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Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:42 am
by gmc
Speaks for itself I think

Amira Willighagen - Audition - for English-speaking viewers - YouTube


Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:55 am
by FourPart
That is incredible!!

If someone had told me that her voice had been dubbed & that she was only lip-synching, I would have believed it - her voice just sounded so mature, for such a young age.

Definitely a star in the making.


Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:13 pm
by G#Gill
That little girl has such a natural voice. She is incredible, and she sings so easily with perfect pitch. To be told that she has never had a singing lesson in her life and she just looked for songs that she liked, on Youtube, and learnt them and sang them is mind-blowing ! She is destined for special things in her life, and I just hope that people who 'help' her and 'guide' her do not spoil her. She needs a manager who will not take advantage of her - somebody who is out for this little girl and not to line their own pockets.

Thank you gmc for posting this. I feel privileged to have listened to her remarkable voice. Unfortunately she will be enormous news while she is still a child but she will just blend in to opera and be one of a crowd of opera singers when she gets into her late teens and onwards, an excellent soprano but one of a crowd of sopranos.

Maybe she will become as famous as Maria Callas and stand head and shoulders above all other sopranos. I expect she will be better than Maria Callas (I really didn't rate her - I always thought she sounded like a chicken laying eggs ! :yh_rotfl ), well I know she will be better than Maria Callas ! You'll knock 'em all dead Amira!