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info on Fermanagh and name of Stafford

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:59 pm
by magentaflame
Im interested in knowing the history of Fermanagh and the name Stafford and Kerr families in that area .

If anyone can help id appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

info on Fermanagh and name of Stafford

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 2:04 am
by spot
All of Ireland and England - let's leave Scotland and Wales out of it - from 800 to 1450 used to be Universally Roman Catholic Christian under the supreme religious jurisdiction of the Pope.

From 1450 to around 1860 it was at various stages illegal or merely uncomfortable in England to be Roman Catholic Christian under the supreme religious jurisdiction of the Pope, it involved being a non-person with limited political and economic rights. The same was true for Jews and Baptists and Quakers too, not just Catholics. The only acceptable church in England was the Established Christian Church of England under the supreme religious jurisdiction of the King.

The English Civil War of the 1640s was a temporary victory for the Puritans who ended up fleeing to America to establish the colonies there when they finally lost in 1660. Between 1640 and 1660 they had taken over the Established Christian Church of England and put it under the supreme religious jurisdiction of Parliament. The remaining Stuarts, who had been Kings in England and appeared very Roman Catholic to most people, claimed still to be Kings in Ireland which was still Roman Catholic. The Puritans under Cromwell invaded and destroyed Ireland as a political and military problem, and they moved in boatloads of volunteer Protestant English families to take control of Ireland. From then on until 1923, if you were Roman Catholic in Ireland you had no political or economic voice, you were the hand-to-mouth underclass and deliberately kept that way.

The Staffords and the Kerrs were Protestant English settlers in the Irish Plantation, and quite possibly officers in Cromwell's army - the officers were granted lots of land after the war there.

Fermanagh, in the division of Ireland in 1923, had a majority Protestant population and ended up staying within the United Kingdom in Northern Ireland. All the areas which had a majority Roman Catholic population formed the break-away Irish Republic, independent of England for the first time since Cromwell's invasion.

If the Protestant Staffords and Kerrs were living in the new Irish Republic in the South of Ireland in 1923 they very probably moved to Fermanagh for their personal safety. If they already lived in the North then they just stayed put. ... of_Ireland is about the invasion. The people who invaded Ireland ended up as either Irish Protestants or proto-American Puritans, not English. The English expelled the remaining Puritans to America during the 1680s as terrorist king-killers. The colonies had been set up by Puritan religious exiles fleeing the power of the Established Church under the King at the very start of the Civil War sixty years earlier.

Seven generations of Kerrs have farmed in Fermanagh. Tonight the old man will cast his vote for traditional Unionism. But his son has other ideas. By David McKittrick | News | The Independent has a bit of more recent background.

info on Fermanagh and name of Stafford

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 1:38 am
by magentaflame
Hmmmmm....the plot thickens im afraid. In my records of the 1800s and which the family is familiar, are the names Carey, and Kerr. Both females. But in recent searches by others the maiden names are now Coakley and Court. ...... whats with that? Both males are exactly the same Stafford/Whitesmith and Sutton....but their wives someone doesnt like Irish names?

info on Fermanagh and name of Stafford

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 1:57 am
by magentaflame
Ummmm .... this Carey/ coakley woman was born in enniskeane. And was married in Cork and Ross Ireland ???? To one man....Two places or a name place im not pronouncing properly?

info on Fermanagh and name of Stafford

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 4:50 am
by spot
I hadn't realized the question related to genealogy.

For anyone in a Birth Baptism Marriage Death or Census register for a given location there will be siblings and cousins with similar names born at about the same time. The great trip-wire of genealogy is mistaking two people.

So far in this thread there's nowhere near enough information for anyone to cross-check what you've found and quite possibly you don't want to make such detail public anyway.

If there's anyone in your records of whom you're entirely certain that you have the right person, that's where you should start re-checking from to see if there are alternatives which may have confused matters. If you want to put that one person into the thread we could take a look, but it has to be a record from before 1923.

info on Fermanagh and name of Stafford

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 5:50 pm
by magentaflame
Yeah i can do that.....the info i found on the coakley/court names was in someone elses is not my family line (i like to cross check)... i had a think about it and because for want of a better word these persons are considered sundry players maybe someone was cleaning up their family tree ?.

I have records to date back early 1800s . I want to visit Fermanagh when i come over. I have addresses etc of marriages etc. Ill put the info up shortly