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What if Money Was No Object? - Alan Watts

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:46 am
by tabby
I agree in large part with the message in this video but I also realize that for sheer practicality it may not always be feasible. For the lucky, their passionate interests allow them to make a living but the rest of the world has to work at things that maybe aren't their first love.

If you could wipe your slate clean and start all over, and money was no object, following his advice, what would you do differently if anything?

What if Money Was No Object? - Alan Watts

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:52 am
by Chloe_88
It's what I always said, but I went and did the opposite.. *DOH*

My mum kept a sort of diary on all us kids, and I was aloud to read what she had written about me. It reminded me of a time when I was so focussed on becoming a vet or vet assistent. I only finshed the basic animal care study at school, dropped out and started working in a reptile shop. Now I work on a helpdesk, finding network issues etc. Turned out every bugger in the North of Holland, took that study route.

Because of mums "kid diary", I decided 2 months ago, that I could sit here and cry about all the coulda woulda's or I could get up of my rear end and do something about it.

I've started a basic cat and dog medical knowledge course +first aid (home course), and i'll take it from there. IF a job comes up, I might stand out just that little bit extra and have that little bit extra chance on getting the job. At least then I can say i've tried. And if not, well I've done it for me, and my own pets.

So if money wasn't an object I would've liked to learn as much as possible about all animals and their care.

What if Money Was No Object? - Alan Watts

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:56 am
by tude dog
Cat Burglar

Reliving others of the burden of having to much money.

I would get lots of satisfaction stealing from Mafia Dons, Drug smugglers among the rich and famous.

What if Money Was No Object? - Alan Watts

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:26 pm
by LarsMac
I have been blessed with doing what I want for many years.

And for the last 20 or so, the money's not been too bad, either.

What if Money Was No Object? - Alan Watts

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:37 pm
by Bryn Mawr
LarsMac;1438604 wrote: I have been blessed with doing what I want for many years.

And for the last 20 or so, the money's not been too bad, either.

You took the words right out of my mouth :-)