Equations of the Universe

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Equations of the Universe

Post by JerryG »


Today is Dec. 24, 1938; I am 70 years old today. Last night at 11 PM, I finished the Dot-Wave theory. This is the last section of the book. I am finished. I looked back over 27 years since 1981 and found my final answers.

In Doppler Space Time my Sister 2 solution for the conversion of mass to charge was:

Mass = Coulomb Seconds per meter (8-64)


Mp C = π Q (8-65)

In equation 8-65 we have a sister 2 solution in which charge is a momentum. If we look at a bipolar mass, which has a bipolar mass due to its spherical momentum, we also have a charge, which is equal to its spin momentum. Since the mass is bipolar, we have two electrical spins and a mechanical spin as well.

The electrical spins operate in the plus electrical universe and the minus electrical universe. The mechanical spin operates in the mechanical universe.

In Chapter 2 we used the mass = Charge transformation solution in order to produce simple electrical equations for gravity. This enabled us to calculate the time since big bang and the lowest quanta of energy in the universe, which is the dot mass.

Equation 8-65 is another sister transformation solution. This equation produces a table of terms, which can be studied. In Doppler Space Time I used the Mass equals Charge times velocity in order to produce gravitational equations.

The beauty of Equation 8-65 is that it provides another method of computing the binding energy of the proton. In Chapter 4 Equation 4-24, the binding energy of the proton was:

BE = Proton -3 (high energy U-mesons) – (pi-meson) (8-65)

The U-meson at a speed of 0.91859333 has a mass of 523.375 Me and the pi-meson has a mass of 273.23. Since the proton has a mass of 1836.149Me, the binding energy of the proton is:

BE -3.682 MEV (8-65)

Now let us calculate the binding energy of the proton as per the transformation relation of Equation 8-65. The equation would be perfect except for the binding energy. Using Mp = 1.67262E-27, C= 2.99792E8, and Q= 1.60218E-19, and Energy proton = 938.272MEV, we get:

BE = [[MpC – π Q]/MpC] 938.272 (8-66)

MpC – π Q = 5.014381E-19 – 5.033397E-19 = 0.019016E-19 (8-67)

Differential Error = 0.019016E-19/5.014381E-19 =0.003792 (8-68)

BE = 0.00379229 x 938.272 (8-69)

BE = -3.55820MEV (8-70)

We see that we get the same binding energy for the proton using two different methods. Therefore Equation 8-65 is a good transformation equation. This is the original transformation I started with about 20 years ago.

Since the Binding energy from the Einsteinian mass formula and numerical analysis of the mass/charge equation produces the same results, it may very well be possible that charge is a momentum.

Let us not look at the chart of this transformation system. In Doppler Space Time page 19, the conversion chart was made with respect to the electrical world. Thus mass was coulombs second per meter. We can also write the chart with charge equals kilograms meters per second (Kg Met/Sec). Therefore we get:



Charge………………………...Kg Met/Sec

Energy…………………………Kg Met2 /Sec2

Momentum…………………..Kg Met/Sec

Coulomb’s constant (K)…...Met/Kg


Plank’s constant(h)………...Kg Met2/Sec

Permeability (Uo)……………Sec2/KgMet

Permitivity (Eo)……………...Kg/Met




Gravitational constant(G)…Met3/KgSec2


Flux density………………….1/Met




From the Chart we see that capacitance has the same units as mass. Voltage is a velocity. Flux density depends upon distance. The gravitational constant is inversely proportional to mass and seconds squared and proportional to cubic meters.

This solution was my original solution long ago. Then I changed to Charge times velocity equals mass. Finally for this book I use the mass equals charge transformation to produce electrical equations. Since the binding energy came out the same using two different sets of equations, this original solution is certainly possible. We can now look at an empirical formula for the mass of the electron that I studied long ago.

Me = Q /[8 e2 π2 C] (8-71)

Me = 9.16036E-31 Kg (8-72)

Since the mass of the electron is 9.10939E-31Kg, the percent difference in mass is:

Percent difference 0.559532 (8-73)

Since the energy of the electron is 0.510999MEV, the binding energy of the electron is:

BE = 2859.2EV (8-74)

The half percent difference between the ideal formula shown in Equation 8-71 and the actual measurement could be accounted for as the binding energy of the electron. Of course there will be certain error differences between the mechanical universe and the electrical universe. The important thing is that the charge equals mass time velocity sister solution is certainly possible.

As I look back upon my conversion charts of mass to charge over the years, it appears that all three solutions have valid points. The world we live in is a world of mechanical energy, electrical energy, length in the X, Y, and Z direction and time. As we look at 12 dimensional space-time we find it is really our four-dimensional space-time in triplicate.

When we move down to the dot-waves we do not find masses or charges as such. We do not find any rulers or time clocks. We do not see three dimensions or four dimensions. These concepts are macroscopic and not microscopic. All we see are confusing dot-waves. At the dot-wave level we cannot find anything that appears knowable to us. All we see is chaos. There are dot-waves moving all over the place. We cannot detect any harmony or meaning to the dot-waves.

Therefore as far as the dot-waves are concerned we cannot distinguish between mass and charge. We cannot distinguish between mass and energy. Most importantly we cannot distinguish between seconds and meters. Therefore at the sub-atomic dot-wave level, the physics is somewhat simplified. Therefor at the dot-wave level:

M = Q = Q/C = QC (8-75)

At the dot-wave level, mass and charge are the same thing. Mass and Charge over light speed C are identical. The same is true of mass times the speed of light C. Thus the three sister solutions that I have studied over the years have no differences when we move down to the dot-wave level.

At the dot-wave level seconds and meters cannot be distinguished. Therefore:

Seconds = Meters (8-76)

At the subatomic level we cannot distinguish between seconds and meters. Both connected by light speed C. Thus:

Meters = Seconds x C (8-77)

When we look at Einstein’s famous equation at the dot-wave level we find:

E = MC2 = M (8-78)

Since at the dot-wave level, C is unity. Energy and mass are two different forms of the same thing. Likewise:

Momentum = MC = M (8-79)

In equation 8-79 we see that momentum is the same as mass which is the same as energy. To us at the macroscopic level these things look different but to the dot-waves they are merely different forms of the same things. For example mass would be a spherical oscillation. Angular momentum would be a planar oscillation of a spherical mass. Linear oscillation would be a linear motion of a spherical mass, which has angular momentum as well. Thus to us things are different but to the dot-waves, they are all the same.

We can then write the general conversion chart for the dot-waves






Coulomb’ s constant (K)…………….Sec/Kg


Plank’s constant (h)………………….KgSec

Permeability (Uo)……………………..Sec/Kg

Permitivity (Eo)………………………..Kg/Met




Gravitational Constant (G)…………Sec/Kg

Flux density……………………………1/Sec




We see that at the microscopic level, the units of the dot-waves are very simple. The complexity does not come from the units. It comes from the motion of the waves through 12 dimensional space-time. The importance of the above chart is that the dot-waves continually transform themselves. At one moment a dot-wave is a mass dot with mechanical properties. At another moment the dot-waves is an electrical charge with electrical properties. Thus the multi-dimensional dot-wave produces complex relationships at the macroscopic level which being quite free to move around through space-time and continually transform itself.

The world we see is a statistical average of huge amounts of dot-waves which produce various patterns that we see and enjoy. The dot-waves by themselves would only exist in chaos if it were not for the higher light speed dimensions. Thus we exist because there are higher levels of higher light speed physics which shape the chaotic dot-waves into galaxies, stars, planets, and man.

The dot-waves have the capability to produce what we see. However the probability of producing a solar system with life and man is basically impossible. The laws that we know are not the result of the dot-waves by themselves. They are the building block but without a higher force, they will not produce what we see and measure.

We can now summarize the equations of the Universe.


M(ELECTRON) = Q + (-Q) (8-81)

Electron = Q + (-Q) + (-Q) (8-82)

Positron = Q + (-Q) + Q (8-83)

1.60218 Coulombs = 0.4554695Kilograms (8-84)

M(PROTON) C = π Q – (Binding energy) (8-85)

M(ELECTRON) = Q/ (8 e2 π2 C) - (Binding energy) (8-86)

G = K (Mp +Me) Me / 8 QQ (8-87)

Seconds Units = Meters Units (8-88)

Kilogram Units = Coulomb Units (8-89)

C = 1 (Units) (8-89)

Mass = Charge = Energy = Momentum (8-90)

These equations define the macro-universe. This is based upon the fact that in the micro-universe of dot-waves time and distance mean the same thing. Thus equations where ratios of meters per second can be reduced to more simple relationships. The same is true of mass, charge, momentum, and energy. All these quantities have identical units.

Einstein showed that mass and energy were identical. From the dot-wave perspective, mass is merely spherical energy. Yet it is the same energy as the photons. Thus from a dot-wave perspective it does not matter how the energy is packaged.

At a constant light speed, it doesn’t matter if we describe something as meters or light seconds. Thus as far as the dot-waves are concerned, they cannot distinguish seconds from meters.

The universe from the perspective of the dot-waves is a different universe. Quantum mechanics produced formulas to solve specific problems. They showed how things behave at the micro-level. There Quantum Mechanics is basically describing how the dot-waves work.

It is only the last few weeks that I have bought some modern physics books. I see that Quantum theory is describing the equations for the dot-waves quite well. The above equations are macro0-equations. They describe the world we live in. I have no equations for the micro-world. Quantum Mechanics have already produced such equations. They are interesting but lack the ability to describe gravity, which is a macro world equation.

Gravity is understood from the dot-waves but it is only the macro-world, which can produce equations, which are readily understood. As an Engineer I can only produce simple equations which describe the world we live in.

Einstein’s space-time is excellent but not perfect. Quantum Mechanics has three serious errors. The first is that space is full of charges. They used Maxwell’s equations and specified that empty space had no charge. The second error in Quantum Mechanics is that they specified that their quanta were indivisible. This is false. The lowest quanta are the dot-wave. However since we only have electrons to work with, we cannot measure the small dot-wave charge and mass. Thus everything is subdivided so fine that it cannot be measured. The third error in Quantum Mechanics is that on the large scale we do not have multiple universes. It is only in the micro-world that multiple universes appear.

Between General Relativity, Special Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics with classical physics we have produced excellent equations to describe the universe. This book serves to complete the picture

It took me 27 years to solve the Equations of the Universe. Now it is over and I can go on vacation.
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Equations of the Universe

Post by Kindle »

Happy Birthday, Jerry

"Out, damned spot! out, I say!"

- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, 5.1
Hugh Janus
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Equations of the Universe

Post by Hugh Janus »

I will read that as soon as I am finished watching this coat of paint dry...:thinking:
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Bryn Mawr
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Equations of the Universe

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Hugh Janus;1093148 wrote: I will read that as soon as I am finished watching this coat of paint dry...:thinking:

Long time no see - how the devil are you Sir?
Hugh Janus
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Equations of the Universe

Post by Hugh Janus »

Bryn Mawr;1093150 wrote: Long time no see - how the devil are you Sir?

Not too bad good sir, and how is yourself?

I have been otherwise occupied, losing a job at the start of one of the worst recessions in history is not something I would wish on anybody, unfortunately this is the case with myself at the moment. Still, I have a roof over my head and a partner who loves me... So life isn't all bad...:)
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Equations of the Universe

Post by Bruv »

JerryG;1093012 wrote:

It took me 27 years to solve the Equations of the Universe. Now it is over and I can go on vacation.

Where are you going ?

I shall try and avoid going there............Im sure I would ask too many deep questions
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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Equations of the Universe

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Hugh Janus;1093179 wrote: Not too bad good sir, and how is yourself?

I have been otherwise occupied, losing a job at the start of one of the worst recessions in history is not something I would wish on anybody, unfortunately this is the case with myself at the moment. Still, I have a roof over my head and a partner who loves me... So life isn't all bad...:)

Sounds rough - the best of luck in riding it out.

For Christmas put it all aside and enjoy and may the new year bring a new job and better times.
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Equations of the Universe

Post by JerryG »

Bruv;1093187 wrote: Where are you going ?

I shall try and avoid going there............Im sure I would ask too many deep questions

Ask away. If you have the good questions, I have many of the answers.
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Equations of the Universe

Post by Rapunzel »

JerryG;1093531 wrote: Ask away. If you have the good questions, I have many of the answers.

Please explain - in laymans terms - string theory, black holes, dark matter and how to make perfect crispy yorkshire puddings. Thankyou. :)
Richard Bell
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Equations of the Universe

Post by Richard Bell »

JerryG;1093012 wrote:

It took me 27 years to solve the Equations of the Universe. Now it is over and I can go on vacation.

Belated Happy Birthday, Jerry, and enjoy your vacation.

Remember to take along a towel :

"A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-boggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough."

Douglas Adams, A Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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Equations of the Universe

Post by OpenMind »

Rapunzel;1093547 wrote: Please explain - in laymans terms - string theory, black holes, dark matter and how to make perfect crispy yorkshire puddings. Thankyou. :)

I can tell you the secret behind a good crispy yorkshire pud is in giving it a good beating then letting it stand for half an hour before placing in the oven.:D
Hugh Janus
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Equations of the Universe

Post by Hugh Janus »

Bryn Mawr;1093192 wrote: Sounds rough - the best of luck in riding it out.

For Christmas put it all aside and enjoy and may the new year bring a new job and better times.
Many thanks Bryn. Happy new year to you too :yh_peace
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Equations of the Universe

Post by lala0453 »

Thanks for sharing these info with us!

I will keep in touch with your blogreading..

Stumbled your URL…

have a great day
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Equations of the Universe

Post by Rapunzel »

OpenMind;1093667 wrote: I can tell you the secret behind a good crispy yorkshire pud is in giving it a good beating then letting it stand for half an hour before placing in the oven.:D

I'm sorry, but I couldn't be so cruel to a poor undeserving lil yorkshire pudding. :-1

May I speak quite crossly to it instead? :)
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