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Russia, Fatima, Abortion, Children, Terror the Future

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:31 pm
by illuminati
Author: Anthony C. LoBaido

Do the French prophet Nostradamus and Our Lady of Fatima have a message for modern Americans concerning the future of Russia?

Nostradamus wrote in one of his Quatrains that; They (the U.S. and Russia) shall meet at the pole. Does this refer to the Bering Strait? Does the term meet refer to an era of friendship that goes far beyond detente or a relaxation of tensions and brings both nations into a long-term peaceful co-existence?

The 1970's quasi-documentary about Nostradamus, narrated by Orson Wells, posed these very questions. At the time they seemed preposterous. The Cold War was raging. Vietnam had fallen. The Afrikaners were fighting the Soviets and Cubans in Angola.

A terrifying movie called Red Dawn (Krasnya Zhariya) was released in 1984 starring some of Hollywood's top young actors. (Charlie Sheen and Patrick Swayze to name but two.) This film depicted a Russian-Cuban attack on fortress America. Lea Thompson (these days better known as Caroline in the City) was busy gunning down Spetznaz soldiers in front of a Colorado McDonalds.

Around this time, President Reagan proposed his Star Wars initiative. Still yet, nuclear war seemed a very real possibility. So much so that a major U.S. network produced a made for TV movie called The Day After which dramatized the effects of a potential nuclear war on the city of Lawrence, Kansas. This TV movie terrified many Americans, including this writer. Scores of people wept after watching this show. It was nothing sort of horrifying because it seemed so real.

But nuclear war did not transpire. Instead the Berlin Wall came down and a large chunk of it was sent to the Texas A&M campus. Mikhail Gorbachev was feted by the West and given an American military base -- The Presidio -- of his very own. There he set up a green revolutionary headquarters with a little help from his Hollywood superbud Pierce Brosnan of James Bond fame. (Can you imagine Ike or JFK giving a Soviet dictator, let's say, Fort Hood?)

The 1990's internet boom drove out almost all of America's spiritual values, and in the rush to join the global economy America became just like the old Soviet Union, a purely materialistic society. (Unless getting bumped up to first class with Joel Osteen for a mission trip to India is your idea of the favor of God.)

On the other hand, Russia is now highly nationalistic and has a patriotic population. They fear the de facto expansion of NATO. They remember the invasions of Napoleon and Hitler. In reality Russia seems a lot like a mixture of 1930's and 1950's America. The whole scenario has turned around. It is now white, Christian Russia vs. a godless America in the eyes of many Russians. It is now America that is seen as trying to impose its materialistic moral (and economic structure on the rest of an unwilling world.

Russia is a country that stretches the imagination as wide as her 11 time zones. Again, it should not be underestimated that Russia's population is monolithically white, racist, (the ANC has been all but kicked out) and has seen a resurgence of Orthodox Christianity. Also, many in the West and in Russia see Russia as the last bastion of Western Civilization -- at least though who don't believe that the world is one big shopping mall.

Russians can be proud of an excellent educational system as well as the best astronauts in the galaxy. Their high tech weaponry is first rate and it is no surprise that Russia is a major exporter of arms to the world market.

Her young leader, Mr. Putin, undeterred by the Kursk tragedy, recently boarded a nuclear submarine to practice all out nuclear war on the United States of America. Not to scare Wall Street, the controlled U.S. media (which under political correctness has become a Soviet-style entity) all but blocked out this Cold War-style event. It should be terrifying to all normal people at least to the remnant of thinking Americans.

Russia should and could be the richest country in the world. Russia is the world's leading exporter of oil and has made secret diamond agreements with the DeBeers diamond cartel since the 1950!&s. Siberia is rich in timber, diamonds and other resources in the same fashion as is Alaska, which Russia foolishly sold to the U.S.

Russia has several major problems. The first is abortion. Between 1970 and 2020 Russia's population will have been cut almost in half because of abortion. (From roughly 240 million to 160 million or so.) During the Soviet era the average Russian woman had something like 16 abortions in her lifetime.

Now one looks at the recent terrorist attack in Russia that left around 340 children dead with a sense of horror. Yet is this nothing but a reminder of how children are murdered every day in Russia and around the world via abortion?

Consider this harsh reality;

Jews kill other Jews every day in Israeli abortion clinics. Then they wonder about the rise in terrorism. Where are Israel's holy leader and anointed population on this issue? Where are Hal Lindsey and John Hagee and the others in the Amen Corner (of Congress to stand up for unborn Jewish children? It would seem the Pharaohs have returned.

Not to be outdone, Americans murder 5,000 children every day in abortion clinics. Planned Parenthood gave away free abortions in New York City the week after 9-11 to help people cope.( New York's Republican Mayor Mike Bloomberg wants to turn New York City's vast array of medical schools into a dark Mecca of abortion training for new doctors.

We can't forget about the United Nations-directed abortion holocaust, which also originates EVERY DAY in New York City. (And have you ever considered that both Moses and Jesus were born during eras plagued by infanticide as enacted by the Pharaoh and Herod?)

Such plans are crafty and seductive. They call to mind what Jesus Christ said; If the light in thine eye be darkness, how great is that darkness. To me Jesus was speaking of people who believe they are bringing light to the world but are in effect leading people astray.

We all know that capitalism requires an expanding population. Think of the U.S. importing 30 million new faces since 1993 to help make up for the 43 million abortions since 1973. The intellectual Mandarins running the West with their mad and inaccurate science cry about an overpopulation problem. Yet 97 percent of the Earth's land surface (and who told us to capitalize the word Earth anyway except the Mother Gaia elitists) is empty. We are in the middle of a Baby Bust. We have a lower birthrate today in the U.S. than any time since World War II. Back in 1944 we had 7 million soldiers overseas in uniform. So why is the birthrate lower today than it was in 1944?

Now let's take a look at what Russia has been up to during the window which existed between the day the Berlin Wall came down and 9-11?

Russia has planned genetic agro-terror against the U.S. This was published in an AP story.

Russia threatened nuclear attack on America during Clinton's ill-fated Serbian campaign. (One can't forget the maternity hospital in Serbia Slick Willy took out with his own private 9-11. Or doesn't that count? Wasn't that a lot like the recent terrorist attack on the Russian children? Or has America become that blind to its own evil?) World War III was only adverted over the Pristina Airport by cooler heads in the British Army. (See LoBaido's story A Yank in the British Army for a more complete picture.)

Russia may have blinded a U.S. helicopter pilot with a laser weapon, has been caught mapping the continental shelf off of the West Coast, helped Iraq during both of the past two U.S.-Iraq Wars and is today helping Iran with her sophisticated nuclear program.

Russian pilots carried out a mock raid on a U.S. naval carrier group and sank (that carrier group a few years back. The U.S. was unable to scramble jets to intercept the Russian fighter jets. This was no frivolous exercise. The Russian pilots who sank (the U.S. ships returned to base and received medals.

(On the day of 9-11 Russia and China were coincidentally conducting huge, joint military exercises in the Pacific. If that fourth plane had not gone down in Pennsylvania and instead had taken out the White House or Congress, then the U.S. might have been driven out of South Korea and Taiwan by a Russian-Chinese force.)

The Russians have entered into an alliance against the U.S. with China and have helped North Korea with satellite photos. They also trained Japan's notorious Aum Shinrikyo cult. (Was this official policy or a faction within Russia? Russia is still technically at war with Japan over a few islands in the North Pacific.)

Russia's Army fought well under the late General Lebed in Chechnya. General Lebed later challenged Yeltsin to rule Russia and was killed in Siberia in a helicopter crash. Lebed warned the U.S. that Islamic radicals had gotten a hold of scores of Russian backpack nukes.

According to what this writer terms the J.R. Nyquist view, (see, Russia is behind the gray terror of Al Qaida. Is it possible the recent school kidnappings, plane crashes, apartment block bombing and Chechnyan War were all carried out so Moscow could cover her tracks (and claim to be on America's side in the war against terror)?

Again, look at the satellite photos going to North Korea from Russia. Look at how Aum Shinrikyo was trained by Russia's elite Vymple special forces. Aum Shinrikyo might have set off the world's first non-governmental nuclear detonation in the Australian Outback with the help of some Ukrainian physicists.

Look at Putin sailing his nuclear submarine. Look at Yeltsin's threat as well. (Remember, "We will bury you?") Look at Putin making diplomatic inroads with France, Germany, the EU and many Arab states. Look at how haughty and dismissive America acted towards Russia during the short lived 1990's internet boom. (Some call it the looting of America.)

We know that America has paid Russia billions for her left over weapons grade nuclear waste. (We still haven't gotten rid of the original waste from the Hiroshima bomb. Our waste and the Russian waste is sitting in railroad cars, amongst other less than secure places, all over the U.S. -- mainly in the West. Readers may want to get a hold of the documentary The Fire Unleashed (made by ABC News in 1985.)

We have given Russia billions to make her nuclear weapons safer from terrorists. Yet when the DOE went to Russia to inspect such at risk sites they were barred from entering. Russia has massive civilian civil defense and has built a vast underground city at Yatamatu Mountain that is nothing less than the world's premier fortress to survive a nuclear war.

When the U.S. Milstar Network went down during the 2000 Y2K Millennial change over -- meaning our military's number one Battle Eye In The Sky was totally impotent -- a select group of Russians were invited inside NORAD during the height of this very same and very real Y2K madness to monitor a possible accidental nuclear launch.

Was this kind of like how Wen Ho Lee was invited into that lab in New Mexico to give away our miniaturized nuclear warhead designs to the PLA? Bill Clinton lied about Milstar in effect to the American people. He said everything is fine on the night of the new millennium. Remember what George Costanza said on that 1990's cult TV hit Seinfeld; Remember, it's not a lie if YOU believe it!!

Russia objects strongly to a U.S. missile defense shield. Why? Do you care if your neighbor has a burglar alarm system? Russia moved some of its nuclear weapons into a remote corner of its country (near to Denmark) to scare that Scandinavian nation into telling America that Greenland (which Denmark controls) is off limits to a U.S. missile shield base.

Russian bombers have flown as far West as Iceland during anti-NATO maneuvers. Russia has deployed a new generation of high tech ICBM's some of which are mobile, so why has President Bush Jr. entered into a unilateral, one-sided and possibly insane missile reduction treated with Russia? At the bottom it read, Parent or Guardian must sign this treaty. Hopefully Dick Cheney never signed off on it.

Russia has infiltrated the American defense establishment (look at the recent spy scandals of Robert Hanssen and Aldrich Aimes just to name two, not forgetting the Jonathan Pollard episode, which spiraled out of his control to possibly include the Russians.)

Clearly Russia is playing hardball.

Our Blessed Mother, filled with all humility and purity, appeared at the turn of the last century in Fatima, Portugal and spoke to a collection of young girls. (One of which later became a nun.) During these visitations, the Virgin said unless Russia was consecrated to the Sacred Heart that nation would be the site of great trials and tribulations, and possibly this could ignite a global conflagration akin to World War III, Armageddon, the Apocalypse or The Great Chastisement.

The Blessed Virgin also warned that most people who go to hell would be lost over sexual sins. She also said that families around the world would suffer satanic attacks and split apart. Have these secondary prophecies proven to be accurate? Who can say for sure? What we can say for sure is that killing children inside the womb is as spiritually polluting as is the killing of children outside of the womb. Both carry a long-term curse.

Yet it is clear that Russia cannot survive as a nation unless she undergoes a moral revival free of vodka and abortion. Putin has sounded the call for a new spirit of national health concerning drinking. The world awaits his clarion call about the issue of abortion.

Without such a revival and prayer war for the collective soul of the Russian people, it appears that Our Lady of Fatima will trump Nostradamus, and the recent, wicked terrorism carried out against Russia's innocent children will be, but the beginning of a long, protracted dark age where the culture of death turns against its masters.

Anthony C. LoBaido is an American journalist and photographer. His articles have appeared in, CBN, Pravda, Way Press of Belgium (translated into French) and the prestigious South African Mail & Guardian as well as having been cited by the U.S. Congress & House Ways and Means Committee. You can contact him at

Russia, Fatima, Abortion, Children, Terror the Future

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:17 am
by capt_buzzard
illuminati wrote: Author: Anthony C. LoBaido

Do the French prophet Nostradamus and Our Lady of Fatima have a message for modern Americans concerning the future of Russia?

Nostradamus wrote in one of his Quatrains that; They (the U.S. and Russia) shall meet at the pole. Does this refer to the Bering Strait? Does the term meet refer to an era of friendship that goes far beyond detente or a relaxation of tensions and brings both nations into a long-term peaceful co-existence?

The 1970's quasi-documentary about Nostradamus, narrated by Orson Wells, posed these very questions. At the time they seemed preposterous. The Cold War was raging. Vietnam had fallen. The Afrikaners were fighting the Soviets and Cubans in Angola.

A terrifying movie called Red Dawn (Krasnya Zhariya) was released in 1984 starring some of Hollywood's top young actors. (Charlie Sheen and Patrick Swayze to name but two.) This film depicted a Russian-Cuban attack on fortress America. Lea Thompson (these days better known as Caroline in the City) was busy gunning down Spetznaz soldiers in front of a Colorado McDonalds.

Around this time, President Reagan proposed his Star Wars initiative. Still yet, nuclear war seemed a very real possibility. So much so that a major U.S. network produced a made for TV movie called The Day After which dramatized the effects of a potential nuclear war on the city of Lawrence, Kansas. This TV movie terrified many Americans, including this writer. Scores of people wept after watching this show. It was nothing sort of horrifying because it seemed so real.

But nuclear war did not transpire. Instead the Berlin Wall came down and a large chunk of it was sent to the Texas A&M campus. Mikhail Gorbachev was feted by the West and given an American military base -- The Presidio -- of his very own. There he set up a green revolutionary headquarters with a little help from his Hollywood superbud Pierce Brosnan of James Bond fame. (Can you imagine Ike or JFK giving a Soviet dictator, let's say, Fort Hood?)

The 1990's internet boom drove out almost all of America's spiritual values, and in the rush to join the global economy America became just like the old Soviet Union, a purely materialistic society. (Unless getting bumped up to first class with Joel Osteen for a mission trip to India is your idea of the favor of God.)

On the other hand, Russia is now highly nationalistic and has a patriotic population. They fear the de facto expansion of NATO. They remember the invasions of Napoleon and Hitler. In reality Russia seems a lot like a mixture of 1930's and 1950's America. The whole scenario has turned around. It is now white, Christian Russia vs. a godless America in the eyes of many Russians. It is now America that is seen as trying to impose its materialistic moral (and economic structure on the rest of an unwilling world.

Russia is a country that stretches the imagination as wide as her 11 time zones. Again, it should not be underestimated that Russia's population is monolithically white, racist, (the ANC has been all but kicked out) and has seen a resurgence of Orthodox Christianity. Also, many in the West and in Russia see Russia as the last bastion of Western Civilization -- at least though who don't believe that the world is one big shopping mall.

Russians can be proud of an excellent educational system as well as the best astronauts in the galaxy. Their high tech weaponry is first rate and it is no surprise that Russia is a major exporter of arms to the world market.

Her young leader, Mr. Putin, undeterred by the Kursk tragedy, recently boarded a nuclear submarine to practice all out nuclear war on the United States of America. Not to scare Wall Street, the controlled U.S. media (which under political correctness has become a Soviet-style entity) all but blocked out this Cold War-style event. It should be terrifying to all normal people at least to the remnant of thinking Americans.

Russia should and could be the richest country in the world. Russia is the world's leading exporter of oil and has made secret diamond agreements with the DeBeers diamond cartel since the 1950!&s. Siberia is rich in timber, diamonds and other resources in the same fashion as is Alaska, which Russia foolishly sold to the U.S.

Russia has several major problems. The first is abortion. Between 1970 and 2020 Russia's population will have been cut almost in half because of abortion. (From roughly 240 million to 160 million or so.) During the Soviet era the average Russian woman had something like 16 abortions in her lifetime.

Now one looks at the recent terrorist attack in Russia that left around 340 children dead with a sense of horror. Yet is this nothing but a reminder of how children are murdered every day in Russia and around the world via abortion?

Consider this harsh reality;

Jews kill other Jews every day in Israeli abortion clinics. Then they wonder about the rise in terrorism. Where are Israel's holy leader and anointed population on this issue? Where are Hal Lindsey and John Hagee and the others in the Amen Corner (of Congress to stand up for unborn Jewish children? It would seem the Pharaohs have returned.

Not to be outdone, Americans murder 5,000 children every day in abortion clinics. Planned Parenthood gave away free abortions in New York City the week after 9-11 to help people cope.( New York's Republican Mayor Mike Bloomberg wants to turn New York City's vast array of medical schools into a dark Mecca of abortion training for new doctors.

We can't forget about the United Nations-directed abortion holocaust, which also originates EVERY DAY in New York City. (And have you ever considered that both Moses and Jesus were born during eras plagued by infanticide as enacted by the Pharaoh and Herod?)

Such plans are crafty and seductive. They call to mind what Jesus Christ said; If the light in thine eye be darkness, how great is that darkness. To me Jesus was speaking of people who believe they are bringing light to the world but are in effect leading people astray.

We all know that capitalism requires an expanding population. Think of the U.S. importing 30 million new faces since 1993 to help make up for the 43 million abortions since 1973. The intellectual Mandarins running the West with their mad and inaccurate science cry about an overpopulation problem. Yet 97 percent of the Earth's land surface (and who told us to capitalize the word Earth anyway except the Mother Gaia elitists) is empty. We are in the middle of a Baby Bust. We have a lower birthrate today in the U.S. than any time since World War II. Back in 1944 we had 7 million soldiers overseas in uniform. So why is the birthrate lower today than it was in 1944?

Now let's take a look at what Russia has been up to during the window which existed between the day the Berlin Wall came down and 9-11?

Russia has planned genetic agro-terror against the U.S. This was published in an AP story.

Russia threatened nuclear attack on America during Clinton's ill-fated Serbian campaign. (One can't forget the maternity hospital in Serbia Slick Willy took out with his own private 9-11. Or doesn't that count? Wasn't that a lot like the recent terrorist attack on the Russian children? Or has America become that blind to its own evil?) World War III was only adverted over the Pristina Airport by cooler heads in the British Army. (See LoBaido's story A Yank in the British Army for a more complete picture.)

Russia may have blinded a U.S. helicopter pilot with a laser weapon, has been caught mapping the continental shelf off of the West Coast, helped Iraq during both of the past two U.S.-Iraq Wars and is today helping Iran with her sophisticated nuclear program.

Russian pilots carried out a mock raid on a U.S. naval carrier group and sank (that carrier group a few years back. The U.S. was unable to scramble jets to intercept the Russian fighter jets. This was no frivolous exercise. The Russian pilots who sank (the U.S. ships returned to base and received medals.

(On the day of 9-11 Russia and China were coincidentally conducting huge, joint military exercises in the Pacific. If that fourth plane had not gone down in Pennsylvania and instead had taken out the White House or Congress, then the U.S. might have been driven out of South Korea and Taiwan by a Russian-Chinese force.)

The Russians have entered into an alliance against the U.S. with China and have helped North Korea with satellite photos. They also trained Japan's notorious Aum Shinrikyo cult. (Was this official policy or a faction within Russia? Russia is still technically at war with Japan over a few islands in the North Pacific.)

Russia's Army fought well under the late General Lebed in Chechnya. General Lebed later challenged Yeltsin to rule Russia and was killed in Siberia in a helicopter crash. Lebed warned the U.S. that Islamic radicals had gotten a hold of scores of Russian backpack nukes.

According to what this writer terms the J.R. Nyquist view, (see, Russia is behind the gray terror of Al Qaida. Is it possible the recent school kidnappings, plane crashes, apartment block bombing and Chechnyan War were all carried out so Moscow could cover her tracks (and claim to be on America's side in the war against terror)?

Again, look at the satellite photos going to North Korea from Russia. Look at how Aum Shinrikyo was trained by Russia's elite Vymple special forces. Aum Shinrikyo might have set off the world's first non-governmental nuclear detonation in the Australian Outback with the help of some Ukrainian physicists.

Look at Putin sailing his nuclear submarine. Look at Yeltsin's threat as well. (Remember, "We will bury you?") Look at Putin making diplomatic inroads with France, Germany, the EU and many Arab states. Look at how haughty and dismissive America acted towards Russia during the short lived 1990's internet boom. (Some call it the looting of America.)

We know that America has paid Russia billions for her left over weapons grade nuclear waste. (We still haven't gotten rid of the original waste from the Hiroshima bomb. Our waste and the Russian waste is sitting in railroad cars, amongst other less than secure places, all over the U.S. -- mainly in the West. Readers may want to get a hold of the documentary The Fire Unleashed (made by ABC News in 1985.)

We have given Russia billions to make her nuclear weapons safer from terrorists. Yet when the DOE went to Russia to inspect such at risk sites they were barred from entering. Russia has massive civilian civil defense and has built a vast underground city at Yatamatu Mountain that is nothing less than the world's premier fortress to survive a nuclear war.

When the U.S. Milstar Network went down during the 2000 Y2K Millennial change over -- meaning our military's number one Battle Eye In The Sky was totally impotent -- a select group of Russians were invited inside NORAD during the height of this very same and very real Y2K madness to monitor a possible accidental nuclear launch.

Was this kind of like how Wen Ho Lee was invited into that lab in New Mexico to give away our miniaturized nuclear warhead designs to the PLA? Bill Clinton lied about Milstar in effect to the American people. He said everything is fine on the night of the new millennium. Remember what George Costanza said on that 1990's cult TV hit Seinfeld; Remember, it's not a lie if YOU believe it!!

Russia objects strongly to a U.S. missile defense shield. Why? Do you care if your neighbor has a burglar alarm system? Russia moved some of its nuclear weapons into a remote corner of its country (near to Denmark) to scare that Scandinavian nation into telling America that Greenland (which Denmark controls) is off limits to a U.S. missile shield base.

Russian bombers have flown as far West as Iceland during anti-NATO maneuvers. Russia has deployed a new generation of high tech ICBM's some of which are mobile, so why has President Bush Jr. entered into a unilateral, one-sided and possibly insane missile reduction treated with Russia? At the bottom it read, Parent or Guardian must sign this treaty. Hopefully Dick Cheney never signed off on it.

Russia has infiltrated the American defense establishment (look at the recent spy scandals of Robert Hanssen and Aldrich Aimes just to name two, not forgetting the Jonathan Pollard episode, which spiraled out of his control to possibly include the Russians.)

Clearly Russia is playing hardball.

Our Blessed Mother, filled with all humility and purity, appeared at the turn of the last century in Fatima, Portugal and spoke to a collection of young girls. (One of which later became a nun.) During these visitations, the Virgin said unless Russia was consecrated to the Sacred Heart that nation would be the site of great trials and tribulations, and possibly this could ignite a global conflagration akin to World War III, Armageddon, the Apocalypse or The Great Chastisement.

The Blessed Virgin also warned that most people who go to hell would be lost over sexual sins. She also said that families around the world would suffer satanic attacks and split apart. Have these secondary prophecies proven to be accurate? Who can say for sure? What we can say for sure is that killing children inside the womb is as spiritually polluting as is the killing of children outside of the womb. Both carry a long-term curse.

Yet it is clear that Russia cannot survive as a nation unless she undergoes a moral revival free of vodka and abortion. Putin has sounded the call for a new spirit of national health concerning drinking. The world awaits his clarion call about the issue of abortion.

Without such a revival and prayer war for the collective soul of the Russian people, it appears that Our Lady of Fatima will trump Nostradamus, and the recent, wicked terrorism carried out against Russia's innocent children will be, but the beginning of a long, protracted dark age where the culture of death turns against its masters.

Anthony C. LoBaido is an American journalist and photographer. His articles have appeared in, CBN, Pravda, Way Press of Belgium (translated into French) and the prestigious South African Mail & Guardian as well as having been cited by the U.S. Congress & House Ways and Means Committee. You can contact him at

Tell us why Opus Dei bought 45 million dollars worth of office space in New York?

Russia, Fatima, Abortion, Children, Terror the Future

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:43 pm
by capt_buzzard

Russia, Fatima, Abortion, Children, Terror the Future

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:10 pm
by capt_buzzard
Yes, I wonder why this organization bought a block of offices in New York? It wasn't to preach about the Holy of Holies. hmmmm:thinking:

Russia, Fatima, Abortion, Children, Terror the Future

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:00 am
by Bronwen
illuminati wrote: 1. Do the French prophet Nostradamus and Our Lady of Fatima have a message for modern Americans concerning the future of Russia?

2. Nostradamus wrote in one of his Quatrains that; They (the U.S. and Russia) shall meet at the pole. Does this refer to the Bering Strait?

3. Our Blessed Mother, filled with all humility and purity, appeared at the turn of the last century in Fatima, Portugal and spoke to a collection of young girls. (One of which later became a nun.) 1. I don't know how I missed this when it was first posted. It has to be one of the nuttiest things I've ever seen on these forums.

2. Wrong-o. Nor is the Bering Strait exactly within walking distance of the pole.

3. Wrong-o. Both the date and the number and gender of the children involved.

I'm not sure what it has to do with Opus Dei though.

Russia, Fatima, Abortion, Children, Terror the Future

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:17 am
by gmc
Bronwen wrote: 1. I don't know how I missed this when it was first posted. It has to be one of the nuttiest things I've ever seen on these forums.

2. Wrong-o. Nor is the Bering Strait exactly within walking distance of the pole.

3. Wrong-o. Both the date and the number and gender of the children involved.

I'm not sure what it has to do with Opus Dei though.

Good grief that's the second time recently you have said something I agree with.:eek: :eek:

Definitely one of the nuttiest. Tell me does this kind of mumbo jumbo have much credence with the christofascists, in particular the nuttier ones that take the bible literally and believe the end of times is nigh?

Not that I'm accusing you of being one just thought you might have an opinion. Actually I know you have an opinion just wonder what it is.

Russia, Fatima, Abortion, Children, Terror the Future

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:35 am
by Bronwen
gmc wrote: Good grief that's the second time recently you have said something I agree with.:eek: :eek:

Definitely one of the nuttiest. Tell me does this kind of mumbo jumbo have much credence with the christofascists, in particular the nuttier ones that take the bible literally and believe the end of times is nigh?

Not that I'm accusing you of being one just thought you might have an opinion. Actually I know you have an opinion just wonder what it is.Nostra says 'they' so of course he MUST be referring to the US and Russia.

Of his 1000 or so quatrains, about two or three of them can REASONABLY be connected with something SPECIFIC that actually occurred later. That's considerably FEWER than one might expect from chance.

As someone once said, 'Nostradamus is to bullsh*t what Gibraltar is to rock.'