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Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:05 pm
by magentaflame
I dont know about anyone else but i sense a tension there. Maybe even sexual tension.


Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:12 pm
by Patsy Warnick
I noticed a little give & take...:wah:

yes, I did


Magnet - you made me laugh - too cute: wah:


Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:27 pm
by magentaflame
I was browsing through the threads ....and im like.... oh for gods sake! Just express your undying love for him already!

Dont get me wrong i can understand the attraction of course....but stop the self loathing and frustration and just put it out there! Lol

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:04 am
by Bruv
magentaflame;1501150 wrote: I dont know about anyone else but i sense a tension there. Maybe even sexual tension.


I await his reply with....... excited anticipation.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:09 am
by G#Gill
This could be fun :lips:

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:50 am
by Momus
magentaflame;1501150 wrote: I dont know about anyone else but i sense a tension there. Maybe even sexual tension.


Goodness gracious me. What a unique and quixotic sense of perception. One can only hypothesize you are necessitous in requiring some form of stimulation , due to a lacking of titillation elsewhere in your purpose on earth. Or perhaps, observing your contrivance, one may question the objective as leaning more to the alternative scenario, that you are in fact, feeling somewhat left out, having observed the intercourse with Bruv, compelling you to effectuate some order of response. Perhaps, you possessed the desideratum to draw Bruv into paying heed to yourself and the question is merely an audacious subterfuge in order to do just that. One can only commiserate with your plight.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 1:16 pm
by Bruv
Momus;1501164 wrote: Goodness gracious me.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 1:17 pm
by Bruv
Momus;1501164 wrote: Goodness gracious me. What a unique and quixotic sense of perception. One can only hypothesize you are necessitous in requiring some form of stimulation , due to a lacking of titillation elsewhere in your purpose on earth. Or perhaps, observing your contrivance, one may question the objective as leaning more to the alternative scenario, that you are in fact, feeling somewhat left out, having observed the intercourse with Bruv, compelling you to effectuate some order of response. Perhaps, you possessed the desideratum to draw Bruv into paying heed to yourself and the question is merely an audacious subterfuge in order to do just that. One can only commiserate with your plight.

He is full of it.....for sure.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:14 pm
by AnneBoleyn
Sorry, I must brag. I have met world famous scholars, at Oxford, at other universities & programs I attended. My son graduated from MIT where he and I, especially he, met world famous scientists, authors, thinkers. None of them, NONE OF THEM, spoke as superciliously as Momus. Ever. Never. I wonder if there is an open dictionary in front of Momus whenever he writes or speaks.

Momus, you are more than welcome here. Please drop the conceit. Get down off the high horse you are riding. To be satirical, to be worthy of the best qualities in your name, learn there is no need for contempt; no grandeur in pomposity. In other words, Get Real. I have no aversion to you, really I do not.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:19 pm
by magentaflame
Bruv;1501171 wrote:

It goes boom dittity boom dittity boom dittity boom dittity boom dittity boom dittity boom boom boom.....oh goodness gracious me!

I borrowed that . hee hee hee

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:20 pm
by Bruv
OK lets call a truce.....I confess I did throw him a line and he ran with it.

He is a bit bumptious, and I am a tease.......if the fellow cuts back, so will I.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:20 pm
by Momus
Bruv;1501172 wrote: He is full of it.....for sure.

I envisage your precocity being, highly sought.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:23 pm
by Bruv
Momus;1501179 wrote: I envisage your precocity being, highly sought.

Look Momus I am having to read you with 2 windows open to look up alternate words so I can reply......if Google breaks it's all your fault.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:25 pm
by magentaflame
Momus;1501164 wrote: Goodness gracious me. What a unique and quixotic sense of perception. One can only hypothesize you are necessitous in requiring some form of stimulation , due to a lacking of titillation elsewhere in your purpose on earth. Or perhaps, observing your contrivance, one may question the objective as leaning more to the alternative scenario, that you are in fact, feeling somewhat left out, having observed the intercourse with Bruv, compelling you to effectuate some order of response. Perhaps, you possessed the desideratum to draw Bruv into paying heed to yourself and the question is merely an audacious subterfuge in order to do just that. One can only commiserate with your plight.

Mate.....maaaaate.... So what youre essentially saying in that diatribe of wasteful wording up for it? .... yeah okay ! Thats a true and accurate assessment. LOL

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:55 pm
by Bruv
Up for 'It'?

Google is no help to me this time ......It...."used to refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified."

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:06 pm
by Momus
magentaflame;1501181 wrote: .

Mate.....maaaaate.... So what youre essentially saying in that diatribe of wasteful wording up for it? .... yeah okay ! Thats a true and accurate assessment. LOL

I will be audacious and speculate, that based on your indecorous translation of my above post, the chances of you actually comprehending a word i said, is about as likely as finding Lucan, alive and well. Further more, please refrain from the over-familiarisation in order to create the false impression, that you are my mate.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:13 pm
by magentaflame
Momus;1501187 wrote: I will be audacious and speculate, that based on your indecorous translation of my above post, the chances of you actually comprehending a word i said, is about as likely as finding Lucan, alive and well. Further more, please refrain from the over-familiarisation in order to create the false impression, that you are my mate.

I saw Lucan the other day....he says to say hi!

Sweety, you have yet to grasp Australian if you read it that way. Good god the man thinks i want to befriend him. Wow first Bruv ,now he thinks i have designs on him.

This is getting interesting..

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:03 am
by Momus
magentaflame;1501190 wrote:

This is getting interesting..

One has observed several observations from your puerility. The most discernible, being that you appear to be lacking reciprocal action in the real world. Should existence offer such tedium, that you find this turgidity " interesting ", one can suggest, you get out more.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:53 am
by Bruv
You are boring me now Momus.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:51 am
by G#Gill
Yes Momus is rather boring now. Pity he seems unable to post in 'ordinary' language instead of quantities of OED or Chambers etc.

Momus (/ˈmoʊməs/; Greek: Μῶμος Momos) was in Greek mythology the personification of satire and mockery..............

So methinks this person is a WUM, such a pity really as he could be quite an interesting member to read and have discussions with. Oh well. :rolleyes:

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:52 am
by Momus
Bruv;1501196 wrote: You are boring me now Momus. Good.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:57 am
by Momus
G#Gill;1501197 wrote: Yes Momus is rather boring now. Pity he seems unable to post in 'ordinary' language instead of quantities of OED or Chambers etc.

Momus (/ˈmoʊməs/; Greek: Μῶμος Momos) was in Greek mythology the personification of satire and mockery..............

So methinks this person is a WUM, such a pity really as he could be quite an interesting member to read and have discussions with. Oh well. :rolleyes: One is always open to suggestion, young man. Pray tell, what manner of " ordinary language" would you care for me to conduct intercourse in. I should point out, that i will not engage in sex talk, as the last time i entered into such a cesspit of deprivation, it took me several weeks to dispose of the body parts in various locations. One must also make clear, that i am not " up for it ", nor " full of it", although i am sure that less informal intercourse with yourself could be rewarding in some small way.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:33 am
by G#Gill
Momus;1501199 wrote: One is always open to suggestion, young man. Pray tell, what manner of " ordinary language" would you care for me to conduct intercourse in. I should point out, that i will not engage in sex talk, as the last time i entered into such a cesspit of deprivation, it took me several weeks to dispose of the body parts in various locations. One must also make clear, that i am not " up for it ", nor " full of it", although i am sure that less informal intercourse with yourself could be rewarding in some small way.

Momus, I see you you haven't had a look at my profile, as you seem to think I am a 'young man' - my husband would be a trifle surprised ! Just click on my name on one of my posts and pick 'profile' from the drop-down list. I don't give many details except that my gender is female, but there is a photograph or two. :) By the way, please don't be so patronising, oh and possibly 'discourse' is probably more appropriate rather than informal 'intercourse' as the latter could be misconstrued, don't you think ?

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:54 am
by Momus
G#Gill;1501200 wrote: Momus, I see you you haven't had a look at my profile, as you seem to think I am a 'young man' - my husband would be a trifle surprised ! Just click on my name on one of my posts and pick 'profile' from the drop-down list. I don't give many details except that my gender is female, but there is a photograph or two. :) By the way, please don't be so patronising, oh and possibly 'discourse' is probably more appropriate rather than informal 'intercourse' as the latter could be misconstrued, don't you think ? Patronising? Moi? I am not of the habit of rummaging among profiles. I prefer to assess the character on that of which they write. Please inform your husband, that he can rest assured, i shall recollect this knowledge in future although, if there is any spare trifle on offer, i am partial to a dollop. Accept my apology for the offending faux pas.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:50 pm
by G#Gill
Momus;1501202 wrote: Patronising? Moi? I am not of the habit of rummaging among profiles. I prefer to assess the character on that of which they write. Please inform your husband, that he can rest assured, i shall recollect this knowledge in future although, if there is any spare trifle on offer, i am partial to a dollop. Accept my apology for the offending faux pas.

Worry not Momus, I am partial to trifle too so I'm afraid there is none left ! Whilst you refrain from investigating profiles, you are leaving yourself open to making mistakes, like calling me a 'young man', and in any case it is very unlikely that people include private information in their profiles that they do not want the general public to know about. I will accept your apology for mistakenly calling me a young man, and I won't send you to the norty step (this time !) :)

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:17 pm
by magentaflame
Awwwwhhh.....Gilly youd make a lovely young man...... he did indeed call you "young". You ruffian scallywag you! Lol. :)

And as far as your husband is concerned ...... a bit of dress up never hurt anyone. Lol.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:28 pm
by Momus
magentaflame;1501206 wrote: Awwwwhhh.....Gilly youd make a lovely young man...... he did indeed call you "young". You ruffian scallywag you! Lol. :)

And as far as your husband is concerned ...... a bit of dress up never hurt anyone. Lol.

One can only revel in the irony of which most have already deemed myself as a Sir, with no profile information to be guided by.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:28 pm
by magentaflame
Momus;1501195 wrote: One has observed several observations from your puerility. The most discernible, being that you appear to be lacking reciprocal action in the real world. Should existence offer such tedium, that you find this turgidity " interesting ", one can suggest, you get out more.

Sitting at a flooded Barwon river having a coffee wat hing the sun sort of come up. Im around 800 km from home..... does that surfice as to getting out more?

Momus, you walked into this web of your own free will.

Enjoy it whilst your still tolerated.:)

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:31 pm
by Momus
magentaflame;1501209 wrote: Sitting at a flooded Barwon river having a coffee wat hing the sun sort of come up. Im around 800 km from home..... does that surfice as to getting out more?

Momus, you walked into this web of your own free will.

Enjoy it whilst your still tolerated.:) Wat hing ? Is that Japanese or perhaps an obscure Shanghainese dialect. It sounds idyllic indeed. One's own company can be so peaceful.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:34 pm
by magentaflame
Momus;1501208 wrote: One can only revel in the irony of which most have already deemed myself as a Sir, with no profile information to be guided by.

Okay, we'll all settle for transgender then. We're all rather accepting of the LGBT community.

And trust me i would NEVER call you Sir ....thats just laughable.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:37 pm
by Momus
magentaflame;1501211 wrote: Okay, we'll all settle for transgender then. We're all rather accepting of the LGBT community.

And trust me i would NEVER call you Sir ....thats just laughable. Settle for that of which you choose dearie. It is of no consequence to anyone but your ego.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:44 pm
by magentaflame
Momus;1501210 wrote: Wat hing ? Is that Japanese or perhaps an obscure Shanghainese dialect. It sounds idyllic indeed. One's own company can be so peaceful.

Yes well, when the proverbial hits the fan it wont be so peaceful.

Im making the most of it. But thanks for caring :)

Its funny you know, we've all learnt the english language and the majority here know exactly what your words mean, even those you havent contextualised into a sentence properly. But its a bit like algebra , there are very few areas in life in which we will need to use it. :)

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:51 pm
by Momus
magentaflame;1501213 wrote:

But thanks for caring :)


I don't.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:52 pm
by magentaflame
Anyway, phone battery is running out....smell ya later dude.....oh how very Shakespearian of me...the words of the common people. :)

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:02 pm
by Momus
magentaflame;1501216 wrote: Anyway, phone battery is running out....smell ya later dude.....oh how very Shakespearian of me...the words of the common people. :)

It's Shakespearean dear.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:25 pm
by magentaflame
Oh will you look at that! When your phpnes plugged in you can still post whilst its charging.....who knew?

Awwwhhhh you called me dear....

Hey did you know Shakespeare made up words too? And deliberately misspelled words? Hence giving us freedoms with language? Isnt that exquisit?

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:40 pm
by Momus
magentaflame;1501220 wrote: Oh will you look at that! When your phpnes plugged in you can still post whilst its charging.....who knew?

Awwwhhhh you called me dear....

Hey did you know Shakespeare made up words too? And deliberately misspelled words? Hence giving us freedoms with language? Isnt that exquisit? There's an apostrophe in Isn't and it's exquisite.

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:49 pm
by magentaflame
Thankyou most kindly, who needs spell check when we have Buffalo Bill around lol

Does Momus have a crush on Bruv?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:52 pm
by magentaflame
Oh i should explain that ...... an aversion pertaining to gender identity and the fisposing of body parts...

Very "silence of the lambs" ish.