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May roars nobody notices

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:55 am
by gmc ... -poisoning

Looks like she is going to stamp her foot a bit. What a pity we haven't left the eu yet then we could really show them what UK no mates can do.

May roars nobody notices

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 2:21 pm
by magentaflame
Its been noticed here.

Just this morning a tv presenter said good on her. Shes doing the "**** with us youre out" thing. Unlike our pussy government who four years later is still saying "we're still waiting on a report" after we lost 38 lives on the aircraft shot down by Russia. Why once it was established that russia was responsible, why didnt we kick them out back then?

May roars nobody notices

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:48 am
by gmc
You don't need their gasa and oil the way europe does.

May roars nobody notices

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:06 am
by Clodhopper
It's a purely diplomatic response. No business interests are threatened - even the Russia propaganda unit is allowed to continue. We'll see how Putin responds.

Statements of support from France Germany and Trump. For various reasons none are very reliable.

Yeah, we're on our own. It would be very different if we weren't brexiting and opening up the Irish border issue again, the Gibraltar issue again and turning friends and close allies into neutrals and lukewarm allies. This is why Putin backed brexit so strongly - to fracture any response to him poisoning people or invading other countries.

May roars nobody notices

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 8:41 am
by gmc
Either russia did it or someone has stolen thge material from them. She should have asked russia's help in identifying the substance and then offered to help them find who had pinched it - put putin on the back foot as it were. Instead she's allowed him off the hook.

May roars nobody notices

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:37 pm
by Clodhopper
Not sure that would have worked. Putin would just declare an internal enquiry which would never report or something. Certainly wouldn't allow UK access anywhere that mattered and would obstruct any enquiry as they did with Litvinenko (sp?).

Not a big fan but May seems to have done ok on this, given the weak hand we have.

May roars nobody notices

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:02 am
by Clodhopper
It seems the Skripals are recovering, even the father. I suspect he'll have a pretty good idea who dunnit, and I think the Russians know that, which is why they were so keen to get access to them, no doubt in private: to try to shut them up. Threaten the family back home, perhaps? I'd expect it from Mr KGB Putin.

Some details of the dossier that was shown to other countries have apparently leaked. This IS reported in the Express, however, so until a serious paper carries the story it is only possibly true, but they are claiming there were also intercepts of Russian signals which seem to refer to this case. There are also suggestions that this is a more sophisticated form of the chemical designed to kill over hours rather than minutes and not to kill everyone within miles. Both the Russians and the Express will say anything though, so while it might be true I'll wait a bit and see what else comes out.