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Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:04 am
by Saint_
I read something about an Ultra-Left-Winger getting elected to a high post in the U.K. Apparently, nobody saw it coming. The article was divided:

On the one hand, it seems the disenchanted and disenfranchised youth demographic voted for him. I like that.

On the other hand, apparently he's so left wing that his party has almost no chance against the in-power conservatives. I don't like that.

Have I got that right?

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:24 am
by Bruv
Saint_;1486272 wrote: I read something about an Ultra-Left-Winger getting elected to a high post in the U.K. Apparently, nobody saw it coming. The article was divided:

On the one hand, it seems the disenchanted and disenfranchised youth demographic voted for him. I like that.

On the other hand, apparently he's so left wing that his party has almost no chance against the in-power conservatives. I don't like that.

Have I got that right?

Very nearly, but his name is Corbyn.

He has a whole thread devoted to him on here, he is my latest hero.

The right wing are desperately trying to obamarite or possibly barackasize him, basically making him appear like a left wing nutter.

Todays headlines in what is jokingly called a newspaper The Sun

His Policies

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:13 am
by Snowfire
He's a Socialist, God forbid. I know that has different connotations in the US and more likely to bring on palpitations. Its a rebellion against the movement of the Blairites of the past, dragging the traditionally left Labour Party to just left of the Tories...just.

I support it, generally but have reservations on the damage the Unions could mete out before the next General Election. That would just play into the Tories hands.

It's going to be hard enough fighting the mostly right wing press. Corbyn cant blink now without Murdochs Army finding something to headline. Mostly lies and out of context soundbites but its still damaging

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:59 am
by FourPart
When the Murdoch press goes after him, you know he's got to be doing something right.

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:05 pm
by Snowfire
FourPart;1486281 wrote: When the Murdoch press goes after him, you know he's got to be doing something right.

Thing is, and I'm seeing it on Facebook, the Murdoch press is all pervasive and the general public start to believe in what they are fed in the Sun and DM.

Ordinary reasonable people are calling him "Loony", "Dangerous", a "Traitor", all because of what they read in the tabloids

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:11 pm
by Bruv
It's funny because I caught a piece on TV asking people seemingly random questions, such as "Do you think the railways should be publicly owned?" and people were unknowingly agreeing with Corbyn's policies.

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:03 am
by gmc
That's why the attacks are personal if they talk up or discuss his policies iy might backfire.

Currently we have a party in power idealigically opposed to the nhs and want to privatise it and are doing so by the back door to prevcent riots in the streets. Actually new labour started the process which is just one of the reasons their support haemorrhaged under blair and the iraq war still annoys many people. At least corbyn has been consistent in his appraoch to things.

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:06 am
by Bruv
Slagging him off for being a man of principle, the Sun's headline today

You would think nothing else happened in the world yesterday.

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:05 am
by Snowfire
Bruv;1486317 wrote: Slagging him off for being a man of principle, the Sun's headline today

You would think nothing else happened in the world yesterday.

That was the headline in most papers today, even the Independent and as you say, it diverted attention from the Tax Credit cuts

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:09 am
by LarsMac
Then there was this:

BBC cameraman injured while filming Jeremy Corbyn - BBC News

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:22 am
by Snowfire
LarsMac;1486323 wrote: Then there was this:

BBC cameraman injured while filming Jeremy Corbyn - BBC News

I read a snippet about that on the way home. Interestingly, the report said that Corbyn's entourage had denied any responsibility for the injury. The report then continued to clearly lay the blame at security.

Seems Corbyn will get tarred with any brush laying about despite not having any involvement. Him and his team have an uphill struggle ahead. He will be blamed for everything...and some

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:30 am
by Saint_
Would a mod please fix the thread title spelling for me? I feel embarrassed every time I post in my own thread. That saying, did Corbyn say why he wouldn't sing "God Save the Queen?" Was it a protest? Or is he a Trump?

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:30 am
by Saint_
I like that phrase, "Poverty Deniers." It describes Wall Street nicely.

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:42 am
by Snowfire
Saint_;1486327 wrote: Would a mod please fix the thread title spelling for me? I feel embarrassed every time I post in my own thread. That saying, did Corbyn say why he wouldn't sing "God Save the Queen?" Was it a protest? Or is he a Trump?

He's just an anti-monarchist Republican. He wasn't being disrespectful, I would say. It's just something else for the press to jump on.

You know like your teabagging Republican nutcases and Fox News like to blame everything on Obama, from El Nino to Tampa Bay Buccaneers not being very good ? Corbyn can't do right for doing wrong.

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:11 am
by Bruv
Saint_;1486327 wrote: Would a mod please fix the thread title spelling for me? I feel embarrassed every time I post in my own thread. That saying, did Corbyn say why he wouldn't sing "God Save the Queen?" Was it a protest? Or is he a Trump?

I like the mis-spelling, it shows you care enough about little ole England, but not enough to spell things correctly.

His silence wasn't disrespectful, but according to the latest news he will sing along in future

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 11:28 am
by FourPart
One may not agree with his principles, but you have to agree that he stands by them, and should be respected for that. I watched PMQ on iPlayer earlier & felt he put himself across very well, whilst Cameron continued to blame everything on "The Previous Administration".

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 2:44 pm
by Bruv
First time I have detected a squirm in the man.

Answering if he will kneel in front of the Queen...................but I think his answer was good enough.

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:27 am
by gmc
Good for him why should you kneel to anyone it's a sign that you see them as your superior this is no longer a feudal society she should respect his views and not demand any such thing. bet the right wing presss make a song and dance about it. The sight of labour MP's accepting peerages does them little credit.

Corwyn Shakes Up Great Britain

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:24 am
by Smaug
FourPart;1486334 wrote: One may not agree with his principles, but you have to agree that he stands by them, and should be respected for that. I watched PMQ on iPlayer earlier & felt he put himself across very well, whilst Cameron continued to blame everything on "The Previous Administration".

Standard response number one! The tories have had years to sort out the problems besetting this country, and so far have achieved very little that I can see, except enrich their pension pots and annual earnings!

I can see me voting UKIP or Labour at the next general election. It depends on

Corbyn's performance between now and then, as I don't think UKIP stand much chance of getting in with the boundaries being so gerrymandered.