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the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:19 pm
by AA grumpy
hello its sunday night and time for another AA grumpy column

and a serious question who would you want to pick your daughter up safely from school a white driver or a muslim driver.

it appears a councilor is getting hot under the collar about people requesting white drivers to take them home.

A taxi company has come under fire for supplying white drivers on request.

Privately-run 35 Taxis, based in Hull, claim they are simply responding to requests and are doing nothing wrong.

Hull City Council have agreed that the policy does not run contrary to the conditions of its licence - but a local councillor has slammed those people requesting white drivers, saying it sends out a 'very sad message'.

Privately-run 35 Taxis of Hull (pictured) send white drivers out on jobs when customers request them - they claim they are simply responding to requests and are not discriminating or doing anything wrong

Privately-run 35 Taxis of Hull send white drivers out on jobs when customers request them - they claim they are simply responding to requests and are not discriminating or doing anything wrong

Taxi firm owner Gary Wilkinson said: 'You cannot stop customers making requests We will try to send a white, British driver, if we are asked, but we do tell our customers we can't always guarantee it.'

Mr Wilkinson insisted his company was not discriminating and said he had 25 drivers of non-white, British origin who all did 'a fantastic job'.

He added: 'I am totally against racism of any kind. I am married to an Arabic woman and our children are mixed-race.

'A customer may have had a bad experience with a coloured driver in the past Councillor Rosie Nicola said it is 'really sad' that people in Hull are demanding white drivers

'Maybe they have felt a driver has ripped them off. Some people will then say, "I only want a white British driver".

'It's racist, because these people are not ringing up the next day saying don't send me a white driver if they happen to think a white driver has overcharged them.'

Wayne Harrison, owner of rival firm 50 Taxis, claimed up to one in five of all his customers also demand a white British driver - but he refuses to oblige them He said: 'Customers will ring you up and say "Don't send me a..." They'll then use a racist word.

'We don't give them a choice. We will send a car. It's up to them if they get in or not.'

He said he employs 50 drivers, including four or five who are not white British and added: 'They are super workers They just want to earn a living.'

The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against employees because of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin However, there is no suggestion private-hire companies who respond to customers' requests are breaking the law.

Councillor Rosie Nicola is the Hull City Council's cabinet member for equality and community cohesion.

She said: 'I find it really sad that people in Hull are ringing up our taxi companies making these kinds of demands.

'It's a really sad message to be sending out that people aren't happy with someone based simply on the colour of their skin.

'If someone doesn't want to get into a taxi driven by someone with a different skin colour, make them wait in the cold.'

Hull City Council have said 35 Taxis' policy does not run contrary to the conditions of its licence

One local lawyer, who did not wish to be named, said: 'This is a very thorny issue - a nest of vipers There may be discriminatory issues under the Equality Act 2010 committed by call operators if they were to offer a job only to a white British driver.'

In October it was revealed that a taxi company in a town tainted by a child sex-grooming gang scandal offers customers white drivers on demand.

Rochdale minicab firm Car 2000 offers the choice after two taxi drivers of Pakistani origin were jailed for their part in the sex trafficking and rape of young white girls in the town.

The firm, which bought out Eagle Taxis - a company at the centre of the grooming scandal, has revealed that many customers were asking for white or ‘local’ drivers.

It came out amid rising tensions in Rochdale following revelations of gang rapes, grooming and trafficking of white girls at the hands of mainly Asian gangs.

Read more: Taxi firm in Hull under fire for complying with requests to send white drivers | Daily Mail Online

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so dozy rosie is a cabinet member of hull city councils equality and community cohesion is she .. which basicly is a labour created quango post which favours the likes of ethnic minorities, immigrants and gyspies over honest handworking british people and if i remember rightly hull is run by a leftist labour council part of the labour goverment who of the time threw open the doors of the uk and subjected us to a frankenstien experiment in mass immigration against the wishes of the voters and the population of the UK.

i,ve no doubt that the asian muslim drivers are hardworkers and do only want to earn a living but surely the customer has a right to choose a white british driver if they so wish without being branded by the marxist.. liberal left who screams racist at those who do not follow their trotskyite ideology and after all it is the passenger who pays the wages.

and in view of rotherham and rochdale im not surprised lone white women wont get into a taxi with a muslim driver and i admit that to ring up and ask a taxi firm not to send a w*g driver is absolutly wrong and racist and as for rivals 50 taxis to just send a car and its up to the passenger if they get in is disgracefull but to be honest i cannot see the asian muslim drivers kicking up about this but a joint whip it up frenzy between the leftist UAF supporting labour council and the newspapers in an attempt to cause a knee jerk reaction and stir up friction among ethnic communities while championing their marxist reds under the beds leftie cause.

of course what ever happened to freedom of choice in our so called modern society or even the customer is always right or does it depend on their skin colour and if the fits their politically correct marxist facist ideology

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:36 pm
by Bruv
" doubt that the asian muslim drivers are hardworkers and do only want to earn a living but surely the customer has a right to choose a white british driver if they so wish........"

As opposed to Asian Christian or a White British you mean ?

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:08 pm
by FourPart
Or a White, British, Christian Rapist?

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:49 am
by AA grumpy
By Frustrated

In Part One I explained why Labour politicians tried to conceal the abuse of 1400 English children by Muslim grooming gangs in Rotherham.

I gave several reasons why they did this but the main reason was to avoid the damage negative publicity would do their promotion of "multiculturalism" and "diversity".

Even Labour activists would struggle to make us "celebrate" the "cultural enrichment" being performed on our children by depraved men from the millions of Muslims Labour actually encouraged to settle in our country.

Not only Rotherham's Council left-wing councillors and Chief Officers betrayed our children but two of Rotherham's Labour MPs were also active in stopping investigations into the abuse of English schoolgirls by Muslim grooming gangs.

After news of the scale of Rotherham's grooming problem broke in August 2014, the town's former Labour MP for Rotherham Central, Denis MacShane admitted he ignored warnings of child abuse for fear of inflaming community tensions.

He excused his misconduct by saying he was a Guardian-reading liberal leftie who did not want to "rock the multicultural community boat".

The Times also recently reported that in 2012 another of Rotherham's Labour MPs John Healey opposed calls for an investigation into child abuse allegations in the town because he did not think it would help the victims or their families!

Mr Healey said in a reply to a concerned constituent that he did not want an investigation to focus "solely on Rotherham and on Asian men grooming white girls".

These Labour MPs put their ideological love affair with multiculturalism before the protection of Rotherham's working class English children.

They wanted the politically inconvenient scandal swept under the carpet! They and their type sacrificed 1400 vulnerable English children on the altar of multiculturalism.

Having finally failed to suppress news of this Muslim grooming epidemic left-wingers are now desperately trying to limit the damage it is doing to multiculturalism by adopting a policy of obfuscation.

They are deliberately muddying the waters so the public do not clearly see that the nature and scale of the Muslim grooming phenomenon is different from indigenous paedophilia:

1. They will claim that most paedophiles in Britain are white. This may be true, but because the authorities have been reluctant to prosecute hundreds of active Muslim grooming gangs how can we be sure?

Even if this claim is true it would hardly be surprising.

Despite the last Labour government's best efforts to change Britain's demographic through mass immigration the white population remains well over eighty per cent.

2. They will compare the individual acts of English perverts like Jimmy Savile to the industrialised on-street grooming of thousands of English children into prostitution by large networks of Muslim men.

But Savile did not hook his victims on heroin, beat them or threaten to kill their siblings to force them to comply with their sick sexual demands!

Neither did he traffic his victims to 'slag houses' to be gang raped by dozens of other Muslim men.

Such widespread collusion within the English community to abuse children for sex and money would be inexcusable and unthinkable.

We would be outraged and report to the police any pervert who even suggested such depraved exploitation of children from any community.

3. Virtually all of the wider Muslim community is complicit in protecting their numerous paedophiles, so long as they only target the children of non-Muslims.

This is outrageous, but obfuscators will compare it to the way the Catholic Church hierarchy has previously protected some of its abnormal priests who abused vulnerable boys.

The Catholic Church does not tolerate slavery, but Islam permits the brutal abduction of non-Muslim girls for sex slaves as shown in Iraq and Nigeria.

Islam is a misogynist religion that regards even Muslim girls as inferior to Muslim men. Feminists are deafeningly silent about misogynist Muslim men and their abuse of English schoolgirls because highlighting the issue would damage their Marxist agenda of promoting multiculturalism.

This reveals their hypocrisy because as Marxists they are only allowed to attack white men whether they are sexist or not.

Labour's defence of multiculturalism means we cannot trust them to protect our children.

Labour will excuse Muslims vile collective conduct and pretend their grooming crimes are nothing new so we accept it as a new social norm.

We need more BNP councillors who can save our children from Muslim abuse by exposing any cover-ups in these rotten Labour run councils like Rotherham.

Members of extreme Marxist groups are not fit to work in child protection. They should be barred from social services departments as their malign influence can jeopardise the safety of vulnerable English children in council care.

Marxists are more likely to send any whistle blower on a "Diversity Awareness" course than investigate warnings of child sexual abuse by Muslim perverts.

The safety of our children must come before Marxists fanatical ideologically driven desire to protect and promote multiculturalism at any cost ... 4-part-two why did the labour council in colusion with the so called police suppress investigations on these paedophiles as not in the public intrest ?

A... to protect their vision of multi culti diversity that was unwantedly thrust upon us

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:45 am
by Oscar Namechange
The Left get offended again.

Put It this way, If I was bitten by a German Shepherd, then I'd run a mile every time I saw one.

Let's also drop the Asian tag. Professor Jay's Independent report proved that abusers were 96 % men of Pakistani origin and Muslim.

A large proportion of Taxi drivers are Muslim.

If anyone Is offended because women have every damn right to be cautious then they should have done something about the pandemic of child grooming.

As per usual, the blame Is deflected. The blame lies solely with Labour who turned a blind eye and now have the brass neck to label those who are cautious when It was them who has created the fear In women. This Is the backlash from their own negligence.

What does It matter If a woman asks for a white driver ? Is you being offended more Important than her feeling safe ?

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:54 am
by Oscar Namechange
As per usual... only one Party out on the streets asking ' Asian ' Taxi drivers what they think.

The Boss

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:09 am
by gmc
Keep things in perspective it was right wing nut jobs that thought we had an imperial obligation to our former colonies that allowed all these asians in in the first place.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:12 am
by FourPart
It was the Right Wing Nut Jobs that invaded & enslaved them in the first place.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:54 am
by Oscar Namechange
Regardless, women asking for white taxi drivers, Is the effect. Had the cause been treated when the authorities were first Informed, we would not be seeing the effect now. You reap what you sow. Labour Ignored 1,400 children being gang raped... now you have the effect.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:09 pm
by Bruv
Oscar Namechange;1469376 wrote: Regardless, women asking for white taxi drivers, Is the effect. Had the cause been treated when the authorities were first Informed, we would not be seeing the effect now. You reap what you sow. Labour Ignored 1,400 children being gang raped... now you have the effect.

Do you foam at the mouth when you come up with such nonsense ?

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:23 pm
by AnneBoleyn
Where do you get the figure for "1,400 children being gang raped?" Over what amount of time?

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:25 pm
by AnneBoleyn
gmc;1469372 wrote: Keep things in perspective it was right wing nut jobs that thought we had an imperial obligation to our former colonies that allowed all these asians in in the first place.

That's what I thought when I lived in England............that you were paying the price for establishing the colonies; that it came back to haunt you.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:50 pm
by Bruv
AnneBoleyn;1469383 wrote: Where do you get the figure for "1,400 children being gang raped?" Over what amount of time?

If it doesn't fit in with the party dogma, or they haven't laid down a party line/response she may never answer, or come up with some smart arse reply dismissing such a sensible question.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:04 pm
by Oscar Namechange
AnneBoleyn;1469383 wrote: Where do you get the figure for "1,400 children being gang raped?" Over what amount of time?

Rotherham child abuse report: 1,400 children subjected to 'appalling' sexual exploitation over 16-years - Crime - UK - The Independent

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:32 pm
by AA grumpy
having read oscars link at the bottom i suggest you read it too and get an insight to the blatant abuse of all these children hidden by a labour government that has turned us into a third world dumping ground.

these men where aided and abetted by corupt paedophile supporting labour councillors who dont want the public to see through their smoke and mirrors charade of a multi culti utopia

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:32 pm
by FourPart
Bruv;1469380 wrote: Do you foam at the mouth when you come up with such nonsense ?
That's how we tell when she's on the level....

...she drools out of both sides.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:44 pm
by AnneBoleyn
AA grumpy;1469391 wrote: having read oscars link at the bottom i suggest you read it too and get an insight to the blatant abuse of all these children hidden by a labour government that has turned us into a third world dumping ground.

these men where aided and abetted by corupt paedophile supporting labour councillors who dont want the public to see through their smoke and mirrors charade of a multi culti utopia

What is their point in doing this? What is the motive? It makes no logical sense (to me).

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:48 pm
by AnneBoleyn
I took time to look up The Independent. Seems like a respectable source.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:49 pm
by Oscar Namechange
AA grumpy;1469391 wrote: having read oscars link at the bottom i suggest you read it too and get an insight to the blatant abuse of all these children hidden by a labour government that has turned us into a third world dumping ground.

these men where aided and abetted by corupt paedophile supporting labour councillors who dont want the public to see through their smoke and mirrors charade of a multi culti utopia

Tip of the Iceberg Andy... Tip of the Iceberg....

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:50 pm
by Oscar Namechange
FourPart;1469392 wrote: That's how we tell when she's on the level....

...she drools out of both sides. Dribble, I can sleep at night with... Knowing my Party covered up the rape of children for 16 years would keep me awake.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:06 am
by gmc
AA grumpy;1469391 wrote: having read oscars link at the bottom i suggest you read it too and get an insight to the blatant abuse of all these children hidden by a labour government that has turned us into a third world dumping ground.

these men where aided and abetted by corupt paedophile supporting labour councillors who dont want the public to see through their smoke and mirrors charade of a multi culti utopia

So I supopose the tory party paedophile rings and abuse by the catholic church are all left wing propoganda to cover up rotherham. Why not the same outrage over decades of sytematic abuse by religious instititions that happen to be christian. (moot point, I could put the protestant case against the catholic church being truly christian but it's irrelevant).

Come to that jimmy saville was a christian was he not. Come to that so were most of the old colonial masters and christians used their religion to justify the slavery of black people. Church and state united as one to conqueor the world. Hip hip hurrah.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:43 am
by Bruv
Oscar Namechange;1469396 wrote: Knowing my Party covered up the rape of children for 16 years would keep me awake.
Oscar Namechange;1469362 wrote: The blame lies solely with Labour who turned a blind eye and now have the brass neck to label those who are cautious when It was them who has created the fear In women.
AnneBoleyn;1469393 wrote: What is their point in doing this? What is the motive? It makes no logical sense (to me).

I am being a bit naive......but do you mean the pointing of blame......and solely blaming a Political Party.....the less than left wing Labour Party.....that means the rapists are somehow excused some of the blame?

And all for your own Politically motivated ends?

Oscar Namechange;1469395 wrote: Tip of the Iceberg Andy... Tip of the Iceberg....

Half truths, innuendo, allowing the feeble minded amongst us to add two and two and come up with five......because there must be more to it......mustn't there ?

Of course there is more to it, but apportioning blame like the Nazis did to the bogeyman, the odd looking easily labeled brown skinned interloper in our midst is criminal. Immigration is NOT a British problem, it is a global phenomenon that affects all first world countries.........irregardless of the political leanings of the country.

Now the so called gang rape of 'Our' children in Aryan/White European children, by dusky skinned Islamics, who are hell bent on taking over everything we hold dear.

It is the same in it could be a cultural problem.......but is our problem, in our cities, nothing to do with political policies by any particular party.......and trust me.....the mighty BNP only think they know the answer, because all the answers they come up with have never been tested, other than in Germany, and we know what happened there.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:16 pm
by Oscar Namechange
gmc;1469439 wrote: So I supopose the tory party paedophile rings and abuse by the catholic church are all left wing propoganda to cover up rotherham. Why not the same outrage over decades of sytematic abuse by religious instititions that happen to be christian. (moot point, I could put the protestant case against the catholic church being truly christian but it's irrelevant).

Come to that jimmy saville was a christian was he not. Come to that so were most of the old colonial masters and christians used their religion to justify the slavery of black people. Church and state united as one to conqueor the world. Hip hip hurrah.

As It happens, I agree with you.... however, Savile and his like were opportunists. As children's entertainers they were In contact with large amounts of children all the time especially around 70's tv shows.

The Church, well, there's no evidence to show that they trafficked children all over the country. There Is the odd report going back to the 40's but not a huge amount of evidence to research there so again, the abuse could have been opportunist.

The difference between those abusers and the Rotherham scandal as one case In point, Is that three abuse was not opportunist but organised crime on a grand scale.

There was a process to grooming the children. They didn't just grab a girl off the street and rape her. The process could take a year before she was trafficked across the country for financial gain. It was planned, premeditated, and a perfected process that Involved torture. They deliberately targeted the vulnerable from sink estates and care homes, girls that they knew were considered to be low worth by the authorities and not believed.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:34 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1469446 wrote:

Half truths, innuendo, allowing the feeble minded amongst us to add two and two and come up with five......because there must be more to it......mustn't there ?

Of course there is more to it, but apportioning blame like the Nazis did to the bogeyman, the odd looking easily labeled brown skinned interloper in our midst is criminal. Immigration is NOT a British problem, it is a global phenomenon that affects all first world countries.........irregardless of the political leanings of the country.

Now the so called gang rape of 'Our' children in Aryan/White European children, by dusky skinned Islamics, who are hell bent on taking over everything we hold dear.

It is the same in it could be a cultural problem.......but is our problem, in our cities, nothing to do with political policies by any particular party.......and trust me.....the mighty BNP only think they know the answer, because all the answers they come up with have never been tested, other than in Germany, and we know what happened there.

Half truths ???

What the heck are you talking about ? Are you actually In the real world here ?

There are gangs coming to trial almost on a weekly basis. The police admitted last year that 54 trials are yet to be heard. They also admit, that some 10,000 children are affected. It's only just started. You will be seeing trials five years from now. Keep burying your head If that makes you feel more comfortable.

Yes, It Is just as bad In Pakistan. Trust me, I do my research. In Pakistan, children are deemed low worth and easily replaceable, and rape Is the norm.

Yet, this Is a country that abides by laws In that we don't rape and torture young children. The British people have for 50 years, bent over backwards ( no pun Intended ) to accomodate those from other countries. No other race than the British could have been more welcoming, more generous and more accepting. We should never be repaid by having our children gang raped on a mass scale by their descendents and forefathers.

I don't give a rats arsse what they do In Pakistan and frankly, anyone who makes that excuse, should be ashamed of themselves.

Why don't you go and listen to Adam Walkers Interviews with Asian taxi drivers very carefully. Even they state Is disgusting that some do not Integrate and bring their own laws with them.

If you went to Spain or America and raped their children you'd either be banged up In some greasy cell or on death row. It should be the same here, not this liberal bullshit of ' oh It's their culture'.

Yes, the BNP did have the answer. Ten years ago, Marlene Guest warned Labour authorities that gang rape of children In Rotherham was widespread. Thoseauthorities held a surgery where rather than look at her evidence, they spent all their time so busy hating the Far Right and deeming her ' Vile and stirring up racial tensions' that they Ignored statements she had gathered from the victims naming their abusers.

Six years ago, Nick Griffin warned the Mothers of Keighly that children were being raped by Pakistani origin gangs. He was arrested and prosecuted for Inciting racial hatred. Although acquitted by Jury. Four months ago, 18 men, all of Pakistani heritage were arrested In Keighly for raping children. The only way Griffin and Collett could be found not guilty In court was to provide evidence that children were being raped and they did. Had the authorities listened to the BNP, hundreds of children could have been saved.... while Labour controlled Rotherham made excuses.

Bury your head all you want... It Is the tip of the Iceberg. ... lice-chief

Half truths ??? Dream on

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:07 pm
by Bruv
Oscar Namechange;1469453 wrote: As It happens, I agree with you.... however, Savile and his like were opportunists.

Westminster paedophile ring investigated over murder links

These crimes are as difficult to investigate as the closed cultures of immigrant societies.

But they don't reap as many they ?

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:28 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1469465 wrote:

Westminster paedophile ring investigated over murder links

These crimes are as difficult to investigate as the closed cultures of immigrant societies.

But they don't reap as many they ? They are the same In as much that a section of society, covers up, lies, Ignores and put jobs before common sense.

Only when the entire country comes out with outrage, will anything change and raping children will stop. Every time some bleeding heart liberal makes excuses or concentrates on hating the Far Right more than protecting children, will the abuse continue. Ten years ago, they could have looked at Marlene's evidence and they were too busy hating Nick Griffin.

During Griffin's and Collette's trial, not once but twice, the countries media Including the BBC sat through the evidence that Pakistani men were raping children In Keighly... did they go back and think they better look further ? No.. they were just waiting for a guilty verdict to report on that never came.

Silence Is the component that will see more children raped.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:55 pm
by FourPart
As I've said before, it's a case of the BNP having brought things upon itself, as the boy who cried wolf. By being an extremist Neo-Nazi Racist party, seeking to blame non-Aryan races for all the world's wrong they reached the point at which every nutty accusation became ignored, just as the stereotype cartoon caricatures carrying their "The End Of The World Is Nigh" banners. Everyone simply recognises them for the nutters they are & ignores them. Then, one day, purely by chance, they happen to hit on something that's for real & everyone just thinks, "Oh, the nutters are at it again". That is the reputation the BNP have built over the years & now you are reaping the rewards.

Wolf!! Wolf!! Wolf!!

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:58 pm
by Oscar Namechange
FourPart;1469472 wrote: As I've said before, it's a case of the BNP having brought things upon itself, as the boy who cried wolf. By being an extremist Neo-Nazi Racist party, seeking to blame non-Aryan races for all the world's wrong they reached the point at which every nutty accusation became ignored, just as the stereotype cartoon caricatures carrying their "The End Of The World Is Nigh" banners. Everyone simply recognises them for the nutters they are & ignores them. Then, one day, purely by chance, they happen to hit on something that's for real & everyone just thinks, "Oh, the nutters are at it again". That is the reputation the BNP have built over the years & now you are reaping the rewards.

Wolf!! Wolf!! Wolf!!

Really ? Seriously ?

You're finding enjoyment at scoring points at the BNP at the expense of children being raped and tortured ?

Wow.. you're some sick Liberal.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:03 pm
by FourPart
And you're getting enjoying trying to score points for the BNP at the expense of children being raped & tortured. You're some sick Facist.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:39 pm
by Peter Lake
FourPart;1469475 wrote: And you're getting enjoying trying to score points for the BNP at the expense of children being raped & tortured. You're some sick Facist.

Go and educate yourself, first of all, what a fascist comprises of. Then when you've managed to spell the term correctly, i may take you seriously.

Your post is sick. You're scoring points at the misery of abused children. The B.N.P. have never attempted to score points only to warn, even knowing full well that they risked prosecution and persecution. Marlene Guest even received death threats at her attempts to warn authorities ten years ago along with being harassed and hounded by the very authorities who should have listened to protect the children. She was no threat to the establishment, just a normal mother and grandmother living in Rotherham. The desire to ruin her life was greater than protecting more children from being ganged raped by 100 men a night. Well done, they succeeded, she's now seriously ill from her ten year fight and threats from the very people, like you, who made excuses to keep jobs and social cohesion. How very proud of yourself, you must be.

All the B.N.P. ever did was to warn and bring evidence before the authorities and never was it about scoring points. People were turning to the party when their complaints about their children being raped were ignored.

To say they are now reaping what they sow, i have never read such absolute garbage in my life. When the scandal of Rotherham broke, they could have been on the streets telling the world, we told you so. They didn't because not one person would dream of scoring points at the misery of children as you have here.

You live in a dream world. Take a good look around you outside of your little world. The National Front have swept to power in Paris and in Germany, the far right is on the rise. Here, Nick Griffin is supporting Farage. The swing to U.K.I.P. in this country should tell you that the U.K. and Europe is sick to death of bleating apologies such as you. Come May, you'll see a far right party, U.K.I.P disrupt parliament because the man in the street is sick to death of diversity that has seen children raped. If you can't see how Europe is rising through the far right through your blinkers, then you deserve all you get. People like you have handed the country and Europe to the far right. That, is reaping what you sow, not the B.N.P. trying to stop more children being raped.

Following Rotherham and every other cesspit that's about to see trials in gang rape of children, ten years from now, there's going to be thousands of very angry young adults out there who are going to have loathing and hatred for the establishment. People like you who did nothing to protect them from being gang raped and tortured will no doubt sneer when they appear before the courts for drug addiction or alcohol abuse, even suicide. Their loathing and hatred won't be for the B.N.P. who tried to warn but for liberal apologies like you who did nothing to stop it and make excuses when it did. People like you are more of a danger to this country than any far right party but get used to it, because Europe's far right is on the rise. You reap what you sow remember?

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:45 pm
by FourPart
What a load of crock.

From the start on here it's been "The BNP did this", the BNP did that", the BNP did the other. NEVER anything being done for its own sake. ALWAYS using it to promote the cause of the BNP.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:51 pm
by Peter Lake
FourPart;1469483 wrote: What a load of crock.

From the start on here it's been "The BNP did this", the BNP did that", the BNP did the other. NEVER anything being done for its own sake. ALWAYS using it to promote the cause of the BNP.

More excuses, more whining, more hatred for the B.N.P. taking precedent over protecting children. You are the one who brings them into the equation every time. You are the one who enters these threads, you are the one who has the choice not to. Apologies, excuses, buck passing, blindness and lack of education where you can't even spell Fascist.

You reap what you sow, a far right government on the rise in Europe and now women asking for white taxi drivers because your liberals failed to act.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:57 pm
by FourPart
Peter Lake;1469486 wrote: You reap what you sow, a far right government on the rise in Europe and now women asking for white taxi drivers because your liberals failed to act.
I understand another Far Right Government rose in Europe once before. A case of "Better luck next time", is it.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:05 pm
by Peter Lake
FourPart;1469487 wrote: I understand another Far Right Government rose in Europe once before. A case of "Better luck next time", is it.

History has an unfortunate habit of repeating. Go and do some research into Sri Lanka in the past thirty years as that should give you an insight. You have handed Europe to the far right. As Oscar says, that's the effect not the cause. People like you are the cause, we are the effect. ... 26264.html

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:11 pm
by FourPart
Peter Lake;1469488 wrote: History has an unfortunate habit of repeating. Go and do some research into Sri Lanka in the past thirty years as that should give you an insight. You have handed Europe to the far right. As Oscar says, that's the effect not the cause. People like you are the cause, we are the effect.

Germany sees 'visible rise' in support for far-right extremism in response to perceived 'Islamisation' of the West - Europe - World - The Independent
Finally an admission.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:14 pm
by Peter Lake
FourPart;1469490 wrote: Finally an admission. What's wrong? Can't find anything else to say or the ability to spell it ? It's been delightful but i'm off for an early night in my real world. Keep pretending, keep denying and we'll see come May. Don't forget though, you reap what you sow.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:17 pm
by FourPart
Which is why the BNP are, and always will be an "Also Ran".

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:15 pm
by Oscar Namechange
FourPart;1469492 wrote: Which is why the BNP are, and always will be an "Also Ran". Apparently, even Merkel Is concerned about the rise of The Far Right In Germany,

At the BNP annual conference two weeks ago, we had three European guest speakers fly to the UK to give us a speech, The German representative for the German Far Right, The NPD. The Polish representative for The Polish Far Right, The Polish Nationalist Movement and the Spanish Far Right Representative for the Far Right VOX. Very Interesting It was too.

If you haven't noticed the rise of the Far Right In Europe, then you should and you should be concerned. What was It they said In Terminator ? ' There's a storm coming '....

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 5:52 am
by Peter Lake
FourPart;1469492 wrote: Which is why the BNP are, and always will be an "Also Ran".

I read your posts in these threads and what stands out is you have never shown one scrap of concern for the children who's lives have been destroyed. Any rational human being would be even slightly outraged that a Labour run council lied and covered up mass rape for so many years to keep their jobs. From all that you have written, i honestly come to the conclusion that you don't even consider these children, only to libel the B.N.P. and it's people. I suspect, the truth of it with you, is that you are more put out that you know damn well, the B.N.P. had the evidence ten years ago and have been proved right, than actually focusing on the pandemic that is happening today. Exactly the same as those in authority ignored parents plea's for help, you are so busy hating the B.N.P. that you'd actually allow more children to be abused than make waves in your own party because like those who ignored all the evidence, you are spineless. The people in the B.N.P. were the only one's who risked prosecution to warn and warn again while your spineless party lied and covered up. You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. In the B.N.P. we can hold our heads high, while Labour in Rotherham scuttle around burying evidence and losing crucial files that shows the true picture of the ineptness and corruption. How terribly proud you must be of such treacherous, corrupt liars.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:01 am
by Oscar Namechange
Remember Mark Collett ? He was the one acquitted of Inciting racial hatred with Griffin 6 years ago when they warned Mothers In Keighly.

Taken from Facebook

Mark Collett

4 hrs ·

It’s great we live in such a progressive tolerant country! Remember, if you work for a local council, it is offensive and wholly unacceptable to use the word ‘Christmas’. But what is acceptable is covering up the sexual assault of young girls by certain religious groups. I'm loving the tolerance and diversity, it really does enrich us! [HEAVY USE OF SARCASM INTENDED]

Unlike · · Share

You, Deborah Findley and 48 others like this.

Bang on Mark as usual.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:07 am
by Oscar Namechange
Revealed: How officials let sex offenders, paedophiles and a rapist drive your taxis - Manchester Evening News

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:53 am
by Bruv
Listen to the logic of the Far Right.............

Nigel Farage has blamed his failure to turn up to a reception with supporters in Wales on "open-door" immigration.

The Ukip leader said he missed the £25 a head meet-the-leader event in Port Talbot because the population "is going through the roof" and the M4 is "not as navigable as it used to be"

I am being naive........again...........but isn't that what the Pete and J*lie double act sound like ?........on a good day.

It's the Lefties and the dusky skinned immigrants fault.....................everything is their fault.

Nothing to do with a worldwide movement of population, from third to first world countries.....nothing to do with Law and Order.

Pick a target, a point of public concern, a pimple to scratch..........and scratch it until it becomes inflamed.......then put salt on it.

Make the people feel they are under attack in their own homes, in their own towns, in their own country, offer them "The Solution" (Ever heard that one before?)

"The Problem" is a type of person, a political stance, a race or religion...........take that out of the equation and everything will be alright, and we can return to the halcyon days of yesteryear....(Never heard that one before?)

And of course Logically......before the Lefties held power, and when we were a white Christian right leaning country.......things were better, our children were not being abused by foreigners either, unless you call Irish Priests foreign.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:03 am
by Oscar Namechange
Why are you quoting Farage at us ?

We are nothing to do with UKIP and we do not wish to be associated with them....They are nothing more than the Tories mark 2

However, you vote Labour don't you ?

labour25 | This site is about Labour Party Paedophiles

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:46 pm
by Bruv
Oscar Namechange;1469524 wrote: Why are you quoting Farage at us ?

We are nothing to do with UKIP and we do not wish to be associated with them....They are nothing more than the Tories mark 2

However, you vote Labour don't you ?

labour25 | This site is about Labour Party Paedophiles's the Lefty bogey man you are attacking today.

Point scoring ? Using child sex crimes, and which party is most moral ?

And I thought that was what FourPart was accused of doing.

Dirty game you are involved in, enjoy yourself.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:48 pm
by FourPart
Where did he say he was quoting at you? He posted, quite relevantly, to the thread of the topic, about left wing politicians, comparing them with the right wing. Immediately, true to form, your paranoid aspect of life goes into defensive mode by going on to the offensive. No surprises there.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:13 pm
by Peter Lake
FourPart;1469528 wrote: Where did he say he was quoting at you? He posted, quite relevantly, to the thread of the topic, about left wing politicians, comparing them with the right wing. Immediately, true to form, your paranoid aspect of life goes into defensive mode by going on to the offensive. No surprises there.

Dirty game yells Bruv when the Labour's paedophile's are highlighted. Only, this is what the pair of you do through every thread concerning politics.

It's no secret that the B.N.P. has had it's share of idiots who have brought the party an unwelcome image but through a few idiots, FourPart gets to label Oscar and myself along with anyone else in the party, as neo-nazi's when it's likely he has no idea what exactly a neo-nazi is, he just thinks it sounds cool. So by the very same token and by your rules, if we are neo-nazi's due to a few idiots, that makes you paedophiles doesn't it? Or is that too offensive when i play by your rules? Tarnish us by those who have let the party down but hang on, don't do likewise and play by your own standards.

Nonetheless, given a choice of a party where a few have spoken a few unpolitically correct statements that have landed them in court and a party who ignored the rape and torture of 1,400 children over sixteen years and has a growing list of members and key figures convicted of child abuse and rape, i'll stick with the nazi's.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:46 pm
by Bruv
"The Alliance of European National Movements" a group of patriotic parties devoted to preserving European civilisation includes the BNP as a member.

"Front National" of France founder was quoted as saying "Monseigneur Ebola" could sort out Europe's immigration issue "in three months".

The leader of Hungary's Jobbik "I think such a conflict makes it timely to tally up people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian Parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a national security risk to Hungary," the party's deputy parliamentary leader, Márton Gyöngyösi said.

Nice people to have as friends.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:02 pm
by Peter Lake
Bruv;1469534 wrote: "The Alliance of European National Movements" a group of patriotic parties devoted to preserving European civilisation includes the BNP as a member.

"Front National" of France founder was quoted as saying "Monseigneur Ebola" could sort out Europe's immigration issue "in three months".

The leader of Hungary's Jobbik "I think such a conflict makes it timely to tally up people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian Parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a national security risk to Hungary," the party's deputy parliamentary leader, Márton Gyöngyösi said.

Nice people to have as friends.

That's exactly what we said about the growing list of convicted Labour child molesters. I think we've made our points. Continuing would merely serve purpose to childishness. Goodnight Bruv, have a good evening.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:32 pm
by Bruv
Peter Lake;1469536 wrote: That's exactly what we said about the growing list of convicted Labour child molesters. I think we've made our points. Continuing would merely serve purpose to childishness. Goodnight Bruv, have a good evening.

"We" being the Jew registering Nationalists of Hungary, or the Ebola praising racists of France ?

This being a group actively cooperating for their own ends regardless of the known anti-semitic homophobic,neo Nazi and racist policies.

Nite nite Peter sleep well.

the leftie sheep are bleating again..... the AA grumpy column

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:34 am
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1469538 wrote: "We" being the Jew registering Nationalists of Hungary, or the Ebola praising racists of France ?

This being a group actively cooperating for their own ends regardless of the known anti-semitic homophobic,neo Nazi and racist policies.

Nite nite Peter sleep well.

Are you still whittering here ?

So because I attend a conference where European Nationalists were some of many, many people who gave speeches, not actually Invited by me, but this makes me guilty by association.

FFS... they were at the same conference as me, they wern't round my house having tea, saluting posters of Hitler and out In my village rounding up anyone with remotely coffee coloured skin.

Yet, If you Insist that by association we must think alike and agree with everything they say, then likewise by your own format, you must be a child molester right ?

See Bruv... Can't have It both ways can you ?