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Restorative Justice

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:54 am
by Bruv
Watched a TV programme about restorative justice last night.

It can make dramatic a difference to the lives of all involved in criminal acts.

Are we becoming more civilised?

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:23 am
by Oscar Namechange
There are many sites on the net that state Restorative Justice Is a failure both here and the States and I agree with that.

I have had first hand experience with two cases.

First, my local police finally caught a prolific graffiti artiste who had caused thousands of pounds of restorative work and Increasing home owners Insurance premiums when they had to claim. Down the Nick, they got him to admit to 30 other crimes. Under Restorative Justice he was ordered to clean the local school for one day. That was It...His victims felt very let down. Not even the chance of a court case where the Judge could possibly order he pay them some compensation.

The second was when my Turkish pal was assaulted In an unprovoked attack by two drunk 16 year olds In his take away knocking out a tooth, splitting his lip and punches to the head. The police were very good and charged them resulting In a court case where although the Magistrates did order that he was to paid compensation and the excess on the window they kicked In, they got Restorative Justice. About a week later, he gets a letter In the post asking him weather he's agreeable to these two savages working for free In his shop by means of RJ.... !!!!!! Because he quite rightly refused, he was then Invited along to a meeting with them and the police where he could explain the Impact of the assault to them. He walked out after 15 minutes because they did nothing but giggle throughout and sneer,

You simply can not force anyone to care lest of all care about their victims.

Restorative Justice Is nothing more than a smoke screen for lowering crime figures and shutting courts for three days a week because under RJ, most don't even get charged or come to court.

Restorative Justice

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:29 am
by Bruv
That wasn't the sort Restorative justice I watched last night.

Brooke Kinsella who's brother was murdered some time ago, met several people who it had helped.

These included a burglar who fought with the householder, later to meet whilst serving his custodial sentence, who gave up a life of crime as a result and now works with his victim to continue the same sort of work.

Another was the sister meeting the young man that had murdered her brother, and a teacher raped by a student.

All gained benefits from the process.

It wasn't an either or choice, the sentences came first, then at both parties agreement they meet with mediation, face to face as people rather than criminal and victim.

Restorative Justice

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:00 am
by Oscar Namechange
Of course there will be success stories just as much as there will be failure stories.

We have discussed this at length with local police at some of our meetings and most agree that with the under 18's, It's a failure.

There was another case where two herberts were ordered to pick litter up on the war memorial under RJ and they just never showed up. Then we have a complete waste of police time while officers who could be doing better things, have to go round their houses to get them.

Restorative Justice

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:52 am
by Bruv
McOscar;1451821 wrote: Of course there will be success stories just as much as there will be failure stories.

We have discussed this at length with local police at some of our meetings and most agree that with the under 18's, It's a failure.

There was another case where two herberts were ordered to pick litter up on the war memorial under RJ and they just never showed up. Then we have a complete waste of police time while officers who could be doing better things, have to go round their houses to get them.

All I can say is that was not the model of restorative justice I saw displayed in the programme or shown in my link.

Restorative Justice

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:17 am
by Oscar Namechange
Bruv;1451825 wrote: All I can say is that was not the model of restorative justice I saw displayed in the programme or shown in my link.

Sounds like adult RJ Is very different to the RJ for minors and youth.

I can see how the Adult RJ could work though. When people are older, then tend to be less reckless and put more thought Into things.