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The niceness thread

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 1:21 pm
by magentaflame
Anything, anyone, any entity of niceness and wholesome goodness and fluffy wuffy stuff goes in this thread.


(Please refrain from posting pictures of kittens)

The niceness thread

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 1:27 pm
by magentaflame
Decided to post this thread because ive been looking around lately and im not personally seeing any natural niceness. Its a busy time of year for some but i think we can all get over the thanksgiving/football, Ashes tours, christmas, new year etc etc kind of niceness and just be naturally nice.

Ill start......... its a nice morning and i think this is a nice topical thread. :)

The niceness thread

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:00 pm
by G#Gill
Actually MF, this is a very good idea for a different sort of thread. Makes a change from the serious and sometimes miserable type of threads. We do need a smiley sort of thread to bring a little cheer into our lives don't we ?

Life is far too short to be serious all the time !!!!

Strange that................. I thought I was going to insert a cartoon ! Oh well, this is a piece of music that I am very fond of, from the film Gladiator. I haven't the foggiest clue how I managed to put that video on !!!! Well I suppose we can have a laugh at my bit of magic :yh_rotfl BTW I have no sound on my laptop so I don't know if this has come through OK. You'll have to tell me if it is OK. ;)

The niceness thread

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:04 pm
by LarsMac
This is a nice song

The niceness thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 2:12 pm
by magentaflame
Where's Greg?..... can't remember if he was yzgy or cars?

He liked Crowded House!

I watched a comeback live concert last night.on ABC. it was such a beautiful concert. It eould be on youtube by now surely. The crowd sounded like a choir. The band was so layed back and engaged with the crowd , lol including hecklers........ 2and a 1/2 hours of bliss. Just beautiful.

"Fall at your feet", "Chocolate cake", "Better be home soon", ...... "Into temptation", in which they never show crowd shots during ....... hee hee , i wonder why . Ha! No i dont. Its a poingnant song and makes you think and reflect.

Its made my week! Woke up this morning still elated. How the heck did Neil Finn's voice not change during all these years?

The niceness thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 2:17 pm
by magentaflame
G#Gill;1503076 wrote: Actually MF, this is a very good idea for a different sort of thread. Makes a change from the serious and sometimes miserable type of threads. We do need a smiley sort of thread to bring a little cheer into our lives don't we ?

Life is far too short to be serious all the time !!!!

Strange that................. I thought I was going to insert a cartoon ! Oh well, this is a piece of music that I am very fond of, from the film Gladiator. I haven't the foggiest clue how I managed to put that video on !!!! Well I suppose we can have a laugh at my bit of magic :yh_rotfl BTW I have no sound on my laptop so I don't know if this has come through OK. You'll have to tell me if it is OK. ;)

Thats ecactly what i was thinking GG.Nice stuff happens, why not focus on it. As humans ee focus too much on the negative.

The niceness thread

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:24 pm
by WonderWendy3
I like nice things....

The niceness thread

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:22 am
by Betty Boop
WonderWendy3;1503144 wrote: I like nice things....

It's so nice to see you here :-4

The niceness thread

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:56 pm
by magentaflame
Betty Boop;1503152 wrote: It's so nice to see you here :-4

I love it whem people are missed. Its gives you a warm fuzzy feeling when people express feelings.

The niceness thread

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:59 pm
by magentaflame
WonderWendy3;1503144 wrote: I like nice things....

Its nice you came looking for me.

And its nice youre here.

And im glad you did. You made my night when i read your post.

The niceness thread

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:23 pm
by WonderWendy3
magentaflame;1503166 wrote: Its nice you came looking for me.

And its nice youre here.

And im glad you did. You made my night when i read your post.

I sent you an email a long time ago and was worried about you :-4

It is nice to be back here.

I am glad you were glad - I like to make you smile!

I am sorry you have had health issues. Would love to get caught up with you soon!

The niceness thread

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:24 pm
by WonderWendy3
Betty Boop;1503152 wrote: It's so nice to see you here :-4

Thank you- it is nice to see you!

The niceness thread

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:54 pm
by magentaflame
See? I knew if i made a nice thread good things would happen.

I got the email but i couldnt answer. We dont get internet here anymore. And rarely data signal for my phone. Its getting worse for comms here. But with a bit of savvy and determination i got here.

Its good to see old friends!

The niceness thread

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:16 pm
by G#Gill
Well well well, Wonder Wendy !!! I haven't seen you in years !!!! I don't suppose you remember me though, as I don't think we spoke to each other very often, sadly. I hope you are OK and life is being kind to you. Hey MF it was a good idea you starting such a NICE thread, it seems to have a sort of magnetic pull doesn't it ! ;) To be encouraged !!! :guitarist

The niceness thread

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:07 pm
by Guppers
Hello Fluffy wuffy Meg! I am beside myself with joy at finding you girl!!

The niceness thread

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:22 pm
by WonderWendy3
G#Gill;1503233 wrote: Well well well, Wonder Wendy !!! I haven't seen you in years !!!! I don't suppose you remember me though, as I don't think we spoke to each other very often, sadly. I hope you are OK and life is being kind to you. Hey MF it was a good idea you starting such a NICE thread, it seems to have a sort of magnetic pull doesn't it ! ;) To be encouraged !!! :guitarist

Hello!! Of course I remember you! It is very nice to see you again. I am shocked how long it has been since I last came for a stroll in the garden. I plan on visiting on a regular basis, really enjoy being around sweet friends!!

The niceness thread

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 12:56 pm
by magentaflame
Guppers;1503242 wrote: Hello Fluffy wuffy Meg! I am beside myself with joy at finding you girl!!

Maybe i had a subconcious "build it and they will come " moment. Lol.

The niceness thread

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:13 am
by Guppers
magentaflame;1503303 wrote: Maybe i had a subconcious "build it and they will come " moment. Lol.

Actually, jacks Dad had open heart surgery yesterday. He's doing fine after surgery. Just in a lot of pain. He asked me if I had heard from you lately Wednesday night...I hadn't...then I contacted Wendy...and we started brainstorming how to find ya...and wala!

The niceness thread

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:44 am
by FourPart
How about Nice biscuits?

The niceness thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:37 pm
by magentaflame
Guppers;1503350 wrote: Actually, jacks Dad had open heart surgery yesterday. He's doing fine after surgery. Just in a lot of pain. He asked me if I had heard from you lately Wednesday night...I hadn't...then I contacted Wendy...and we started brainstorming how to find ya...and wala!

Omg!..... hell thats not good. I hope he'll be okay. God, that man has been through so many personal wars.

I lost contact with pretty much everyone. Ill get back into things and people next year.

Could you copy this for me and send it to him for me please?

" JD! My main man!

Youre just not playing the universe game are you ? The universe keeps trying to knock you off and you continue to thumb your nose at it.

As usual, very impressed! Ive missed my little buddy boy. I hope things are well generally with you and life has gotten a bit better. Hows your boy? Still strumming the guitar? Give Gups an address and ill send some snail mail.


The niceness thread

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:17 pm
by magentaflame
:)Its nice that when youre bored this forum excists. :yh_rotfl

Decided to visit Geelong to see family and friends. Probably should have brought a good book with me.

Geelong is nice, the people so far are friendly, and its not overly expensive considering the time of year.

Going to see the floating chrissy tree and out for dinner tonight... . Should be quite nice.:p

The niceness thread

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:16 am
by G#Gill
This Yucca as already flowered once this year, but it decided that it had to flower a second time ! Unfortunately, by the time I thought of taking a photo of it, it was passed it's best, but still amazing having gone through several frosty nights and been flowering now since just before November. It is now nearly Christmas !!! I expect the next wind will finish it off though. It's not our Yucca, it's our neighbour's.

Second flowering of neighbour's Yukka 14 December 2016

The niceness thread

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:15 pm
by ZAP
G#Gill;1503975 wrote: This Yucca as already flowered once this year, but it decided that it had to flower a second time ! Unfortunately, by the time I thought of taking a photo of it, it was passed it's best, but still amazing having gone through several frosty nights and been flowering now since just before November. It is now nearly Christmas !!! I expect the next wind will finish it off though. It's not our Yucca, it's our neighbour's.

Second flowering of neighbour's Yukka 14 December 2016

I'm surprised that it grows there. We've got lots in our desert here, in fact my daughter does desert photography and I just mailed one of her gorgeous photos of a yucca, and 3 others to my brother in Kentucky. If you want to view some of her work it's on Facebook--Photos From Below Sea Level. At the last fund raiser at a local hospital her framed 16x20 photo was auctioned for $1600.00

The niceness thread

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:26 pm
by magentaflame
Hey! I had a couple of those in the garden! Theyre so pretty when they flower. Not so great mowing around them though.

They grow in the desert? Cool. Im in a cold to temperate climate (by aussie standards) and it grows everywhere. Thats one hardy little plant.

The niceness thread

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:48 pm
by G#Gill
ZAP;1503985 wrote: I'm surprised that it grows there. We've got lots in our desert here, in fact my daughter does desert photography and I just mailed one of her gorgeous photos of a yucca, and 3 others to my brother in Kentucky. If you want to view some of her work it's on Facebook--Photos From Below Sea Level. At the last fund raiser at a local hospital her framed 16x20 photo was auctioned for $1600.00

Your daughter must be a good photogapher, Zap, I'm afraid I don't go on Facebook ever, because A) I don't think it is particularly private like they insist it is, and B) There is a family on there that I just do not want to risk coming into contact with.

The niceness thread

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 4:38 pm
by magentaflame
I think i just did a nice thing. Theres a samoan couple across from me in the caravan park. They have grandkids coming and going.... im sitting here looking at a bucket of choccies and lollies given to me thinking .....i really dont need anymore sugar.

So i gave the bucket to the little boy visiting at the moment on the proviso he shares them with his cousin.

I hope they dont go through them in one not sure hes seen that many lollies in one place the way his sweet little eyes lit up and a lovely "thank you very much". He couldnt be more than three. Such a little cutie islander kid.

The niceness thread

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 7:30 pm
by G#Gill
Aww Mags that was lovely. I bet that kiddy will remember that for a long time ! :D:-6

The niceness thread

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:10 pm
by FourPart
I stopped by to pick up my ironing on the way home on Wednesday & her little boy answered the door. He looked at me in my red sweat shirt, awestruck & asked "Are you Santa"? Despite me being a notorious Scrooge I decided to go along with it & confirmed my identity, telling him that I was looking forward to my Milk & Cookies, and that Rudolph would be expecting a Carrot or 2. He then said that they wouldn't be leaving carrots, but real Reindeer Food instead. So I told him that he's still likes the occasional carrot to munch on as well, and told him to make sure he stayed being good.

His Mother then came to the door, really grateful for making his day, and was sure that would make him behave for the rest of the year.