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Placing Literature: Where Your Book Meets the Map

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:05 am
by tabby
A relatively new site that pins novel locations on Google Maps! If you have an interest in novels which take place in a particular location, just type the location in, look at the list of locations or go directly to the Map tab which lets you hone in just like any other usage of Google maps. I was able to zero in on my road and shockingly, there's not been a single novel written that takes place here. :) There were a few statewide though but the map is certainly not comprehensive as yet!

Anyone can use it but I think you have to sign in using your google account in order to add one yourself. It's fun to play around with and I wish they could overlay it with some sort of timeline that would be helpful for finding historical fiction through any favored eras as well as places.


Placing Literature: Where Your Book Meets the Map

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:39 am
by LarsMac

A quick look around my neighborhood brought up a couple of notables.

The most famous being Steven King's The Shining, supposedly taking place at the Stanley Hotel.

An interesting story there.

A stay at the Stanley supposedly inspired Stephen King to come up with the story, "The Shining". King never mentioned The Stanley, or Estes Park, and the description of the trip to the hotel, described in the book places the hotel somewhere around the South Park or Leadville area. When Stanley Kubrik decided to make the movie, the owners of the Hotel (descendants of Mr Stanley, inventor of the Stanley Steamer automobile) feared the notoriety it would - and did - bring to their esteemed grand hotel. They emphatically denied any association with the movie. It was not until new owners took over in the 21st century that the hotel embraced the supposed connection. The hotel now offers ghost tours, and runs "The Shining" on a 24-hour loop on one of the TV channels.

Further South, Denver and Colorado Springs are marked as locations for L Ron Hubbard's "Battlefield Earth"

Placing Literature: Where Your Book Meets the Map

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:53 pm
by tabby
Interesting, LarsMac ... I didn't realize the connection between the Stanley Hotel and the inventor!

The only recent novel that I can think of that takes place in southside Virginia is Kathleen Grissom's "The Kitchen House". I haven't gotten around to reading it though.

I would say that Chloe_88 should pin her mother's book to the map but it has to be a novel!