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Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:06 am
by Aura
I wonder if you could advise me please? I booked a guesthouse in Teignmouth in April as I didn't want to go to the Midlands with my parents to visit my aunt’s in August. I have been invited to help with a wedding as a photographer’s assistant, so I have booked August 23rd-30 2014.

My son who lives with my cousin in Australia was due back at some time, but didn’t say when they would return.

Her brother texed me yesterday asking if I had checked my facebook account. I said ‘no, why?’ He replied that his sister (who has my son) had ‘un-frinded me’. Shocked I asked why and his reply was ‘because you are not going up to visit in August!’

I was very saddened and became angry to hear this, as a specific date had not been given as to when they were flying back to the UK. Apparently she is annoyed with me because she thinks I should come up with my parents to see my son instead of going on this trip.

I am in a bit of a dilemma because I am being put under pressure my cousins to visit, and also by my parents to go on this trip. I have already paid £113 deposit on the guesthouse in Teignmouth, and another £44 for my train tickets. This loss of money will mean nothing to my cousin, as she earns more money then I’ll ever see in a lifetime.

What I would like to know is two things.

Would if it is possible to transfer the date of my stay at the guesthouse to early September, without loosing the deposit I have already paid?

Also can I exchange the dates on my rail tickets to September, or would I have to fork out another £44?

This is really getting me down and my anxiety attacks are not helping, something I have been suffering from for a long time. I was looking forward to this trip because my last holiday had been ruined by panic attacks. Now something’s gone and ruined that as well. I haven’t a lot of money, so advice is much needed.



Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:28 am
by High Threshold
Aura;1461448 wrote: ....... I booked a guesthouse in Teignmouth ....... August 23rd-30 201 4...... Would if it is possible to transfer the date of my stay at the guesthouse to early September, without loosing the deposit I have already paid?

Also can I exchange the dates on my rail tickets to September

This often is no difficult thing to do. BUT, I would contact them as soon as possible, particulary the guesthouse, as they will want to find someone else to fill the gap. I assume you made both bookings on Internet? Good. Then start the computer up and get cracking.

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:02 am
by Aura
I have changed it, but I had to pull a lot of strings to make her happy. Now gone for 13-20 September, thing is it's a bit out of season so i don't know what to expect :(

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:17 am
by High Threshold
Aura;1461455 wrote: I have changed it, but I had to pull a lot of strings to make her happy. Now gone for 13-20 September, thing is it's a bit out of season so i don't know what to expect :(


Sorry I can't help you with the domestic strife however. I tend to give that sort of thing a wide berth, both on and off the playing field. :)

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:19 am
by Aura
Not being rude but she's got it all made and is becoming snobby. I get looked down upon as 'that surf' now I only hope I can sort the train tickets out now.

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:45 am
by High Threshold
Aura;1461458 wrote: ..... I only hope I can sort the train tickets out now.

I'm guessing that's the EASY part.

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:56 pm
by AnneBoleyn
Hi Aura:

You said: "My son who lives with my cousin in Australia was due back at some time, but didn’t say when they would return."

Is your son only back for a short visit? Will he be returning to Australia, or staying on?

You said: "Apparently she is annoyed with me because she thinks I should come up with my parents to see my son instead of going on this trip."

Can you look at this with the point of view that your family Wants to See You, to Be with You, to Spend Time with You? I ask that, Aura, because I am estranged from my family. I can honestly tell you they don't care if I'm alive or dead. They Don't Want to See Me (or my son), They Don't Want to Be with Me, or Spend Time with Me.

I know you have money problems, but can you feel good that your Family, & Especially Your Son, wants to Know You?

Best of luck, and Enjoy your Visit While You're Alive & can be with them.

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:40 am
by Aura
Dear Ms Boleyn. Hows your neck? (just joking madam)

Is your son only back for a short visit? Will he be returning to Australia, or staying on?

He's staying in the UK now as his foster dad is retiring. Dunno if my son really knows who I am as I only have her word for it. She's now admitted I might not be able to see him very much (now that I have made plans and changed it around) because they might be busy etc. I have gone to a lot of trouble to change things to please her. So if she changes her mind at the last minutes and thinks 'housework' is more important then me seeing my little one I might 'estrange her' in a like she's never seen before. They are trying to play a lot of power games at the moment and it's not funny.

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:45 am
by AnneBoleyn
Hi Aura--

No, it doesn't sound funny, & I'm sorry you have this pain in your life. Wish things were easier for you. Life can really suck sometimes, like the author Sartre once said "Hell is Other People."

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:49 am
by Aura
Yeah we know this, I like your avatar of Ann I used to work at Hampton Court where she once walked, and the bollocks (scuse the pun) she had to put up with in court caused by other people had to be unbelievable for her. I try to keep my nose clean and you get backstabbing cousins you want to strangle.

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:53 am
by AnneBoleyn
It's a hard thing, keeping one's head! (^_ ^)

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:12 am
by Aura
Hi Mate have you been to the UK if you don't mind me asking? :)

Help with booking's, what do I do please?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:10 am
by AnneBoleyn
Aura;1461575 wrote: Hi Mate have you been to the UK if you don't mind me asking? :)

Yes, several times & not just as a tourist, but had residence.