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Hillsborough, the Panorama Special

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 3:38 pm
by Oscar Namechange
Did anyone watch this tonight ?

So after 24 years, they now know the original coroners's verdict of accidental death was untrue and possibly half of the 96 dead could have been saved.

I just hope now It's all out, every lying bastard police officer who covered up the disaster Is hung out to dry.

Hillsborough, the Panorama Special

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 2:05 pm
by gmc
Do you remember the vilification heaped on the liverpool fans at the time especially by papers like the sun?

Hillsborough, the Panorama Special

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 2:14 pm
by Oscar Namechange
gmc;1427663 wrote: Do you remember the vilification heaped on the liverpool fans at the time especially by papers like the sun?

Yes I do and by co-Incidence, I was recently raising media awareness over a completely seperate Issue and had cause to phone Radio Liverpool to see If they'd give us a plug. Stupidly and without thinking I added that The Sun newspaper were looking at an article also and with that they point blank refused to do anything If the Sun newspaper was Involved because of the lies told about Liverpool fans. They just would not associate themselves with anyone dealing with The Sun.

But now, everyone knows those lies were fed to The Sun by senior Police Chiefs.

Hillsborough, the Panorama Special

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:38 am
by gmc
oscar;1427665 wrote: Yes I do and by co-Incidence, I was recently raising media awareness over a completely seperate Issue and had cause to phone Radio Liverpool to see If they'd give us a plug. Stupidly and without thinking I added that The Sun newspaper were looking at an article also and with that they point blank refused to do anything If the Sun newspaper was Involved because of the lies told about Liverpool fans. They just would not associate themselves with anyone dealing with The Sun.

But now, everyone knows those lies were fed to The Sun by senior Police Chiefs.

They didn't have to believe them though

The Truth; some fans picked pockets of victims; some fans urinated on the brave cops; some fans beat up PC giving kiss of life.

This was the front page of the Sun newspaper on the Wednesday following the Disaster.

What does it say about the mentality of the sun and their view of Liverpudlians that they actually believed they would behave like that? It's a bit more than wrong information IMO

Hillsborough, the Panorama Special

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 8:05 am
by Oscar Namechange
gmc;1427712 wrote: They didn't have to believe them though

What does it say about the mentality of the sun and their view of Liverpudlians that they actually believed they would behave like that? It's a bit more than wrong information IMO

24 years ago were the days when most of the public believed In the police. If senior police officers told a newspaper that they had seen fans urinating on the dead, then at the time, why would they doubt It ? thats not to say, the revolting gutter press hacks had to print It.

24 years on, we now know that the police do lie.

I remember sitting at home watching the news after my trial and sitting there with my mouth open as a senior police officer spoke about something relating to my trial that was totally false. I traced him down, got him on the phone and he said ' errrr I didn't write that, I just read out what I was given'.

Following that, I don't think newspapers believe what comes from the police any more and are far more cautious these days.

Hillsborough, the Panorama Special

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:42 pm
by gmc
oscar;1427718 wrote: 24 years ago were the days when most of the public believed In the police. If senior police officers told a newspaper that they had seen fans urinating on the dead, then at the time, why would they doubt It ? thats not to say, the revolting gutter press hacks had to print It.

24 years on, we now know that the police do lie.

I remember sitting at home watching the news after my trial and sitting there with my mouth open as a senior police officer spoke about something relating to my trial that was totally false. I traced him down, got him on the phone and he said ' errrr I didn't write that, I just read out what I was given'.

Following that, I don't think newspapers believe what comes from the police any more and are far more cautious these days.

If senior police officers told a newspaper that they had seen fans urinating on the dead, then at the time, why would they doubt It ? thats not to say, the revolting gutter press hacks had to print It.

Why on earth would they believe it?