Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Tuxr99 »

just wondering what people think. i know most of you use windows, but have you ever thought of using something else besides windows?

thanks for any input.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Clodhopper »

Hiya Tuxr.

Welcome aboard!

just wondering what people think. i know most of you use windows, but have you ever thought of using something else besides windows?

Nope. Sorry. I have a tense and wary relationship with my computer. It doesn't understand me.:wah:

Seriously, I wouldn't know where to start, changing to Linux. Can you play computer games on it?
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Tuxr99;1176379 wrote: just wondering what people think. i know most of you use windows, but have you ever thought of using something else besides windows?

thanks for any input.

From 1988 to about 2005 my home set-up was exclusively RiscOS and I still consider that to be about the best OS ever. Sadly, lack of application development meant that it was no longer viable as a complete solution.

I now run Ubuntu 8.10 for all my home use.

At work they've just moved from NT4 to XP - sad really.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by The Rob »

I dithered over trying a Linux distribution, as I was told that Linux is very different and the learning curve is quite steep. I tried to use LiveCD versions (allowing one to use the OS without having to install it on the drive) of Knoppix and of Freespire; both met with no success due to either compatibility issues or incorrectly burned disks. Finally a friend gave me an Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) disk. I installed it via a utility called Wubi that was included on the disk (so that one may install Ubuntu into Windows to run as an application, with no need to repartition the drive!) and, with the exceptions that my printer is incompatable and it won't recognize any CDs that I created with Windows, it works flawlessly. I love it.

If and when the compatability issues are resolved and I can play my games on Ubuntu or another distribution, I'll happily kick Windows to the curb.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Tuxr99 »

thanks for the responses.

The Rob;1176500 wrote: and, with the exceptions that my printer is incompatable
i too had an incompatible printer and kept windows around just to print things. but that quickly got old, and i went out and bought an HP printer that works great. (most HP's work great in linux) i just couldn't see myself using an OS that i didn't like just because of 1 piece of hardware. and as far as linux not reading your windows cd's, if you went linux only and burned your cd's in linux, that would not be a problem. ;)

The Rob;1176500 wrote:

If and when the compatability issues are resolved and I can play my games on Ubuntu or another distribution, I'll happily kick Windows to the curb.

i tend to take a different stance when it comes to linux. some people say exactly what you did. i personally don't wait until something supports my hardware, i tailor my hardware to work with linux from the start. to me it's a small price to pay for the freedom linux gives me. and to be honest, i'm using ubuntu 9.04 64bit, and can say it is the single greatest operating system i have ever used. it is extremely fast and stable.

i think the single greatest hurdle the average user will have with linux is installing and configuring it. as we all know, most people buy a pc with the OS already installed. but as far as using it, it really isn't difficult, just different. i now have about 14 customers that use linux and love it. no more viruses or spyware, no maintenance, and overall more reliable. of course i had to set it up for them, but they have no problem using it and being productive.

the best thing about it is that it is free. free to change, modify, and redistribute. i know that a lot of people will never use it or even attempt to, and that's OK. it just means more computers for me to fix. ;)
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Tuxr99 »

Bryn Mawr;1176426 wrote:

At work they've just moved from NT4 to XP - sad really.

are you serious? support for xp just ended. unless you are willing to pay for it. but as far as updates, xp is finished. i can understand not using an OS as soon as it comes out, but waiting over 10 years to upgrade is a little too paranoid if you ask me.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Tuxr99 »

Clodhopper;1176416 wrote: Hiya Tuxr.

Welcome aboard!

Nope. Sorry. I have a tense and wary relationship with my computer. It doesn't understand me.:wah:

Seriously, I wouldn't know where to start, changing to Linux. Can you play computer games on it?

thank you for the welcome. a good place to start would be to go to linuxmint dot com/downloads (i need 15 posts before i can post real links) and download what is called a live cd. a live cd enables you to try it without changing your windows or having to install it. it runs purely off the cd. just burn the image to cd, (as an image, not data) and set the pc to boot to cd first. the rest will be obvious. just remember to be patient when clicking something, as using a live cd is not as fast as a real install. it takes time for things to load off of the cd.

you have nothing to lose by trying a live cd. who knows, you might actually like it.

and yes, you can play games on it. i tend to recommend using the native linux games that are available, but playing windows only games is possible through a program called WINE. or you could do what alot of people do and dual boot both windows and linux on the same computer. that way you have a "safety net" as you learn and work with linux.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Snowfire »

I've had no experience with OS's other than windows (XP Pro. Not a huge fan of Vista ) Is Linux an OS that the average Joe Soap could use ? How does it differ from Windows and what about all the software we use, is it compatible

I would like to ask also what your feelings are about the new Windows 7. Is it a big improvement on Vista and why didnt they just bypass the unpopular Vista, carry on with the popular XP and THEN give us Windows 7 ?
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Tuxr99 »

Snowfire;1176625 wrote: Is Linux an OS that the average Joe Soap could use ?
joe soap? that's a new one. my fav is joe six pack. :p yes, it is very usable for most people. the only only sticking point you may have is getting it installed if you've never installed an OS before. but other than that, it is not difficult, just different.

as i said earlier, i now have about 14 customers that use and love it. and they are hardly tech genius's. once it is setup, i believe it is actually easier to use than windows. no need to worry about viruses and spyware, no need to go hunting for applications that may spy on you or have viruses, no defragging needed, no EULA's to agree to, everything is free of charge, and for the most part, is extremely reliable and stable. plus, it comes with some familiar software that lots of windows users are using already, like firefox, open office, gimp, (photoshop like app) and so on.

Snowfire;1176625 wrote: How does it differ from Windows and what about all the software we use, is it compatible

let me put it this way: i consider myself a power user and need many apps to do what i need to do, and have never had a problem doing anything that i used to do in windows. mind you, there is a learning curve, but that applies to anything in life. you can not use windows apps per se, but there is always an alternative that will do the job. my only regret is that i did not start using it sooner.

Snowfire;1176625 wrote: I would like to ask also what your feelings are about the new Windows 7. Is it a big improvement on Vista and why didnt they just bypass the unpopular Vista, carry on with the popular XP and THEN give us Windows 7 ?
i have tried it, and have to say that it is an improvement as far as speed and memory usage is concerned. but if i was still using windows, i would be tempted to stay with xp until mr. gates pried my xp cd from my cold, dead hands. win7 is just vista re-hashed, the way it should have been from the start.

i can't tell you why they didn't bypass vista, but then again microsoft has been known to make more than a few questionable decisions. but it seems like they at least listened to what people want, and are on a better path than before. that being said, i myself will never go back to windows on my own computers. actually, i do have xp on a new pc i built, but that is just so i can play virtual pinball. it is used for nothing else, and never goes online.

i don't expect everyone to switch over or love it, but that goes for anything in life. but it's nice to know there is a choice beyond mac. (way too expensive if you ask me) the bottom line is that you have to use what works for you. but it won't hurt you to pop in a live cd and check it out. see my post above for a link on where to get the disk image. hope i helped with your questions.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Tuxr99;1176607 wrote: are you serious? support for xp just ended. unless you are willing to pay for it. but as far as updates, xp is finished. i can understand not using an OS as soon as it comes out, but waiting over 10 years to upgrade is a little too paranoid if you ask me.

Insanity - there was no support for NT for several years before our architecture department finally signed XP off as satisfying our acceptance criteria and some apps have still not been transferred.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by nurvepc »

My company, and me personnaly, ditched windows prior to Vista comming out.

We have two systems that dual boot Vista/Ubuntu 8.10

But the rest all have Linux.

We set it up so that we could use the programs we needed from windows onto there.

A quick way is to do a fresh install of Linux

Then install Wine 1.14 (which adds significant coding changes from prior versions. .net support, java support, restructured DirectX API)

Then install Internet Explorer in Wine

Install java as a Windows installation in Wine (not java for linux)

Then install .net 2.0 or higher in Wine.

Then you can install your programs.. Like we use Office 2007, Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop (though its already got a Linux version), Adobe InDesign, and Microsoft Web Expressions.. All which run on Linux.

My personnel computer, I play Fallout 3, Darkfall online, and the Total War series.

Its a really awesome Operating System. We dont have the need for Antivirus software (though we have the firewall up), And we also have a true 3D desktop (well... it turns 1 desktop into 8 or more if you like) and actually, beyond looking cool, helps us get work done faster.

However, its a totally different enviroment to work in, and you have to unthink Windows, to let yourself learn the new system.

Hope this helps
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Whilst I'm running a couple of utilities under WINE, I run a complete Windows environment as a window within Sun VirtualBox.

I find it easier to just run up windows as a virtual machine than run individual programs under an emulator.

Mind you, there are only two programs I run there and one of those is Spider Solitaire.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by nurvepc »

Bryn Mawr;1186558 wrote: Whilst I'm running a couple of utilities under WINE, I run a complete Windows environment as a window within Sun VirtualBox.

I find it easier to just run up windows as a virtual machine than run individual programs under an emulator.

Mind you, there are only two programs I run there and one of those is Spider Solitaire.

you just have to install wine the way i said earlier.. then your windows programs install just as a windows enviroment. Put the cd in, double click setup
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

nurvepc;1186569 wrote: you just have to install wine the way i said earlier.. then your windows programs install just as a windows enviroment. Put the cd in, double click setup

I hold my hand up - I'm still running WINE 1.0.1 and I'd hate to try installing a complete windows environment under that.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Tuxr99 »

Bryn Mawr;1186581 wrote: I hold my hand up - I'm still running WINE 1.0.1 and I'd hate to try installing a complete windows environment under that.

i was never a big fan of wine. i like virtualbox better. if you have the resources to share, it's basically a real install. plus, seamless mode is incredible.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by spiritlink »

If you want to try Linux without installing to your hard drive, definitely check out the article on making a bootable linux for your flash drive posted on the forum. It also provides info on how to recover non-booting windows if you have that problem.
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Anyone here use linux, or haved tried it?

Post by Ahso! »

spiritlink;1277013 wrote: If you want to try Linux without installing to your hard drive, definitely check out the article on making a bootable linux for your flash drive posted on the forum. It also provides info on how to recover non-booting windows if you have that problem.Hello Spiritlink! Welcome to FG:)
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