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I destroyed a narcissist ex troll from hell and I enjoyed it

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 11:14 am
by Lingeriegirlie1976
I was involved sexually with a narcissist with serious alcohol issues. I was going thru a rough period in my life and my self esteem was gone. I let this person who was also my supervisor, I let sexually, emotionally and mentally abuse me for a year. After it ended I still stood behind him through demotion at work and entering a halfway house after no one at work would speak to him. After he got some respect back at work he got me fired. Smeared me all over this office. And basically disgarded me as a person, kicking me to the ground. This person left me with such trauma and shame to my body and self as a whole that I cannot be with another man now and has caused PTSD issues. So I decided to get even. I caused him to loose his job permanently, destroyed his career, made him loose his friends, fall off the wagon. And now his body is getting the karma for how he treated mine. I have moved on and moved to another state. New career. But I have been doing a lot of reading about narcissism and have found that after a permanent disgard if you cause them serious shame they will get even? Any thoughts on this? Do I need to have any concern