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Often depressed...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:16 pm
by minks
Donutte wrote: Yes, this place does do something for me :)

And I just hate the thought of taking the meds again... I'm on so many as it is... And I know I fear gaining weight again (I've lost so much and still have aways to go)... But thank you :)

Perhaps a trip back to the DR for alternative meds. Yes Anti Depressives are hell on a body, but you should be on them a minimum 6 months, and you should not mess about with them. My Dr's advise was it takes 6 mo to correct that chemical imbalance then after that time period you either increase, reduce and remove the dose. As well keep busy, mind and body this helps greatly.

Often depressed...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:24 pm
by minks
Donutte wrote: True... What really sucks though is that my doctor was involved with the city... Since I don't live there, I can't go back to that same doctor... I hate the thought of going to someone who I'd have to tell my whole lovely life story of hell to again... Oh well... Sometimes you gotta do things you don't necessarily want to though... :-5

A couple sessions or agro beat a life time worth.

Often depressed...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:29 pm
by Skeeter
I really sympathize with you...I am bi-polar so have been there and have to remain on the meds, like it or not...they are a pain to take as I have so many other things I have to take meds advice is find a "good" psychiatrist and go tell your story once more...they are the only ones who can properly perscribe has such a bad rep telling any one you are going to a shrink but when I finally did, he got to the problem and gave me meds to help...I haven't gone back to one for about 4 years but have moved and have a new appointment on the 15 of this month which means I have to tell my whole story over again only add in the death of my husband of 59 years...don't look forward to it but must if I don't want to continually look back...I plead with you...go see someone are not going to bring your friends down...if they are true friends they will be praying for you and supporting you all the way...