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Another depression blah!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:33 pm
by minks
Depression seems like a plague. I think it is a shame it is running rampant among people. We all just take on way to much and it's finally catching up to us. So many things strike down the human being. Single parenthood, finances, jobs, being a good parent, father husband mother etc, pressure to do well in work, relations, hobbies, school, sports, succeeing, fast food takes the place of a balanced diet so we deprive our bodies there. We need to stop the race and jump off the fast track and slow things down. Soon we will be all in institutes.

Another depression blah!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 2:21 pm
by mominiowa
Doctors hand out meds like water to depressed people..Before I even started my treatments they said-- Fill these, you'll need them.ARGHHH!! WTF! Plan on people being sad but not being positive?...Hell no.I waited 3 years before I took them..LOL Now I LOVE My ZOLOFT!:-4

Another depression blah!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 2:38 pm
by minks
mominiowa wrote: Doctors hand out meds like water to depressed people..Before I even started my treatments they said-- Fill these, you'll need them.ARGHHH!! WTF! Plan on people being sad but not being positive?...Hell no.I waited 3 years before I took them..LOL Now I LOVE My ZOLOFT!:-4

Ahahahaha I hated my E, gawd it supressed way too much and being newly dating you can imagine my frustration on what it supressed ahahahaha Happy to be off that stuff.

Another depression blah!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:07 pm
by orangesox1
I think the reason we hear more about it now is that people are more open to talk about it and more inclined to do something about it, especially women. My Father suffers from it but he denies it and would never go to the Dr about it. Men especially have a problem admitting to it.

Medication can do a lot to help, and I came close to going to the Dr a few weeks ago, the reason I didn't was because I wouldn't be able to have my glass of red wine while I'm cooking dinner and that is something I really enjoy at dinner time.

But I think it is like ADHD, it's not so much that there is more or it around it is just more readily diagnosed.

Another depression blah!

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:50 am
by actionfigurestepho
Maybe because nobody likes a whiner?

When you're depressed sometimes you can't tell if it's normal everyday blues, which you don't want to bother people with, or if it's a serious problem that needs to be addressed

Personally I clam up because I don't think other people want to hear it.

Another depression blah!

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:00 pm
by listeranta
Dear Mink & Skittles

Mink you're talking about 'causal depression'.

minks wrote: Depression seems like a plague. I think it is a shame it is running rampant among people. We all just take on way to much and it's finally catching up to us. So many things strike down the human being. Single parenthood, finances, jobs, being a good parent, father husband mother etc, pressure to do well in work, relations, hobbies, school, sports, succeeing, fast food takes the place of a balanced diet so we deprive our bodies there. We need to stop the race and jump off the fast track and slow things down. Soon we will be all in institutes.

Skittles, your subjects prob live with 'clinical depression' (or one of many other types of depressive illness) which is something quite different: It's a brain/chemical/genetic thing. those of us with it would love to be able to swap for the usual 'my life/job/situation/etc sucks' or even grief/loss types of causal depression.

In my video journalism class we are doing this thing on how girls/women are depressed. Its suppose to air on PBS sometime in november. But we interviewed a lot of people who were depressed and it was pretty sad to hear it one after another. I was just wondering your thoughts on it

Some1 makes a very good point later in the thread that detection/diagnosis and reporting are up and also the use of statistics in the media paint a darkening picture which may not be true. what!!!!!! the papers not true?

hope this helps you understand a bit better. :thinking:

Another depression blah!

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:38 pm
by Alfred
it's also hard to tell whether your depressed sometimes and just what over.

well it is for me anyway, but of course this can then suddenly swing into something else. (mainly sleepiness)

Another depression blah!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 4:29 am
by chonsigirl
The comig of winter is always depressing-summer and sunshine rules!

Another depression blah!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:43 am
by greydeadhead
Winter ROCKS.... all that fine snow, deeps and steeps.... clean crisp air... and afterwards... hot tubs and cold beers.. woohooooooo.. life is good...

Another depression blah!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:14 am
by pina
greydeadhead wrote: Winter ROCKS.... all that fine snow, deeps and steeps.... clean crisp air... and afterwards... hot tubs and cold beers.. woohooooooo.. life is good...

Oooh I'm on my way over GDH.. Bet I could build a better snowman than you.