Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Abram Is Muslim
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

:mad::mad::mad: Why I'm a terrorist ....!!!:mad::mad::mad:

Im Muhamed ....:driving: , why you imagine me a :mad:

Well Im not that , why you imagine me like that....??

Do You think I believe in killing the non believers in (My Allah), as CNN tells you :lips:...??

Do You think Im in a peaceful religion , but its the politics make me wanna kill you ( All the Americans :mad:)

Can You just relax and let me answer whole your questions......:confused:


Let me start with showing two pictures of Bin Laden,

Thats Bin Laden'spicture, when he was teenager with his family :D , they are big family I know:D

Look at his picture alone ;) , he might be your first crush;)

Down is his picture with his family, when he was teenager.

So the question arise in your head now , what convert that guy into a terrorist , its the beared, its Islam.....:driving: but wait dont let your guessing take u so far away from the truth...

Let us first discuss the teachings of Islam, then study the Islamic history, and at last end with discussing this days , whats going on , is it the politics,and if it was the politics, who started attacking and who is defending,lets not mix the papers, lets find ,who started, and what he did....??, Lets search who is the victim ,and who is the criminal , every war has two sides , each of them call the other a terrorist , the English kept calling the Irish terrorists , and the Irish calling them terrorists or occupying force , the Russian and the Chichan , America and the Native Indians,there are always two sides of every conflict, and you see the things from your side ,learn to look from the other side too , to be able to have plan view ( as We Engineers say)...:guitarist

Let me start with the Islamic teachings,

Does Islam ask for killing the people for no reason....??

Quran says that killing One human being for other manslaughter"he was a killer" or corruption in the earth"i.e. rapping",,the person who kill any human being for anything but that,God will punish him as if he killed whole the huminity, and who save One human being, God will reward him, as if he saved whole the huminity.....

For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty), but afterwards lo! many of them became prodigals in the earth. (Quran 5:32)

Does Islam allow the freedom in believing in any faith....??

There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower. (Quran 2:256)

When Muslims Can fight....??

We Muslims have special way in living its called in seeking for God,how, like studying hard to be a great Engineer,and be helpful Muslim and God loves me,like that I have intetation in seeking for God,like Im honest at my work and work ,just to make God loves me and accept my work,then I work seeking for God, and even when I fight defending my soul ,my family, my land, my religion,if I fighted according to the rules God put,like

-the Belivers Shouldnt start a fight.

Sanction (to fight) is given unto those who fight because they have been wronged; and Allah is indeed Able to give them victory; (39) Those who have been driven from their homes unjustly only because they said: Our Lord is Allah - For had it not been for Allah's repelling some men by means of others, cloisters and churches and oratories and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft mentioned, would assuredly have been pulled down. Verily Allah helpeth one who helpeth Him. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty - (Quran 22:40)

-the Believers should Just punish as much they been through.

Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. (Quran 2:190)

-the Believers should stop whenever the Other asked for Peace,even if you werent sure of the intetations.

And if they incline to peace, incline thou also to it, and trust in Allah. Lo! He, is the Hearer, the Knower. (Quran 8:61)

So You cant fight but defending ,never attacking , God loveth not agreessors.

-the Believers cant never kill a woman, a kid , an aged ,or cut a tree or or or.

The prophet used to advise the Army those 10 advises,

I advise you ten things| Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly.”

A Question may arise here,why dont you forgive who are mean to you ,,,,,

Islam talks everywhere about the Tepmer controling, and forgining , those who are mean to us,

, those who control their wrath and are forgiving toward mankind; Allah loveth the good; (Quran 3:134)

Keep to forgiveness (O Muhammad), and enjoin kindness, and turn away from the ignorant. (Quran 7:199)

And let not those who possess dignity and ease among you swear not to give to the near of kin and to the needy, and to fugitives for the cause of Allah. Let them forgive and show indulgence. Yearn ye not that Allah may forgive you? Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Quran 24:22)

Tell those who believe to forgive those who hope not for the days of Allah; in order that He may requite folk what they used to earn. (Quran 45-14)

those who, when great wrong is done to them, defend themselves, (39) The guerdon of an ill-deed is an ill the like thereof. But whosoever pardoneth and amendeth, his wage is the affair of Allah. Lo! He loveth not wrong-doers. (40) And whoso defendeth himself after he hath suffered wrong - for such, there is no way (of blame) against them. (41) The way (of blame) is only against those who oppress mankind, and wrongfully rebel in the earth. For such there is a painful doom. (42) And verily whoso is patient and forgiveth - lo! that, verily, is (of) the stedfast heart of things. (Quran 42:43)

And vie one with another for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who ward off (evil); (Quran 3:133)

Once a man came to Prophet Muhammad and said, "O Allah's Messenger! How many times should I forgive the mistakes of slaves?" The Noble Prophet kept quiet. The man repeated his question three times, and the Prophet replied at the third time, "Forgive them seventy times every day." A man had two slaves but was not happy with them. He used to beat and abuse them but they did not change their ways. He complained to the Prophet and asked for his advice. Prophet Muhammad said that if his punishment was in proportion to their wrongs, well and good; otherwise Allah would punish him for his excess. On hearing this the man was upset and began crying. Prophet Muhammad recited the verse from the Qur'an, "We shall set up scales of justice on the Day of Resurrection." (1:47) and observed that the man did not read the Qur'an. After this he said, "O Allah's Messenger, it is better that I release them from my possession. Be witness that they are now free."

But Once a sword was raised before you, and someOne trys to kill you,you should fight back......................

God says in Quran talking to prophet Muhamed,tell them"the pagans,the Christian and Jews" , you have your religion,and I have mine.

Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion. (Quran 109:6

I wil Post a thread containing a movie contain the history of Islam (Its American) talking about the history of Islam ,called the Message,you will see how they suffered killing , beating ,rapping ,and whole the things you cant imagine for 13 years ,then God gave them the permission to fight,those who fight them,

Sanction (to fight) is given unto those who fight because they have been wronged; and Allah is indeed Able to give them victory; (39) Those who have been driven from their homes unjustly only because they said: Our Lord is Allah - For had it not been for Allah's repelling some men by means of others, cloisters and churches and oratories and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft mentioned, would assuredly have been pulled down. Verily Allah helpeth one who helpeth Him. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty - (Quran 22:40)

But dont forget the main rules,

The prophet used to advise the Army those 10 advises,

I advise you ten things| Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly.”

Does God ask to kill non believers and terminate them as some priests want you to beleive...??

God ask us to show love and kindness to those non beleivers who doesnt fight us , or get us out of our lands, and kill us.

Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo! Allah loveth the just dealers. (Quran 60:8)

Is fighting an aim or a means in Islam...??

No, the fighting is just to stop their fighting against believers,but if they asked for peace ,then we should accept and live in peace,even if we thought that they just want time,to get ready and fight back,we should trust in God and accept.

And if they incline to peace, incline thou also to it, and trust in Allah. Lo! He, is the Hearer, the Knower. (Quran 8:61)

The believers should fight but those who fight them,they shouldnt start fighting , NOo, the believers Just fight defending thier fight agaist them.

Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. (Quran 2:190)

And when you fight them back , fight them just the same,where ever they were, if they got you out of your land, get them out of it ,can you see equality in punishement... And God says dont fight them in the holy places,but if they started,If they attack you ,then fight them and if you killed who attack you with a weapon, if you killedhim defending your life, God wont punish you,its your right to defend your soul..Dont hate the word fight....Fight may save your life, Do you accept that Police fight agianst the Crime....??

Sure it will make our life peaceful , and at the same time we should teach them and educate them, But what if those thiefs have guns....The American cups,have a principal "SHOOT DA HEAD" , if he has a gun , and start acting like he is going to shoot the cup , then its the Cup's right to shoot him,to spread peace,,, Fight for a fair Case will bring peace...But lets say there was no fighting at all , and the gangs spreaded everywhere in the street, killing those , rapping this, stealing those,,,,Where the peace then.....??

Dont tell me , they gonna change , because I already mentioned that the first way to deal is discussion , but Once guns appear, then fighting back is Important to save the peace , and the innoncient souls...

And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out[can you see,when they start spreading terrorism], for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.[who fighted you , Belivers, and got you out of your lands, and spreaded the terrorism] (Quran 2:191)

But If they stopped attacking you,and asked for peace , you should listen to the voice of peace ,even if you felt they just asked for peace to have the time to get more ready , You should trust in God ,andlisten to the voice of peace.

But if they desist, then lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Quran 2:192)

Why the fighting,again......??

fight the, if they attackedyou to kill the believers and terminate the faith, and spread their paganism,rather than the faith in God.

And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah[not contorl you with weapon , and make you worship Idls]. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers. (Quran 2:193)

How should you fight....??

Neverbe unjustice, attack them,just the same as they fighted you,

The forbidden month for the forbidden month, and forbidden things in retaliation. And one who attacketh you, attack him in like manner as he attacked you. Observe your duty to Allah, and know that Allah is with those who ward off (evil). (Quran 2:194)

Fighting is bad,I know, but If we didnt fight who fight us,then we will live in submission,and loss our lives,our peace,our freedom and our faith,,,We all hate fighting,but when fighting is to stop who attack me to kill me , then I should fight defending my soul, and that fight will spread peace...

Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not. (Quran 2:216)

If you Just readed that Hadith about who is considered to be a martyr in Islam, you will know,when you can fight in Islam,

Book 40, Number 4754:

Narrated Sa'id ibn Zayd:

The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: He who is killed while protecting his property is a martyr, and he who is killed while defending his family, or his blood, or his religion is a martyr.

So The Summery of my topic,

Muslims can fight ober that ,

You can fight defending things,

1-you life : I dont think if someone came towards you with a guy, you will give him your back, and get shoot in silence, you should fight and defend your life.

2-your family : I dont think if a man tried to rap your wife, ur daughter , your mom , I dont think you will be peaceful praying God , not to make her feel pain, and wait on him to finish.

3-your land , I dont think if the Soviet Union came back ,and descided to occupy US, I dont think when you fight them back, you wont call your selvies terrorists, but afreedom fighters, while when the Muslims fight the occuping American Army in Iraq or Aghanistan , they are terrorists .

4-your money , I dont think if someone came to rob you, you will give him your pocket, and the credit cards ,in addition,if you did that , and everybody did that , the thives will increase daily.

5-your religion , like what the Soviet Union was doing in the Soviet empire, they spreaded athiestic with power, and punished believers , if you were captured having religion books , or praying , you go to prison , In this case you have to fight against that union, that prevent the freedom of believing.

Our next discussion is about the History of Muslims , we already discussed the Islam teachings....

So You should deny those who say terrorist Islam, and know we have to discuss who is the terrorist....??

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Why Im a terrorist.....??Loving Jihad
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by minks »

hmmmm that first picture looks vaguely familiar to me... i wanna say scott baio :yh_rotfl

whatever, but I have to say... no matter how you try and plead your case about your beliefs and your purity, your religion etc, you will never convince everybody of your nations greatness. What was done has tainted millions upon millions.

I hope the faith you support in turn supports the greater good of mankind.
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Abram Is Muslim
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

minks;1204525 wrote: hmmmm that first picture looks vaguely familiar to me... i wanna say scott baio :yh_rotfl

whatever, but I have to say... no matter how you try and plead your case about your beliefs and your purity, your religion etc, you will never convince everybody of your nations greatness. What was done has tainted millions upon millions.

I hope the faith you support in turn supports the greater good of mankind.

I'm not searching for greatness for a nation or anything ,and Islam isnt a nationality , Im repeating, its a faith spreading all over the world...:-6Im correcting definations ,and showing facts hidden from TV, we can all make sure of the sources I will put here later...

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by kazalala »

minks;1204525 wrote: hmmmm that first picture looks vaguely familiar to me... i wanna say scott baio :yh_rotfl

whatever, but I have to say... no matter how you try and plead your case about your beliefs and your purity, your religion etc, you will never convince everybody of your nations greatness. What was done has tainted millions upon millions.

I hope the faith you support in turn supports the greater good of mankind.

he is from the tv show,, that 70's show Minks:D


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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by abbey »

Thats Bin Laden'spicture, when he was teenager with his family :D , they are big family I know:D

Look at his picture alone ;) , he might be your first crush;)

There is only one thing I'd like to crush..........HIM!
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

abbey;1204534 wrote: There is only one thing I'd like to crush..........HIM!

Why you hurry judging, you didnt even wait till I discuss the history and persons, I just studied the teachings till now :guitarist Just wait then judge :driving:

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by abbey »

Abram Is Muslim;1204537 wrote:

Why you hurry judging, you didnt even wait till I discuss the history and persons, I just studied the teachings till now :guitarist Just wait then judge :driving:Wait for what?

Nothing you could say would make me think that he's nothing less than a murdering bastard!
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

abbey;1204541 wrote: Wait for what?

Nothing you could say would make me think that he's nothing less than a murdering bastard!

Thanks for the language, anyways , wait and see some little facts you never knew

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by spot »

minks;1204525 wrote: whatever, but I have to say... no matter how you try and plead your case about your beliefs and your purity, your religion etc, you will never convince everybody of your nations greatness. What was done has tainted millions upon millions.Oh come on minksy, what nation on the planet could avoid that sort of accusation. Least of all, much as I love them, Canada or the UK.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Nomad »

your land , I dont think if the Soviet Union came back ,and descided to occupy US, I dont think when you fight them back, you wont call your selvies terrorists, but afreedom fighters, while when the Muslims fight the occuping American Army in Iraq or Aghanistan , they are terrorists .

Sounds like you got that from CNN Abram.

The majority of us arent calling the ones who fight back terrorists.
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Are we talking about Islam or terrorists? You see as a human being I don't make the connection between a religion and terrorism because religion is just a cover for it. You're either a murdering barstard who seeks gain for an imagined/real reason or you are a peaceful person of your religion. Can't be both because it's hypocritical
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by minks »

kazalala;1204533 wrote: he is from the tv show,, that 70's show minks:d

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by minks »

spot;1204547 wrote: Oh come on minksy, what nation on the planet could avoid that sort of accusation. Least of all, much as I love them, Canada or the UK.

Nobody is going to convince everybody of their nations greatness... or any other greatness really, we just can't please everybody.

are ya yankin my chain spotty?
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

Nomad;1204557 wrote:

Sounds like you got that from CNN Abram.

The majority of us arent calling the ones who fight back terrorists.

For sorrow the media is directed according to what thepoliticans want

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Fyrenza »

i have no problem with folks that are deeply religious;

i have a BIG problem with a religion that would promote, in any way, shape for form,


You know, it happened with the Christians, but it doesn't usually take folks millennia to figure out that killing everyone that "isn't" whatever ~ the same religion, the same race, etc.,

just isn't feasible,


in the Big Scheme of Things,

the will of your God.

Just my 2¢
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

Fyrenza;1204667 wrote: i have no problem with folks that are deeply religious;

i have a BIG problem with a religion that would promote, in any way, shape for form,


You know, it happened with the Christians, but it doesn't usually take folks millennia to figure out that killing everyone that "isn't" whatever ~ the same religion, the same race, etc.,

just isn't feasible,


in the Big Scheme of Things,

the will of your God.

Just my 2¢

I think in a professional way I showed you the Islamic teachings in verses ,and not Only that I said , Im gonna discuss the Islamic history , then discuss the conflicts everywhere.

So can you not judge and just discuss the teachings I mentioned or ask whtever you want??

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Why Im a terrorist.....??Loving Jihad
Abram Is Muslim
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

Read That Link again Fyrenza, and discuss me about the teachings through that link , its another thread here,

Did the Bible cause terrorism.....??

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

so we're dissing the bible now?
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by spot »

fuzzywuzzy;1204709 wrote: so we're dissing the bible now?

Why not? It's scarcely based on Christian principles, is it.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Bill Sikes »

spot;1204714 wrote: It's scarcely based

Cluck cluck cluck cluck *squawk* - how did that circular egg get there? (5,2)
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

Bill Sikes;1204719 wrote: Cluck cluck cluck cluck *squawk* - how did that circular egg get there? (5,2)


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Why Im a terrorist.....??Loving Jihad
Abram Is Muslim
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

fuzzywuzzy;1204709 wrote: so we're dissing the bible now?

I wished making a rational explaining of everything you wonder about Islam , but you didnt give me the chance , I didnt want to spam the thread ,I wrote in that many times before , but I wanted us to discuss thing but thing , so it will be more better to sound like a discussion....

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Why Im a terrorist.....??Loving Jihad
Abram Is Muslim
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

No Questions Over that Part :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I have already seen where you're coming from . You are preaching not discussing. You copy and paste and interpret things by your own standard not by a world view standard therefore it it useless talking to you . You wouldn't understand anyway.
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

fuzzywuzzy;1204780 wrote: I have already seen where you're coming from . You are preaching not discussing. You copy and paste and interpret things by your own standard not by a world view standard therefore it it useless talking to you . You wouldn't understand anyway.

:lips:Thank You for Your Opinion:lips:

:lips:Im an Egyptian sand Nigero Engineer :lips:

Anyways , still there are many many members on that forum love to discuss , teach and learn.

I'm proud of having them here are Forum mates :D:guitarist :guitarist :guitarist :guitarist :guitarist :guitarist :guitarist

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Fyrenza »

Well, it would appear that you are trying to make Osama out to be, like,

a goofy kid next door ~

i say that because of the pictures you posted.

We don't see that man in that light.

Whether he started OUT as a goofy kid next door,

he turned into one of the most vicious men on the planet.

He spews an Islam that calls for the death of ALL non-Muslims.


You start out, defending that obscenity to humanity,

and try to convince us,

with scant quotations from your Qur'an,

how peace loving and wEnderful Muslims are? :eek:

Even though the nations that are majority Muslim countries are STILL funding terrorism?

Even though your own holy men are spewing this vehemence to ALL Muslims?

Even though Muslims continue to attack Israel?

Oh, wait! Let me guess...

ISRAEL started it!

Abram Is Muslim
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

Fyrenza;1204822 wrote: Well, it would appear that you are trying to make Osama out to be, like,

a goofy kid next door ~

i say that because of the pictures you posted.

We don't see that man in that light.

Whether he started OUT as a goofy kid next door,

he turned into one of the most vicious men on the planet.

He spews an Islam that calls for the death of ALL non-Muslims.


You start out, defending that obscenity to humanity,

and try to convince us,

with scant quotations from your Qur'an,

how peace loving and wEnderful Muslims are? :eek:

Even though the nations that are majority Muslim countries are STILL funding terrorism?

Even though your own holy men are spewing this vehemence to ALL Muslims?

Even though Muslims continue to attack Israel?

Oh, wait! Let me guess...

ISRAEL started it!


IS it about English , Or Im not making my self clear :( , sucks :(

I said its a rational discussion here explaining everything , and discussing the terrorism on three stages,

-The ISlamic Teachings.

-The Islamic History.

-The Nowadays conflitcs.

And by the ways Mrs. Educated knowing everything [ Bin Laden is dead since 2001], and many approved that fact, and some doesnt agree with it , but at least many political scholars, agreed that the 911 was inside Job , as I will show later.....so Can you ask Questions, not just atteck.

So anyOne has any Question before I start discussing the Islamic History....

But before that It would be helpful to discuss the christianty in parrell...

and Bin Laden is nothing to whole the Muslims, not Bin Laden ,nor him ,we dont have holy men, nor popes


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Why Im a terrorist.....??Loving Jihad
Abram Is Muslim
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

That verses is basically in the Torah , the book of Jews , but the Christians too , believe in the same Book , as an Old Testament....

Ezekiel 9:6Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.

Isaiah 13:16Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.

Hosea 13:1616 Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

1 Samuel 15:2-4

2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.

3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

4 And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.

Let us look at Numbers 31:17 "Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."

Also, let us look at Numbers 31:35-40 "[From the captives of war] 32,000 women who had never slept with a man.......of which the tribute for the LORD was 32 [virgin women]."

Why kill the innocent children? Why kill all of the non-virgin women? Back then, it was only men who fought men in wars. Women rarely fought in battle fields. So what crime did the innocent children and the non-virgin women do?

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Abram Is Muslim;1204825 wrote:

IS it about English , Or Im not making my self clear :( , sucks :(

I said its a rational discussion here explaining everything , and discussing the terrorism on three stages,

-The ISlamic Teachings.

-The Islamic History.

-The Nowadays conflitcs.

And by the ways Mrs. Educated knowing everything [ Bin Laden is dead since 2001], and many approved that fact, and some doesnt agree with it , but at least many political scholars, agreed that the 911 was inside Job , as I will show later.....so Can you ask Questions, not just atteck.

So anyOne has any Question before I start discussing the Islamic History....

But before that It would be helpful to discuss the christianty in parrell...

and Bin Laden is nothing to whole the Muslims, not Bin Laden ,nor him ,we dont have holy men, nor popes

Okay, so here's a question:

What was your point in using bin Laden as ~ well, i'm not sure exactly what he's supposed to be an example of, to be honest, but whatever?

(Oh, and i haven't called you "names" ~ you meant Mrs. Know-It-All, btw ;) ~

nor have i attacked you . Unless you consider my dissent an attack?)

Another question:

Have you visited any of the other religion-based forums here, to read the posts

with the SAME OPEN MIND with which you expect us to read your posts?

What did you think of the Jewish forum?
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Fyrenza;1204828 wrote: Okay, so here's a question:

What was your point in using bin Laden as ~ well, i'm not sure exactly what he's supposed to be an example of, to be honest, but whatever?

The point here is to arise Questions in the heads what turn that little handsome guy into that WANTED man.

by arising those questions, everybody will be excited to know the whole story.

I wish you gotmy point.

Fyrenza;1204828 wrote: (Oh, and i haven't called you "names" ~ you meant Mrs. Know-It-All, btw ;) ~

nor have i attacked you . Unless you consider my dissent an attack?)

Another question:

Have you visited any of the other religion-based forums here, to read the posts

with the SAME OPEN MIND with which you expect us to read your posts?What did you think of the Jewish forum?

I not only read the other religion posts, and not only post alot in the christian forum, I study many sacred scriptures including the christian, the Jewish and the Hinduism.

I'm an Engineer,and by the way I have many Italian relativies in my family, they are catholic.

and my fiance is American, converted into Islam.

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Abram Is Muslim;1204781 wrote: CENTER] : lips: : lips: : lips: : lips:

Anyways , still there are many many members on that forum love to discuss , teach and learn.

I'm proud of having them here are Forum mates : D: guitarist : guitarist : guitarist : guitarist : guitarist : guitarist : guitarist[/CENTER]

I'm not discussing anything with a cut'n'paste machine.

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Bill Sikes;1204948 wrote: I'm not discussing anything with a cut'n'paste machine.


Who Cut and Past cant discuss friend:lips:

and where is that cut and past , Can you show us please :confused:

waiting friends for any questions :guitarist

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Abram Is Muslim;1204964 wrote: FONT="Comic Sans MS"]COLOR="SeaGreen"]

: lips:

and where is that cut and past , Can you show us please : confused:

Less of the inclusive "us", please.
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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fuzzywuzzy;1204780 wrote: I have already seen where you're coming from . You are preaching not discussing. You copy and paste and interpret things by your own standard not by a world view standard therefore it it useless talking to you . You wouldn't understand anyway.

Bill Sikes;1204948 wrote: I'm not discussing anything with a cut'n'paste machine.


Actually that's rather unfair. I've seen many people copy text from scriptures into threads on FG over the years and I don't think any of us have managed as effectively as our friend here does to stick to what's relevant while not leaving out the key passages. He's making an intelligent effort to provide the thread with the tools which are needed to discuss the topic from an informed perspective. The colour and font changes are a slightly messy layout but they can be untangled because they're consistent, I'd prefer indenting and labelling passages myself but that's secondary.
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Originally Posted by Bill Sikes View Post

I'm not discussing anything with a cut'n'paste machine.


spot;1204971 wrote: Actually that's rather unfair. (SNIP) The colour and font changes are a slightly messy layout but they can be untangled because they're consistent, I'd prefer indenting and labelling passages myself but that's secondary.

I don't think it's unfair at all - and together with the *frightful* colour changes and ghastly format, if there were actually to be some sort of useful message in there, it's simply not going to be read.
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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After we discussed the teachings let me discuss the history Of Muslims ,then discuss the exist conflicts,

When God allowed fighting in Islam...??Why...??and How...??

The Muslims faced so much hard treatment in Meccah , where the message appeared,in the begining, and the pagans treated them so much ,but everyday, the believers's numbers increased,the pagans killed many believers , they even cut them into halfs, but the believers were increasing daily,the Believers lived 13 years in that treatment, 13 years being beated ,and killed.

The Disbeliever made an agreement of not dealing at anyway with the believers ,and locked them in the moutines, the Believers were starving for years,cant find anything to eat or dink, some believrs hided thier faith , and kept sneaking and passing by them giving them food, that lasted for years.....Can yo Imagine.....that so far even harder than what Jesus suffered, Jesus was hung over a cross"as the christians believe, those people were cut into halfs,One of them, a woman,were tight to two camels,and she was cut into halfs......I think what Jesus suffered"as the Christians believe that he was crossed", what he suffered wont be like a person being cut into halfs starting from down ,Jesus was drinking wine and eating and and, while they were starving for years in the desert....Im not trying to put Jesus down, because Jesus is one of the greatest five prophets,but I'm trying to say that believing in a religion because of a movie moving your feelings ,thats not the right thing, If you watched a movie about Krishna, the hindusm God of pagan, you may convert into a pagan , his story is more emotional than Jesus's.

God allowed the prophet and the followers to Immagirate to the Madina,another city next to Meccah, many Jews lived in that city,because they know from their scriptures that a Prophet,from the sons of Ishmael, will be sent in Paran"Meccah's name in the Holy book", the Jews in the Madinah were always telling the Arabs that when that prophet appear we gonna be over you all,so when the Prophet Muhamed was sent almost all the Arabs in the Madinah , believed in him,and the Jews kept testing him and asking him,just the same as they did with Jesus, and they even refused him as they refused Jesus,and tried to kill him too,and some of them converted into Islam.....

Anyways, the belivers Immagirated from Meccah to Madinag were called "Al Mohajreen, means those who Imagirated", and the Muslims of the Madinah"was called Al Ansar, means the supporters of the believers who Imaggiirated",the prophet made brotheren relationship betweenthen , every One of them had a brother from the Others,where they divided everything by half.

I love to show to tell a story,it was so much great really, some of the Muhajreen"the Believers who Imagirted" passed a poor man of the Ansar"the Blievers of Madinah", they had no place to go to, he insisted to have them in his house for the night, but when he went to his wife he asked her"what do we have for them to eat..??" she said nothing "but food enough for our kids" , he said " make the kids sleep "keep them busy", and they stayed with the guests,and the man broke his light glass, to make it dark, and he stayed with his wife, and the guests, to eat , he and his wife agreed to make some sounds to make the guests feels that they eat with them,not to make them get shy,and stop eating, God said a verse talking about this family,and told the prophet Muhamed their story, the verse talked about how much the believrs deny them selvies...

Those who entered the city and the faith before them love those who flee unto them for refuge, and find in their breasts no need for that which hath been given them, but prefer (the fugitives) above themselves though poverty become their lot. And whoso is saved from his own avarice - such are they who are successful. (Quran 56:9)

The Believers who Imagirated left everything behind, the disbeleievrs stole them and thier houses, kept treating their families in Meccah so bad, the Believrs were asking God to permit them to fight back defending their faith, but the Prophet kept saying"God never permitted yet , God never permited yet" as we know Quran was sent as verses connected to Events the Believers passed.

The non believers descided to move and terminate Islam totally, by terminating that Islamic community in the Madinah , God allowed the Believers to fight defending their faith, and called their fight as fight seeking for God"because its fighting defending a fair case"the soul,the faith,the land,and the faith",God made thier fight defending thier lives,their families,their lands,and faith...

Sanction (to fight) is given unto those who fight because they have been wronged; and Allah is indeed Able to give them victory; (39) Those who have been driven from their homes unjustly only because they said: Our Lord is Allah - For had it not been for Allah's repelling some men by means of others, cloisters and churches and oratories and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft mentioned, would assuredly have been pulled down. Verily Allah helpeth one who helpeth Him. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty - (Quran 22:40)

And the Disbelievers were about 9 hundreds where the believers were about 3 hundreds, but God supported them,and gave them the victory, if God didnt made the believers face the non believers , the sorruption would spread all over the world.

"the world non-believers when its mentioned in Jihad,It means the disbeliever who fight believers, God allow the believers to fight back defending their faith,souls,land,and families.... Allah had not repelled some men by others the earth would have been corrupted. But Allah is a Lord of Kindness to (His) creatures. (Quran 2:251)

Does God ask to kill non believers and terminate them as some priests want you to beleive...??

God ask us to show love and kindness to those non beleivers who doesnt fight us , or get us out of our lands, and kill us.

Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo! Allah loveth the just dealers. (Quran 60:8)

For Example the History of Jeursalem,

ignored him at the end calling him crazy man , but with time ,poor,weak , and the slaves became to believe in that message , even the youth ,they got worry , they beated him badly , once they saw him praying , they put dirt over his back , and a little girl called Asmaa, removed the dirt away of his back, he was treated bad ,hit, and insulted, while they asked him to forget about that message , and they would give him any money he wants , and make him as a leader, he answered his uncle saying, I swear in God uncle "If they put the sun in my right , and the moon in my left , I will never leave that religion till God spread its mercy among the nations",and its known that when the prophet Muhammed PBUH when he died , there was no Cent in his house , he lived poor and died poor, when he was in Mecca, he was alone , and many tried to kill him , but he never cared , and when he became in Madinah , and made a big Islamic community ,he had a jewish neighbour used to leave his dirt infront of the prophet's house , and the prophet used to remove it away,without hurtting him , and once the prophet found no dirt there, he went to the man's house, and said I found no dirt infront of my house :D, so i know you are sick , so I came to see you , that Jewish converted over that mercy, and so on alot of examples I will mention later , If God well that.

vThe Church of judgment day:

The Roman Emperor Constantine the first transferred the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantine and declared Christianity the official religion of the country, which was a turnover for the Christians in Jerusalem, as the Church of judgment day was built in 326.

v The return of the Persians:

The Roman Empire was split in 395 into two vying states, which encouraged the Persians to raid and occupy Jerusalem from 614 to 628, but the Romans reclaimed it and it remained it their hands until the Islamic liberation in 636.

v The 1st Islamic Age (636-1072):

The Caliphate Omar bin Al Khatab entered the city of Jerusalem in 636/15H (or 638 according to the different sources) after the triumph of the Islamic army. The Patriarch Safronius stipulated that Omar himself receive the city, thus the latter wrote the Omrian Document with the Patriarch, which is an agreement granted Christians the religious freedom in returns of tribute or tax. Omar changed the name of the city from Ilya’a to Jerusalem (Al-Quds). The agreement included that no Jews shall live in the city.

From that time and on, Jerusalem has gained the Islamic ambience, as the Omyads (661-750) and Abbasians (750-878) looked after it. Also, the city witnessed scientific prosperity in various fields. The most important Islamic signs in that period was the Mosque of the Dome of the Rock which has been built between the period 682-691, while the holy Aqsa Mosque was rebuilt in 709.

After that year, the city has witnessed instability due to the military conflicts that broke out between the Abbasians, the Fatmians and the Qaramtas, while the city fell to the Salajqas in 1071.

v Jerusalem during the Crusades (1099-1187):

Jerusalem fell to the hands of the crusaders in 1099 five centuries after the Islamic rule due to the conflicts over sovereignty that broke out between the Saljuks and the Fatamids, and even between the Saljuks themselves.

The Crusaders killed around 70,000 Muslims when they

entered Jerusalem, and also desecrated the Islamic sanctuaries. From that date, a Catholic king who enforced the Catholic rituals on the Orthodox Christians, the thing that infuriated them, started a Latin kingdom.

v The 2nd Islamic Age:

Magnanimous leader Saladdin Al Ayubi managed to reclaim Jerusalem from the grip of the crusaders in 1187 after the battle of Hitteen. He treated the residents of Jerusalem well and removed the cross from the Dome of the Rock, and look after the city in terms of construction and fortification.

v The Crusaders again:

However, the crusaders succeeded in seizing the city after the death of Saladdin in the reign of Fredrick, the king of Sicily. Jerusalem remained in the hands of the crusaders for 11 years until the king Najmul Din Ayub reclaimed the city once and for all in 1244.

v The Mamaliks (1259-1517)

The Mongolians invaded Jerusalem in 1243/1244, however the Mamaliks defeated them under the leadership of Saiful Din Qotoz and Bebras in the battle of Ain Jalut (The eye of Saul) in 1259, after which Palestine, including Jerusalem, was annexed to the Mamaliks who ruled Egypt and Mesopotamia after the Ayubian state until 1517.

v The Ottomans (1617-1917):

The Ottoman armies, under the leadership of the Sultan Saleem the 1st, entered Jerusalem after the battle of Marj Dabeg in 1615/1616, after which Jerusalem became a city affiliated with the Ottoman Empire. The Sultan Sulayman Al Qanooni rebuilt the city walls and Dome of the Rock.

In 637 AC, Umar"the leader of Muslims" was given the key to the city by the Greek Orthodox patriarch, Sophronius who surrendered the city on terms that no one be harmed. Heraclius, the Byzantine Emperor, had fled. He entered Jerusalem in humility, walking in with not he, the Caliph, but his servant comfortably riding on a camel. They had been taking turns walking and riding (Muir: 135). The peace treaty he signed read as follows:

From the servant of The God and the Commander of the Faithful, Omar: The inhabitants of Jerusalem are granted security of life and property. Their churches and crosses shall be secure. This treaty applies to all people of the city. Their places of worship shall remain intact. These shall neither be taken over nor pulled down. People shall be quite free to follow their religion. They shall not be put to any trouble...

Later, Umar was invited to pray at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre but chose to pray some distance from the Church, saying that he was afraid that in the future Muslims could use this as an excuse to take over the Church to build a Masjid (Muir 1924: 132) , can you see the tolerance....!!!, Can you see that ,,,!!! , he was scared oneday,some Muslims may says ,that church belong to us, like what the Jews says about half of Egypt, just because they leaved tens of years among the pharoahs.

The Christians gave the key of the Church to Muslims to be responsible for its safety. This key is still with the Muslims today as a sign and symbol of the mutual trust. Fifty-five years later, the Mosque of Umar was constructed on the site where he prayed. That was believed to be the site where Jacob had spoken with God, known as the Sakhra, or “Rock,” and it was full of rubbish and dirt, which Umar began to clean. Umar is said to have asked to be taken to the site, or niche (mihrab Dawud), where David had 'sought forgiveness of his Lord' (Makiya 2001: 55). This was also believed to have been a place of prayer for Abraham. The same site is associated with Muhammad's Night Journey (isra') and Ascension (mir'aj) and with Q17: 1, which refers to the Night Journey and to the 'farthest mosque', which for Muslims means Jerusalem.

Westward, their conquests included Egypt, all northern Africa, and the greater part of Spain. Nearly all of this vast empire was gained within a hundred years after “the prophet’s” death. But its progress in western Europe was stopped in southern France by Charles Martel, who rallied the discordant tribes under the leadership of the Franks, and won a decisive victory at Tours in A.D. 732. But for the battle of Tours, it is possible that all Europe might have been a Mohammedan continent, and the crescent have taken the place of the cross.

The pre-Islamic period for the Copts was marked by two major events, the beginning of the Coptic calendar in AD 284, in commemoration of the persecution suffered by Egypt's Christians and the establishment of an independent Egyptian Church in 451 AD, following the council of Chalcedon which condemned the monphysite theology. Thereafter the relations between Egypt's Copts and Constantinople were strained as the Copts refused to recognize the religious authority of the Patriarchs of Alexandria appointed by the Byzantine State. These clerics were given widespread administrative power, in 550 AD, against the political and the religious dominance of Egypt by the outsiders. This opposition may in part account for the Copts acceptance of the Muslim conquest in 640 AD who saw the Muslims as liberators from the Byzantine yoke.

In its spread in Egypt, Christianity had seen the development of hermeticism; the voluntary retreat of religious men and women in Egypt. The monastic tradition in fact antedated Christianity in Egypt. The Christian anchorites were distinguished from the Jewish ones by the extremes of asceticism the pursued. Such individuals as Anthony (AD 252-357) and Paul (AD 235-341) led lives of total deprivation cut off as much as possible from all human contact.

One of the greatest story , I love to mention, when one of the copts,came to the president"the leader of Egypt,and told him , your son slap my son on his face, you said that you came with justice, where is your justice, the leader Amer Bin Al'as brought his son, and asked the copt's son, is he the one slap you, he said yes , then he asked him to salp him the same as he was slaped, that was the mercy and Justice of Islam, and in Europe , the church turned into a pagan community , they were burnning the scientists for says any scientific fact doesnt fit the Holy Book,that was the dark ages in Europe .

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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I've always consoled my kids that they were better off if their school pictures were awful, because we all know that the wackjobs out there always show up on the evening news having had perfectly normal looking boy-next-door school photos.

Normal folks blink or have zits and braces.
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Bill Sikes;1204985 wrote: Originally Posted by Bill Sikes View Post

I'm not discussing anything with a cut'n'paste machine.


I don't think it's unfair at all - and together with the *frightful* colour changes and ghastly format, if there were actually to be some sort of useful message in there, it's simply not going to be read.

I don't think it is as much cut and paste as it appears at first glance. Or links for that matter. But I can't find it to be a discussion, either. It's simply a lecture series. Discussion is give and take.

I like the kid though. I think that I could learn something just trying to figure out what he is trying to get me to understand..:D I just don't get some of it any more then I do when other folks with strong belief systems start in....

And I've gotten past my 'if spot likes him there must be something wrong with him' attitude..:wah:
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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I never spam the thread, I divided it into 3 syages,and I waitedtil we discuss all the first stage and no one asked , so I moved to the second stage

and thats history ,almost nothing to discuss but using trusted sources,last the nowaways exist conflicts are full of discussion , and it will be long ,we will start a country by country ending by (Ak Qa'ida )

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Abram Is Muslim;1205101 wrote: I never spam the thread, I divided it into 3 syages,and I waitedtil we discuss all the first stage and no one asked , so I moved to the second stage

and thats history ,almost nothing to discuss but using trusted sources,last the nowaways exist conflicts are full of discussion , and it will be long ,we will start a country by country ending by (Ak Qa'ida )
I don't think you are spamming the thread, but it takes a bit of sifting for some of us, to reach that conclusion. That's not your problem, it's mine..:D

You aren't doing anything wrong, so just keep on keeping on and we'll catch up and get more comfortable with each other and our posting styles as we get to know each other better.:-6
I expressly forbid the use of any of my posts anywhere outside of FG (with the exception of the incredibly witty 'get a room already' )posted recently.

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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flopstock;1205104 wrote: I don't think you are spamming the thread, but it takes a bit of sifting for some of us, to reach that conclusion. That's not your problem, it's mine..:D

You aren't doing anything wrong, so just keep on keeping on and we'll catch up and get more comfortable with each other and our posting styles as we get to know each other better.:-6

:DI'm sorry :D

I will do my best to make it more smiple and make conclusions.

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Abram Is Muslim;1204520 wrote: [CENTER]:mad::mad::mad: Why I'm a terrorist ....!!!:mad::mad::mad:


Let me start with showing two pictures of Bin Laden,

Thats Bin Laden'spicture, when he was teenager with his family :D , they are big family I know:D

Look at his picture alone ;) , he might be your first crush;)

Can you please explain this .................

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Before discussing the furture evens, we should know the facts about 911 ,who did it and why..................:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

You Should watch that American movie , to know how the media zipped the islamic mouthes showing the truth , and just the Rupublic's view of things were loud everywhere......:lips:

You can find many facts in that movie Loose Change 2nd Edition(CIA made 911)

-That movie was done by 3 American scholars guys, and they collected a lot of new facts in that movie , you will get shocked after watching it.

and Watch it Online from here :

YouTube - 911 Loose Change (full-length)

Please watch that movie , it gonna arise many questions inside you about where is the truth :confused: :confused: :confused:

Then Please watch that movie with me ,andfind out (Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?)........!!

If Morgan Spurlock has learned anything from over 30 years of movie-watching,

its that if the world needs saving, its best done by one loneman willing to face

danger head on to take it down, action hero style.So, with no military experience,

knowledge or expertise , he sets off to do what the CIA.

FBI and countless bounty hunters have failed to do: find the worlds most wanted man.

Why take on such a seemingly impossible mission?Simple-he wants to make the world safe

for his soon to be born child.But before he finds Osama bin Laden, he first needs to learn where he came from,

what makes him tick, and most importantly, what exactly created bin Laden to begin with

Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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Here's the actor your trying to tell us is Bin laden. Known as Fez in the show.

YouTube - That 70s Show - Musical Part 3
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buttercup;1205563 wrote: Can you please explain this .................

Mr , Mustange showed me that , and I told him where the missunderstanding came from , and I asked him to edit the picture,I googled young Bin Laden's pictures on Google, and I got that among his pictures, its the first attached pictures, look at the googled ones,the second picture is for Bin Laden (right) at Oxford with Tony Blair (centre)

And youcan read more about him here,

obituary: Mr Osama Bin Laden « over the hill

The third picture is well known for Bin Laden among his family in Denemark as I remember ,he is the second one from the left,

The fourth picture is for his neice on CNN (Wafaa Bin Laden)

The fiveth is for his son (Omar Bin Laden)

http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/0 ... 68x462.jpg

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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

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The Last thing I would love you to watch , How the Muslims live :confused:

30 Days as a Muslim is the third episode of season 1 of the reality television

show 30 days which produced by FX Networks created and introduced by

Morgan Spurlock. It talks about a devoted Christian who had to spend 30 days

with a Muslim family. See what his point of view is, after and before this

experience. You can read information about this episode of the show at Oprah website

watch it here

The Islamic History Of Europe

Why Im a terrorist.....??Loving Jihad
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by buttercup »

Who's Mr Mustange?
Abram Is Muslim
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

buttercup;1205580 wrote: Who's Mr Mustange?

One of the moderators here, he sent me private message telling me, and I apologized showing him how the missunderstanding happened

here is he

The Islamic History Of Europe

Why Im a terrorist.....??Loving Jihad
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by chonsigirl »

:wah: I see your siggie, good luck on your test. You must test the rest of your life, whether with paper and pen, or when you awake each day and find life before you.
Abram Is Muslim
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Why I'm a terrorist....?? Loving Jihad

Post by Abram Is Muslim »

chonsigirl;1205582 wrote: :wah: I see your siggie, good luck on your test. You must test the rest of your life, whether with paper and pen, or when you awake each day and find life before you.

:-5:-5Tests and Exams make people sick :-5:-5

Exams teach immoral behaviors :-5:-5


The Islamic History Of Europe

Why Im a terrorist.....??Loving Jihad
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