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Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:33 pm
by Chloe_88
Animal activists..

I don't see myself as an animal activist.

I'm not a vegan or whatever.. I eat meat, wear leather shoes and coats.

My beliefs are, humans need animal product (for example for vitamin B12), so I eat beef and wear the leather that is made of the animal.

Long story short, saying: I use all of the animal, meat, skin, bones for soup etc.

But, I wear little make up, but the stuff I do wear is animal testing free.

I don't wear fur, or anything that resembles it.

My eggs etc come from a farm where I can see the chickens running about in the fields, having great fun.

I had to escape to 'LA LA Land' today and not say anything.. A colleague said her zip had broke from her coat, cost her €30,- to repair, as the coat was €150 she was going to have it repaired for the €30,-.

Someone said something about fur, she said; yes it has real fur on it, but I didn't know untill I got home, So I thought seen as I already bought it, I wouldn't return it.

My other colleague, turned round and said, well if you wouldn't have bought it someone else would. The beast has already been killed so what the hell..

I felt myself getting more and more angry. He failed to realise that if people wouldn't buy the stuff, then it wouldn't be in the shops and animals we see as pets would not be stripped from their fur and left to die from shock. (lots of them are skinned alive, something to do with the fur looking better).

I have no problem if the animal was killed, eaten and then skinned.

I dont believe in whale hunting except when I saw a documentary on eskimos. They use everything. Eat it, use fat for fuel, use the bones to make sewing needles etc.

I don't see how people can wear dog/cat (etc.) fur and then go home and pet their cat/dog.

If you kill an animal, use all of it. Don't skin it / don't skin it alive and throw the rest away.


Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:47 pm
by Oscar Namechange
I was In my younger days. I was a hunt saboteur for many years. I marched on Westminster over Fox Hunting also. I was almost arrested for a demo on a monkey labratory In West Sussex.

We finally got Fox hunting In this country made Illegal but I can state, that If the law Is ever over-turned, I will be out there again.


Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:49 pm
by Chloe_88
oscar;1447042 wrote: I was In my younger days. I was a hunt saboteur for many years. I marched on Westminster over Fox Hunting also. I was almost arrested for a demo on a monkey labratory In West Sussex.

We finally got Fox hunting In this country made Illegal but I can state, that If the law Is ever over-turned, I will be out there again.

Go Oscar! :D


Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:53 pm
by Chloe_88
I don't see myself as an activist, but maybe I am, in my own way.

My brain was screaming to hit my colleagues this morning.

I'm glad fox hunting was outlawed. I don't believe in bull fighting either.

I don't mind horse racing, doggie dancing etc. as long as the animal is well taken care of.

Putting the animal through pain for fun makes my stomach turn.


Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:58 pm
by Chloe_88
I remember grabbing a teacher by the nuts once.

He wanted us (16-17 year old) to castrate a young pig without anesthetic.

I wouldn't do it, he went on and on, untill I grabbed him by the nuts and said; I'll castrated this pig if you like.

A year later castration without anesthetic was outlawed.


Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:43 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Chloe_88;1447047 wrote: I don't see myself as an activist, but maybe I am, in my own way.

My brain was screaming to hit my colleagues this morning.

I'm glad fox hunting was outlawed. I don't believe in bull fighting either.

I don't mind horse racing, doggie dancing etc. as long as the animal is well taken care of.

Putting the animal through pain for fun makes my stomach turn.

With me, I am fine providing no animal suffers. Even folk eating horse meat. I'm fine with that providing stringent slaughter regulations are adhered to.

Yet chasing an animal, a living creature, for miles until It can't breathe to then be ripped apart, Is out. Same with bear baiting, bull fighting etc.

Same with cosmetic testing. If women want their cosmetics tested, then fine, test them on those women.

We as humans have no right to Impose cruelty and suffering to any living creature simply because Man believes he's the superior race.

Yes, I watch horses jump over fences and some say that cruel and In the name of sport. But statistically, there are thousands of horses raced In this country and the fatalities In proportion to the numbers raced are very small. Race horses are subject to stringent regulations that ensure that their lives are the very best any animal can ask for. They have a good life. Race horses are not forced to race. That's an Impossibility. They have a neat trick of dipping the shoulders, throwing the jockey and bolting.... Unless you're Mad Moose, and then he just doesn't move.


Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:53 am
by Chloe_88
I think you said that very well.

I dont think having a working anmial is cruel (horse racing, working dogs etc.) as long as they are well taken care of.

My make up, hair dye etc. I get it from a local shop. Their make up is free of all types of animal testing. And its even cheaper than the "A" brands.


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:08 am
by fuzzywuzzy
I don't like being told by another person what I can and can't do . I hold to the adage that "if you don't want to, that's all good and well, but don't tell me what I can and can't do" . And yes I believe people should be able to wear fur.