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Pink harleys

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:29 pm
by gmc
I was up at aviemore this weekend where apart fom the usual collection of mountain bikers and hillwalkers there was a national Harley Davidson bike owners rally-thunder in the glens they call it. Bikers from all over the UK take the opportunity to dress as Hell's Angels-or even more colourfully as one of the village people, and cruise up and down the high street of a small highland town. The sight of a hell's Angel cruising by on a harley wearing a kilt not one you see very often nor is it one you would want. Especially when it blows up in the wind, one doesn't know where to look or whether laighing is an appropriate response or not. I mean I know they are mainly accountants and lawyers but some look the part. (I should explain that in the UK Harleys are phenominally expensive and seem to be mainly bought by middle aged professionals recovering their lost youth, the disposable income has to be high as the bikes are useless on windy roads and rust in the rain so practical everyday transport they are not).

Joking aside they were all having a great time. I've been talking about getting a bike for some time- a tourer as buying a sports bike and matching leathers for the occasional blast seems equally daft I want to tour on one. Now my wife sees the appeal of a cruiser like a Harley and actually so do I. Mainly because it would be physically too heavy for her so we wouldn't fight about who gets to sit up front and drive.

Biggest problem is I would have to put on at least three stones to get what seems to be the required build.

Apart from that I think I should get a pink one. Yes that's right the kind of bike and colour that says I REALLY don't care what people think. What do you reckon, is a pink Harley a statement too far or coupled with the village people look would it send out the wrong kind of message.?

Pink harleys

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:35 pm
by telaquapacky
check out this website:

A friend of mine just returned from taking the Silk Road Adventure. They offer some trip-of-a-lifetime tours.

Ha ha- maybe you do care what people think. Maybe you want them to think you're a non-conformist. Pink? Okay, if you really like pink. But if you really don't care what people think, IMHO you won't go out of your way to prove it.

Pink harleys

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:39 pm
by minks
I say if it floats your boat go for it hehehehe remember though folks will mistake your for being gay, hope those big biker boys who wonder, steer clear of you teee heee heee. Ohhhh BTW I wish I could afford a bike myself.

Pink harleys

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:41 pm
by BabyRider
A pink Harley??? That would be a sight to see! It would cost a pretty penny to get a decent paint-job, so that's something to consider, but if that's what you want, I'd say go for it.

You'd be surprised, though. It doesn't take much muscle to stand a bike up. Bullet's Honda weighs over 900 pounds, and I can stand it up no problem. (I only weigh 115 pounds.) Have you ridden before?

As far as the tourer, DEFINITELY. Much more comfortable, and safer. The full dressers are so decked-out your passenger can sleep on the back!!

If you do end up with a pink Harley, please, PLEASE post some pictures!!!!

I just noticed this part, though, GMC:

gmc wrote: Bikers from all over the UK take the opportunity to dress as Hell's Angels-
They don't really do that, do they?

Pink harleys

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 1:24 pm
by Accountable
Will you wear a pink plaid kilt to match?

Pink harleys

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:10 pm
by Wolverine
gmc wrote: Apart from that I think I should get a pink one. Yes that's right the kind of bike and colour that says I REALLY don't care what people think. What do you reckon, is a pink Harley a statement too far or coupled with the village people look would it send out the wrong kind of message.?

that would take "marbles." Big, BRASS marbles.

Pink harleys

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:16 pm
by lady cop
if you ever attended bike week here in daytona, you wouldn't find a pink hawg all that unusual. i think GMC has the stones to mince about on a pink harley, but i would suggest a thistle airbrushed on the gas tank. :cool:

Pink harleys

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:25 am
by gmc
posted by baby rider


Originally Posted by gmc

Bikers from all over the UK take the opportunity to dress as Hell's Angels-

They don't really do that, do they?

Some of them do right down to the polished german style helmet, you also get the ones that dress as highway patrolmen. They like the image as opposed to the lifestyle itself. Most of them are 30's 40's with well paid jobs, these things are really expoensive here most buy them as toys. I suppose it's no more daft than supporting football colours or buying colour co-ordinated leathers for your Ducati. They have a great time anyway which is all that matters.

their web page

http://www.sunshinestate.pwp.blueyonder ... st2005.htm

Actually I've been rethinking this, you are taken for a poser with a harley anyway so maybe a pink one would be too much.

Pink harleys

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:01 am
by BabyRider
gmc wrote: I suppose it's no more daft than supporting football colours or buying colour co-ordinated leathers for your Ducati.
While I won't claim to know exactly how M/C's operate in other countries, I'd have to say that it IS pretty daft. At least, it would be here. If anyone in the States tried to appear as a Hell's Angel, or any other M/C for that matter, they wouldn't make it very far. That's a good way to get shot.

Did you see my cartoon? I think you'd get a kick out of it, gmc. The thread is titled "Arkansas Hell's Angels."

Pink harleys

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:32 am
by gmc
posted by baby rider

While I won't claim to know exactly how M/C's operate in other countries, I'd have to say that it IS pretty daft. At least, it would be here. If anyone in the States tried to appear as a Hell's Angel, or any other M/C for that matter, they wouldn't make it very far. That's a good way to get shot.

Did you see my cartoon? I think you'd get a kick out of it, gmc. The thread is titled "Arkansas Hell's Angels."

I don't mean Hell's Angels in quite the same way-although we do have gangs like that. they just dress up in the leathers and wear Harley jackets and waistcoats and jackets with clyde valley harley owners clubs motifs-that type of thing. just harmless fun. Bunch of softies really they don't go out when it's raining in case the bike rusts and they have to polish it. Believe me chrome on a bike in the UK is a bad idea.

We are civilised here we don't shoot people just because they have poor dress sense. Bit extreme that, do you really shoot people just because you don't like the look of them?

Like the cartoon by the way.

Motor cycling is phenomenally popular here having made something of a comeback in recent years, sports bikes rather than cruisers are the best sellers, a lot of our roads have fast twisty bends bikes like Harleys just can't hack it on the bends, you have no idea how irritating it is being stuk behind one of these things on a twisty road, even worse when there is a group. We get a lot of german and swedish bikers coming across to tour around, usually beamers. In the alps it's seems to be mainly pseudo off roaders like honda varaderos and transalps. You can understand why when you see the lean angles they need for the hairpins-a one in five hill with a hairpin and a several hundred foot drop at one side makes you a very good rider or a dead one. It's bad enough in a car.

Pink harleys

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 12:50 pm
by BabyRider
gmc wrote: We are civilised here we don't shoot people just because they have poor dress sense. Bit extreme that, do you really shoot people just because you don't like the look of them?

I took what you said as people were trying to look like they belong to the Hell's Angels M/C. That club is one of the Big 4, worldwide, and if someone were to try to pass themselves off as one when they were not, then yes, they would probably find themselves on the wrong side of the dirt. It's not a group of people you want to annoy.

gmc wrote:

Motor cycling is phenomenally popular here having made something of a comeback in recent years, sports bikes rather than cruisers are the best sellers, a lot of our roads have fast twisty bends bikes like Harleys just can't hack it on the bends,

I can understand the love of the twistys. Give me a good bendy road as opposed to the superslabs any day! We have a very famous road here, in W. Virginia, called Deal's Gap, or "The Tail of the Dragon." A biker's wet dream, or greatest nightmare. 318 curves, most of them seriously extreme, in 11 miles. There's a 100-foot drop down a cliff on one side, and a mountain on the other. Not for the inexperienced. 3 bikes a day go off that road, and at least a dozen fatalities a season. I expect to ride it myself next year.

Whenever I see a thread in my biker forum titled "The Dragon Bites Back" I make sure it's not someone I know.

Pink harleys

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:02 pm
by telaquapacky
Yeah! Hairpin turns and a big bike. A Gold Wing. Balch Park Road (In the western Sierra Nevada Mountains). That's how I got the business I now own. The former owner was a new biker tooling up in the hills on that twisty road on his big hog, took a turn too quickly and broke his neck. I bought the business from his widow.

Pink harleys

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:07 pm
by BabyRider
telaquapacky wrote: new biker
There's the key words right there.

Pink harleys

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:17 pm
by buttercup
BabyRider wrote: A pink Harley??? That would be a sight to see! It would cost a pretty penny to get a decent paint-job, so that's something to consider, but if that's what you want, I'd say go for it.

You'd be surprised, though. It doesn't take much muscle to stand a bike up. Bullet's Honda weighs over 900 pounds, and I can stand it up no problem. (I only weigh 115 pounds.) Have you ridden before?

As far as the tourer, DEFINITELY. Much more comfortable, and safer. The full dressers are so decked-out your passenger can sleep on the back!!

If you do end up with a pink Harley, please, PLEASE post some pictures!!!!

I just noticed this part, though, GMC:

They don't really do that, do they?

not mine, just images of pink harley's

Attached files

Pink harleys

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:21 pm
by BabyRider
buttercup wrote: not mine, just images of pink harley's
That chopper is GORGEOUS!!!!!! :yh_drool

Pink harleys

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:25 pm
by buttercup
BabyRider wrote: That chopper is GORGEOUS!!!!!! :yh_drool

how much do you think something like that costs?

Pink harleys

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:35 pm
by BabyRider
buttercup wrote: how much do you think something like that costs?
Chopped and customized like that? Gotta be in the neighborhood of $30,000 US or more. It all depends on how much custom work was done and it's hard to tell from the picture.