Al-Sadr guilty of slaughter

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Al-Sadr guilty of slaughter

Post by capt_buzzard »

Nah, or did it hurt to dress up in the KKK garb, or the Irish tricolour head bands,or the Orange collorette. For some folk,it still does.
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Bill Sikes
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Al-Sadr guilty of slaughter

Post by Bill Sikes »

Warsai wrote: Just because someone is emotionally hurt by the clothes someone else wears doesn't mean we should forbid someone to wear it. I wouldn't like it if someone came up to me dressed in white robes and a ghost-like white hood, but he/she should be able to wear it if he wants. The schools in France should not forbid the students to display signs of religion in the clothes they wear.

People can also be "emotionally hurt" by words.... should we *not* forbid

racist abuse, for instance?

There are issues with dress code in schools here, too - look at:

There, a schoolgirl wanted to wear something against the school's dress code,

and IIRC was excluded. There were alternatives that would have suited her

religion, but she did not avail herself of them.
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Al-Sadr guilty of slaughter

Post by capt_buzzard »

Most schools here wear a school or college uniform. They have done it for years,but these Muslims want to be different than us in the West. Well,the way I see it

is,if they want it so bad,let them all return to they own countries.If France gives in to these terrorists.They will demand something else,perhaps to form their own government
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Al-Sadr guilty of slaughter

Post by capt_buzzard »

Someone has to make a stand against these people. Or they will take over. Who knows, perhaps they will try something in New York or Washington next.

The British public had it last year,now France. I doubt very much they try it in Germany or Belguim. :wah:
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