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sit ups???

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:30 pm
by beth1983
i am currently on a low fat diet... last time i lost weight my stomach was left saggy.. if i actually go through the pain of sit ups, would it work and can anyone suggest how many i would need to do a day?

sit ups???

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:39 pm
by abbey
Hiya Beth, welcome to the Garden, you should really just do the amount that you are comfortable with.

Failing that do what i did and take the lazy way out and get yourself a slendertone flex, i got one and was really surprised that it worked.

Although you would'nt know it to look at me.. LOL

Like all the exercise equipment i've ever bought it's ended up gathering dust or used to hang clothes on! :wah:

Good luck on the low fat diet x.

sit ups???

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:53 pm
by Tombstone
beth1983 wrote: i am currently on a low fat diet... last time i lost weight my stomach was left saggy.. if i actually go through the pain of sit ups, would it work and can anyone suggest how many i would need to do a day?

And don't forget that just brisk walking will do wonders as well.

sit ups???

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:41 pm
by valerie
Hmmm, I thought I heard Oprah say she did 300 a day!

I do 50 5 days a week. It helps, when I don't get to them for a few

days my tummy sure feels "lax"! I have maybe a "four pack" instead of

six... done them for about 5 years now. Remembering that you can't spot

reduce, still I think sit-ups help keep you toned. And I have noticed that doing

my full exercise routine (5 mile walk 7 days, 50 sit-ups 20 push-ups and

5 mile stationary bike ride 5 days a week) really helps keep away those other

little aches and pains that can creep up on you, if I'm at full-bore I tend

to have no lower back ache, no hamstring pulls, etc.!

Start slow and work up. You'll be glad you did!!

:yh_dance :yh_wink

sit ups???

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:07 pm
by beth1983
TW2005 wrote: I run 2.5 miles a day in 90 degree heat with a black sweatshirt on, that seems to work for me. If you just want to do sit ups, do as many as you can without hurting yourself. Thats what I would say. I think i'm going to start doing about 500 a day, not all at once of course. But maybe 150 in the morning, and 150 when I get home from work and then 200 before bed.

erm... i am thinking of easing myself gently into an excercise regime... lol

sit ups???

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:19 am
by john8pies
Well, Homer Simpson is my `role model` so I`d be a poor choice to advise you on this one!

sit ups???

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:38 pm
by lady cop
EGADS! this reminds me of PT in the academy. (physical training, also known as the spanish inquisition). it was horrible. painful. made us cry. made us throw up. made us want to take out the LT. when we were on the firing range. (but he made sure he stayed behind us. ) one day i called him terrible names after he made us scramble up a 90 degree berm by our bare raw bleeding fingernails. oh, and don't even ask me about the WALL! EVIL! EXERCISE IS EVIL! it's bad for you. :wah:

sit ups???

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:21 pm
by LoveMama
beth1983 wrote: i am currently on a low fat diet... last time i lost weight my stomach was left saggy.. if i actually go through the pain of sit ups, would it work and can anyone suggest how many i would need to do a day?

Beth. ........depends on how old you are and how athletic you are.

If you've been fat for a long time.......I have no idea how many sit=ups you should do. You talk about the "pain" of sit=ups don't sound like an athletic to me. For years......I did 200 a day. Once in the morning.....and once at nite.. PAIN? NO......IT WAS what I wanted to do to keep in shape...not to be beautiful.....of have a wonderful body.......simply to be in shape so I could, run, surf, play tennis etc.

When you talk about 'PAIN" you sound like a "princess" That is not in any way about being in shape.



sit ups???

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 9:43 pm
by lady cop
Far Rider wrote: :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl

21 Years in the Army Lady Cop! Been there done that is an old saying! But what you said brings back many memories....

I still exercise, keep my hair trimmmed short, shake hands with a death grip and keep my back to the wall in public places. Too funny!

I wanted to kill a few LT's in my time too!i knew someone would relate! me too, i never sit with my back to the door. i knew i'd like you!

sit ups???

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:47 am
by beth1983
LoveMama wrote: Beth. ........depends on how old you are and how athletic you are.

If you've been fat for a long time.......I have no idea how many sit=ups you should do. You talk about the "pain" of sit=ups don't sound like an athletic to me. For years......I did 200 a day. Once in the morning.....and once at nite.. PAIN? NO......IT WAS what I wanted to do to keep in shape...not to be beautiful.....of have a wonderful body.......simply to be in shape so I could, run, surf, play tennis etc.

When you talk about 'PAIN" you sound like a "princess" That is not in any way about being in shape.



well actually i am a little overweight, not fat, and i am far from being a princess... no, i am not an athlete, i do lots of walking and get excercise at work though. all i asked was for some advice on how to tone up after previously losing 2 stone. some of the people on here have actually been quite helpful.

sit ups???

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 7:32 am
by LoveMama
beth1983 wrote: well actually i am a little overweight, not fat, and i am far from being a princess... no, i am not an athlete, i do lots of walking and get excercise at work though. all i asked was for some advice on how to tone up after previously losing 2 stone. some of the people on here have actually been quite helpful.

Beth....I didn't mean to be sarcastic.....really I didn't. I just talk like that to everyone! It's kind of an expression we use alot here in So.CA where everyone want's to be in perfect shape....and those who do we call a "princess"....

Here's the deal on situ-ps. Don't do them at all if you have a bad back.

It's hell on your back. THere are a whole lot of way's to do sit-ups so it doesn't hurt your back....

Check it out on GOOGLE..... ;)



sit ups???

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:06 pm
by abbey
LoveMama wrote: Beth....I didn't mean to be sarcastic.....really I didn't. I just talk like that to everyone! It's kind of an expression we use alot here in So.CA where everyone want's to be in perfect shape....and those who do we call a "princess"....xxxxxxxxoomamaAw bless ya LoveMama, i'm a "princess":yh_battin

sit ups???

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:11 pm
by lady cop
abbey wrote: Aw bless ya LoveMama, i'm a "princess":yh_battinNAH ABBEY, you're a QUEEN! :-4

sit ups???

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:00 pm

I thought I was the only one who never sat with their back to a door. I also won't sit with people behind me most of the time. I take the back row in meetings, and if possible the back row in movies. Just have a thing about it. :-3

i knew someone would relate! me too, i never sit with my back to the door. i knew i'd like you! ;)