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Money no object says PM Cameron over flood aid.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:13 pm
by G#Gill
Well that is what he said today 11 February 2014. Where is the money going to come from ? Has he found a little bit of common sense and decided to retain funds scheduled as aid to India and other countries. We send billions to such places and India have already told us they do not need our money - so why the heck do we keep sending such vast quantities abroad ?

I heard, today, on the TV news that it would take 6 months to get Somerset back to how it was before this winter. I presume that is after all these rain storms and wind have finished ! All along the south coast and now in the Thames Valley there are floods. Thousands of people have been evacuated away from where they live. The people of this country are vulnerable now that sewage is mixing freely with flood water. If we are not careful, severe illness could lay hundreds and hundreds of people low, and possibly severe enough to kill !

The ground is totally saturated so there is nowhere for excess water to go except across agricultural land, and into peoples' houses. The thought occurred to me that, at the moment, the winter sub-zero temperatures haven't reared their ugly head yet. So whatever does the country do when all this flood water freezes ? An upsurge of Torvill and Deans ?

The forecast for this week is for a lot more rain and high winds, on top of existing floods I suspect there will be many farmers going out of business and many homeless people. There is also a warning that temperatures will fall and there will be snow on high ground, and possibly moving onto lower ground.

This country will have to import far more cereals than normal to compensate for the destruction of grain growing fields.

It is such a pity that Cameron and his cronies didn't retain the 'aid funds' to overseas countries months ago and use it for dredging rivers, streams and building up flood banks. Maybe if he had done that we wouldn't be verging on a 'third world country' like we are doing now !

Charity begins at home Mr. Cameron !

Money no object says PM Cameron over flood aid.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:20 pm
by Oscar Namechange
The floods here are at this stage unprecedented. Cameron nor any Government can be expected to predict the weather. There was no cause to retain aid funds because at the time, no-one could fore-see the extent of the weather patterns..That's not to say that now, Foreign aid should be temporarilly halted.... You can predict rain, Yes, to a certain extent but you can not predict the amount of rain and that's been the problem here... the amount of rain In one night that causes rivers to over-flow.

The reason the ground Is totally saturated so there Is nowhere for excess water to go except across agricultural land, and Into peoples' houses Is because of mass building on Greenbelt.

One Oak tree absorbs 40 gallons of water per day.... cut them down to make new housing estates and you've created a level plain with nowhere for excess rain to go.

The problem Is not the weather... It's building on Greenbelt, the mass expansion of our suburbs to cater for an ever expanding population.

Money no object says PM Cameron over flood aid.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:18 pm
by G#Gill
Apparently the authorities were approached many months ago from people who were concerned that the rivers needed urgent dredging, and I believe they were told that due to cut-backs dredging was not possible at the moment ! Thank you for the information and the reasons behind the cause of the flooding, but I do think most people in the UK realise that all the building on 'Green Belt' land is a major contributory factor. I refrained from expanding my post to cover such information, as my post was quite long enough.

Money no object says PM Cameron over flood aid.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:20 pm
by gmc
Two points

1) there is actually a contingency fund they can use that is available now. Foreign aid is something I think should be reconsidered. Maybe if we didnlt give aid to countries like india they might start looking after their own.

2) The floods may be unprecedented but hardly unexpected. this is not a big surprise people have been predicting it for a number of years it's called global warning and I doubt there are any skeptics left in somerset. Sadly there are quite a few in government who think it a cunning plan left wing plot to prevent the fracking and further oil exploration that will be good for the economy. There have also been many warning about the stupidity of building on flood plains that have been ignored.

Owen paterson is an avowed skeptic.

Owen Paterson Climate Change Scepticism 'May Have Blinded Him' To Flooding Concerns

Money no object says PM Cameron over flood aid.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:24 pm
by Oscar Namechange
G#Gill;1447831 wrote: Apparently the authorities were approached many months ago from people who were concerned that the rivers needed urgent dredging, and I believe they were told that due to cut-backs dredging was not possible at the moment ! Thank you for the information and the reasons behind the cause of the flooding, but I do think most people in the UK realise that all the building on 'Green Belt' land is a major contributory factor. I refrained from expanding my post to cover such information, as my post was quite long enough. Rivers do need dredging and that has to be a priority now. Other countries with level plains cope with excessive rainfall but In some parts of the country, our drains and systems just can not cope now so they need an over-haul also. Many parts of the county have antiquated drainage systems.

Apparently, this Is the most rain this country has seen for 200 years.. as I said, It's the amount that's falling not the lack of ability to predict rain per say.

Money no object says PM Cameron over flood aid.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:04 pm
by theia
I wonder if David Cameron will regret his comment...I thought the economy was still in a mess.

I think the causes of the flooding are due to many different factors. I've been watching news reports and commentary and, apart from agreement on the amount of rain we've had, there are various theories as to why the flooding is so widespread.

I grew up in Worcester during the 1950s and the Severn would regularly flood...I can remember having to walk over low scaffolding to get through the flood water to reach school, which was on the other side of the main bridge. And the cricket ground and the race course seemed always to be under water during the winter months.

Money no object says PM Cameron over flood aid.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:34 pm
by gmc
Have you lot not been paying attention or something? Environmentalists have been warning about the consequences of global warming for years but givernments just seem to listen to the few skeptical scientists cos it suits them rather than the many

It's not just floods we need to worry about, climate change will also effect harvest yields not just here but all a round the world - we are already paying higher food prices as a result of that since most of our food is imported and it's going to get worse. We can't control inflation despite what economic pundits have to say on the matter because commodity prices are beyond their power to control.

Wonder of cameron still thinks it's a good idea to do ignore all that green crap.