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our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 8:37 am
by gmc
Thesea re the sorts of people cameron and obama want to put in to power in syria.

BBC News - Outrage at Syrian rebel shown 'eating soldier's heart'

Syrian Rebel Leader Abu Sakkar Filmed Cutting Out And 'Eating' Soldier's Heart (GRAPHIC VIDEO, PICTURES)

“I swear to God we will eat your hearts and your livers, you soldiers of Bashar the dog,” to offscreen cheering.

They also are carefully ignoring the UN assertion that the erebels are the ones using chemicl weapons.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 9:25 am
by AnneBoleyn
Something similar turned me into an activist during Vietnam when I saw a pic of South Vietnamese "soldier" carrying head of Viet Cong that he proudly cut off. Yuchhhh. Wrong to back those animals. Let them save themselves. Not that the West ever really saves anyone but their own financiers.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 9:38 am
by Oscar Namechange
No, our government doesn't want that sort of people as you put It In power in Syria.

This as far as we know Is one rogue rebel and not Indicative of the rebel movement.

That's how propaganda starts.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 12:03 pm
by gmc
oscar;1427132 wrote: No, our government doesn't want that sort of people as you put It In power in Syria.

This as far as we know Is one rogue rebel and not Indicative of the rebel movement.

That's how propaganda starts.

I suppose rebels using chemical weapons and opening fire on demonstrators is propoganda as well? Be careful what you dimiss as propoganda and what you believe tobe true. Next you'll be telling me saddam did have WMD's h just id them very well.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 4:17 pm
by Scrat
No, our government doesn't want that sort of people as you put It In power in Syria.

Our governments want whomever is obedient. What happens to the people of Syria doesn't really matter, they're just statistics. People wonder why Bashir Al Assad has been able to stay in power so long, this is an example. I've heard of and seen strange things. There's a video of a guy I believe is being forced to expose himself to fire by running across a street under fire. He ultimately is killed by the SAA but I'm pretty sure he was a civilian that was told to do it or die. He didn't look like or act like a soldier, he didn't know what to do. Reportedly families are sometimes threatened in this way.

The US and Britain (and some others) seriously need to think about just who their supporting, this has went beyond disgusting.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 4:19 pm
by Scrat
I suppose rebels using chemical weapons and opening fire on demonstrators is propoganda as well?

The SAA setting off car bombs in towns? Blame the usual suspects says Turkey, they best look at their own guests.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 2:07 pm
by gmc
It really wouldn't be good of Turkey became a muslum superpower that too is a very real danger as extremists try to turn the secular state in to a religious one. The more the west interferes the more likely that becomes IMO.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 2:57 pm
by halfway
Obama is NOT a Muslim. He is a God fearing Christian with un-waiverable faith in Jesus Christ.

Regardless of what he said in his book, he is not a Muslim nor is he sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood cause.

These are all lies perpetrated by the right wing wackos.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 2:55 am
by gmc
halfway;1427369 wrote: Obama is NOT a Muslim. He is a God fearing Christian with un-waiverable faith in Jesus Christ.

Regardless of what he said in his book, he is not a Muslim nor is he sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood cause.

These are all lies perpetrated by the right wing wackos.

Where did that come from? This has been going on for decades Obama is simply the latest in a long line of us presidents I dare say all the rest were Christian as well in fact - I'm sure it was GW Bush that called for a crusade presumably unaware of the connotations it might have in the middle east, he never did seem very bright. What book are you talking about by the way?

Cameron and Obama are in different christian sects anyway. Must admit though your right wing wackos can be entertaining

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 5:19 am
by halfway
gmc;1427441 wrote: Where did that come from? This has been going on for decades Obama is simply the latest in a long line of us presidents I dare say all the rest were Christian as well in fact - I'm sure it was GW Bush that called for a crusade presumably unaware of the connotations it might have in the middle east, he never did seem very bright. What book are you talking about by the way?

Cameron and Obama are in different christian sects anyway. Must admit though your right wing wackos can be entertaining

What book? How can anyone not have read his (obama) published works? It should be mandatory reading.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 7:49 am
by gmc
halfway;1427453 wrote: What book? How can anyone not have read his (obama) published works? It should be mandatory reading.

Why? Not being american it's just not as interesting as it might be for you. He will go down in history as the first black president - be interesting to see if that is his only legacy.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:45 pm
by halfway
gmc;1427467 wrote: Why? Not being american it's just not as interesting as it might be for you. He will go down in history as the first black president - be interesting to see if that is his only legacy.

Some are complaining that he is only half black and not a true black. Can't believe the racism I hear each day. Disgusting.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 2:11 pm
by gmc
halfway;1427534 wrote: Some are complaining that he is only half black and not a true black. Can't believe the racism I hear each day. Disgusting.

I suppose most black americans aren't true black any more given the amount of inter-racial er well you know what I mean. I'm sure I remember reading alex haley commenting that one thing that struck him when he went to africa was just how black the people there were in comparison to most black americans.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 3:02 pm
by Scrat
It really wouldn't be good of Turkey became a muslum superpower that too is a very real danger as extremists try to turn the secular state in to a religious one. The more the west interferes the more likely that becomes IMO.

Even more interesting is the question of what is going to happen to these "freedom fighters" whether they win or lose this war? Turkey, of all countries there is potentially one of the biggest targets. I have no doubt that Jordan is a target too. Historically these types of armies tend to be hard to control. Going north into the Stans and southern Russia is the wests idea but it doesn't always work that way.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:43 am
by gmc
Scrat;1427585 wrote: Even more interesting is the question of what is going to happen to these "freedom fighters" whether they win or lose this war? Turkey, of all countries there is potentially one of the biggest targets. I have no doubt that Jordan is a target too. Historically these types of armies tend to be hard to control. Going north into the Stans and southern Russia is the wests idea but it doesn't always work that way.

In Turkey the muslim parties seem to be becoming more vocal and powerful, and don't forget egypt. Bear in mind these are people who don't want popular support except as a means to an end.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 6:33 am
by Scrat
Well it's official, the EU is lifting the arms embargo to Syria. Not that there ever was one, Saudi Arabia and Qatar et al have been arming the rebels for some time. They get a lot of their weapons from Croatia also. Go figure. Anyway this will probably end up escalating the conflict on both sides. At least the sophistication of weapons being used if not the caliber. Seems they kind of panicked when the SAA started to make significant gains this spring.

Russia has not said anything to my knowledge, she best do the same. Iran is vowing to fight on. Americas MIC is going to make more money and more Syrians are going to die.

Embargo End: EU lifts Syria arms ban to spur peace process? - YouTube

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:18 am
by Oscar Namechange
Armed Rebels Massacre Entire Population of Christian Village in Syria

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:40 pm
by Bruv
Has anyone followed the news concerning dropping the arms embargo to 'friendly' rebels ?

It all seems to run to a script interspersed with the Brits and the French seeking it, then news of another atrocity, then the dropping of the embargo as a tool without really supplying arms, then another revelation of another massacre, then the embargo dropped, but the announcement that we may not supply until July (?) after the talks have ended, then we might supply by this weekend........................ have we lived through this before ?

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 7:04 am
by Scrat
I think that this scuttlebutt about the arms embargo is just a tool to try to get everyone at the table, for now just brinkmanship although nutters like John McCain would just as soon ship weapons in mass to every rebel group there irregardless of their allegiance. Yes, we have seen this all before. If the talks fail the conflict will go on until there is some type of intervention by the west. As for rumours about Russia and those S-300 missile systems I suspect it's all hype. Those are big sophisticated missile complexes that in Syria would be all but useless. More brinkmanship. I know Russia is shipping supplies to the SAA regularly, probably via Iran.

Massacres are done by both sides now and again, sometimes people get in the way also. The rebels have a habit of using the civilians as "auxiliaries" whether the people want to help or not also. The rebels usually control the food supply, if families want to eat their sons have to go to fight in many instances. It's not pretty.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 5:57 am
by Scrat
Maybe its not all hype. I fail to see how it will do any good, the crews need to be trained and unless everything is perfect the systems are vulnerable. If they are in fact there I wonder how they got them there too. Questions questions.

Syria gets first batch of Russian S-300 missiles - Assad - YouTube

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:24 pm
by gmc
I just cannot understand our reasoning in wanting to create another sunni moslem state hostile to the west in the middle east. The only reason seems to be the rebels are hostile to iran and hezbollah but I would hate to be a syrian living under any regime that takes over after this is all over. Looks like it might kick off in labanon as well now.

our government wants people like this to run syria?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 6:24 am
by Scrat
Who has the gas and is using it? The Syrian government does, and apparently the other side too. I cannot see why the Syrian government would have to use it, they have nothing to gain by it.

Toxic Warfare: Rebels caught with sarin gas amid Syria arms supply scandal - YouTube