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Post by john8pies »

Hi everybody.

just wondered how many hours sleep people get. I sleep more than i used to (suppose everybody does as they have more to do , etc) but still only manage 6 hours average maximum per night - more at weekends and less on weeknights. BUT i am always so tired I sleep for 20 minutes or so regardless of noise or distractions just after lunch. Is there any `normal` amount of sleep or is there any danger in not getting enough sleep? Just wondered. :yh_sleep :yh_sleep :yh_sleep
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Post by lady cop »

funny you should mention that, i tossed and turned all night, twisted up my sheets, called Bothwell 3 times, COULD NOT SLEEP! when on 12 hour shifts life is just work/sleep....tired all the time. on the rare day off, just want to sleep. "to sleep, perchance to dream"
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Post by CARLA »


Interesting subject. (I may not have to exact % quoted in the new, but they are close).

I saw in the new just last week an article about "TO LITTLE SLEEP VS TO MUCH SLEEP" and it's effects on your health, in particular Being a DIABETIC, AND HEART RELATED ILLNESSES The findings were as follows:

1. Sleeping 6 hours or less a night increases your possibility of having diabetis, and heart problems by 15%(I can't remember the exact percentages. :p and of course genetic play a huge part as well.

2. Sleeping 9 hours or more a night also increase your risk of diabetis, and heart related illinesses by 25%, the theory being your not moving, so your less active.

3. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night DECREASES your possibility of these diseases byt 33%.



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Post by hotsauce »

I try to get 7 1/2 - 8 hrs per night. I have no trouble doing that. Unless I have the horrible task of public speaking in my future, I fall right asleep. If I don't get at least 7 hours I am all fuzzy in my head and I say random bits throughout the day that make little sense. On the weekend I log in 9 hours. Nine hours is the perfect amount of time. I feel the best when I get 9. I know...that is a lot.

My father gets about 4-5 per night. He works a job that requires him to get up very, very early...and he fights off sleep all night long. When I lived at home (he was sleeping about 3-4 back then), I actually saw him fall asleep standing up! He asked his doctor if it was unsafe to sleep so little. His doctor had little worries. He said "you will sleep if you are tired". Well, I'm always afraid he will get tired while he is driving. I think that amount of sleep is unsafe for anyone!
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Post by devist8me »

I get 5-6 hours a night, with a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon (if I'm lucky). I feel pretty good with that amount. However, some days it does seem to "catch up with me" and I sleep a lot.
I probably posted that in an ambien trance-soryy
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Post by john8pies »

Thank you all for these interesting replies; I look forward to more!
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Post by Lon »

I usually am in bed between 11 and 12 PM, am asleep in 10 minutes, sleep off and on for six hours and then up between 5:30 to 6 AM.
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Post by Tan »

6 hours does it for me! I can never nap during the day. I feel as though I might miss something.
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Post by BabyRider »

Tan wrote: I can never nap during the day. I feel as though I might miss something.That's me, too. I hate napping. I feel all muddle-headed the rest of the day! And I worry I might miss something, too! The ol' man and I work afternoons, so our bedtime is usually around 3 am. Sometimes later. Sleep till 10 or 11, and I'm good, but he needs more sleep than I do. If he doesn't get at least 8, he's a bear. And a 240 pound crabby biker is NOT a pleasant thing to deal with!! :yh_bigsmi
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Post by Peg »

I usually go to bed around midnight or 1a.m. and get up between 7 and 8a.m. Usually I take a half hour power nap after work. Lately, all I want to do is sleep. I can sleep 8 hours, take 3 1/2hour naps, and still sleep well at night. Guess it's about time to go to the doctor again.
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Post by minks »

Peg wrote: I usually go to bed around midnight or 1a.m. and get up between 7 and 8a.m. Usually I take a half hour power nap after work. Lately, all I want to do is sleep. I can sleep 8 hours, take 3 1/2hour naps, and still sleep well at night. Guess it's about time to go to the doctor again.

Week days I usually get 8 hours uninterupted sleep (it pays to be old ahahaha) weekends now that is another I am lucky to get 5 hours....

And Peg if your feeling ultra tired, one of the easiest things to do to correct that, add some extra iron to your diet. Women are especially prone to low iron and when your iron is low your very sleepy. Leaffy green veggies, red meat and beans are a good source. You can take iron pills but make sure they are the glauconate kind as they are easy on the digestion. Kelp and spinnach tablets are good substitutes as well.

If you allow your iron to get too low, you are a prime candicated for anemia, and that takes much longer to correct.
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Post by LottomagicZ4941 »

I use to sleep 7 hours a night. But after my employer was sort staffing us cronically I got my sleep destroyed. Durning my FMLA time I got to where I could sleep for 6 hours straight!!!

Well going to sleep soon I hope. Was hoping the kid would wake up to feed before I went to sleep but I'm a getting tired.

If I don't go to sleep when I'm tired I get stuck up.


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Post by night owl »

I need roughly around 7 hours but you now what, i never seem to get them because i am a insomniac:-1 its absolutely terrible sleepless nights and restless days used sleeping drugs but found them to be more problematic than the sleepless nights, yes the side effects...feeling drowsy with a general feeling of malaise.all so the addiction factor that frightens me.

so i just have to make do with the sleep i get like i have had 6 hours sleep in two days feel very rough:-1 but hope to get a few more hours later.its not just the falling a sleep but the staying a sleep that's the biggest problem.
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Post by Majenta »

I go through phases of getting 8-9 hours then having horrible insomnia for months when I only get about 4-5 most nights. It's weird though, cos other than it being really annoying when I'm tossing and turning half the night, it doesn't bother me.

I had to read about sleep patterns as part of my degree (psychology), and they've done studies that seem to show that people can function perfectly normally on about 5 hours once you've got into a regular routine. Less than that and things like memory and problem solving abilities start to be affected...but there was this one case study about a woman who slept only one hour a night and was fine, not even ever tired! weird...
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Post by night owl »

Majenta wrote: I go through phases of getting 8-9 hours then having horrible insomnia for months when I only get about 4-5 most nights. It's weird though, cos other than it being really annoying when I'm tossing and turning half the night, it doesn't bother me.

I had to read about sleep patterns as part of my degree (psychology), and they've done studies that seem to show that people can function perfectly normally on about 5 hours once you've got into a regular routine. Less than that and things like memory and problem solving abilities start to be affected...but there was this one case study about a woman who slept only one hour a night and was fine, not even ever tired! weird...

so you are a psychology student then i wish you well with that.

you seem to suffer from periodical insomnia, yeah i wish i did,I love the night always have and when i was a student it never bothered me that much also. but when you have work in the morning that becomes a pain in other areas. you go in to work and your work colleges look at you nuff to say you been on the juice last night, yeah you can look that bad.some times any how if i cant sleep i just go and sit by the widow looking out at the stars, this is pretty relaxing, alternatively i will play the guitar or just read a book {i am a book worm}.this helps some times.

interesting in what you said concerning that woman in that case study who needed just one hour sleep amazing, i never know that was possible. I would malfunction in circa two days.
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Post by chrisb84uk »

I used to find getting to sleep really hard because I just had so much going through my mind that sleep wasn't possible. That's why i now tend to go to be at about 1am and have found myself nodding off too sleep much easier. I'm lucky as I can get around 8 1/2 hours of sleep a day, but that's thanks to being a student (and a very lazy one at that :D)
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