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Any tips on very shy cats?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:54 pm
by Chloe_88
Any tips on very shy cats?

So we have Stewie (age 4), british shorthair, more human than cat. (he was taken from his mum at 4 weeks and raised by humans :-2 ). We took him in at bout 5-6 months old.

We have Dumpling (age 3), loves me and is okay with hubby. 50% british shorthair and 50% "homeless street kitty".

Then we have Polly and Sybil (age 2). Same mum as Dumpling but different "street kitty" dad. All 3 (Dumpling, Sybil and Polly) seem to be slightly skittish.

Sybil loves me too and seems okay with hubby, but Polly is very skittish.

She has got better over this past year, I can pick her up for short periods of time, and I can pet her for a minute or 2. But she is quite scared of hubby.

I try and spend one - one time serveral times a day with her, for short periods of time. And she is getting better. She will now take a treat from my hand.

She's in season almost constant (every 2-3weeks), and it is very difficult as she seems more skittish at these times. We have her sterilisation planned for this month. and Sybil will follow soon after, as we have no desire of having kittens.

I was just wondering if anyone has any other tips on taming a (very) skittish cat?

I don't mind if this is just her personality, and i'd accept it. She's great with the other cats, as Stewie seems to be her favourite (she uses him as a pillow, when she sleeps :) )

But maybe I could try something else to make her feel more at ease with "us humans". Tips?

Any tips on very shy cats?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:41 pm
by Oscar Namechange
To be honest Chloe, I'm a great believer In ' Let them be'.

It's far easier with dogs who have an Inherent need to seek approval from their masters but cats are very different.

I don't believe you can ' Tame' a skittish cat.

Having said that, I have had many many rescue Kitty's over the years, many with problems.

My advice would be to leave her be. You can not force her to be tame or affectionate.

Cats are strong willed and strong minded and will do things In their own time.

Creating and ensuring a calm environment around her Is half the battle. In time, she'll learn herself that she's loved, warm and safe.

I'd say, don't force your husband on her. She will go to him when she feels ready. Forcing her to do something she's not comfortable with could make her worse.

Any tips on very shy cats?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:51 pm
by Chloe_88
oscar;1439583 wrote: To be honest Chloe, I'm a great believer In ' Let them be'.

It's far easier with dogs who have an Inherent need to seek approval from their masters but cats are very different.

I don't believe you can ' Tame' a skittish cat.

Having said that, I have had many many rescue Kitty's over the years, many with problems.

My advice would be to leave her be. You can not force her to be tame or affectionate.

Cats are strong willed and strong minded and will do things In their own time.

Creating and ensuring a calm environment around her Is half the battle. In time, she'll learn herself that she's loved, warm and safe.

I'd say, don't force your husband on her. She will go to him when she feels ready. Forcing her to do something she's not comfortable with could make her worse.

That's what I thought, and what the vet said. But never any harm in asking for tips, thanks by the way :)

But she is getting better with the time I spend with her. I just do a couple of minutes 2-3 times a day. She jumped up on the sofa the other day :) Just for a minute, but she had never done that before. She now walks past the living room instead of running past.

Mm I'll just do what i'm doing, no forcing it. and I believe she will never be much more cuddelier than she is now.. I don't mind, as long as she is happy :)

This is her forever home, I just want to make sure she is happy :)

Any tips on very shy cats?

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:13 pm
by zenda7
I admire you for accepting her personality just as she is, so many people get rid of pets when they don't behave as their owners envisioned. I agree with the above, let her be who she is come to you when she is ready. I suspect it won't take too long. :)