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Is there a conspiracy to edge out all so called C'y Theorists here ?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 3:49 am
by Raphael
Either that or the demographic here is skewed so heavily toward the very elderly that

waking up each day is the only really hoped for bonus .

Probably a sanitised version of that last comment is closer to the truth .

That is , the idea of engineered misinformation , disinformation and False Flags is

broadly a very recent happening . At least in terms of it been widely seen and understood .

However the elderly , who most dislike change , were brought up in an era where TV , Radio and the Press were considered to be honest custodians for truth and honesty .

The very thought of False Flags etc is almost alien in nature and most improbable based on their perception of growing up and , say , life before the fifties .

For discussion between cat naps .

Is there a conspiracy to edge out all so called C'y Theorists here ?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 4:14 am
by spot
You will be entirely familiar with Harold Pinter (2005) "Art, Truth And Politics" - Nobel Lecture. I would also namecheck Noam Chomsky. Each must at least be an outlier to your suggestion. Both are regarded by many here as giants.

Is there a conspiracy to edge out all so called C'y Theorists here ?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 7:52 am
by LarsMac
This young'n doesn't seem to realize that it was our generation who invented the idea of False Flags.

We have long appreciated a good Conspiracy Theory.

The problem is that Good Conspiracy Theories are terribly hard to find - Just like today's TV Sitcoms are found wanting when propped up alongside the Greats of Yesteryear.

Actually, it was even before our time that the really good Theories were born.

His ilk is just the chatter of children against the backdrop of the Drama.

Is there a conspiracy to edge out all so called C'y Theorists here ?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 8:07 am
by spot
The underlying secret is that paranoia's not what it used to be, of course, but the compilers of dictionaries refuse to disclose the evidence.

I have a quote from 1877, for example: "The form of insanity which, under the name of ‘Paranoia’, has been gradually evolved of late by German and Italian alienists" is guaranteed to raise the suspicions of any respectable paranoid. Alienists! Foreigners!