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Porn Edgar Casey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:15 am
by tabby
Even though my father passed away in 2008, I'm still slowly going through boxes, nooks & crannies in an off & on again initiative to clean out my parent's house. I started in earnest soon after he passed away and then with so much going on in the last few years I left everything as it was and only recently started the effort again. There's the usual things that you expect to find when going through someone's things and then there's the odd surprise.

I think what I find amusing is the peculiar combination of things packed together in a box. I do realize that boxes are usually packed as space permits and not categorically but I still find it amusing.

There's one box with a well worn copy of "The Flora and Fauna of Virginia & the Carolinas", his pay stubs from 1961, a box of golf tees in the shape of a woman's bottom, a possum skull and 3 small hand carved Santas.

It's adorable. I can not part with it. So the box has now been moved from the attic of their garage to the attic in our house.

Another box that I brought home with me to open a few days ago contains an odd combination of 1960s literature porn interspersed with various books on Edgar Casey. My father wasn't a religious man but clearly had a keen interest in women and reincarnation.

You never know what the next box will hold!

Porn Edgar Casey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:50 am
by valerie
Oh Tabby, you don't know how much I am right there with you, having been

doing the same sort of thing through most of 2013! Boxes upon boxes.

Some really cool things, some not so much.

Was the possum skull labelled as such or did you just know?

Porn Edgar Casey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:14 am
by Ahso!
I doubt my kids are going to be surprised by anything they find, and they'll find a lot, I'm sure. They'll share some laughs with it all.

Porn Edgar Casey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:17 am
by jones jones
I do this kind of stuff on almost a weekly basis and it never gets easier or less interesting ...

To see part of a deceased person's life in this way is almost an intrusion and something that can be very traumatic to those left behind.

I'm glad you have taken it on with a sense of humour!

Porn Edgar Casey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:24 am
by tabby
valerie;1438341 wrote: Oh Tabby, you don't know how much I am right there with you, having been

doing the same sort of thing through most of 2013! Boxes upon boxes.

Some really cool things, some not so much.

Was the possum skull labelled as such or did you just know?

It wasn't labeled but I can tell because possums are very common here and you can identify their skull by the shape & their razor sharp little teeth.

When I'm out hiking, I don't usually bring home skulls but I guess my thing is wild bird feathers that I find on the ground. I bring them home and have them in a pottery vase. It's full of feathers of all colors at this point although the most dominant ones in the vase are the larger brown turkey feathers.

I can just see someone 100 years from now finding a pottery vase full of feathers in a thrift store somewhere and wondering ????? :-3

Porn Edgar Casey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:19 pm
by Snooz
Sounds like treasure. I pick up feathers too but I usually only see crows and magpies.

Porn Edgar Casey

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:23 pm
by valerie
Agree, sounds like treasure to me, too! I have some very tiny hummingbird ones.

Porn Edgar Casey

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:18 pm
by Chloe_88
One of my grandads (he died before i was born) loved reading about different religions.

My mum found a horse racing betting slip in his copy of the Qur'an! :wah: