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Yes. Just one more on health / health care.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:15 pm
by Chloe_88
As I have posted many health issues I have had over the past year, I have gone through many unnecessary procedures to find the cause.

As a baby in England, I was diagnosed with a weak esophageal sphincter. Which got better with exercise, something I haven't been doing for 5 years, and my stomach got worse.

Now the docs in Holland, cannot find the cause of my acid reflux.

I do have a diagnosed vitamin b12 deficiency. And I am self injecting to get that sorted.

Most likely it's addison biermer disease or better known as pernicious anemia. My body is not able to process vitamin B12.

Even though (this is a bit personal) I have no problems with my bowls, I only have acid reflux, they insist on testing me for Crohn's.

I handed in my "do it at home test" this morning.

To be honest, I have reached the point of not caring. I do not want to know.

I know that frequent B12 injections solved my acid reflux to a very manageable point. But the doc does not believe me. And does not believe me and my "english diagnosis" on a weak esophageal sphincter.

Everybody insist on unnessesary tests, medication etc. they even wanted me on antidepressants at one point.

I'm going back to the gastroenterologist on the 24th of febuary, to hear the results of my "do it at home test".

After that, I'm doing it my way. No more docs, no more tests, no more trying to find the cause, no more worrying about it. Does it realy matter that i find the cause of the b12 deficiency. I eat enough meat so it can't be that, it's very most likely my body can not process the b12 via the stomach.

I know what makes me feel better. I'm focusing on the positive in life from now on.. less stress, feel better :D

Writing that made me feel so much better. :D

** Oh and just to add in there, i have started up a slow but steady exercise scheme

Yes. Just one more on health / health care.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:52 pm
As long as your bowls hold soup the rest can be dealt with. Good luck.

Yes. Just one more on health / health care.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:58 pm
by AnneBoleyn
You're so young. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. In the U.S. we use Nexium for acid reflux. Don't know what they call it in Europe, but it's good stuff.

Yes. Just one more on health / health care.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:02 pm
by Chloe_88
AnneBoleyn;1446463 wrote: You're so young. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. In the U.S. we use Nexium for acid reflux. Don't know what they call it in Europe, but it's good stuff.

True, but I can't keep going on about the negative. I'm doing it my way as of now.

Nexium is called esomeprazol here (i believe). Tried it, sad to say it didn't do much. side effects for me were worse then the good effects. Thanks for thinking along though :)

I'm now taking omeprazol for my stomach, twice a day. Takes of the edge, not much more though.

Yes. Just one more on health / health care.

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:33 pm
by Chloe_88
Okido.. so i'll have to put my money where my mouth is..

my exercise machine thingy is coming tomorrow.. :lips: