This Earth Day ...

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This Earth Day ...

Post by Pheasy »

The selfishness and thoughtlessness of just one could cost the life of another. Did you ever just throw your garbage down with no thought for where that garbage could end up, or potentially what that garbage could do?

It is so easy, probably one of the easiest things you can do; just to take your garbage home and dispose of it safely.

Bonny had her second surgery yesterday, and we are hoping that if last night went well, and her tests today are good, that we will be able to bring her home today. We went to see her last night, but she was on some pretty strong pain meds. so although she knew we were there, she really was only capable of just lying on the floor crying. Although she did find some strength; attempting to crawl closer to Bradley. Bradley seemed much better after seeing her too. His last memories of her were excessive blood, tears and then gone. His pining and confusion was obvious; he would not eat, would not go out in the yard or move from one spot in the kitchen. We needed to reassure both Bonny and Bradley that all of their family was still here; just separated for now.

Bonny loves to run everywhere and investigate everything. If only we had known on that beautiful spring day how things would turn out. How our desire to enjoy the wonders of the beautiful countryside (not be playing video games or walking the malls) just enjoying the wonders of nature that we are so blessed with, would end so devastatingly, due to the selfishness of others. It was the perfect day to take my children and my two dogs for a walk at Beltzville State Park.

We were playing by the edge of the lake when I heard her yelp. She came when I called her, but already she was covered in blood and it was pumping really badly from her foot. We would find out later that three main veins in her foot (the same place as on our wrists) were severed, so it would be like you cutting your wrist, also all the main tendons were severed too. She was rapidly bleeding to death.

Homestead vets were fantastic, they spent 2 hours trying to save her life; she needed a blood transfusion but she was too critical to be moved to a nearby vet that had a blood bank. It had taken about 20 minutes to carry her back to the car, and about another 15-20 minutes to get her to the vets. Although Josh (age 13) was applying pressure the whole time, the blood was pumping so bad that she still lost too much blood.

The vets had to stop the bleeding so they went ahead and sewed up the veins whilst she was being kept alive with oxygen and IV. Although they thought that she would not make it due to her need for blood, they continued to fight for her life.

Once she was strong enough the vet came with us in the car to Creature Comforts so that they could monitor her vital signs and, if need be, do whatever they could to get her there alive. The vet and staff at Homestead, were fantastic, and I still cannot find the right words to truly express my feelings about this miracle they performed on Bonny.

Later, when I went into the operating room to discuss the move, the vet looked exhausted and she and the three technicians were covered in blood (as were the walls of the operating room). I cannot believe, knowing the amount of blood she lost before we even got to the vets, and the amount that she lost there, that little Bonny is still here with us. But thankfully she was.

The surgery yesterday, to repair the severed tendons was successful. She will be in a splint for about 3 weeks, which will require changing every three days - but they are confident that she will be back to her normal self. We are all so relieved that we will have our family back together soon. Especially Lucy (age 8) - who has been crying on and off for two days now. She has not slept well and has carried a picture of Bonny almost everywhere; she believed that if she carried her close, that Bonny would be able to draw strength from her love.

Yesterday we went back to Beltzville to see if we could find what did this to Bonny. We found a very large and sharp piece of a broken bottle sticking up through the mud. With the angle of the glass and its razor sharp edge I strongly suspect that it was this that caused such a horrific injury. I was horrified at the amount of broken glass we did find in just that small area!

So now, sadly, due to the thoughtlessness of others, my family will only be able to enjoy the beauty of Beltzville Sate Park from a distance.

We were all reminded that we should value each day. In the blink of an eye, it could all change, and never be the same again.

So I ask that next time you consider dropping that innocent piece of garbage down, that you take a moment to consider the impact that garbage may have. The impact it will have on our beautiful countryside, our wildlife, our families and our future.

:-6 :-6
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This Earth Day ...

Post by CARLA »

:-6:-6 Pheasy good to see you and equally good to know that Bonny will be all right. :D What a horrible thing to happen so glad your were able to get to the people who could save her in time. It could have easily been one of your children who stepped on the glass and severed a vein.

Garbage is every where people just don't get it I'm afraid. I'm constantly picking up garbage that is just thrown out of cars, dropped in the streets or left in our parks. :-5


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This Earth Day ...

Post by farmer giles »

sorry to hear of this pheasy :mad:

suzy and i were walking back from a quite pint the other night and there were a group of louts smashing bottles in the park where we and others walk the dogs,i shouted at the lead moron to stop it and that young kids and dogs played in the area i may of used some good old Anglo Saxon to help get my annoyance over to said spotty oik

we got home i made a sandwich for us still muttering to myself when i noticed suzy had gone missing ,i walked fast up to where spotty oik was and sure enough suzy had a dust pan and brush and made him clear it up ..she knew one of the mothers of the greater spotted hoodie and threatened to go round the mothers house and spill the beans :thinking::thinking:
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This Earth Day ...

Post by along-for-the-ride »

So glad to hear Bonny is on the mend.

You are absolutley correct in your observation of the carelessness of many folks. Once they discard their trash, that's it. They don't care where it's out of their minds and they feel no longer responsible for any consequence.

If everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, spreads the word to remind folks to put their trash in the proper containers, we may start solving this situation.

People, as well as animals, can be injured from carelessly discarded trash.
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This Earth Day ...

Post by OpenMind »

What a tragic tale Pheasy, but I'm glad Bonny is on the mend again. These litter louts are thoughtless and lazy. They are too ignorant to put their trash in a bin where it belongs. I'm afraid we'll always have people like this however much we try to educate them.

The most important thing is that Bonny is going to be ok.:-6
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This Earth Day ...

Post by Chezzie »

Poor Bonny:-4

So glad she is on the mend babe:-4:-4:-4

Your so right, some people have no idea of the devastation they cause by tossing their garbage.:-5

Fantastic to see you chick, hope your well otherwise:-4 Missed you:-4
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This Earth Day ...

Post by Pheasy »

Thank you to Carla, Farmer Giles (hehe Jimbo), AFTR, Open Mind and Chezzers.

I have only ever known all my friends here to be full of kindness, consideration and caring, and it looks like nothing changed there. :-4 It's great to see you all.

Bonny is now home and loving all the attention. Here are some piccys (if I can remember how to do this :D)

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Oscar Namechange
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This Earth Day ...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Pheasy;1177113 wrote: Thank you to Carla, Farmer Giles (hehe Jimbo), AFTR, Open Mind and Chezzers.

I have only ever known all my friends here to be full of kindness, consideration and caring, and it looks like nothing changed there. :-4 It's great to see you all.

Bonny is now home and loving all the attention. Here are some piccys (if I can remember how to do this :D)

Lovely pics of Bonny and glad to here she is recovering well.

I have a field outside my lounge and in the nice weather it attracts what farmer giles calls 'oiks' only we call them 'scroats'. I've lived here for 13 years and every year we get hooded scroats hiding in the trees and bushes drinking late at night. (Underage). To be fair..... I've never had a run in with any of the gangs although i've lost count of the times i've had to go out there to tell them to keep the noise down. I do actually understand the fact that we live in a rural area and there is not alot for them to do around here. What i can't understand and never will, is why they have to smash their bottles in the field when they have finished drinking. I have even told them they can use my wheelie bin outside my house which worked for about 3 nights. It's not just bottles but i have found knives on two occassions as well. I do try to talk to these scroats and point out that the field is used 24/7 by dog walkers and small children use it as a shory cut from the school next door to us. In the end, it became such a problem, the school spent £10,000 on floodlights to illuminate the field but they still do it.

I don't believe the scroats will ever stop doing it so we just have no choice but to check the field every morning and if it looks like there is litter, we just have to go and pick the glass up before anyone gets in there. I certainly don't let my dogs loose until i've had a quick check for scroat activity.

Sadly, this is one of the mindless actions of today's selfish Britain. Sod anything and anyone else as long as they have what they want.

Give Bonny a big kiss from my three dogs and 'Mulder' says tell Bonny to chill out as he does. :-4

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This Earth Day ...

Post by mrsK »

Pleased to hear Bonny is doing well.

Great to have you back here as well:-4:-6
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This Earth Day ...

Post by Rapunzel »

So sorry to hear about Bonny but so pleased she's recovering well. :-4

And great to see you back again too Pheasy. :-6

Sadly, as others say, it tends to be the mindless oiks who do this kind of thoughtless vandalism. We have a big park near us with a kiddies playground in one corner. The parkland is open although the kiddies playground has a 3 foot fence around it. Teenagers climb the fence at night and play in the kiddies paddling pool and get drunk (cos there's nothing else for them to do!) One day a toddler stepped on a bottle that had been smashed into the paddling pool. The glass was clear, the water was a foot deep, no one saw the bottle until the child screamed in pain and had to be rushed to hospital. The council cleared the pool and fenced it off until it had been drained and cleaned, but otherwise nothing has changed. The kids still drink in there at night. And they still think mindless vandalism is 'funny' or 'clever'! My neighbour also complained to the police when he found discarded and dirty needles in local woodland where he walked his dog.

As Oscar said, it justs seems to be the mindlessness of modern society. :-5
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This Earth Day ...

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Pheasy;1177113 wrote: Thank you to Carla, Farmer Giles (hehe Jimbo), AFTR, Open Mind and Chezzers.

I have only ever known all my friends here to be full of kindness, consideration and caring, and it looks like nothing changed there. :-4 It's great to see you all.

Bonny is now home and loving all the attention. Here are some piccys (if I can remember how to do this :D)

Ouch - that looks a vicious lump of glass and a very uncomfortable splint.

That's one lucky dog to survive the experience and to have such a loving family.

'Tis good to see you back in the Garden - hope you can stay :-6
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This Earth Day ...

Post by Victoria »

I am so glad Bonny is ok. That must have been so traumatic for you all.

I wish her a speedy recovery.

This is not just selfish Britian its everywhere, people here throw bottles into bushes and onto playing fields.

Not to mention fast food wrappers and ring pulls that can choke a duck or small animal.

Fishing line and hooks are another lethal combo for wildlife .

And as for those who empty their car ashtray onto the parking area:-5

I continue to tackle people who do this kind of stuff I will not let them turn my home town into a rubbish tip.

Residents in a block of flats near here got sick of fly tippers so they started taking photos and noting number plates which they then passed onto police and council officials. within a couple of weeks the word spread and the tipping stopped.

We can make a change!
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This Earth Day ...

Post by Pheasy »

Hi Oscar, Rapunzel, Bryn and Victoria, thank you for the welcome and kind words. Hey Oscar I love that piccy of Mulder chillin :wah:

It seems that smashing bottles and dumping rubbish is a popular past-time, and amuses the minds of some very sad individuals. As many of you have said, we need to continue reporting these people and trying to educate on the dangers of dumping rubbish.

I had a great visual (from Jimbos post) of Suzy marching out and making the thugs clean it up and threatening to tell their parents :wah: Good one Suzy. :-6
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This Earth Day ...

Post by CARLA »

Bonny looks great and on the mend. Be advised I have seen dogs chew their cast off when your not looking in a matter of seconds. :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl Awful looking piece of glass


"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming.

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Oscar Namechange
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This Earth Day ...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Pheasy;1177226 wrote:

I had a great visual (from Jimbos post) of Suzy marching out and making the thugs clean it up and threatening to tell their parents :wah: Good one Suzy. :-6 My husband witnessed a kid repeatedly hurling an Oasis drink bottle at the ground outside our house until it finally broke. The kid was no more than 6 yrs old. He pointed out kindly about the dogs and children that walk up our lane and as he only lived a few doors down, he told the kid to go and get a dustpan and brush from his house and come back and sweep it up. He came back a few minutes later and told Mr O that his mother did not have a dustpan and brush. Mr O went indoors and got ours and stood over him until he's swept the lot up. His mother came flying out the house shouting at Mr O for bossing her kid around. That is why most of these kids do it i feel. The parents don't give a stuff about anyone else so that's what their children see and learn.

But don't get me started on the selfish dog owners who let their dogs poo outside my gate and leave it there. :-5

This is a very good sleeping position for Bonny if her back legs hurt:

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This Earth Day ...

Post by Nomad »

Im not so sure Earth deserves a day. I mean I had to throw my own birthday party here. Whats Earth got that I dont have ?

Absolutely nothing. Thats what.

Sure Im bitter.
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Oscar Namechange
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This Earth Day ...

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Nomad;1177432 wrote: Im not so sure Earth deserves a day. I mean I had to throw my own birthday party here. Whats Earth got that I dont have ?

Absolutely nothing. Thats what.

Sure Im bitter. We tried to make it up to you but you were not home :o
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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