born that way?

Issie;1291856 wrote: Are people bigots because they disagree with some things.? No I don’t think they are, everybody has the right to an opinion and has the right to retain their opinion, chose how distasteful others may perceive it. What made you ask that? When or where have I told you you are a "bigot"?

What you all sound like, at least to me is a bunch of bullies. Insulting people based on age, color, sexual orientation and so forth.

Issie;1291856 wrote: I have no time for bigots, but I admire those who hold onto their beliefs, and refuse to abandon those beliefs and be indoctrinated to appease the PC brigade.

Multiculturalism will tolerate any intolerance, except the guy who points out the intolerance. It seems we can't tolerate that. :thinking:

A bigot may be someone who objects to a few law-abiding people of a different race in a town, but a fool is someone who DOESEN’T object to being ethnically replaced in the country of his ancestors.

I still hold dear the ideology of fair play, the BNP have certainly not been allowed to play on a level playing field, and that's what pi$$e$ me off.Its remarkable how nearly all you sound so much alike. Around here we call this "ditto head" propaganda.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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Fiona Apple
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

Around here we call this "ditto head" propaganda.

And in the UK we have a name for people like you, but I won't lower myself to repeat it.

Go get over yourself son, you obviously have some serious whinging problem, and until you grow some gonads, I'll find better things to do than waste my time talking to people like you.

I just love a yank assuming far too much and trying to tell me what I don't know about my country, having been born here in the 1940's

Tonto de Culo ! Adios.!
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Ahso! »

Issie;1291862 wrote: And in the UK we have a name for people like you, but I won't lower myself to repeat it.

Go get over yourself son, you obviously have some serious whinging problem, and until you grow some gonads, I'll find better things to do than waste my time talking to people like you.

I just love a yank assuming far too much and trying to tell me what I don't know about my country, having been born here in the 1940's

Tonto de Culo ! Adios.!I haven't told you anything about your country. What I have done is reflect back to you your own words. But as you can see, like me, you don't like the view.

You're not running from me as much as you're running from yourself!

All you needed to do was keep your conversation focused on the contents of your party constitution, but no, you had to start out insulting others based on race, age and sexual orientation, and you stubbed your toe. Rather than admit you made a mistake, you're now crying that I've picked on you.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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Fiona Apple
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Bruv »

oscar;1291813 wrote: Bruv, If you want to see real manipulation, just look at The Times, the whole Rupert Murdoch outfit, and the best of all, The Daily Mail.

Yes I suspect them too, but they are only asking for my money not my vote.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Bruv »

Is it not natural to be biased to a degree ?

The most telling line for me "The year-long investigation, commissioned by the BBC.................."

To recognise and attempt to change that bias is commendable
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

All you needed to do was keep your conversation focused on the contents of your party constitution, but no, you had to start out insulting others based on race, age and sexual orientation,
Well feck me, here was I thinking that I had been asked these questions, not once, but twice. BY YOU !

YOU who brought being born gay into the conversation, the BNP have many policies, homosexuality is just ONE of them, get over yourself.!

Ahso! said:

1)What do you consider too young for fair journalism?

2) What is wrong with multiculturalism?

3) what is wrong with being born gay, and why should that exclude employment in the BBC?
Do you suffer with a short memory span too.? The BNP is not my party at this present moment, I said I will seriously consider giving them my vote.

Like I said, Adios.! run along now.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Ahso! »

Issie;1291867 wrote: Well feck me, here was thinking I had been asked these questions, not once, but twice.Take responsibility and I'm gone (for now anyway). I'll even let the other questions I still have slide, just to show I'm a decent fellow. Deal?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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Fiona Apple
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

Bruv said:

I suspect most people are the same......including NG ( short hand for Nick Griffin) Once a racist always a racist.
One good thing about the BNP constitutional change, is that you can no longer call them racist, so, people will now have to be very careful who they label racist.:)

If you go with the idea of once a racist always a racist. I think you will have problems trying to justify how those once labelled terrorists, are now world leaders.

Once a terrorist always a terrorist.?

The BNP are trying to protect the British way of life, British culture that our forefathers were prepared to die for, and the present mainstream parties are prepared to give it away to appease "Common Purpose" and the EU.

Politicians like the weasel Jack Straw, who is quoted as saying whilst drawing up a document referring to the Falkland Islands, that the English as a race, are not worth saving.

The BNP are trying to do this as a legitimate political party in a democratic country, facing the most unimaginable obstacles, they haven't killed anyone or used bombs to get their message out to the general public.

Who is the greater threat.?
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Ahso! »

Here you go, This is how a good retraction might look.

A certain poster made a claim about the BNP in this thread and based his findings on information provided by the BBC.

Since I choose not to recognize the BBC as a valid authority (which is my right), I decided to attempt to discredit it.

I had a difficult time finding valid information to discredit the BBC, so out of desperation, I made the choice to use unsubstantiated and unfounded hyperbole to attempt to discredit the BBC.

Since my repudiation of the BBC is biased on hearsay and I was called on this by another poster in the thread, I have decided, with humility, to recant my statement regarding the make up of the employee base of the BBC as well as the remainder of all unfounded claims I've made.

I still do not recognize the BBc as an authority, but will in the future resign myself to factually based, provable statements.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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Fiona Apple
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Kathy Ellen
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Kathy Ellen »

Ahso!;1291874 wrote: Here you go, Issie. I've taken the initiative to write a retraction for you......out of love, of course!:-6

A certain poster made a claim about the BNP in this thread and based his findings on information provided by the BBC.

Since I choose not to recognize the BBC as a valid authority (which is my right), I decided to attempt to discredit it.

I had a difficult time finding valid information to discredit the BBC, so out of desperation, I made the choice to use unsubstantiated and unfounded hyperbole to attempt to discredit the BBC.

Since my repudiation of the BBC is biased on hearsay and I was called on this by another poster in the thread, I have decided, with humility, to recant my statement regarding the make up of the employee base of the BBC as well as the remainder of all unfounded claims I've made.

I still do not recognize the BBc as an authority, but will in the future resign myself to factually based, provable statements.


Just quote this post with anything affirmative and you've done it....and I'm gone from this thread (for now).

If I were Issie, I would report this harrassment from you RJ. This is so uncalled for.....:(......in fact, I just did.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Ahso! »

Kathy Ellen;1291880 wrote:

If I were Issie, I would report this harrassment from you RJ. This is so uncalled for.....:(......in fact, I just did.Thats your right Kathy. Its not harassment, its asking a person to take responsibility for their posts. Kind of like you do sometimes.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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Fiona Apple
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Ahso! »

Okay Kathy, I've removed the reference to Issie, but stand by the post and its intent.

Racist views, which is what the post I initially focused on showed, should never be ignored, in my view. People with those views should always be challenged. Looking the other way and shielding people infected with racist views, is a grave error.

Incidentally, Kathy, it's Ahso!, okay?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,”


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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Clodhopper »

I wasn't going to answer this post because I've been here so many times with you before, however, this Is a thread about the BNP and your not diverting some-one's else's thread this time, so I will.

As with any thread about the BNP you post on, all you can do Is scour You Tube for dated, tired old clips of Griffin believing that you are opening my or any-one elses eyes to the Axis of evil that Is Griffin. I'm surprised you haven't found the clip yet where It's alleged he Is experimenting with an Arian race

You are wasting your time scouring for these clips for me.

Every rescue dog I have ever taken on, I have taken the time to research the breed to see what their traits are. When I looked Into the BNP, I spent nearly a year researching them. I have seen every clip of Griffin, read his history and a lot more along with Simon Parry, the Deputy Chairman. Only, I believe your problem Is, you can not give anyone the credit of being Intelligent enough to do any research. And... this Is coming from the guy who had never heard of the UAF until I wrote about the Organisation on this forum a few months ago. The main funder of the UAF Is what may be our next Prime Minister, not some obscure MP from a tiny Constituancy, yet you knew nothing of them. So, please excuse me when I do not take you seriously.

When-ever you post on the BNP, all you can do Is spout bile that you think Impresses. You offer nothing In the way of debate, Infact, you can not debate. Your posts are the same old tired clips of Griffin from 25 years ago and It's becoming tedious as you never have anything new to say.

What Is the huge revelation about Griffin and Duke? Griffin shared a stage with him at a conference??? Wow, F**k me for fourpence.. How utterly shocking !!!

Is It any more shocking than Gordon Brown dealing with Gaddafi? George Galloway dealing with Sadam Hussain? Our Government dealing with terrorists such as Gerry Adams?... Or Lib Dem MP's ripping off the tax payer by defrauding their expenses and lying about It? Get your own house In order First.

As for Stormfront... Duke does not contribute to the forum. If you bother to actually read and learn on there, you will see that although their are many US members who support Duke, there are equally as many against him. Only recently, the Times picked up on a negative thread asking for Griffin's resignation on Stormfront, so it is hardely the White Supremisist forum you want poeple to believe.

I have said It before to you, Instead of using FG to bring up tired old clips of Griffin, and you are so against the BNP, why don't you be man enough to do some-thing about It? Join the UAF ( Now you know what It Is) and take to the streets with them. I doubt you will. Your all talk.

gmc, Snowfire, bruv etc etc are against the BNP but I don't have to write posts such as this In reply to them. That's because they are adults. We may not agree on each other politics but you may notice that our posts between each other tend to be of the debate style rather than the direct Insults that you resort to. You say your a Lib Dem activist? You need to learn pretty quickly that you need to respect other party members opinions. you may not agree with them but you will get no-where In Politics If you can not be civil.

I often have to share the stage with Lib dems, Tories and Labour at PACT meetings In my Community, that's what you have to do.

Infact, Just before Christmas, my Beat manager Police Officer told me that out of an estimated figure of 36,000 people on his patch, he could count the people who go the extra mile for their community on one hand and my husband and I were two of them. I took that as a massive compliment and that's what It comes down to. I don't care what you think of Griffin and I don't care what you think of me. It's the people I care about who's opinion matters to me.

The BBC clip wasn't 25 years old, it was 4 years old. Nick Griffin is a lying racist and I don't believe for a moment that his party being forced by the law to admit people of any ethnicity or religion has changed that.

Stormfront is a haven for the far right, owned and run by David Duke, who changed the image of the KKK from boots to suits. After meeting him the BNP has tried to do the same, but idiots like Stuart Williams keep letting the real agenda out, in between enjoying hearing their friends gloating about how they squirt liquified dog poo through the letterboxes of Asian families. (In the clip I posted)

The difference between Brown talking with Gaddaffi or Major with Adams and Griffin talking to Duke is that Gaddaffi and Adams weren't giving Major or Brown advice on how to change their party to con the voter, they were disussing how to end violence. Big important difference.

Ok, gotta start cooking - friends coming round. Will get back to this later. Sickening as it is.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by gmc »

spot;1291756 wrote: I don't see that in the Constitution. What I do see in the constitution is that the Leader's voice is paramount. Section 3, if you'd like to check. "Once elected, the National Chairman shall have full executive power over all the affairs of the party" etc.

I think you are flogging a dead horse trying to claim the BNP is undemocratic in the way they elect their leader or the power he is given. In that regard they are no different from either the labour party or the Tories.

posted by issie

The BBC feed the sheeple population what they need to know and god forbid the BBC ever be biased in favour of truth, that would be way too right wing…so, yes they are as bad as the gutter press and you are mis-guided if you believe everything they tell you, and I really hope that Nick Griffin will clamp down on the BBC if he is ever elected.

The BBC manages to antagonise all the political parties. Maggie Thatcher hated the BBC and so did Tony blair and for the same reason because it reported when they did something they shouldn't. It's one of the great travesty's that they backed down over the iraq intelligence reports. All these years later and everybody knows they were fabricated but we have a scum floating over the truth. Personally i would like o see Blair and his cabinet on trial but that's another issue.

Reporting both sides of a situation or of a dispute is not being biased against the truth it's presenting both sides of the argument. When you look at those who want to end the licence fee and privatise the BBC really you should ask yourselves do you want those kind of people able to control or TV. The only reason the likes of SKY is relatively unbiased and accurate is because they know if they are not we will notice because we can cross reference.

The difference between truth and propaganda is one both right and left wing parties would like to be able to control.

The mass immigration you find so abhorrent took place under right wing we are a great super power and we owe an obligation to the empire attitudes of a right wing establishment not loony left wing liberal governments. In fact there hasn't been a liberal government since the 1920's.

There have been black people living in the UK since Elizabethan times and probably before that with the romans, there have also been successive waves of immigration-not least the one that brought griffin's great great grandad across after ww2 there were thousands of poles, Jews, Italians, poles Hungarians who settled here after ww2. What is different is we now have a large immigrant population with a different culture and religion and a vociferous minority that want to force change and a majority that don't speak out.

It's not race that's the problem so much as it's religion and culture and we have a christian establishment that don't speak out either because they also want to shove their religion down our throats again and re-exert their moral authority. We now have more faith schools than ever before thanks to the present labour governments and the problem will only get worse as children grow up cut off from people their own age. I know plenty of immigrants from the sub continent of india that are also concerned about immigration and or much the same reason as everybody else. As an aside some of the biggest racists I have ever met are asian-the ones that don't want their daughters to mix with white boys in case they fall, in love and marry. Bit like protestants that don't want their sons to date catholic girls. I know couples that don't speak to their parents for just that reason. We are a small island that can't feed ourselves and our economy, if we are not careful will soon be that of a third world country. We became rich and powerful on manufacturing, innovation and trade not a sodding service economy.

The BNP are a racist party whether you like it or not and the irony that it is led by a descendants of an east european immigrant is delightful. It is only an accident of history that he is not a muslim. That they do have a point that is worth making does not detract from the fact that they are a bunch of right wing nazis and if they ever get power it will lead to major upheaval as the left and liberal majority in the country get pissed off as their economic policies bankrupt the country.

Interestingly enough one of the main reasons proportional representation was forced on germany after ww2 was because PR prevents a party with a minority of the vote but a disproportionate number of seats from taking power. We've now had forty years of governments that do not reflect the way people have actually voted and a political establishment that thinks itself above the law or even the need for common decency and honesty.

Take away their racism and the BNP have nothing to offer, their economic policies suck and their constitutional proposals suck as well.

posted by issie

The BNP are trying to protect the British way of life, British culture that our forefathers were prepared to die for, and the present mainstream parties are prepared to give it away to appease "Common Purpose" and the EU.

Politicians like the weasel Jack Straw, who is quoted as saying whilst drawing up a document referring to the Falkland Islands, that the English as a race, are not worth saving.

The british way of life has always been varied, eclectic and ever changing that has been the secret behind it's success. It's also been fuelled by a willingness to accept not only immigrants form other countries but also the skills they brought with them-from metallurgy to weaving. We are a trading nation it's that flow of ideas and sharing of knowledge with other countries we need for the future as much as we needed it in the past.

The BNP are not trying to protect anything except the fevered product of their own imagination. You're talking a load of bollocks and the BNP like UKIP are a bunch of tossers. Sadly I would say the same about the other parties. We badly need electoral reform, maybe then we might be able to sort out all the parties and move forward.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

The british way of life has always been varied, eclectic and ever changing that has been the secret behind it's success. It's also been fuelled by a willingness to accept not only immigrants form other countries but also the skills they brought with them-from metallurgy to weaving. We are a trading nation it's that flow of ideas and sharing of knowledge with other countries we need for the future as much as we needed it in the past.
Unless you have failed to notice, we have nothing left to trade today, and please don't insult my intelligence, I was working with Indian doctors in the 1960's in the NHS when we assisted their passage, I have spent 40 years working with, and nursing people of all races, colours and creeds.

I also find it totally insulting that someone would call me a racist, when they know absolutely nothing about me.

I expect no less from a troll on the other side of the pond trying to tell me about the BBC, when I have paid to watch it daily for over 50 years.

You think I talk bolloxs.? and who exactly are you to come to that conclusion.?

I guess some people just deserve each other, so, I'll leave you to it.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Ahso! »

Here you seem to say you dislike the BBC! Issie;1291627 wrote:

It's a biased publicly funded urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people, and today the BBC is dominated by trendy left-leaning liberals infiltrated by “Common Purpose” tentacles, who will do absolutely anything to promote multiculturalism, even if that means omitting the truth or distorting the truth.

The BBC feed the sheeple population what they need to know and god forbid the BBC ever be biased in favour of truth, that would be way too right wing…so, yes they are as bad as the gutter press and you are mis-guided if you believe everything they tell you, and I really hope that Nick Griffin will clamp down on the BBC if he is ever elected.

But you support the BBC?

Issie;1291917 wrote: trying to tell me about the BBC, when I have paid to watch it daily for over 50 years.


Just an interesting observation - nothing more!
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Bruv »

Issie;1291870 wrote: One good thing about the BNP constitutional change, is that you can no longer call them racist, so, people will now have to be very careful who they label racist.:)

If you go with the idea of once a racist always a racist. I think you will have problems trying to justify how those once labelled terrorists, are now world leaders.

Once a terrorist always a terrorist.?

The BNP may not be constitutionally a racist party, but that doesn't stop it's membership being racist does it ?

Hardly a good comparison, racist and terrorist.

Many Politicians have been terrorists for a purpose, once that aim has been achieved they are no longer labelled as such.

While someone that holds racist views tends to hold onto that point of view for life.

One is a tool for a purpose, the other a state of mind.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1291977 wrote: The BNP may not be constitutionally a racist party, but that doesn't stop it's membership being racist does it ?

Hardly a good comparison, racist and terrorist.

Many Politicians have been terrorists for a purpose, once that aim has been achieved they are no longer labelled as such.

While someone that holds racist views tends to hold onto that point of view for life.

One is a tool for a purpose, the other a state of mind. Ok then Bruv... I am a member of the BNP and I work with and for Muslims. Now where are you going to go?

I have around 30 members of this forum on my facebook. Any of them can look at my friends list and see my closest friends are Muslim and from the ME. I spend up to 4 days a week with my Muslim friends socially and In a work enviroment. The wages I am paid every week is from a Muslim. Now call me a rascist member of the BNP !!!! I have had long conversations with my Muslim friends who came to England 12 years ago. They came here because they wanted the British way of life.. Not the Muslim ME way of life. My closest girlfriend revels In the British way of life and the freedom it gives her. She could not wait to gain her British Citizenship and I was one of her witnesses when she was awarded It by the Mayor.

Equally, I have chewed the fat over my Muslim friends with key members of the BNP. They have absolutely no problem because my friends Infact are the perfect immigrant. They came here with their own money, have never claimed Benifit, have bought houses and Business's, contributed to the British way of life, abided by British law and they do not demand that we build a Mosque in the middle of the village. They pay huge amounts of tax and National Insurence from their business's and contribute to the community.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by spot »

Instead of bringing personal brags into the thread, oscar, how about concentrating on the structural deficiencies of the BNP? It's there, it's institutionally disgusting but at least it concentrates the mucky underside of the British psyche where it can be focused on.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1292008 wrote: Instead of bringing personal brags into the thread, oscar, how about concentrating on the structural deficiencies of the BNP? It's there, it's institutionally disgusting but at least it concentrates the mucky underside of the British psyche where it can be focused on. That's the best cop out I've ever seen you write.

What your actually saying Is ... Oh dear, here Is a member of the BNP who live among and works with Muslims and I don't know how to answer that.' What Is Spot to do??? Here Is some-one who Is living proof that all BNP members are not raving rascists and I can think of nothing better to say than accuse her of personal brags'

Spot... That is utterly pathetic and you know It.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by spot »

oscar;1292011 wrote: That's the best cop out I've ever seen you write.

What your actually saying Is ... Oh dear, here Is a member of the BNP who live among and works with Muslims and I don't know how to answer that.' What Is Spot to do??? Here Is some-one who Is living proof that all BNP members are not raving rascists and I can think of nothing better to say than accuse her of personal brags'

Spot... That is utterly pathetic and you know It.

If you want to discuss the BNP without going round in circles then let's go for it. Two posts each, taking turns, the first post to put forward a point of view and the second to rebut the other's first post and to conclude, no post to be more than a day after the preceding one. All quotes to be linked to sources and none to be more than fifty words.

Would you prefer to take the first turn or to have the last word? http://www.forumgarden.com/forums/watch/ is the place. If you want first go, open a thread there. If you prefer the last word then I'll start it.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1292029 wrote: If you want to discuss the BNP without going round in circles then let's go for it. Two posts each, taking turns, the first post to put forward a point of view and the second to rebut the other's first post and to conclude, no post to be more than a day after the preceding one. All quotes to be linked to sources and none to be more than fifty words.

Would you prefer to take the first turn or to have the last word? Watch - ForumGarden is the place. If you want first go, open a thread there. If you prefer the last word then I'll start it. Your trying to swerve the rubbish In your former post.

I made a point of slightly mentioning that I work and socialise with Muslim immigrants to make the point that all BNP members are not rabid racists as has been stated on this thread. That I believe Is a response to former posts. You are now trying to say that It has nothing to do with the thread while you yourself do a cute swerve.

It has everything to do with the thread. The reason I mentioned that any member of this forum can go to my facebook friends list and see my Muslim, Pakistani, Lithuanian, Polish, Turkish, and Iraqi friends Is In order to show that I am not making It up as you have a habit of accusing folk when It suits you.

I have totally destroyed the arguement on this thread that all BNP members are rascist. You however, have no answer for It and your cute swerves do not Impress.

Perhaps It Is not the BNP that you have a problem with... More strong women on this forum... Just a thought.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by spot »

Instead of bringing personal brags into the thread, oscar, how about concentrating on the structural deficiencies of the BNP? It's there, it's institutionally disgusting but at least it concentrates the mucky underside of the British psyche where it can be focused on.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

spot;1292037 wrote: Instead of bringing personal brags into the thread, oscar, how about concentrating on the structural deficiencies of the BNP? It's there, it's institutionally disgusting but at least it concentrates the mucky underside of the British psyche where it can be focused on.
Oh Old Boy, I'll play your game... How Is pointing out that as a member of the BNP and having Immigrant close friends a brag? Your clutching at straws again arn't you.?

What part of 'I have totally destroyed the myth that all BNP members are rabid racsists' do you not actually Understand?

By Insisting that I am merely bragging, yopu are resorting to your usual cheap tactics of trying to be-little any-one who proves you wrong on this forum.

Well, Here's another brag that you can complain about then.

It was me who stamped my foot and shouted from the rooftops to have the attack on my friends Business treated by the police as a racist attack and not just assault and Criminal damage. And I was In court with my Turkish friends to make sure of It.

I won't be able to discuss the Politics of the BNP for a while now. My husband Is due home and I really must get back to the kitchen :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::yh_rotfl
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by gmc »

Issie;1291917 wrote: Unless you have failed to notice, we have nothing left to trade today, and please don't insult my intelligence, I was working with Indian doctors in the 1960's in the NHS when we assisted their passage, I have spent 40 years working with, and nursing people of all races, colours and creeds.

I also find it totally insulting that someone would call me a racist, when they know absolutely nothing about me.

I expect no less from a troll on the other side of the pond trying to tell me about the BBC, when I have paid to watch it daily for over 50 years.

You think I talk bolloxs.? and who exactly are you to come to that conclusion.?

I guess some people just deserve each other, so, I'll leave you to it.

You really should read things properly I didn't call you a racist I was referring to the BNP. Quite frankly I don't really care whether you are a a racist or not.

We have nothing left to trade thanks to right wing economic policies that propagated the notion you don't need to have a manufacturing base in your economy and that wealth could be generated out of nothing by the creation of money. We have gone away from the basics of capitalism. All the BNP offer is a banging of the drum of patriotism along with a bleat about how foreigners are not being fair to us.

I am a voter in this country and a fervent defender of free speech and if I want to tell you you are talking a load of bollocks I shall do so.

It was in response to this comment that you made.

The BNP are trying to protect the British way of life, British culture that our forefathers were prepared to die for, and the present mainstream parties are prepared to give it away to appease "Common Purpose" and the EU.

If that is not a lot of bollocks I don't know what is. If it offends you then I don't actually care. But since it offends you how about cobblers, gobbledegook, balderdash, piffle, poppycock and I hope that offends you as well cos quite frankly the BNP are offensive. British nazi party, national front it doesn't matter what they put on the cover they are still a bunch of vicious right wing wannabe fascists. Our forefathers went to war to defeat people just like them. That same wartime generation voted to join the EU which fact you should remember since you were old enough to vote-they wanted a common purpose and no more wars caused by blind patriotism and blind faith in a leader with a good line in slogans.

Fundamentalist muslims, fundamentalists christians and would be 21st century nazis if we could only put you all somewhere where you could beat each other with clubs till you knocked some sense in to each other.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1292045 wrote:

. Our forefathers went to war to defeat people just like them. . Now your talking Bollocks. Our fore-fathers fought for freedom which Includes the freedom to vote for any Registered Party of our choosing.

All Parties have a war agenda. The BNP is the only Party who will not engage In pointless wars that do not have anything to do with us or affect us.

Sir Winston Churchill once said 'When Fascism returns to this country It will be In the form of Anti-Fascism.

Do you not think that you are living In a Fascist state already? A Government who can moniter your every E mail, text and what you google? Councils who spy on your trash and fine you for putting your bin out an hour late? A Government who Is now treating any parent who gives a child a lift to school as a potential Peado?

A Government who sends out 'battle-buses' to disrupt another legitimate registered parties meetings? A Government and Opposition who support and fund UAF thugs to deny Nick Griffin his right to Freedom of Speech outside Westminster when he was returned as an MEP?

You know what my father did In the war.. I won't be patronising and repeat It but I can tell you that all of the above Is NOT what he fought for.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

That same wartime generation voted to join the EU which fact you should remember since you were old enough to vote-they wanted a common purpose and no more wars caused by blind patriotism and blind faith in a leader with a good line in slogans.
Really?, I thought I had voted to join the EEC, we were lied to and it was dressed up as free trade, the presentation of it was as far removed from the present EU dictatorship as your mouth is from your rectum.

I didn't call you a racist I was referring to the BNP
No you didn't and I apologise if it seemed that I was suggesting that you had, but as you don't care, I couldn't give a monkies either.

People like you have one thing in common, anybody can have free speech and an opinion, just as long as it agrees with yours.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Issie;1292057 wrote: , the presentation of it was as far removed from the present EU dictatorship as your mouth is from your rectum.

Oh the Joy.

Sorry Kilted one but couldn't resist It. :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by gmc »

posted by oscar

You know what my father did In the war.. I won't be patronising and repeat It but I can tell you that all of the above Is NOT what he fought for.

You can't be patronising oscar, what your father in the war wasn't that exceptional there were a lot of heroes most of whom never got any recognition for it and many who never talked about what they went through. It does you little credit to keep bringing it up as if it gives you some kind of special authority and your opinions more weight.

posted by oscar

Do you not think that you are living In a Fascist state already? A Government who can moniter your every E mail, text and what you google? Councils who spy on your trash and fine you for putting your bin out an hour late? A Government who Is now treating any parent who gives a child a lift to school as a potential Peado?

Actually you do have a point there-the left do have tendencies towards controlling every aspect of life egged on by the delusion they are somehow more knowledgeable and know what's for the best. As well as reluctance to listen to what other have to say. We have a kind of elected dictatorship at the moment. What we badly need is electoral reform or we will just have more of the same.

Sir Winston Churchill once said 'When Fascism returns to this country It will be In the form of Anti-Fascism.

He also said


The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.

That's why we need something between the two. the BNP aren't fascists they are like a bunch of disenchanted yobos pissing against the all trying to persuade others they have the best ideas.

posted by izzie

Really?, I thought I had voted to join the EEC, we were lied to and it was dressed up as free trade, the presentation of it was as far removed from the present EU dictatorship as your mouth is from your rectum.

Even then it was clear that closer political union was on the cards which those who opposed joining were not slow in pointing out. If you remember it was the opposition to joining that pushed for the referendum and couldn't believe it when the vote was in favour.

While there is an awful lot wrong with the way things are done that can be changed. The notion that all these independent peoples will accept dictatorship from Brussels is a laughable one that doesn't stand up to more than five seconds consideration. The notion that we can survive outside of the EU should only take a similar amount of time.

posted by issie

People like you have one thing in common, anybody can have free speech and an opinion, just as long as it agrees with yours.

Not at all. Like most BNP UKIP people you can't actually hold a debate about the issues for more than a sentence without resorting to childish insults and abuse.

posted by oscar

Oh the Joy.

Sorry Kilted one but couldn't resist It.

I'm glad your fellow traveller amuses you.

Do two BNP half wits add up to a whole one?

Oh childish I know but i couldn't resist
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1292127 wrote: posted by oscar


You can't be patronising oscar, what your father in the war wasn't that exceptional there were a lot of heroes most of whom never got any recognition for it and many who never talked about what they went through. It does you little credit to keep bringing it up as if it gives you some kind of special authority and your opinions more weight.

I have never said that what my Father did In the war was exceptional. I have never said there were not other Hero's who did not get recognition. I am merely pointing out that he fought for Freedom for us and future generations not the pile of bollocks that you gave. That Is unless, you actually met my Father and he shared his feelings with you.

I'm glad your fellow traveller amuses you.

Do two BNP half wits add up to a whole one?

Oh childish I know but i couldn't resist So... Because Issie has run circles round you and Spot, You have to 'assume' she Is a member of the BNP? Your making wild rash assumptions about some-one you know nothing of.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by gmc »

oscar;1292129 wrote: So... Because Issie has run circles round you and Spot, You have to 'assume' she Is a member of the BNP? Your making wild rash assumptions about some-one you know nothing of.

No she hasn't. All she does is what you do. Not read posts properly, never responds with a thought out answer and resort to childish insults. Funny admittedly but hardly conducive to debate.

She has also said several times she is not a member of the BNP which is why I referred to her as a fellow traveller, a term which applies equally to the right as well as the left in politics.

Fellow traveler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can be a BNP half wit without actually being a card carrying member.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

Even then it was clear that closer political union was on the cards which those who opposed joining were not slow in pointing out.
Where you around in the 1970's? because I can assure you that for ordinary folks it was not clear, and I never gave John Major the authority to sign the Maastricht Treaty...it was dressed up as free trade between the other European countries, and do you think folks were as politically motivated and informed in the 70's, as they are today.?

Not at all. Like most BNP UKIP people you can't actually hold a debate about the issues for more than a sentence without resorting to childish insults and abuse.
I'm obviously in need of lessons from you because you can't see your own hypocrisy.

You say you are a fervent defender of free speech and free speech comes with democracy, but all you can shout is nazi and racist, and insult the intelligence of people by a pathetic lecture on British history, I did go to school you know and I was taught history whilst some of you were still being potty trained..:rolleyes:

Do two BNP half wits add up to a whole one?
Nice, first you tell me I'm talking bolloxs and now you insinuate I'm a half wit, you're amazing :yh_rotfl

I suppose it's a good job that this half wit knew where to put a suppository, but in some people there isn't much difference between the oral route and the anal route because both orifices are filled with poo, and this half wit must have got all the letters behind her name including a degree in acute and critical care, by reading the Beano comic.

If you and your fellow mouth pieces in here love freedom of speech so much, why don't you try stop insulting people's intelligence, stop being bombastic and pretending to be the "know alls" and just for once try listening to why ordinary INTELLIGENT folk have turned to the British National Party, that's right whether you like it or not, the democratically elected British National Party.

My my, Free Speech and Democracy, those are two manipulative words aren't they.? I bet you're astounded that this half wit can even spel them. :rolleyes:

Enlighten me, tell me what the other parties have done or propose to do for this bankrupt, over population Island, which is heading as being classed as a third world Islamic state.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1292132 wrote: You can be a BNP half wit without actually being a card carrying member. Shall I tell you one of the saddest sights I have ever seen?

My very first BNP meeting and to see rows of war veterans and members of the RBL wanting the country they fought for. Are they all knuckle dragging half-wits?
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

Oscar......you're wasting your time.

Me, I'm off to watch the paint dry
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by gmc »

Issie;1292138 wrote: Oscar......you're wasting your time.

Me, I'm off to read the Beano comic.

After reading the daily mail I'm sure you will find it intellectually stimulating in contrast.

posted by oscar

Shall I tell you one of the saddest sights I have ever seen?

My very first BNP meeting and to see rows of war veterans and members of the RBL wanting the country they fought for. Are they all knuckle dragging half-wits?

Probably not-even hitler managed to fool an awful lot of people and where it would all lead was not obvious-it is now though. a pity we should repeat the same mistakes.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

Issie said :

Oscar......you're wasting your time.

Me, I'm off to read the Beano comic.
Actually I edited my post to watching paint dry because I knew you would just rise to the occasion.....you didn't disappoint me.

gmc said:

After reading the daily mail I'm sure you will find it intellectually stimulating in contrast.
After reading your poo, the DM will seem like the Financial Times.:yh_rotfl
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Issie;1292138 wrote: Oscar......you're wasting your time.

Me, I'm off to watch the paint dry
:wah: My husband has a DVD of Fresh water fishing on as I write this. Usually my eyes glaze over but It's actually far more Interesting than this.:wah:
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1292140 wrote: After reading the daily mail I'm sure you will find it intellectually stimulating in contrast.

posted by oscar

Probably not-even hitler managed to fool an awful lot of people and where it would all lead was not obvious-it is now though. a pity we should repeat the same mistakes.

Your a hypocrite. Have you forgotton the DM articles you've linked on this forum In previous threads?

Another glaringly obvious sign of your hypocrisy... You have on other BNP threads stated along with others that Nick Griffin Is some kind Of knuckle dragging, Un-educated Moron, yet, you now credit him with the ability to fool 6% of the electorate. When you stop with the hypocrisy, I'll continue.
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by gmc »

oscar;1292145 wrote: Your a hypocrite. Have you forgotton the DM articles you've linked on this forum In previous threads?

Another glaringly obvious sign of your hypocrisy... You have on other BNP threads stated along with others that Nick Griffin Is some kind Of knuckle dragging, Un-educated Moron, yet, you now credit him with the ability to fool 6% of the electorate. When you stop with the hypocrisy, I'll continue.

Where have I said that?
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1292157 wrote: Where have I said that?
It has been posted on this forum by all the Anti-BNP-ites. As I do not want to dredge up old threads and posts, I will conced that It may not have been you that said It so you half half an apology If I am wrong.

You have posted a DM article though because I remember pulling you up over It.

The media and those who know nothing of the BNP but think they do, have an Image of a BNP meeting or rally. It's assumed that hoards of Neo-Nazi skinheads are In attendence, posters of Hitler on the wall, Nazi salutes on entering and much beer swilling and no talk other than Immigration.

I was quite stunned at my first meeting. There was none of the above, just normal people Including war vets, school teachers and accountants. When the guest speaker began his speech, I thought we were In for two hours of Immigration. Instead, we got the history of The Maastricht Agreement and The Geneva Convention.

I remember one thread posted here by a new member about the BNP actually using an article by The News Of The World. I nearly choked at the mere thought of any-one taking the most sued tabloid of our times seriously. The poor dear truely believed every single word of It and you know why??? Because she 'Wanted; to. It was the article that alleged Brons and Griffin stood laughing as BNP members burned a golliwog toy over a bonfire at a BNP rally. Any Intelligent person living In the real world would ask the following of the article.

1) Why Is Andrew Brons and Nick Griffin not In the photograph?

2) Why are the faces of the men burning the golliwog blurred out by the newspaper?

3) Seeing as the paper blurred their faces, How are we sure they are BNP members?

4) The Photo showed the men and a child standing around a bonfire In a field. How do we know this field was the actual field that the BNP were holding their rally In?

5) Did the NOTW blur the so called BNP members faces so they could not sue?

Because the The News of The World said so???? :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

I suggest that some of the people who profess their hatred for the BNP are actually the Un-Intelligent, not the BNP members who actually know the truth. Lets face It, any-one who actually believed that pile of shyte needs help.

As for the NOTW....... I wouldn't even let my cat shyte on It.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by gmc »

posted by oscar

It has been posted on this forum by all the Anti-BNP-ites. As I do not want to dredge up old threads and posts, I will conced that It may not have been you that said It so you half half an apology If I am wrong.

You have posted a DM article though because I remember pulling you up over It.

It wasn't said by me and you should know better not to make accusations you can't back up. I don't deny I read the daily mail or will on occasion post a link to it if I feel it appropriate. It's one of a number I browse through on line-I have a rather eclectic approach to what I read-if you only read one paper and especially one like the daily mail-you end up with a strange confused view of things and lose the ability to construct sentences and think coherently and keep taking things out of context, either deliberately or because they can't understand more than a line at a time. .

posted by oscar

I suggest that some of the people who profess their hatred for the BNP are actually the Un-Intelligent, not the BNP members who actually know the truth. Lets face It, any-one who actually believed that pile of shyte needs help.

Yes the BNP members do need help:sneaky:
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Oscar Namechange
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

gmc;1292169 wrote: posted by oscar

It wasn't said by me and you should know better not to make accusations you can't back up. I don't deny I read the daily mail or will on occasion post a link to it if I feel it appropriate. It's one of a number I browse through on line-I have a rather eclectic approach to what I read-if you only read one paper and especially one like the daily mail-you end up with a strange confused view of things and lose the ability to construct sentences and think coherently and keep taking things out of context, either deliberately or because they can't understand more than a line at a time. .

posted by oscar

Yes the BNP members do need help:sneaky: I offered you half an apology. I'm feeling generous today and I do have much sympathy for any-one who truely believes that the SNP will oust GB from Fife. Remember you stating that GB would lose his seat In the Glenrothes By-Election??? Also, You are to be Pitied for your Idea of an Independent Scotland and Salmond as your saviour.

So why do BNP members need help? Do you think you know some-thing we don't? Such as your prediction for Glenrothes?
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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Well, Well, Well...

Post by Issie »

You are to be Pitied for your Idea of an Independent Scotland and Salmond as your saviour.
Oh my goodness, that's nearly as bad as the troll on the other side of the pond telling me about the BBC, and he didn't even know about the licence fee.:yh_rotfl
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