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Donald's Folly - January 6, 2020

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 4:09 pm
by LarsMac
The Committee investigating the January 6 "Insurrection" has published their findings.

It does not look good for old Donald and his Cronies.
One bit from the forward written by Co Chairman of the committee sums it up:

Among the most shameful findings from our hearings was this: President
Trump sat in the dining room off the Oval Office watching the violent
riot at the Capitol on television. For hours, he would not issue a public
statement instructing his supporters to disperse and leave the Capitol,
despite urgent pleas from his White House staff and dozens of others to do
so. Members of his family, his White House lawyers, virtually all those
around him knew that this simple act was critical. For hours, he would not
do it. During this time, law enforcement agents were attacked and seriously
injured, the Capitol was invaded, the electoral count was halted and the
lives of those in the Capitol were put at risk. In addition to being unlawful,
as described in this report, this was an utter moral failure—and a clear dereliction
of duty.