Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by conanscaseclosed »

I myself beleive wholeheartedly. We as a family see activity at least once a day. Just last night while reading here, I kept hearing the icemaker dropping ice. The thing has been broken for a year now. I looked all over the kitchen to find out where the noise was coming from, to no avail. Before my daughter got up I heard footsteps behind me, I look and no one is there. I have seen shadows moving back and forth in the area while I watch TV. There would be no one in the area when it happens.

There is one ghost that likes to play with my daughters stuffed bunny by moving it in a hopping motion across the room. That has been witnessed by 2 different persons. In 2 different rooms. My girls have awoken to see a figure of a girl sitting in the corner of their room next to their bed. My middle girl, while outside playing, has looked at the house to see the figure of a man watching her. We dont have a man living here.

Tell me your stories...
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by abbey »

I dont believe, and yes i would spend a night in an (alledged) haunted house,

assuming it was comfortable.

I believe in what i see, i think that there is always an explanation for the unexplained.

No disrespect CCC X
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by conanscaseclosed »

Ty Abbey, and none taken. Yours are some of the words that I enjoyed reading last night. I may not have a 5 star hotel but you are welcome to come and stay to witness for yourself. I wanted proof as well. When you look for an explanation and find none, well that just means theres something else.

But what?
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by abbey »

We have a show here in the UK called Britains most haunted,

and if ever there was a reason not to believe, its watching that tripe!

I've never seen anything on it that looks remotely like a ghost, its just people

running around with night vision cameras bumping into one another.

Bloody hysterical. :wah:
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Betty Boop »

abbey wrote: We have a show here in the UK called Britains most haunted,

and if ever there was a reason not to believe, its watching that tripe!

I've never seen anything on it that looks remotely like a ghost, its just people

running around with night vision cameras bumping into one another.

Bloody hysterical. :wah:

That is a good show, absolutly hysterical, that stoopid female presenter drives me nuts with her screaming!! Derek Acora used to be the Fortune telling gypsy with the Fair!!
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by conanscaseclosed »

I would agree with you, that show is crap. Thats what I'm talking about. Fact or Fiction? There are people out there that, I would say, give ghosts a bad wrap.

There is a show here in the states called Ghost Hunters. Their goal is to debunk people who beleive they have ghost. They do come up with things that are very believable.

Worth checking out.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by nvalleyvee »

I lived in an apartment in college and an elderly woman lived next door to me. Her husband had died in the apartment. She was visiting one day and I heard someone walking down her hallway. I became alarmed and told her maybe we should go check it out. She told me not to worry it was her husband walking around the apartment wondering where she was. She was taken away to the alzheimers home a couple of months later. I did hear the footsteps though.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Peg »

I was never a believer until I moved into a haunted apartment. I am a total believer now. I only stayed there a month or 2. The place would have driven me insane!
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Betty Boop »

I have sensed and seen 'something' on a number of occasions. The town I live in has a lot of ghost sightings reported.

I'm just not sure, I feel there should be an explanation for 'things', but I can't find them!!!
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by venus »

I just know there are things out there that we cannot explain..

I hear you Betty, l myself have seen, heard and felt things that just shouldn't be!

Maybe we should put down an example of a weird experience?:yh_nailbi
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Betty Boop »

venus wrote: I just know there are things out there that we cannot explain..

I hear you Betty, l myself have seen, heard and felt things that just shouldn't be!

Maybe we should put down an example of a weird experience?:yh_nailbi

It's so hard to describe though!!

I very often sense a presence, and it scares me a little. Although I realise I have nothing to fear from the dead, it's the living that cause the problems!!

I have met lots of mediums etc who frighten the willies out of me because they approach me and tell me I have a 'gift', Derek Accora was one of them!

Have been toying with going to a spiritualist church recently but funnily enough none of my freinds want to accompany me!!
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by conanscaseclosed »

There are people out there that are called "sensitives". These people have a tendency to "see, feel, or hear" things that normal people don't.

If you have been to places that are old or where battles have been held, and have felt strange or uneasy, then most likely you are a "sensitive".

If you are minding your own business and think you see a "bug, mouse, or shadow" out of the corner of your eye and when you look its not there...

You swear that you put an item, of any kind, in one spot and you go to get it and you cant find it. You look all over and still nothing, then go back and its there...

Lots of people experience these things but push them aside. Mostly from fear, and commonly disbelief.

Are You a "sensitive"?:-3
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by theia »

My ginger cat used to "see" things (sadly he died tragically a year ago). He would suddenly look up and follow "something" with his eyes around the room. If I'm honest this used to scare me and I would try and distract his attention.

I have never seen a "ghost" but I once had an out of body experience during meditation. I found my self (my ghost?) walking down the stairs when I was actually lying on the bed. It was a lovely experience until I realised what was happening.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by actionfigurestepho »

I believe in ghosts, but I think 90% of the stories you hear about them are false or really embellished.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by lady cop »

i am definately a "sensitive" and have fairly refined ESP...but never visually encountered a spirit. i have asked deceased persons for assistance in specific things and the answer always appears out of "nowhere".
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by K.Snyder »

ArnoldLayne wrote: welcome to FG.

I certainly dont disbelieve you, I'm not sure what I believe.

Ask those people who MOST DEFINITELY don't believe in ghosts whether they would spend the night in an old haunted house. They usually say "Of course not". What are they afraid of I wonder ?

Not ghosts surely :wah:

Man.......I dont believe in that Sh!*....I'll stay in a haunted house and smack a ghost in the face..:cool: WAKE UP
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?


I would think it is like watching T.V. Just because you are tuned to one station dose not mean the others don't exist. Science teachers us that energy is never lost. Why is it so hard to accept another level of conciousness. I believe two could be in the same room, and only one see. Does this mean its not real? Or that only one happens to be on the right channel. I havn't seen anything strange as an adult. But when I was a kid, that is another story. I think as we get older certain logic circuites tend to jam or interfer with other signals. Just my opinion.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by theia »

LWR VENTURES wrote: I would think it is like watching T.V. Just because you are tuned to one station dose not mean the others don't exist. Science teachers us that energy is never lost. Why is it so hard to accept another level of conciousness. I believe two could be in the same room, and only one see. Does this mean its not real? Or that only one happens to be on the right channel. I havn't seen anything strange as an adult. But when I was a kid, that is another story. I think as we get older certain logic circuites tend to jam or interfer with other signals. Just my opinion.

Yes, I agree, LWR. It's quite arrogant of us to assume that what we are conscious of is all that there is. And children are much more open to experiencing and accepting other levels of consciouness. My son said several amazing things to me when he was small that implied he existed before he was born.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Jives »

MY Ghost Story:** * ** * * ** **

Ghosts, like UFOs are never believed by people unless that person has actually experienced it.

As for ghosts.....Here's my personal experience. Make of it what you will.

In the late sixties, my very progressive parents took to taking in runaway flower children in Boulder, Colorado. These "hippies" were usually younger girls, who were destitute and homeless. My father was a scientist for the National Bureau of Standards, so we had space and money to burn.

The only rules that applied to the guest were:

1. You had to be in school or have a job. My family helped with both of those things.

2. No drugs in the house.

In exchange for this small behavior, the runaway was made an honorary member of our family. They ate at our table, stayed rent-free, and played with us kids.

One day a girl came along who was very different from some of the rowdier drifters that had stayed with us. her name was Rae Jean Kelly.

She had runaway from an abusive father, and I have to tell you, she was everything that was right about the flower power movement. She was a joy to be with, she wrote songs and excellent poetry. She played Sitar music and burned incense and was highly intelligent.

Although she had been through some hard times, and was sleeping in the street when we found her, she bounced back with an unparalleled enthusiasm.

With my family's help, she went back to school, cleaned up and began what we were all sure was a wonderful life.

She often stated that she had never really had a "real childhood or family" and that the experience had changed her and given her hope. fateful night......She went for a ride with some of her friends on a high cliff road. The driver had been taking LSD. No one is quite sure what happened, but everyone in the car was killed. Rae Jean went into a coma and never woke up.

We were all distraught, of course. I was only 9 at the time but Rae jean had been my baby-sitter for over a year so I missed her terribly.

Her room had been downstairs next to mine, everyone else lived upstairs. About two nights after she had died. I began to have dreams. I felt as if someone was in my room.

During the course of the next few weeks, things got worse. I began to wake up in the middle of the night and hear music coming from her room. I could smell incense burning. Her perfume hung in the air throughout the house.

I finally couldn't take it any more, so I asked my mom one day if I could move upstairs. When she asked why, I told her what was going on.

She got the most horrified expression I have ever seen on an adult then or now. Apparently, she had also been having "experiences". She found the bed slept in every morning, despite the fact the the door had been locked.

She had found the furniture moved, and records on the turntable. Needless to say, we soon moved to a different house.

That would seem to be the end of this story, but a couple of years ago, I passed through Boulder again and decided to see my old homestead.

A nice German lady agreed to give me a tour of the house, despite the fact that her husband and son had been killed in a tragic plane crash the month before.

As I entered the house, I got that strange "hair standing up" feeling again. When we got to the room that used to be Rae Jean's, I noticed that the door was still padlocked shut.

I asked what that room was used for now and the poor lady turned pure white while she stammered, "No one goes in there anymore."

She went on to explain that the room had a history dating back to the original owners (us). This is interesting because we never told anyone about Rae Jean. It was a personal family secret.

Apparently, guests who had stayed in the room had terrible experiences. Attacks in the middle of the night, sheets being pulled off, books flying, that kind of thing.

Worse yet, the three families that had owned the house since us had all had terrible tragic deaths in their family.

You see my point don't you? Rae Jean is still there. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was the only place she felt comfortable in her whole life. Maybe she's waiting for us to return. Maybe she's just lost.

But there's no doubt in my mind anymore.

Ghosts exist.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Majenta »

Far Rider wrote: Abbey Im with you! Hocus pocus... I'll take any challenge to stay any where haunted any time of the day or night! Phooey!

Haunted my hiney!

Make that another vote for the skeptics...

I used to believe, but then I spent three years studying the human mind, and now I realise that anything 'weird' is just a product of the imagination. I too have had 'unexplainable' things happen to me but it's just an easy way out to say it's the work of ghosts. Tell me this: HOW can something with no physical presence affect physical objects?! Give me a scientific explanation for that and then maybe I'll start believing in them...
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by theia »

Right, that's three of you on my list of hauntings when I'm gone...abbey, far and majenta. Be very afraid.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Jives »

Before you scoff entirely, let me remind you both that not only am I a scientist and a son of scientists, I'm a mathematician.

And yet, I've seen and heard things that defy explanation. I've been out of my body before, personally, and I can tell you....there is more to this plane of existence than meets the eye.;)
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Majenta »

Jives wrote: Before you scoff entirely, let me remind you both that not only am I a scientist and a son of scientists, I'm a mathematician.

And yet, I've seen and heard things that defy explanation. I've been out of my body before, personally, and I can tell you....there is more to this plane of existence than meets the eye.;)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not disrespecting anyone's views. But you still haven't answered my question ;)

I just need good solid proof. I don't think anything that happens on this earth is unexplainable in concrete scientific terms.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?


Tell me this: HOW can something with no physical presence affect physical objects?!

Well I don't believe electricity, magnetism, light, and other forms of radiation, have a physical presence. I could be wrong about that. I certainly don't have the credentials that Jives has. I just don't believe that everything that exist is a result of our imagination. Nor that everything can be explained by science. Arn't Eiestiens theorys still just theorys? I believe it is arrogant for us to rule things out simply because we can't see or touch them. I can't see UV light. But it affects the heck out of my TV. Boy, I sure talk about TV alot, LOL.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Jives »

Majenta wrote: Tell me this: HOW can something with no physical presence affect physical objects?!

Here's a word for you, Majenta: Gravity.

Give me a scientific explanation for that and then maybe I'll start believing in them...

No one on Earth can give you a scientific explanation for gravity. We know that mass seems to cause it, and that's all.

So you already believe in something that has no physical presence and yet affects everything in your life. Or don't you believe in gravity? LOl! :D
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by abbey »

theia wrote: Right, that's three of you on my list of hauntings when I'm gone...abbey, far and majenta. Be very afraid.
LOL...Bring it on
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by abbey »

Jives wrote: Here's a word for you, Majenta: Gravity.

No one on Earth can give you a scientific explanation for gravity. We know that mass seems to cause it, and that's all.

So you already believe in something that has no physical presence and yet affects everything in your life. Or don't you believe in gravity? LOl! :DMememememe i do i do.:D
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by theia »

Far Rider wrote: hahahahah well dont leave too soon , but when you do come on im ready for ya...! I prefer the dream hauntings... please make yourself return at age 21, and wear appropriate clothing for night time acitivites!;)

Sorry Far, but this is "my haunting" You don't get to choose. So I'll be back as a 56 year old, hopefully older. Now that's scary! :D
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by telaquapacky »

Far Rider wrote: Jives I have no doubt about you, and other very credible people. I've seen some unexplainable things too. I just don't belive that Ghosts exist in the typical way movies and media portray. I belive in spirits and demons...Not Far from the truth, in my opinion. There are some of us earnest Bible students in the Christian community who don't believe that when a person dies they immediately go to heaven or hell. We believe, and can bring a fair amount of Biblical support for it, that when ya die, ya die. Dead. Out like a light. When Jesus comes again there will be a resurrection of the saved. One thousand years later a resurrection of the lost.

To make a long story- even longer- This guy they call Satan was once a top ranking angel in God's service, but he rebelled, and his rebellion was confined to this earth, where Satan's theories of morality could be compared with God's. After a few thousand years of losing battle after battle, Satan decided if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, so he started his own churches. Those churches found loopholes in the Bible so they could teach that when you die, you immediately go to heaven, and when you die, you immediately go to a 24 hour a day eternal torture chamber called "Hell." He invented this religion for two reasons:

One is that people who believe in a god who would be the proprietor of an eternal torture chamber would be capable of all kinds of wars and atrocities- in God's name yet- that would besmirch God's reputation terribly and make people think God had all the evil traits of character Satan has. This would get a lot of good and potentially savable people to reject God and forfeit salvation.

The second reason is that Satan knew (from reading the Bible) that in the end of time God would allow him to work great deceiving wonders. One of the deceiving wonders Satan has planned for you is to play the strings of your heart like a harp from hell, by presenting to you the apparition of your dearest departed friend or relative (actually a demon in disguise, imitating them- they have been watching us for centuries) who will give you spiritual advice. What kind of spiritual advice? To take the mark of the beast, follow the Antichrist, don't listen to telaquapacky*- things like that. (*ha ha. just joking)

To warm up the crowd for their personalized deceiving wonders, Satan gets his angels to present live-action, real life ghost stories. This is where Mr. Ives' experience, (and one of my own also) come from. But they generally don't like to do TV too much because it can deflate the mistique.

Rider- you're hot on the trail again. Ghosts are real. They are not the spirits of departed humans. They are demons masquerading as the spirits of departed humans as a prelude to a wave of personalized apparitions to deceive the world.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?


When Jesus comes again there will be a resurrection of the saved. One thousand years later a resurrection of the lost.

you immediately go to heaven, and when you die,

I believe that both of these could be true. Sence time would not be relavant to the dead. The resurrection would be immediate for them. For them, the end of the world has already occured. It is only the living that wait. Time is only relavant to the living. Of coarse, I can not prove this. I think Einstien tried. Just my thoughts.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by telaquapacky »

LWR VENTURES wrote: I believe that both of these could be true. Sence time would not be relavant to the dead. The resurrection would be immediate for them. For them, the end of the world has already occured. It is only the living that wait. Time is only relavant to the living. Of coarse, I can not prove this. I think Einstien tried. Just my thoughts.I agree. If death is the complete loss of consciousness I expect, there would be no sensation of the passing of time. The person would experience breathing their last, and the last scene fading, immediately followed by the first breath and the scene of their resurrection. Death would be the ultimate time travel. You can prove it to yourself, not to me, but don't try it just yet.:o
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by conanscaseclosed »

Far Rider wrote: hahahah well I'll invite you in for a cup of tea and a nice chat then! hahahaha;)
Well I'm glad that your "imagination" believes then, other wise others will be sending you to the "funny farm". :eek:
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Majenta »

Jives wrote: Here's a word for you, Majenta: Gravity.

No one on Earth can give you a scientific explanation for gravity. We know that mass seems to cause it, and that's all.

So you already believe in something that has no physical presence and yet affects everything in your life. Or don't you believe in gravity? LOl! :D

Hmmm, an interesting point... but gravity isn't a thing in itself, it's just the tendency for objects to stick together, although you're quite right, I don't understand why. But the thing that is affecting everything is the earth itself.. which is a physical presence! Although I do see your point.

I'm not ruling out spirits or whatever altogether, I just need more than testimonials and blurry photos to make me believe.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by Majenta »

LWR VENTURES wrote: Well I don't believe electricity, magnetism, light, and other forms of radiation, have a physical presence.

Well, I'm no physicist but aren't there particles involved?
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by telaquapacky »

Far Rider wrote: Well Darn interesting I must do some research. Paky can you give me your biblical explainition of the 'grave' is that a reference to sheol?Sheol, Creole. It's not that complicated. Humans are mortal. Only God is immortal. Eternal life is a gift to the saved. The lost do not live forever, hence, no eternal hellfire. The mercy and love of God makes it impossible that He would run a 24 hour torture chamber forever. I could quote verses 'til I'm blue in the face- for what? Anyone who knows God doesn't need the big explanation.

Really it should come as no surprise that hellfire is so popular among churches. A lot of church doctrines came from paganism and human philosophy. Greeks taught all kinds of hellish ideas. Remember Sysyphus? They guy who spent forever rolling a stone up a hill, only to have it roll down again? There's another Greek mythological guy who would get his guts picked out by a crow, then it would heal, then the crow would come back and do it again and again forever. Greek philosophy.

But if you're really interested, I have a pack of Death and Resurrection Bible references I could spout. We'd have to start another thread to be fair to our ghost fan friends.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by mominiowa »

I believe WHOLE HEARTEDLY! My brother came to tell me goodbye - sat on my bed and when he reached to touch me - it was cold and tingly..I have been a believer ever since, the doctors told my mom I was just in a deep sleep- He never got to tell me goodbye before he died, because I was gone - He had to do after he died... - My son says he sees my dad all the time- has even played trucks with him in the middle of the night...I never thought I would say this but yes I do beleive...and no one could ever tell me that it doesn't happen...:-6

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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by K.Snyder »

Jives wrote: Here's a word for you, Majenta: Gravity.

No one on Earth can give you a scientific explanation for gravity. We know that mass seems to cause it, and that's all.

So you already believe in something that has no physical presence and yet affects everything in your life. Or don't you believe in gravity? LOl! :D

Its not Gravity that affects other objects,Its the mass that the objects bear that affects itself.The day gravity affects anything that has no mass is the day Im a believer.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by CARLA »

Well I have had but one experience with ghosts. It made me a believer. It wasn't a member of my family or anyone I knew.

One day this must have been 25 years ago my daughter, myself and my cat SPARKY were sitting on the couch watching TV. All of a sudden this cloud like gray white something comes through the wall of the adjoining apartment moves across the back wall of my apartment (creating a cloudy shadow) as it moved.. We all froze, the cat looked at me and jumped in my lap.. It kept moving along the wall and out the far wall of my apartment my cat followed its motions till it went out the wall. After we could finally move again, I ran two doors down and asked my Friend of 33 years, and neighbor if she had seen what we had seen. Well the look on her face told me she had... the person on the other side of her had as well..We couldn't ask the neighbors right next to me they weren't home at the time.

Now was it a ghost, I think so, didn't have a human form no, was it real??? sure as hell looked real to me, my cat, my daughter and 8 other people who had seen it that night. We figured it was a ghost looking for someone, or on a journey somewhere, it hesitated a bit in all our apartments but then moved on..:-3


"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming.

WOO HOO!!, what a ride!!!"

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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by K.Snyder »

CARLA wrote: Well I have had but one experience with ghosts. It made me a believer. It wasn't a member of my family or anyone I knew.

One day this must have been 25 years ago my daughter, myself and my cat SPARKY were sitting on the couch watching TV. All of a sudden this cloud like gray white something comes through the wall of the adjoining apartment moves across the back wall of my apartment (creating a cloudy shadow) as it moved.. We all froze, the cat looked at me and jumped in my lap.. It kept moving along the wall and out the far wall of my apartment my cat followed its motions till it went out the wall. After we could finally move again, I ran two doors down and asked my Friend of 33 years, and neighbor if she had seen what we had seen. Well the look on her face told me she had... the person on the other side of her had as well..We couldn't ask the neighbors right next to me they weren't home at the time.

Now was it a ghost, I think so, didn't have a human form no, was it real??? sure as hell looked real to me, my cat, my daughter and 8 other people who had seen it that night. We figured it was a ghost looking for someone, or on a journey somewhere, it hesitated a bit in all our apartments but then moved on..:-3

Could have been fog seeping through air pockets of the house.Fog can wonder many of miles and could also explain why your neighbors had seen it.Im not saying it wasnt ghosts though either,Im just giving you a possible explanation.
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Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Post by conanscaseclosed »

If it had been outside when it had been seen then maybe fog could be the explanation. But through different home units on the inside... Well come on that is just...OK! Got Me!:wah:
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