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Save our NHS

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:55 am
by Bruv
A new report by former Health Minister, Lord Warner, recommends charging people to see their GP, charging people for overnight stays in hospital, or even charging everyone £10 a month for NHS services. This could be the end of a free NHS as we know it and will hit the poorest hardest............ In the year before the General Election, the Government is paying close attention to public opinion -- it’s the ideal time to send a strong message to the Government that we won’t allow it to privatise the NHS.

Sign here if you care enough

Save our NHS

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:28 am
by gmc
Is this a con? I signed and sent it off when it thereafter asked me if I can chip in $3. Sorry bruv but i think that is a duff site wish i hadn't filled it in.

Sadly the tories are ideologically opposed to all the socialist reforms we take for granted like the NHS and also the concept of any kind of socialist policy including housing. To they have been selling national resources off to their mates in the city and now not only do we still subsidizse tyhe likes of british rail power companies hold us to ransom. The wartine generation are probably birling in their graves in anger. The vast majority of people actually vote against the tories (and labour as well come to that what happens is that the least unpopular candidate wins the seat with the result the majoprity of our MP's represent their constituency even although over half the voters did not vote for them. In short it won't make a blind bit of difference.

It's one of the drivers behind the success of the snp in scotland, the only reason the tories have any seats in the scottish parliament is because of the proportional representation system. Last count there was one scots tory MP in westminster. With UKIP getting power and the UK leaving the EU the future looks pretty bleak indeed.

Save our NHS

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:51 am
by Bruv
I know you have to be wary of anything on the internet but, they still need to raise funds for the fights.

Take a look here.