FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

OK Brits... It's over. For Our American and Commonwealth peeps who have been wondering what all the fuss was over, tonight, the leader of the Far Right Party, The BNP's Leader Nick Griffin for the first time in history shared the platform with Prominent MP's. The BBC are already giving record viewing figures.

So how do you think he merited his appearence.

An anonymous poll again so please vote.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by buttercup »

I voted he merited his appearance well, my reason for doing so is he came across just how 'most' think he is, he has to come away from that show disappointed, i cant see how he would gain more votes from it.

I go a lot on the facial expression, gestures, body posture, tone of voice ect, i found nothing about Mr Griffin appealing.

Edit - Actually i would have liked to see this programme go on longer, maybe another hour, let's face it you don't get into politics if you cant handle the heat and i never seen the temperature rise much during this show. If Griffin felt shaky in the short time of that broadcast it would have been most interesting to prolong it.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by G#Gill »

Did you notice how his hands were shaking? I believe he was very nervous, and I thought that he did not come over all that well for the BNP. I think he found it difficult at times to answer coherently, some of the questions. He also was not very convincing trying to explain his apparent friendliness with certain 'name' muslim and racist people. I don't think he would have made any converts, and I think he would have been disappointed in not being able to use the television time to his advantage.

That is my neutral and objective opinion, for what it's worth.

By the way, I think the BNP would do better if they got rid of Mr. Nick Buffoon with his beliefs that the holocaust was only a propaganda stunt and didn't really happen!

The man's not in the real world if he really believes that !!!! The BNP should find a more sensible leader - and quickly! :rolleyes:
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

G#Gill;1255135 wrote: Did you notice how his hands were shaking? I believe he was very nervous, and I thought that he did not come over all that well for the BNP. I think he found it difficult at times to answer coherently, some of the questions. He also was not very convincing trying to explain his apparent friendliness with certain 'name' muslim and racist people. I don't think he would have made any converts, and I think he would have been disappointed in not being able to use the television time to his advantage.

That is my neutral and objective opinion, for what it's worth.

By the way, I think the BNP would do better if they got rid of Mr. Nick Buffoon with his beliefs that the holocaust was only a propaganda stunt and didn't really happen!

The man's not in the real world if he really believes that !!!! The BNP should find a more sensible leader - and quickly! :rolleyes:
Ok.. Oscar is going to go into a full rant now. Frankly, After all the comments of late on the subject of the BNP, I don't give a toss what people think of me when I post this rant. I trust that folk here will take my word for It that I would be saying this weather it was Griffin or any other polictian which ever Party they represent.


First of all, I find it astonishing that the so called 'Tolerent' folk in our so called free democratic society were arrested for VIOLENT disorder in a pathetic attempt to stop an MP speaking. That is fascism.... not the man who was ASKED to appear.

In my humble opinion, It was a set up from the beginning. He was attacked, attacked and attacked again from the moment the prog began. This was NOT Question Time... this was 'Let the panal try to humiliate Griffin' in the name of debate.

The hand picked audience was naturally hostile due to being 60% ethnic minority. When they asked questions, the panal was allowed to vent their disgust at Griffin. When questions were raised in Griffins favour, they were shouted down. It was a bias, hostile Chair, panel and audience.

Griffin did come across as nervous in the beginning and he had every right to be at that bias barrage as any politician would have been. The audience were allowed by the chair to use expressions such as 'Your slimey hands' to whip up more hostility. Imagine the up-roar if an audience member had used the same expression to say 'Dianne Abbot' should she have been on the panel.?

Frankly, The terminology used by Conservative Sayeeda Hussain Warsi using the phrase 'Black and Brown people was appalling and again, Imagine the up-roar should Griffin have used that phrase?

If anyone is saying different, then I think your a hypocrite.

The barmy woman on the right side ( so interesting, I can't remember her name) had nothing to add and nothing to say. She started banging on about the Ice age for fecks sake. No wonder Griffin laughed at her.

Griffin was spoken over by the chair throughout the prog. Toward to end he came across as incoherant but I have been in a question answer situation and It's not until you have been in that position that you know, you tend to do that. You have to get an answer out quick because you know you will be shouted down or talked over. Griffin, I believe, realised that very early on.

I went straight to the website 'BBC Have your say' straight after the prog and comments were puring in. People who said they would never vote for the BNP agree that he was bullyed, co-hersed and the whole prog was bias. In those circumstances, I believe he did very well. he came under fire with accusation after accusation yet he did not retaliate by throwing accusations about them. (except for Jack Straw's father but he deserved that).

By the end of the prog, Jack Straw wriggles and squirmed about Immigration and finally could offer nothing in the way of new policies except his points system that is not even in place, it has merely been proposed a week ago and by the time It goes through Cameron will be sitting in NO 10. At least the Tory spoke of caps being brought into place under their Government.

Where I do think Griffin shone was over Homosexulaity and telling the truth that the BNP does not want to rid this country of anyone with different coloured skin.

There was a girl in the audience who asked Griffin his reasons for wanting total withdrawal from the EU. The Chair, Dimbelby promised to return to that question as he promised another man he would return to the question of Immigration vs Unemployment. He went back to neither of them and if that's not bias I don't know what is. Probably worried that Griffin would ask Straw why they sold us out on an EU referendum. Another woman asked the question to Griffin what his re-patronisation policy was. Again, Dimbleby promised to come back to this question but didn't. I also think Griffin came across very well about Churchill. The quotes he gave from Churchill are Indeed correct... he did warn of Islam in one of his books. I thought his best answer was the fact we were in Iraq Illegally and I didn't see any of them answer him. All in all, I believe under the hostile circumstances, he did well. If that upsets folks here... so be It. I made an Impartial view of the whole Prog. The Tory woman did make some very good points and I thought the Lib Dem guy did very well.

Rant Over :mad:

FFS... I have just been on my Politcal British forum and there is a thread telling us that already, only 3 hours after it was aired, the video's of QT are on you tube with Griffins good bits already edited out. Still, I suppose we could expect nothing less. Why feel the need to edit his plausible parts out of the show? Says alot to me and it should say alot to you !!!!!
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by farmer giles »

i have not voted as i did not want to seem in favour of nick gremlin at all

am i glad the bbc showed him on TV you bet i am

i felt that gremlin has really shot himself in both feet big time:D:D

he came across exactly how he is

a lying racist toad

gremlin said the press misquote me

one ot the other guest said but i have you on video saying exactly that mr gremlin :yh_rotfl

gremlin why did you say the halocosts (spelling) never happened gremlin says i have no idea why i said that

do you believe there was one

i do now as we intercepted a radio message from germany ?????? what :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

at the end of the day it was a good day for free speach

if you put muppets like this on tv they usually show themselves for what they are laughable racist idiots

edited out his good bits indeed oscey what good bit was that ????? nick gremlin leaving the BBC :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by kazalala »

he came across badly and it was his own fault ,, not the others,,, he knew he would be questioned,,let him take responsibility for himself:wah:


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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Bruv »

I didn't vote in the poll, because the question is ambiguous, does 'merit' mean he should have appeared and did well ? Or does it mean he should have appeared full stop ?

While agreeing it was a team effort to gang up on him, he knew that before he went on there.

I am glad he appeared and was happy with his showing, because he did show himself up for the man he is, more of the same please and the UDF's job becomes un-needed he can do it all on his own.

I don't believe the audience was hand picked, they normally have a wide selection of ethnics.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by farmer giles »

Bruv;1255234 wrote: I didn't vote in the poll, because the question is ambiguous, does 'merit' mean he should have appeared and did well ? Or does it mean he should have appeared full stop ?

While agreeing it was a team effort to gang up on him, he knew that before he went on there.

I am glad he appeared and was happy with his showing, because he did show himself up for the man he is, more of the same please and the UDF's job becomes un-needed he can do it all on his own.

I don't believe the audience was hand picked, they normally have a wide selection of ethnics.

er what he said :thinking::wah:
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Imladris »

I'm not voting either.

I thought he showed not all of himself but quite a lot. His twitching and shaking his head when quoted, denying whatever he was quoted as saying seems to be the norm, he looked very uncomfortable at times (as he should).

On the other hand I thought the other panellists performed very well, Bonnie Greer was great and I even liked what Jack Straw was saying at times (despite myself, a non-Labour supporter!)
Originally Posted by spot

She is one fit bitch innit, that Immy

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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

This is a comment from The Mail online today and confirms what I already knew.

"I was in the QT audience last night. Before we went into the studio for filming we were held in a holding room. (I was in there for over two hours) I was on my own and was never aware you could get multiple tickets. I arrived early and it became very obvious that groups of people were arriving who new each other. I spoke to three different people who worked for an agency who supplied audience people for the BBC.

Before the show the Chairman of the panel came into the holding room and encouraged us to boo and shout if we did not agree with certain things that were said by the panel. He said as we had Griffin on the show, we don't want to miss an opportunity.

This was an organised stitch up by the BBC.

- Peter, Oxford, Oxfordshire, 23/10/2009 10:56

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z0UlaHvcMp"

Are all you people aware that QT was filmed 3 hours early and edited???? Are you aware that just hours after the EDITED programme was shown, the prog was on You Tube having been heavilly edited yet again?

And you call this a democratic and fair country? It was a farce and total bollocks.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Snowfire »

Didn't vote either. Merit ? Merit for what ?

Yes he was ganged up on. Yes it was all about him and his views. Of course it was. What did we all expect ? For him to be asked politely whether Sats should stay and whether children should start school at 7 ?

Of course not ! It was dominated by the real desire of everyone, to know what this creature stood for. To expose the lizard for what he is. A racist holocaust denier.

Why the suprise ? If Jesus had been booked to appear, it would have been - quite rightly - as one sided.

"Jesus, forget the miracles and the meek inheriting the world, we want to know your views on bankers bonuses in this recession"...Yeah right, course it would.

Lets get real. He stuck his arse out, inviting it to be kicked and it got kicked. Good and proper. He should expect - and will get - much, much more
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Snowfire;1255260 wrote: Didn't vote either. Merit ? Merit for what ?

Yes he was ganged up on. Yes it was all about him and his views. Of course it was. What did we all expect ? For him to be asked politely whether Sats should stay and whether children should start school at 7 ?

Of course not ! It was dominated by the real desire of everyone, to know what this creature stood for. To expose the lizard for what he is. A racist holocaust denier.

Why the suprise ? If Jesus had been booked to appear, it would have been - quite rightly - as one sided.

"Jesus, forget the miracles and the meek inheriting the world, we want to know your views on bankers bonuses in this recession"...Yeah right, course it would.

Lets get real. He stuck his arse out, inviting it to be kicked and it got kicked. Good and proper. He should expect - and will get - much, much more Of course It was never going to be an easy ride for him I agree. If you go to 'haveyoursayBBC' you will see folk who say they hate the BNP but were disgusted with the bias. I actually don't believe this has back-fired on him. I believe that many people saw the bias and now know the prog was recorded 3 hours early and edited. People are not stupid. They may not like Griffin but they saw the bias. I have found out today that by 12 noon the BNP had recieved 3,000 new enquiries. I will be looking for evidence of this claim but I wouldn't be surprised after the farce last night.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Snowfire »

You know what. I have spent the last 30 years on building sites. We wear our hearts on our sleeves and we call a spade a shovel. We discussed this all today at work. I'm with out a shadow of doubt the most liberal of my work colleagues. They are pretty much all, in political terms, only slightly left of Genghis Khan.

Do you know what ? every one of them detest Griffin and his party of pillocks. Not one of them would give him the scrapings of their well worn hard working boots. Not one single vote from any of them. They all, bar one, said he got his just deserts. Lets not delude ourselves with the illusion that this moron can deliver ANYTHING but misery for those that might not fit his picture of racial perfection. There is absolutely nothing this man has said that convinced my right wing work mates that he can deliver anything but hatred.

That wasnt a rough ride that was a cake walk. He's got rough rides ahead of him. He wriggled and squirmed like the worm he is.

Honest ?....Dont make me laugh
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by kazalala »

What Bias? we cant make people pretend to like him or the bnp or what they stand for. I dont think it was biased i think it was reality! the majority of people wether civilians, politicians, students, whatever dont like Nick Griffin, The BNP or what they stand for!

On an earlier news porgramme last night the BBC said they had got the audience from people who ahd applied to be in the QT audience months and months before,, so they wouldnt have known which QT they were going to be at.

If yout hink the programme was biased,,, what would you have liked to have seen instead? I assume on most programmes producers will encourage the audience to participate if its a live audience,, it obviously makes the programme look even better :wah:


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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

oscar;1255256 wrote: This is a comment from The Mail online today and confirms what I already knew.

"I was in the QT audience last night. Before we went into the studio for filming we were held in a holding room. (I was in there for over two hours) I was on my own and was never aware you could get multiple tickets. I arrived early and it became very obvious that groups of people were arriving who new each other. I spoke to three different people who worked for an agency who supplied audience people for the BBC.

Before the show the Chairman of the panel came into the holding room and encouraged us to boo and shout if we did not agree with certain things that were said by the panel. He said as we had Griffin on the show, we don't want to miss an opportunity.

This was an organised stitch up by the BBC.

- Peter, Oxford, Oxfordshire, 23/10/2009 10:56

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z0UlaHvcMp"

Are all you people aware that QT was filmed 3 hours early and edited???? Are you aware that just hours after the EDITED programme was shown, the prog was on You Tube having been heavilly edited yet again?

And you call this a democratic and fair country? It was a farce and total bollocks.
I am so glad, that at least one person in this country seems to see things with their eyes open. Mr. Griffin is just speaking a few home truths. Just like in Roman times. Boudicca lost because the other tribes wanted ROME to win. There is no more room on this island. Have you seen the numbers? ENGLAND beats CHINA in number of people per square km. ENGLAND is THIRD for population behind S.Korea and Bangaldesh. Answers need to come quick. Those numbers are 2/3 immigrants. NOT ENGLISH BUT IMMIGRANTS! My question is what the hell are you guys thinking? :thinking:
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

Snowfire;1255269 wrote: You know what. I have spent the last 30 years on building sites. We wear our hearts on our sleeves and we call a spade a shovel. We discussed this all today at work. I'm with out a shadow of doubt the most liberal of my work colleagues. They are pretty much all, in political terms, only slightly left of Genghis Khan.

Do you know what ? every one of them detest Griffin and his party of pillocks. Not one of them would give him the scrapings of their well worn hard working boots. Not one single vote from any of them. They all, bar one, said he got his just deserts. Lets not delude ourselves with the illusion that this moron can deliver ANYTHING but misery for those that might not fit his picture of racial perfection. There is absolutely nothing this man has said that convinced my right wing work mates that he can deliver anything but hatred.

That wasnt a rough ride that was a cake walk. He's got rough rides ahead of him. He wriggled and squirmed like the worm he is.

Honest ?....Dont make me laugh

Are you so sure it is not racial preservation thats needed here? Let me say it again, NOT racial perfection, but racial preservation. You guys are so seriousally a minority in your own country, it's beyond funny. The only places you can find the ENGLISH these days, in any numbers, are Spain, America, New Zealand and Australia. I think it is good that your former colonies have grown in numbers, because that may be the only outposts for ENGLISH DNA soon.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Snowfire »

Raven;1255290 wrote: I am so glad, that at least one person in this country seems to see things with their eyes open. Mr. Griffin is just speaking a few home truths. Just like in Roman times. Boudicca lost because the other tribes wanted ROME to win. There is no more room on this island. Have you seen the numbers? ENGLAND beats CHINA in number of people per square km. ENGLAND is THIRD for population behind S.Korea and Bangaldesh. Answers need to come quick. Those numbers are 2/3 immigrants. NOT ENGLISH BUT IMMIGRANTS! My question is what the hell are you guys thinking? :thinking:

You're kidding right. So your right to stay in this country, as an immigrant, by the BNP's standards would be based on the colour of your skin. Well thank goodness you are white then !

Its not me (or others) who need a reality check. Its not us that cant see the wood for the trees.

ITS NOT ABOUT IMMIGRATION ITS ABOUT RACE. Wake up and smell the coffee - its been boiling over. The problems of immigration are not going to be solved by a racist bell-end who is followed and fawned by ex National Front - spot the brain cell morons, just because he wears a suit and kisses old ladies. You cant turn a scrotum into a silk purse
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Snowfire »

Raven;1255291 wrote: Are you so sure it is not racial preservation thats needed here? Let me say it again, NOT racial perfection, but racial preservation. You guys are so seriousally a minority in your own country, it's beyond funny. The only places you can find the ENGLISH these days, in any numbers, are Spain, America, New Zealand and Australia. I think it is good that your former colonies have grown in numbers, because that may be the only outposts for ENGLISH DNA soon.

Utter bollocks Raven. English DNA ? What's that ?

We are mongrels We're not pure bred. Never have been. So what's English DNA ? Some Nordic, Danish, Franco, Germanic, Viking goodness knows what.

Racial preservation my arse.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

Snowfire;1255293 wrote: You're kidding right. So your right to stay in this country, as an immigrant, by the BNP's standards would be based on the colour of your skin. Well thank goodness you are white then !

Its not me (or others) who need a reality check. Its not us that cant see the wood for the trees.

ITS NOT ABOUT IMMIGRATION ITS ABOUT RACE. Wake up and smell the coffee - its been boiling over. The problems of immigration are not going to be solved by a racist bell-end who is followed and fawned by ex National Front - spot the brain cell morons, just because he wears a suit and kisses old ladies. You cant turn a scrotum into a silk purse
Dont misunderstand me pet. It's the amount of immigration present that has contributed to the racial tension! It's immigrants from EVERYWHERE!

Just because he (Mr. Griffin) has some usavory views, doesnt mean he is not right about a few things. When you mix 61 million people together in a cramped tiny place, you are going to get some pretty explosive results. Just look at Watts and L.A. Goes on all the time there.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by kazalala »

Griffin is not the ONLY one to want to tackle immigration.. his motives however are far different to others, and that is what i object to.


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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

Snowfire;1255296 wrote: Utter bollocks Raven. English DNA ? What's that ?

We are mongrels We're not pure bred. Never have been. So what's English DNA ? Some Nordic, Danish, Franco, Germanic, Viking goodness knows what.

Racial preservation my arse.
Yes actually, you have been. I guess you have to go to Cornwall or Wales to figure that out.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Snowfire »

Raven;1255297 wrote: Dont misunderstand me pet. It's the amount of immigration present that has contributed to the racial tension! It's immigrants from EVERYWHERE!

Just because he (Mr. Griffin) has some usavory views, doesnt mean he is not right about a few things. When you mix 61 million people together in a cramped tiny place, you are going to get some pretty explosive results. Just look at Watts and L.A. Goes on all the time there.

Of course we have immigration problems. Of course we have racial tensions. I think much of that has been caused by this Labour government that we have foisted upon us . My point is, we shouldnt be lulled into thinking that the BNP has come close to solving our problems, purely because they wear an expensive suit and speak softer and more educated than the former leader of the National Front, John Tyndall. They're all cut from the same cloth. Its a PR exercise that most of us aint buying. Immigration isnt a problem that should be hinged around a racial problem. Colour has sod all to do with it. Too many people sharing the same plot of land might but colour ? Of course not.

Yes we're a soft touch. Yes we're any easy target for the greedy. We have enough home bred lazy, greedy gits. But by what stretch of the imagination do we arrive at giving succour to a Holocaust denying facist, who bases his motives around racial stereotypes and ignorant bigotry ?
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Snowfire »

Raven;1255300 wrote: Yes actually, you have been. I guess you have to go to Cornwall or Wales to figure that out.

So how far do we want to go back ? Arent we all descended from a single tribe in Africa ? The whole world can be traced back to that singularity
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

Snowfire;1255304 wrote: So how far do we want to go back ? Arent we all descended from a single tribe in Africa ? The whole world can be traced back to that singularity
As far back as need be to figure out who you are and what you stand for. Tea, the Queen, and Sunday Roasts, changing of the guard at the palace, red phone boxes, and Lord Mayors Parade? What makes you ENGLISH? What makes GMC a SCOT? Can Mikinie say why IRISH? It's a heritage thats under fire here. Not racial perfection. Thats very GERMAN. :yh_rotfl
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

Snowfire;1255303 wrote: Of course we have immigration problems. Of course we have racial tensions. I think much of that has been caused by this Labour government that we have foisted upon us . My point is, we shouldnt be lulled into thinking that the BNP has come close to solving our problems, purely because they wear an expensive suit and speak softer and more educated than the former leader of the National Front, John Tyndall. They're all cut from the same cloth. Its a PR exercise that most of us aint buying. Immigration isnt a problem that should be hinged around a racial problem. Colour has sod all to do with it. Too many people sharing the same plot of land might but colour ? Of course not.

Yes we're a soft touch. Yes we're any easy target for the greedy. We have enough home bred lazy, greedy gits. But by what stretch of the imagination do we arrive at giving succour to a Holocaust denying facist, who bases his motives around racial stereotypes and ignorant bigotry ?
You dont. There was an MP in the 50's or 60's that told a few home truths as well and was pillocked for it. I saw a young guy on the telly say something about this country being founded on freedom of speech. No it wasnt! That was America mate. The point is, even the English dont know what ENGLAND is about. So if they dont know, then how can you in anyway PRESERVE what ENGLISH HERITAGE is? May as well give it to the immigrants. Which is what it looks like you are doing. Do you like the idea of a spinarette in place of Nelson?
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by farmer giles »

kazalala;1255298 wrote: Griffin is not the ONLY one to want to tackle immigration.. his motives however are far different to others, and that is what i object to.

good point kaza:-6
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Snowfire »

Raven;1255307 wrote: As far back as need be to figure out who you are and what you stand for. Tea, the Queen, and Sunday Roasts, changing of the guard at the palace, red phone boxes, and Lord Mayors Parade? What makes you ENGLISH? What makes GMC a SCOT? Can Mikinie say why IRISH? It's a heritage thats under fire here. Not racial perfection. Thats very GERMAN. :yh_rotfl

And long may that all continue. We have been invaded from all sides since our existance. We are no les English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish.

We can look after ourselves without the help of Griffin.

I'm afraid racial perfection is far from being exclusively German. Its alive and kicking in all four corners of the globe. Including Africa
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by farmer giles »

nick gremlin was bleating on about a pure british race that can be traced back for thousands of years,but oscar told me he comes from a romany gypsy family they have only been in the uk foe a few hundred years

er pot ...kettle .... :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

what a total plum :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

Snowfire;1255313 wrote: And long may that all continue. We have been invaded from all sides since our existance. We are no les English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish.

We can look after ourselves without the help of Griffin.

I'm afraid racial perfection is far from being exclusively German. Its alive and kicking in all four corners of the globe. Including Africa
Yeah but it's mostly attributed to the infamous western brand labeled NAZI. At least here in the west.

We keep bleating on about the holocaust and yet we stand by and do nothing about genocide perpertrated by Serbia? And what do you guys do when they come here for asylum? Rip 'em up. So I say all objections to Griffin are a smoke screen to something else. Everyone I know is a racist in one way or another. Actually they are something worse. Hypocrits. But why? Why be against someone who is openly a fascist and then turn around and bleat on about the irish gypsies or 'travelers' as you call them? I really dont get you lot at all. :thinking:
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Bruv »

Raven;1255291 wrote: Are you so sure it is not racial preservation thats needed here? Let me say it again, NOT racial perfection, but racial preservation. You guys are so seriousally a minority in your own country, it's beyond funny. The only places you can find the ENGLISH these days, in any numbers, are Spain, America, New Zealand and Australia. I think it is good that your former colonies have grown in numbers, because that may be the only outposts for ENGLISH DNA soon.

Is racial preservation just another educated smarmy way of saying racial perfection or racial integrity ?

There are many parts of our cultural identity, that is English cultural indentity that depends on our immigrant population, how about a night out without a curry or a kebab ? Sacrilege !!!!!

The essence of England is in its diversity, its compassion, its tolerance (we even tolerate racist tossers)

What we need is a great big melting pot.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by abbey »

What pisses me off is the guy has openly stated that he wants "indigenous" people only in England

yet when asked, he never has the courage of his convictions and own up that his party and members are racist.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by farmer giles »

abbey;1255350 wrote: What pisses me off is the guy has openly stated that he wants "indigenous" people only in England

yet when asked, he never has the courage of his convictions and own up that his party and members are racist.

a bit like someone else here on fg :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Chookie »

abbey;1255350 wrote: What pisses me off is the guy has openly stated that he wants "indigenous" people only in England

I watched that nonsense last night and for all Griffins BNPness, he very rarely actually referred to Britain. It was almost exclusively "England" that he talked about (in quotation marks because it was his version of England, not the reality). If this cretin is the acceptable face of the BNP, nobody has anything to worry about.

When it comes to "indigenous" people his party doesn't seem to have even a basic knowledge of the English language. Here's quote from a BNP supporter on this very subject:- Must of you don’t appear to know what you are talking about don’t appear to understand simple terms such as indigenous as opposed to aboriginal.

To show how dis-associated they are, this is from Chambers Dictionary:-

aboriginal adj said of inhabitants: earliest known; indigenous.

on Raven's point about what makes some English or Scottish, that is down to where that person was born and has nothing to do with skin colour (as the BNP would have you believe).

For example, my next door neighbour is as black as the Earl of Hells waistcoat, yet his great-grandfather was born in Glasgow. The BNP would throw him out. Why? And where should he go?
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

"For example, my next door neighbour is as black as the Earl of Hells waistcoat, yet his great-grandfather was born in Glasgow. The BNP would throw him out. Why? And where should he go?"

Absolutely brilliant! Totally agree with you.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Political representation by right should be restricted to those "parties" that have at least one MP in Westminster but the panel on QT is not restricted to politicians. Given that, there is no reason why Nick Griffin should not have a one off appearance.

In the event, it just gave him a platform to make a pillock of himself - not impressed.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bryn Mawr;1257090 wrote: Political representation by right should be restricted to those "parties" that have at least one MP in Westminster but the panel on QT is not restricted to politicians. Given that, there is no reason why Nick Griffin should not have a one off appearance.

In the event, it just gave him a platform to make a pillock of himself - not impressed.
Then I have bad news for you Bryn:

Daily Express | UK News :: BNP could appear on Question Time again

They may also qualify for funding from the EU that will see regular BNP Party Political broadcasts if the level of support is maintained or Increases. It's all rather backfired has it not?
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Bryn Mawr »

oscar;1257094 wrote: Then I have bad news for you Bryn:

Daily Express | UK News :: BNP could appear on Question Time again

They may also qualify for funding from the EU that will see regular BNP Party Political broadcasts if the level of support is maintained or Increases. It's all rather backfired has it not?

Backfired? I have not heard a single person who thought that Grifin came out of that program with a single iota of credit - how is that "backfired"?
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by gmc »

oscar;1257094 wrote: Then I have bad news for you Bryn:

Daily Express | UK News :: BNP could appear on Question Time again

They may also qualify for funding from the EU that will see regular BNP Party Political broadcasts if the level of support is maintained or Increases. It's all rather backfired has it not?

You used to think gordon brown was wonderful, now you seem to think Griffin is. I think I'll send tyou a copy of the Sunday post so you can become enamoured of oor wullie instead-at least he's not an incompetent lying pillock like brown or a racist like Griffin-mind you I do remember the broons bairn referring to hindus as bandi hats because she thought their hats were made from bandages.

You might not understand the cultural references but I bet chookie and buttercup appreciate the subtle celebration of cultural diversity within the indigenous population of the british isles. Mind you he's have to go to wales to find the remnants of the actual indigenous population.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

gmc;1257157 wrote: You used to think gordon brown was wonderful, now you seem to think Griffin is. I think I'll send tyou a copy of the Sunday post so you can become enamoured of oor wullie instead-at least he's not an incompetent lying pillock like brown or a racist like Griffin-mind you I do remember the broons bairn referring to hindus as bandi hats because she thought their hats were made from bandages.

You might not understand the cultural references but I bet chookie and buttercup appreciate the subtle celebration of cultural diversity within the indigenous population of the british isles. Mind you he's have to go to wales to find the remnants of the actual indigenous population.
Bandi hats???!!! :yh_rotfl havent heard that one before! I'm just figuring out what the hell a pillock is! I dont think it's a brand of fish fingers!:-2
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Bruv »

Pillock= wassock

Pillock = numpty

Pillock= twat

Pillock= numb nuts

It quite easy Raven
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

Bruv;1257209 wrote: Pillock= wassock

Pillock = numpty

Pillock= twat

Pillock= numb nuts

It quite easy Raven
:yh_rotfl Still sounds like a fish finger to me! But I got ya!:p
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by abbey »

Raven;1257194 wrote: Bandi hats???!!! :yh_rotfl havent heard that one before! I'm just figuring out what the hell a pillock is! I dont think it's a brand of fish fingers!:-2
:wah: That's pollock not pillock.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Raven »

abbey;1257212 wrote: :wah: That's pollock not pillock.
:yh_rotfl Sorry! I thought it sounded like that!

C'mon, give a yank a break. I'm still laughing over bollocks! And I heard that one 6 years ago!
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Bruv »

"Nuts"............ to you.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by gmc »

Raven;1257194 wrote: Bandi hats???!!! :yh_rotfl havent heard that one before! I'm just figuring out what the hell a pillock is! I dont think it's a brand of fish fingers!:-2

Think what a turban looks like. Must admit not heard it used for years

oxford english dictionary


• noun Brit. informal a stupid person.

— ORIGIN from obsolete pillicock "penis".


(also ballocks)

• plural noun Brit. vulgar slang 1 the testicles. 2 treated as sing. nonsense; rubbish.

— ORIGIN related to BALL1.

Just in case you think we are making up the words.

For instance you might construct a sentence thus-Griffin is pillock who talks a load of bollocks. It's funny we use words like that in everyday speech (well depends who you're talking to ) but Americans seem to find them shockingly rude.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bryn Mawr;1257138 wrote: Backfired? I have not heard a single person who thought that Grifin came out of that program with a single iota of credit - how is that "backfired"?
Of course It has backfired. Griffin may have acted like a Pillock but over-all he has been percieved as a victem. The BBC have now set a precedent where they can not show bias in future appearences and party political broadcasts. The BNP website had 3,000 hits up to midday the following morning after the programme, and figures show BNP approx 1,000 members waiting on a list for when the freeze on membership is lifted in three months. That is not Including the Govpoll that showed 22% will consider voting BNP in the election. I call that 'Backfiring'. especially when It looks like that future BBC appearences will not be Griffin but some-one far more suitable and believable. In your mind it may have been a disaster but you must look at the ramifications as a whole across the country. There is no such thing as bad publicity.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Chookie »

oscar;1257241 wrote: Of course It has backfired. Griffin may have acted like a Pillock but over-all he has been percieved as a victem.
Not by any being with a functional braincell he wasn't. He was perceived as the cretin that he is.

oscar;1257241 wrote: The BBC have now set a precedent where they can not show bias in future appearences and party political broadcasts
That's not before time - IF it happens.

oscar;1257241 wrote: That is not Including the Govpoll that showed 22% will consider voting BNP in the election
Or more likely that 22% lied to the pollsters. How many of those polled were Welsh, Irish or Scots? Very few of your Celtic cousins share your apparent veneration for this nonentity. After all he would try to repatriate us...

PS. gmc, I never understood the Sunday Post or it's contents. But then, I'm a teuchter
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by gmc »

PS. gmc, I never understood the Sunday Post or it's contents. But then, I'm a teuchter

It's actually dundonian which might explain that. I was at a seminar where there were geordies and aberdonioans in attendance-the poor yorshireman taking it spent his time looking puzzled when asked a question and the londoners clearly thought they had somehow landed on another planet.
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Snowfire »

oscar;1257241 wrote: Of course It has backfired. Griffin may have acted like a Pillock but over-all he has been percieved as a victem. The BBC have now set a precedent where they can not show bias in future appearences and party political broadcasts. The BNP website had 3,000 hits up to midday the following morning after the programme, and figures show BNP approx 1,000 members waiting on a list for when the freeze on membership is lifted in three months. That is not Including the Govpoll that showed 22% will consider voting BNP in the election. I call that 'Backfiring'. especially when It looks like that future BBC appearences will not be Griffin but some-one far more suitable and believable. In your mind it may have been a disaster but you must look at the ramifications as a whole across the country. There is no such thing as bad publicity.

Victim my arse. Even his own party colleagues are rounding after him. He was even an embarrassment to them. He was seen as the twat we all thought he was
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FG Poll... Did Griffin merit his QT Appearence?....

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Snowfire;1257385 wrote: Victim my arse. Even his own party colleagues are rounding after him. He was even an embarrassment to them. He was seen as the twat we all thought he was
I'm not talking about the Party who see's him as the victem, more some of the General public who have never seen him speak before.
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