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Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:54 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
Well things can turn to shi't pretty quickly these days can't they?

Keeping your chin above water is one thing but it only needs one thing to go wrong and the proverbial hits the fan.

Basically in two days my electricity is going to be turned off and seeing I have no money coming in at all ...(yeah I mean that all ) I'm eventually going to be evicted. I havent eaten for three days which is no biggy because I could shed a few pounds anyway and the stress means I don't feel hungry.

How did all this happen you ask within a two to three week period?

Well, three weeks ago I obtained a job ( a crap job but at least it was a job ) The job agency told me that the work would cover my training and already held tickets etc etc . When I went to this job nobody asked to see any of my lisences or tickets. I thought that very strange, but soldiered on regardless. Then I was introduced to the work I was about to do . OH DEAR GOD!!!!! My job was to walk over about an acre of societies green waste and pick out all the unwanted household waste and all manner of other things from this miriad of a landscape. It was okay for a couple of days . But then my back and elbow and wrist began to lock up and give out from the repetitiveness of the work . I can't tell you how many times i almost rolled my ankles walking over all the mounds of waste. I discovered very quickly that this job had nothing to do with my qualifications nor was there any aspirations by my boss in having me working machinary.

Okay two weeks go by, my elbow is totalled now and I've only been payed once. (in fact I'm still waiting on the last week of works pay. Contacted fairwork Australia who;ll take about 7 days to get back to me ...oh joy )

And here in lies the problem. During this time at work my son was going to have to ride his bike 6 Kms to the school bus stop because I left so early in the morning. Even bought him a bike to do so . This did not please him and he wouldn't get himself up for school. Also he wouldn't hug me because I stank. I stank , the car stank, my clothes stank. And I have to admit it was a horrid smell and my work boots even after being washed still stink and will have to be thrown out. Baths and showers wouldn not completely get rid of the smell.

I try to remedy the school bus /bike ride situation by housesitting in another suburb (we were going to be living there soon enough anyway he might as well get used to the place) ...bus stops right outside. YAY!!! or so I thought. Still didn't get up to go to school. My son has decided during this time that it's time to live with his dad....OH ****ING JOY!!!!

Well over last weekend he decided to leave, my arm totally locked up and i didn't get my pay and couldn't get to work (not that I would have been able to do it anyway ...because of no pay, no petrol, and no we don't have public transport out here.) . So no pay, no child support, and no assistance. Because I declared whilst on a single parent payment how much I earned (not recieved but earned ) I cannot claim any assistance for another 5 weeks. That means no money at all ...zilch..nothing. I'm not sure how society is supposed to deal with that but it seems ridiculas to me that they say they'll help but once your'e homeless and starving.

Now I understand . Don't ever ever be honest about anything to the government because this is exactly how you'll end up .

So in a matter of three weeks i've gone from keeping our heads above water to no phone, no electricity, and soon no roof over my head. HOW THE **** DID THAT HAPPEN??????

has anyone else been in this situation ? and how did you get out of it ...but be quick with responces cause i don't have much time . thanks in advance.


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:23 pm
by along-for-the-ride
I've been zapping through Google to find some advice for ya, fuzzy. Maybe some in this article will help you.

How To Survive The Real World: Zero Income Living After College ::

Are there any programs where you live that can assist you temporarily? Family? Close Friends?

A big hug for ya, too.


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:12 pm
by Bruv
What has been happening ?

I thought you were now a slinger and about to marry the man of your dreams ?

Got no suggestions other than hang in there, something always turns up.


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:12 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
Thanks AFTR, ironically I'm in the middle of enrolling in a BA of arts degree. If that all goes through okay I might survive this hiccup of life :)


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:17 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
Bruv;1409221 wrote: What has been happening ?

I thought you were now a slinger and about to marry the man of your dreams ?

Got no suggestions other than hang in there, something always turns up.

I still havent got a start which this job (I was told ) was supposed to be ... I wanna root this system up the arse sideways . Man of my dreams is a bit of overkill ...I think he's going to help me ..but he's a thinker so I have to wait till he stops thinking . Like I said FML!!!


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:19 pm
by Bryn Mawr
fuzzywuzzy;1409213 wrote: Well things can turn to shi't pretty quickly these days can't they?

has anyone else been in this situation ? and how did you get out of it ...but be quick with responces cause i don't have much time . thanks in advance.

Talk about kicking you whilst you're down - that is the very rough end of the deal.

Sorry, no advice from this end as I don't know how things work over there but I certainly feel for you.


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:19 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
BTW I just put a link to this thread on my FB page that allowed? you may get some new members from it ...maybe?


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:33 pm
by Bruv
fuzzywuzzy;1409225 wrote: I still havent got a start which this job (I was told ) was supposed to be ... I wanna root this system up the arse sideways . Man of my dreams is a bit of overkill ...I think he's going to help me ..but he's a thinker so I have to wait till he stops thinking . Like I said FML!!!

Men :-3......I have just worked out FML.

You wait till he gets up to speed, he might surprise never know.

Just keep your sense of humour......and that fire in your belly.


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:01 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
I always keep my sense of humour . Fire in the belly means fire out your arse . Not a good situation . lol

Well I just completed my enrolment so I'm now a student . all I have to do is smoke a lot of drugs, have sex a lot, go on protests, and become a lesbian.... Nah I'm too old for that ****. Guess I'll just have to study . Woah is me . But at least the arguments will become much more informed and tittlating.


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:34 pm
by Bryn Mawr
fuzzywuzzy;1409232 wrote: I always keep my sense of humour . Fire in the belly means fire out your arse . Not a good situation . lol

Well I just completed my enrolment so I'm now a student . all I have to do is smoke a lot of drugs, have sex a lot, go on protests, and become a lesbian.... Nah I'm too old for that ****. Guess I'll just have to study . Woah is me . But at least the arguments will become much more informed and tittlating.

When it comes down to studying there's no doubt you'll get through - as long as there's a line of credit whilst you're doing it you'll have time to sort youself out.


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:08 pm
by Scrat
Best of luck Fuzzy, keep soldiering - what a rip this is. And don't feel bad, a LOT of American families are a paycheck away from your situation.


Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:45 am
by Bruv
fuzzywuzzy;1409232 wrote: I always keep my sense of all I have to do is smoke a lot of drugs, have sex a lot, go on protests, and become a lesbian......

No change there then ?


Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:48 pm
by fuzzywuzzy
Well a bit of an update. I'm off up north again to grade and cut Opals. And the government and tax man has decided I'm no good to anyone if I'm homeless. So they've decided I can have a measely sum.

So the moral of this story is don't underestimate what you learnt as a child (thanks dad) and while I'm north I now have contacts with rigging and crane companies and a nice owner who is keeping an eye out for work for me. Probs in sydney though ...yucky city but it's work.

And I've chucked in Uni... obtaining loans from the government is not how I see my future. And there's a list of free courses from Uni's all around the world that I can pick up when ever I want to test the old brain box.

So I'm keeping positive. :)


Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:02 pm
by Bryn Mawr
fuzzywuzzy;1423076 wrote: Well a bit of an update. I'm off up north again to grade and cut Opals. And the government and tax man has decided I'm no good to anyone if I'm homeless. So they've decided I can have a measely sum.

So the moral of this story is don't underestimate what you learnt as a child (thanks dad) and while I'm north I now have contacts with rigging and crane companies and a nice owner who is keeping an eye out for work for me. Probs in sydney though ...yucky city but it's work.

And I've chucked in Uni... obtaining loans from the government is not how I see my future. And there's a list of free courses from Uni's all around the world that I can pick up when ever I want to test the old brain box.

So I'm keeping positive. :)

Work's work so congratulations on making the move.

Also a bit of a change of tack! Dogger to grader? Enjoy :-)


Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:23 am
by AnneBoleyn
Fuzz, it's hard to keep up with you! Best of luck girl.