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work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:29 am
by DesignerGal
I'd get a second opinion. QUICK!! My sister went to the doctor for a whole year (starting in June 2004) with cramps and irregular bowel movements (she would go up to 2 weeks with out one), they FINALLY told her on August 13 that she had backed up poop in her intestines! And it had hardened. Get an XRAY. She had to take a precsription and had to have an enema twice a day for three days. It wasnt fun. And who are you really close enough to to give you an enema at home?

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:59 pm
by robinseggs
Maybe getting too much fiber in diet? And may need a little more fat? Sound to me like you really regimen yourself too rigidly! Let go! MAKE some free time. Find it. My son's pediatrician said warm baths can help with constipation. Also there is such a thing as trying to be too healthy. All of what you do sounds really healthy, but all things should be done in moderation, so have a chocolate bar or some chips once in awhile. I suspect you deserve it?

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:57 am
by pink princess
um..... ok, your a chef and i get your daily pattern is not the normal 9-5 job but then with all the exercise you do etc you shouldnt really be so stressed.... is there anything else causing the stress?

i agree with the first post, i have bowel problems myself and was diagnosed a year ago with a condition that means i have medication for life to deal with it, most definitely go back and keep pushing for more attention from the doctors, mine misdiagnosed me a total of 5 times in a year and if it hadnt been for his incompetence i may never have wound up in hospital....

anyhoo basically im saying see someone else and get their opinion too, it doesnt sound right to me....

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 12:06 am
by dmdav1
I know of a nutritional program that is pure nutritional food that gerts absorbed at a cellular level so it regenerates healthier cells. It is AMAZING for digestive problems - send me an email for details about the program

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:24 pm
by alobar51
dmdav1 wrote: I know of a nutritional program that is pure nutritional food that gerts absorbed at a cellular level so it regenerates healthier cells. It is AMAZING for digestive problems - send me an email for details about the program

This is an MLM scam. Do it at your peril. This idiot was selling this crap to diabetics this morning.

Admins. ban this moron,

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:46 am
by deckard
I think it's a mind over matter thing you have. You are rushed of your feet whilst at work and you must have over time just learnt to put off going to the toilet. This causes constipation big time. I have a simalar problem where I am really busy at work and just can't seem to `sit myself down` to take care of a natural thing when my body is telling me I must do. Also the fact our works toilets are not the best kept toilets I have seen, this in itself makes me not want to use them and wait till I get home. The more you delay the harder it becomes to go when you finally decide to.

I try , to get into a routine of going first thing in the morning, every morning and it usually works.

Hope things get better and excuse the pun but its a problem that really is a Pain in the Arse!

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:49 am
by GordonPears
It is important in every one's life to maintain time to take care of our health which helps in maintaining fitness of our body. Constipation mainly occurs due to improper intake of food. My advise regarding constipation is to follow the natural methods of remedies which don't have any side effects.

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:52 am
by Amber Sun
aletta;144254 wrote: I was wondering if anyone out there had any good advice/handy hints.I can't be the only person in the world working hard and rushing about but sofar it has been difficult to find any solutions.

Let me elaborate.

I work a irregular 4 day week as a chef,clocking up to 15 hours per day and I am so rushed off my feet that I am not relaxed enough for a bowel movement.

My GP prescribed a mild laxative but it didn't work.

I cycle to work(and back in my break) to that's about 80 minutes of cycling;I swim half an hour before work and work out on my days off so that box is ticked.

Drink loads of water,am a very good girl fruit and veggie wise and since I was raised on a high fibre diet I don't even like white bread.

Don't take any medication that should interfere with the natural processes and my intestines aren't lazy-after a 4 day stint I have up to 6 big bowel movements a day.Yuck! It feels unsavoury and it can't be healthy,schlepping all that garbage around.

So-any suggestions?

Aletta from London

Hi Aletta. You have received some very good replies on this thread but from you have described I think I have to lean towards deckard's answer for you. But by all means give very careful consideration to the rest.

I do however want to add one more thought to your problem. Since your intestines ease up on days off then it's not your back being misaligned that is the problem. Certain foods will cause constipation, including drip coffee vs instant, cheese, certain teas and herbs used for cooking etc. It may be that you are eating or drinking something at work that you do not have on your days off.

I don't know how long this has been happening to you but the body will set up a sort of 'time clock'. If you get used to this schedule of evacuation your body will start to conform and then you will have to 'retrain' it all over again. It is a similar situation to setting your alarm clock for work. After a while you will find that you will end up waking up at that time even on days off.

I would take a good look at the differences in food and drink and try to schedule time as deckard suggests.

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:55 am
by mikeinie
Contact Raven, she is our inhouse nurse: ... ost1117064

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:50 pm
by nydia_f
I think the suggestion about tracking which foods you eat and seeing if there are any issues in that regard is a good one. But I had luck dealing with this issue by looking at it from the perspective of relaxation. You might be right that during your busy 4 day week you "can't relax". This could be due to a deficiency in magnesium in your diet - it is not uncommon with our modern diets. Magnesium comes largely from leafy greens and even those have lower contents of the mineral than the used to due to large scale farming. It is crucial to relaxation because it blocks the sympathetic nervous system (i.e. the fight or flight response). If you don't have enough, you can stop that response and become "sympathetic dominant". Your body can't relax and puts very little energy into digestion until after it can relax. It sounds like this could be the case for you because you are able to go after your 4 days are over.

The other thing is that magnesium is further leached from the body by alcohol and caffeine so pay attention to those things. But I would suggest you try an absorbent magnesium supplement like magnesium citrate (not to expensive at the store) and maybe something like L-Theanine - a cheap amino acid you can buy derived from green tea that helps induce the relaxation response without inducing drowsiness. Good Luck!


work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:23 am
by lampuiho
robinseggs;144808 wrote: Maybe getting too much fiber in diet? And may need a little more fat? Sound to me like you really regimen yourself too rigidly! Let go! MAKE some free time. Find it. My son's pediatrician said warm baths can help with constipation. Also there is such a thing as trying to be too healthy. All of what you do sounds really healthy, but all things should be done in moderation, so have a chocolate bar or some chips once in awhile. I suspect you deserve it?

Gotta register just to say this. I eat absolutely clean and did not have this problem. No main carb source. Only carbs from non-starchy vegs. I eat mostly fat and protein to keep me satisfied while having a lower Cal consumption.

However, whenever I start working(having a job) I start having constipation problem a week after getting hired. Once I get fired though, I stop having problems a week later. (happened twice)

The only changes I observed in these three times of getting constipated are that I wear different clothing, and having to go to work (literally). During work, I still sit mostly like I do when I don't have a job. ( I do lots of programming when not having a job).

I have a six pack abs. Drink plenty of water. Not feeling any stress. (just to clear up some of the common belief of cause of constipation).

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:13 am
by LarsMac
lampuiho;1456994 wrote: Gotta register just to say this. I eat absolutely clean and did not have this problem. No main carb source. Only carbs from non-starchy vegs. I eat mostly fat and protein to keep me satisfied while having a lower Cal consumption.

However, whenever I start working(having a job) I start having constipation problem a week after getting hired. Once I get fired though, I stop having problems a week later. (happened twice)

The only changes I observed in these three times of getting constipated are that I wear different clothing, and having to go to work (literally). During work, I still sit mostly like I do when I don't have a job. ( I do lots of programming when not having a job).

I have a six pack abs. Drink plenty of water. Not feeling any stress. (just to clear up some of the common belief of cause of constipation).

You had to register just to dredge up a 4 year old thread?

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:52 am
by High Threshold
aletta;144254 wrote: I was wondering if anyone out there had any good advice/handy hints.I can't be the only person in the world working hard and rushing about but sofar it has been difficult to find any solutions.

Let me elaborate.

I work a irregular 4 day week as a chef,clocking up to 15 hours per day and I am so rushed off my feet that I am not relaxed enough for a bowel movement.

My GP prescribed a mild laxative but it didn't work.

I cycle to work(and back in my break) to that's about 80 minutes of cycling;I swim half an hour before work and work out on my days off so that box is ticked.

Drink loads of water,am a very good girl fruit and veggie wise and since I was raised on a high fibre diet I don't even like white bread.

Don't take any medication that should interfere with the natural processes and my intestines aren't lazy-after a 4 day stint I have up to 6 big bowel movements a day.Yuck! It feels unsavoury and it can't be healthy,schlepping all that garbage around.

So-any suggestions?

Aletta from London

Stress, if I am not mistaken, usually gives me diarrhea. But never mind that. For constipation (quick fix) I eat two large yoghurts and/or a large packet of salty crisps. Straight down, not a bit now and a bit later. That does the trick for me, either late the same evening or early the next day. And after that, if I feel I need longer-term help, I make certain to eat one yoghurt every day.

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:57 am
by High Threshold
LarsMac;1457010 wrote: ..... a 4 year old thread?

Oh Christ! You're right!

work/stress induced constipation-any handy hints?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:37 am
by lampuiho
LarsMac;1457010 wrote: You had to register just to dredge up a 4 year old thread?

because publicly available research data for constipation is not available for public discussion anywhere else.

it's not like a this kind of information can get too old.