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No more benefit for 3rd child If you're unemployed.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:58 am
by Oscar Namechange
No benefit for your third child if you're on the dole: Tories unveil controversial welfare plan | Mail Online

No more benefit for 3rd child If you're unemployed.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:11 am
by Saint_
Hmmm...I've heard of this policy before. It's called "Screw the poor."

Yeah, that's good government. Let's not educate people about family planning or promote birth control. No creating jobs or stimulating growth so that all those children can grow up to be taxpayers. Let's just penalize people who have families.

*extreme sarcasm*

No more benefit for 3rd child If you're unemployed.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:24 pm
by tude dog
Saint_;1431792 wrote: Hmmm...I've heard of this policy before. It's called "Screw the poor."

Yeah, that's good government. Let's not educate people about family planning

That may be good for people who did not grow up in a family. Maybe we ought to promote families?

Saint_;1431792 wrote: or promote birth control.

Apparently I was under the misunderstanding that this is what the proposed bill is all about.

Saint_;1431792 wrote: No creating jobs or stimulating growth so that all those children can grow up to be taxpayers.

Come on dude, really. Who opposes that?

Saint_;1431792 wrote: Let's just penalize people who have families.

No more benefit for 3rd child If you're unemployed.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:23 pm
by Oscar Namechange
The problem when any severe welfare reform Is brought In, Is that Innocents suffer.

On one hand, the benefit system was In dire need of reform. Previous reforms very recently now mean that no-one who doesn't work can get more In benefits than someone who works all week. That has always been In my opinion completely skewed and I was very pleased to see benefit caps that now mean someone who doesn't work can not In effect have more to live on than the worker on average wage. It was that skewed system that led to the culture of ' something for nothing' that Cameron now speaks of ridding the country of.

The problem with this new proposal Is that families with more than two children ho have been made redundant or lost jobs through no fault of their own and having had their children before loss of work, will suffer.

Having said that, something had to be done. You can not force people to not have children. We have free health care here as well as free contraception and abortion.

The proposal Is to target those who choose not to work and make the decision to have another child while unemployed safe In the knowledge that the tax payer will foot the bill.

No more benefit for 3rd child If you're unemployed.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:44 pm
by gmc
posted by oscar

The problem with this new proposal Is that families with more than two children ho have been made redundant or lost jobs through no fault of their own and having had their children before loss of work, will suffer.

Good grief is it beginning to dawn on you that not everybody who is unemployed or on benefits is a scrounger. Next they'll be bringing back the workhouse. You noticethe benefit is only to be paid to those who stay at home - too bad if your parents through you out for getting pregnant

I oppose tax breaks for marriage – why should I subsidise other people’s weird lifestyle choices?

The policy is, in effect, a subsidy for stay-at-home mums. Mothers who have the gall to be unmarried, by contrast, have just had their state support cut still further in the latest Spending Review because this government is more interested in making moral statements than in keeping children out of poverty.

'Prince Charles is paying a lower rate of tax than his servants' | Mail Online

You know what I hate the tories. Just imagine how bad things will get once they emasculate the opposition with their proposed reforms and england is no longer subsidised by scotland. I don;t worry about hiow we will do if we -vote for independence but i think england id up **** creek.

Posted by tude dog

Come on dude, really. Who opposes that?

In the UK it's right wing fascists bastards like the tories with labour as a pathetic me too party and the lib dems skipping along behind as the happy clappy hangers on. In the states such keynsian'socialistic/liberal capitalist economic policies are frowned upon to the extebnt you seem afraid to even suggest them. - you don't even think you should build roads and bridges out the public purse.

Bend over the politicians are coming to get you and they are getting bolder. In the states they are already halfway up they just have you convinced a bit of pain is a good thing. A colourful metaphor I know but I'm tired and it's late at night and I can't be bothered rethinking it.

No more benefit for 3rd child If you're unemployed.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:45 am
by Oscar Namechange
Just because you loathe a particular party ie the Tories, does not mean the measures brought In are not warranted.

Labour created the ' something for nothing' culture where welfare became a lifestyle choice Instead of the safety net It was designed for.

I have mentioned her before but as an example, I have a revolting neighbour who left school and started having babies. She's 36 and has never worked a day In her life. Her husband has been unemployed for years and they have chosen to have more babies while knowing they will never work. Last week, she actually posted a photograph of her new tattoo and later her dinner which was fillet of salmon and asparagus. It was the same night I was watching a Doc about food poverty among working families In the UK.

That Is wrong and It's wrong on so many levels.

The culture had to end and no Labour nor Lib Dem would ever do It but now Cameron has brought In this welfare reform, people like my neighbour are whining.

How can any country have a system where the unemployed have more disposable Income than the employed?

It doesn't matter how much is Invested In jobs when there was absolutely no Incentive to go to work. It had to change.

No more benefit for 3rd child If you're unemployed.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:13 am
by Accountable
Saint_;1431792 wrote: Hmmm...I've heard of this policy before. It's called "Screw the poor."

Yeah, that's good government. Let's not educate people about family planning or promote birth control. No creating jobs or stimulating growth so that all those children can grow up to be taxpayers. Let's just penalize people who have families.

*extreme sarcasm*If a country is overcrowded then people who have large families (in this case, more than 2 kids) should be penalized. You can't complain about overpopulation and advocate rewarding increasing the population. That's just crazy.

No more benefit for 3rd child If you're unemployed.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:41 am
by flopstock
Not to change the subject, but we just ran a story on local food banks and how rough times are.

Unemployment is miserable around here and the folks taking advantage of these food banks are just as likely to have been contributing to them in the last few years.

Gardening Clubs and individual gardeners are donating fresh produce and everyone sees their 'customer' numbers increasing, it seems.

No more benefit for 3rd child If you're unemployed.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:15 pm
by theia
Accountable;1431863 wrote: If a country is overcrowded then people who have large families (in this case, more than 2 kids) should be penalized. You can't complain about overpopulation and advocate rewarding increasing the population. That's just crazy.

Totally crazy.

No more benefit for 3rd child If you're unemployed.

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:56 am
by Oscar Namechange
As It happens, I am not against anyone having children while unemployed. Everyone has the right to bear children.

It's when I see the 4th, 5th and 6th child come along when they haven't worked for years and my friend who's husband works all hours asks me If I know of any food charities because she can't feed her children properly and won't have a 3rd child because they can't afford another baby, It makes me mad.

This country has penalised the working and rewarded the feckless.

I don't think also that those who had their children before job loss or redundancy should be penalised under this reform. It needs tweaking and should not be retroactive.

Further proposals for welfare reform will see under 25's refused housing benefit.

Again, I think It needs tweaking.

On one hand you have young people who have married young and loss of work see's them claim housing benefit but on the other hand you have people like I often dealt with on housing.

A woman came Into the office ranting and raving that her young daughter had been In one room In B and B with a baby and was expecting another with no Father on the scene for far too long. It turned out the girl was 17 years old and her parents had a 4 bedroomed house. I asked the Mother, If It's so awful then why not have your daughter at home seeing you have 3 spare bedrooms. She told me If she did then her daughter wouldn't get a council house and housing benefit. ... ors_choice