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What is the point of all this religious stuff ?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:24 am
by G#Gill
I find it very sad that people go to wars and fight over the method of worshipping a 'god' . When you think about it, it is quite immature isn't it ? I suppose that one decent thing to come out of all this religious stuff is the 10 Commandments. These, of course, when adhered to properly by the human race, present a code of conduct which is a good guidance to sociably acceptable inter-country living. Would you not agree with that?

Then if you do agree with that, why on earth is the world at each other's throats most of the time ? It is past time to throw away all this mumbo jumbo and concentrate on saving our precious planet. There are various countries who seem to be hell bent on destruction. They create a mass of toxic gas that destroys nature and of course, soon enough themselves. THEY KNOW WHICH COUNTRIES WE ARE MENTIONING HERE - they seem to be to the East of the globe, although there are one or two examples of totally obsessive greed for money, to the West of the globe. Can't they see what they are doing ? You see this is what happens when human beings are sucked in to the quagmire of religion. They say that their religion is better than those others across the border and vice versa, so they make sure that they get richer against their opponents. So it goes on.

When will people learn to be more tolerant of others? When will they work together to save the very planet they are all trying to live on? WHEN WILL THEY GROW UP AND TRY TO HELP THEMSELVES AND THEIR NEIGHBOURS ?

Breaking: Barclays branches shut down


Alia Al Ghussain, Greenpeace via

12:08 PM (4 hours ago)

to me

Hi Gill,

Greenpeace activists have shut down more than 95 Barclays branches all over the country - and 5 of them are currently hosting pop-up exhibitions showing the effects of the climate emergency.

They're there to demand that Barclays stop bankrolling climate breakdown and start funding a better future for the planet and its people. Banks are as guilty for the destruction of our climate as the fossil fuel companies they fund - we can't let them get away with it anymore.

Can you help drive this urgent message to Jes Staley, Barclays' CEO? Barclays are the worst bank in Europe for funding the climate crisis - they finance fossil fuel companies with billions of pounds a year. We need to be loud and clear in telling them that this just isn't acceptable.

Email Barclays CEO

We have written a template email but feel free to add your own words!

Behind every fossil fuel company is a big bank. We're deep in a climate crisis, and yet banks continue to fund these companies as they explore for new fossil fuels that we simply can't afford to burn. Barclays is one of the worst, shamefully funding more than $85 billion to fossil fuels since the Paris agreement. [1]

They back these damaging companies and deny that their actions have consequences - because for Barclays, shareholder value always comes first - even at the expense of the planet. They are cashing in on the climate crisis.

Millions of customers in the UK trust Barclays with their money and their future - but the truth is we can't trust them with our planet. Barclays must stop bankrolling climate breakdown and start funding a fossil-free future. Can you help get that message to their CEO?

Email Barclays CEO

We have written a template email but feel free to add your own words!

Banks have been getting away with funding the climate crisis for far too long. It's time to let them know that we won't accept them trashing the planet to make profit - emailing the CEO of Barclays will send the message loud and clear: time's up for dirty investments.

Thanks so much for doing this.


Climate emergency team, Greenpeace UK

P.S. You can keep up with all the action on our live blog here.

[1] Paris Agreement explainer

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Greenpeace Ltd, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN (registered in London no 1314381, VAT registration no 625951426)

Alia Al Ghussain, Greenpeace via

12:08 PM (4 hours ago)

Thanks so much for doing this. ... sqlHjCxCJJ

What is the point of all this religious stuff ?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 12:17 pm
by LarsMac
Well, Gilly, I disagree that religion is the real problem. It is just an easy way for politicians to get simple-minded people all riled up.

I know lots of people who are quite comfortable in their religion of choice, and equally comfortable with people who believe differently than they do.

Some of them are even Christian or Muslim, or Jews.

What is the point of all this religious stuff ?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 2:21 pm
by G#Gill
LarsMac;1531046 wrote: Well, Gilly, I disagree that religion is the real problem. It is just an easy way for politicians to get simple-minded people all riled up.

I know lots of people who are quite comfortable in their religion of choice, and equally comfortable with people who believe differently than they do.

Some of them are even Christian or Muslim, or Jews.

It hardly matters Lars when you have a mix of religions, it's what the few (unfortunately increasing to lots) do in disagreement with an alternative religion. You know perfectly well that there are many instances of 'race discrimmination' as well as 'cultural discrimmination' etc. Unfortunately it was not really my intention to lump together mixed religions and the problem of toxicity in the world causing destruction in an ever-quickening manner. Perhaps I should have just stated that the mixed religions just cause a lot of trouble throughout the world, then used a different title to involve the Greenpeace efforts. One hardly rests easy with the other !

But setting religion to one side for just a moment, perhaps it would be more important, under the present circumstances, to concentrate on the evil toxicity that we humans are constantly placing at the foot of the natural world.

Surely people can see that there is absolutely NO future for the human race (regardless of the religious side of things), if they do not stop polluting this beautiful planet of ours NOW. I really am not ready to die yet, so please people don't kill me.

What is the point of all this religious stuff ?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 4:18 pm
by LarsMac
G#Gill;1531050 wrote: It hardly matters Lars when you have a mix of religions, it's what the few (unfortunately increasing to lots) do in disagreement with an alternative religion. You know perfectly well that there are many instances of 'race discrimmination' as well as 'cultural discrimmination' etc. Unfortunately it was not really my intention to lump together mixed religions and the problem of toxicity in the world causing destruction in an ever-quickening manner. Perhaps I should have just stated that the mixed religions just cause a lot of trouble throughout the world, then used a different title to involve the Greenpeace efforts. One hardly rests easy with the other !

But setting religion to one side for just a moment, perhaps it would be more important, under the present circumstances, to concentrate on the evil toxicity that we humans are constantly placing at the foot of the natural world.

Surely people can see that there is absolutely NO future for the human race (regardless of the religious side of things), if they do not stop polluting this beautiful planet of ours NOW. I really am not ready to die yet, so please people don't kill me.

On that, we are 100% in agreement.

If I were God, I'd be telling folks, "Nobody gets to go to Heaven, Paradise, Nirvana, Perdition, Hell or any damn where else until you all learn to get along, and clean up the mess you've made of your Planet."

What is the point of all this religious stuff ?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:39 am
by Saint_
I agree. But it's basic human nature to take care of yourself before others. And corporations are run by people. Honestly thought that a billion dollars was enough for anyone. So why are there multi-billionaires?

Oh..and stop pointing east and west, Gil. The sun never set on the British Empire when you guys were in power and ruining the world.

What is the point of all this religious stuff ?

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 9:19 pm
by Mickiel
Religion has been here almost as long as roaches, and it's been stepped on as much. You would think that as humanity has become more civilized that the good in religion could keep pace, but religion has gone the way of human morals, it reached its peak and now it spirals. Religion has had a powerful impact on human history. The religion in Rome that became Christianity and the religion in the middle east that became Islam, both have cut their path through human history and each has had thousands of "Offshoot religions", come out of them.

In my view religion has spoiled and no longer grows. It's lost its life and exist purely on reputation. It no longer evolves, it is in devolution. There is no negotiation with useless propaganda , you just look at it's history and leave it alone to its fate because it is at war with itself. It's ideology is not worth trusting in if what examples we see as it's results is the present human behavior. That's why I like the bible because it gives the map that humanity would follow and how we would eventually treat life.

I have come to see and know that religion does not represent God. It does not speak for him, but it fooled the world throughout history in one of the greatest masquerades I have ever known. It is a virus that got into the bloodstream of humanity like a great Trojan horse.

Yet it is transparent, I see through it.

What is the point of all this religious stuff ?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:30 pm
by Mickiel
One can always reverse the order of a thread that ask a question, with an opposite question: "What is the point of all this Atheist stuff?" And just how would that change any effort to answer it? I can't say how an Atheist would respond to that. I'm sure they been asked before. I have heard a lot of that stuff and it hardly ever seems to bridge the devide . What's the point of both sides comming together, they can't so there is no point. If you say both sides together across a table from each other, just how different would both sides look?

I have read that most Atheist are white male's. Is that true? I have no idea. But if it's not, then both sides would look the same.